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Plant Test 2 Review Answer Key Part 1: Seed Visual You are looking inside a seed.

Answer the following questions. 1.) Is this seed a monocotyledon or a dicotyledon? How do you know? MONOCOT BECAUSE THERE IS ONLY ONE SEED LEAF (COTYLEDON) INSIDE____ 2.) How many seed leaves? ____ONE____ 3.) What is the coating on the outside called and why is it so helpful? ALL SEEDS HAVE A SEED COAT- THIS HELPS PROTECT THE SEED 4.) Sporophytes release gametophytes (male and female) in order to produce this visual (a seed), what is this process called?_POLLINATION- THE TRANSFER OF POLLEN FROM ONE PLANT TO ANOTHER ** for this one just know the definition of pollination 5.) How does this seed have an advantage over a spore (at least 2)? _SEEDS HAVE PROTECTION (with the seed coat) THEY ALSO HAVE NOURISHMENT ( from the stored food) WITHIN THE SEED, CAN BE DISPERSED BY ANIMALS, WIND, AND GRAVITY. Part 2: Cone Visual You are looking at a pine cone. Answer the following questions. 1.) Circle the type of plant does this pine cone come from. nonvascular, vascular seedless, gymnosperm, angiosperm 2.) Is this a seed? Why?_NO,_THE CONE JUST HOLDS THE SEEDS THAT ARE RELEASED ONCE THEY ARE FERTILIZED. 3.) How does pollination occur in this type of plant? _WIND ( pollen is carried by the wind because animals are not attracted to the cones) 4.) What are the other ways that seeds can be dispersed? WIND, ANIMALS, GRAVITY, WATER 5.) What is the difference between pollination and germination? POLLINATION- THE TRANSFER OF POLLEN, GERMINATION- WHEN THE SEED BEGINS TO GROW IN A GOOD ENVIRONMENT 6.) Place in order from starting first to last: germination, fertilization, pollination 1st _Pollination__, 2nd____Fertilization____, 3rd___Germination___ Part 3: Carrot Visual You are looking at a carrot, a type of root. Answer the following questions. 1.) What type of root is this? Why? _A TAPROOT BECAUSE THE ROOT GOES DEEP INTO THE GROUND._ 2.) Why are root hairs so important? THEY INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF WATER ABSORBED THROUGH THE ROOTS. 3.) What is the other type of root and some examples? FIBROUS ROOT- ONION, RADISH 4.) What is the purpose of a plant root? A.) STORE FOOD B.) ABSORB WATER AND DISSOLVED MINERALS FROM THE GROUND C.) SUPPORT THE PLANT 5.) What does xylem transport? What does phloem transport? XYLEM- WATER, PHLOEMGLUCOSE (SUGAR) PRODUCED THROUGH PHOTOSYNTHESIS

6.) Compare the path of which water moves through a plant to which sugar (glucose) moves through a plant? XYLEM MOVES WATER UP THROUGH THE PLANT, PHLOEM MOVES GLUCOSE DOWN AND UP THROUGHOUT THE PLANT Part 4: Flower Visual You are looking at a lily. Please answer the following questions. 1.) Is this a monocot or a dicot? How can you tell? ____MONOCOT- 3 PETALS DICOT- 4-5 PETALS____________________ 2.) What is the purpose of a flower? TO ATTRACT POLLINATORS 3a.) What letter is pointing to the stamen? _B___ 3b) What is the purpose of the stamen? THE STAMEN IS THE MALE REPRODUCTIVE PARTOF THE FLOWER. THE STAMEN HAS TWO PARTS- THE ANTHER AND FILAMENT 4a.) What is the purpose of the pistil? THE FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE PART WHICH CATCHES POLLEN AND IS ALSO THE LOCATION OF FERTILIZATION. 4b.) What are the 3 parts of the pistil? STIGMA, STYLE, OVARY 5.) What does the ovary become? ONCE THE EGGS ARE FERTILIZED AND SEEDS HAVE BEEN PRODUCED, THE OVARY BECOMES A FRUIT. 6.) What is the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? Give 1 example of each. Fruit: HAVE SEEDS WITHIN THEM EX: APPLE, PEACH Vegetable: ANY OTHER PART OF THE PLANT (LEAVES, ROOTS, STEMS) EX: CELERY, POTATO Part 5: Monocot vs Dicot Complete the chart in order to understand the two types of angiosperms better. Type of Angiosperm # of Cotyledon Venation Pattern of Leaves Monocot 1 PARALLEL Dicot 2 BRANCHING (PALMATE OR PINNATE) IN A RING 4-5 PETALS

Vascular Tissue Pattern Flower Petal Parts


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