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Written on SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 AT 1:13 PM by ARMED WITH SCIENCE

Remote Control of Brain Activity Using Ultrasound



Tw itter




Dr. William J. Tyler is an Assistant Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Arizona State University, Tw eet is a co-founder and the CSO of SynSonix, Inc., and a member of the 2010 DARPA Young Faculty Award class.



T w i t t e r

F e e d

Every single aspect of human sensation, perception, emotion, and behavior is regulated by brain activity. Thus, having the ability to stimulate brain function is a pow erful technology. Recent advances in neurotechnology have show n that brain stimulation is capable of treating neurological diseases and brain injury, as w ell as serving platforms around w hich brain-computer interfaces can be built for various purposes. Several limitations how ever still pose significant challenges to implementing traditional brain stimulation methods for treating diseases and controlling information processing in brain circuits. For example, deep-brain stimulating (DBS) electrodes used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinsons disease require neurosurgery in order to implant electrodes and batteries into patients. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) used to treat drug-resistant depression and other disorders do not require surgery, but have a low spatial resolution of approximately one centimeter and cannot stimulate deep brain circuits w here many diseased circuits reside.

It's trebuchet-style fun w ith the Human Systems Ejection Tow er. And yes, it's EXACTLY w hat it sounds like. [VIDEO] lDsfYp about 20 hours ago from w eb ReplyRetw eetFavorite Enjoy the rest of the month, folks. #science #November #XKCD about 23 hours ago from w eb ReplyRetw eetFavorite Five targets, one missile. Talk about multi-tasking. icW 19za 06:44:34 PM November 14, 2012 from w eb ReplyRetw eetFavorite
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R e c e n t
These illustrations show the surgical invasiveness of deep-brain stimulating electrodes (left) and depict the low spatial resolutions conferred by transcranial magnetic stimulation (right). (Image: Tyler Lab)

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To overcome the above limitations, my laboratory has engineered a novel technology w hich implements transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits w ithout requiring surgery. Further, w e have show n this ultrasonic neuromodulation approach confers a spatial resolution approximately five times greater than TMS and can exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep w ithin the brain. A portion of our initial w ork has been supported by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command (RDECOM) Army Research Laboratory (ARL) w here w e have been w orking to develop methods for encoding sensory data onto the cortex using pulsed ultrasound. Through a recent grant made by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Aw ard Program , our research w ill begin undergoing the next phases of research and development aimed tow ards engineering future applications using this neurotechnology for our countrys w arfighters. Here, w e w ill continue exploring the influence of ultrasound on brain function and begin using transducer phased arrays to examine the influence of focused ultrasound on intact brain circuits. We w ill also be investigating the use of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers (CMUTs) for use in brain stimulation. Finally, to improve upon spatial resolution, w e w ill examine the use of acoustic metamaterials and hyperlenses to study how subdiffraction limited ultrasound

A r c h i v e s

B l o g r o l l

influences brain w ave activity patterns. How can this technology be used to provide our nations Warfighters w ith strategic advantages? We have developed w orking and conceptual prototypes in w hich ballistic helmets can be fitted w ith ultrasound transducers and microcontroller devices to illustrate potential applications as show n below . We look forw ard to developing a close w orking relationship w ith DARPA and other Department of Defense and U.S. Intelligence Communities to bring some of these applications to fruition over the coming years depending on the most pressing needs of our countrys defense industries.

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Above illustrations show a ballistic helmet fitted with four ultrasound transducers (left) and another functional prototype for achieving human brain stimulation using a single element transducer (bottom-right), as well as a list of potential applications relevant to the defense industry. (Image: Tyler Lab)

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Armed with Science tagged this post with: Arizona State University, DARPA, dbs, deep-brain stimulation, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Dr. William Tyler, tms, Transcranial magnetic stimulation, ultrasound Read 159 articles by Armed with Science

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Com m unity


2 years ago

What a pity, that science and scientists dedicate their efforts to war instead of peace :-(



The New Yorker


Marc 2 years ago

Don't worry - that's how you get epoxy, hard plastics, advanced emergency medical treatments, GPS, and cheap telecom eventually.



Domain Name Registration


The New Yorker 2 years ago

@unhappyvictim:disqus The New Yorker, remote controlling of brain is good, unless its used for good. But is it safe to use ultrasound waves for this purpose? I guess no, let brain control the body and let it be free to do its task.




2 years ago

Americans and their WARS... Only bad things will come from this..




2 years ago

So, taking this tech to the extreme, humans can be controlled like puppets. Imagine a rogue AI program controlling humans like

puppets. I dont think Ive seen a movie using this as a theme yet.



Eye Tracking Update


orko138 2 years ago

Yes, privacy and mass control of the general public is very scary. But there's also the positive side where military conflicts are avoided so no lives are lost. In the end its up to the patrons of the technology to police themselves for the benefits of the general public.





Eye Tracking Update 2 years ago

'But there's also the positive side where military conflicts are avoided so no lives are lost. ' Thats the opposite of my comment, which is of machines controlling humans, not humans controlling machines. 'In the end its up to the patrons of the technology to police themselves for the benefits of the general public' Wow! - I wish I had that much faith in humanity





Eye Tracking Update 2 years ago

I think they tried to use that excuse before - but I doubt Japanese victims felt that way about it. The truth is war brings death. Revolutions supplant one system with another (often equally oppressive one). well, peace. Who gets to make decisions for the general public? The people who make money off wars? narcissistic doesn't it? War appears to have turned into a money making machine, not a "peace keeping mission."




2 years ago

It appears that someone is doing illegal and immoral non consensual experimentation with this or something similar using extreme harassment tactics to boot. Any idea who? Because I sure would love to see them exposed and prosecuted.



Jami Beste

2 years ago

I have 2 letters and one word.............. MK Ultra



Joomla Development

a year ago

Wow, this is really very interesting and very scientific guys! Great technology and work!



2 years ago

.Cmon, there's a ton of people describing the effects syntel and RAAT implants. The work of the Alfred Mann foundation, Gerald Loeb, Schulman and Troyk has already been funded. The implants allow for remote nerve stimulation remote eeg and full duplex communications. I even removed some of these types of devices involving micro circuitry. Try nanoscale next generation devices. And if you want scientific progress fund and finance all the people who got implanted without consent. Also if the people who got implanted without pay or cosent were utilized you'd have a better scientific body, maybe some decent DTIC reports as well. Why reinvent the wheel?



John Allman

2 years ago

Ultrasound with benign effects can be delivered to consenting friendly servicemen via helmets. back 35 years also demostrates that, exploiting the Frey Effect, ultrasound can equally well be delivered non-consensually to somebody not wearing a helmet, using a pulse modulated microwave laser that can pass through buildings on its way to the target. debate. As it happens, our group, Christians Against Mental Slavery - ethical stance on the non-consensual infliction of exactly the sort of applications envisaged in this article.





John Allman 2 years ago

They could be using something else. In my case, it's definitely electromagnetic. something like transcranial magnetic stimulation judging by the hissss, visual snow, and electric-y feeling. more money on war things is that they get non consensual tested on innocent persons who were picked as children.



Alessa Jean

2 years ago

This does seem like a marvelous invention, but just think for a minute. Think about where this could lead. These helmets give the

government direct power over the soldiers' minds. Therefore they could speak, act, and conform to what ever the government decided they wanted them to conform to. This could be the beginning of the end of our rights as citizens. And whats worse, we all know the effects that drugs have on the body. What is to say that those soldiers won't become addicted to the helmet's effects?





Alessa Jean 2 years ago

I would like to know if this helmet neurotechnology was already tested on human beings. If yes, who were the guinea-pigs?





Willem 2 years ago

You bet... what does it matter who they were? It certainly wasn't anyone that is well off or any public figure. At least not for the real experimental procedures. What matters is the knowledge and fine tunning they have now achieved.





Bart 8 months ago

I care. I was used without my knowledge.





Bart a year ago

What does it matter who they were??? Obviously you would care if you were covertly in such a program. It's time for people to pull the blinders off and see what the government has been up to, how they completely disregard the rights of the few to benefit their corrupted and evil empire. One day we will know the truth and I plan on being there to make sure these people are punished to the fulll extent of the law.



john anthony pattison

2 years ago

science follows a natural progression... first (1st) we will be using these helmets to encode sensory information to our cortex... that is, for things like training purposes.... then we will be using these helmets to upload and download information to and from our brain.... eventually the government will be able to communicated directly with our brains remotely by uploading and downloading information in much the same way as an iphone with wireless internet connection communicates with a telephone tower... eventually we many not even need personal computers or mobile phones... that is, as if we want to call a friend or work colleague - we call them directly using our brain [without the need for a phone] and, as such, we may not even need to speak out loud in these conversations... the government system communicates with our brain remotely and connects us to the required person if they are available... that is with these remotely connected thought converations monitored for national security and law enforecment purposes... we want to access an internet page like something from wikipedia and we think of the keyword then choose the best option using our mind... we then have the formation sent to our brain so we don't need to waste time reading it... that is, we there are definite bottlenecks to conscious memory but there do not appear to be bottlenecks to unconscious memory.... a person my want directions to drive to a new location so the system sends the map to his/her mind which updates with the gps information coming from the car... a soldier is on a mission and a satellite or unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) sends real time video of the battlespace to the brains of soliders with the threats outlined in coloured flashing circles to make them easy to notice... other useful mission critical information could be sent directly to the soldiers brains between soliders via this government system or even from mission support... but this technology isn't really designed for military purposes as we are moving to replace our warfighters with autonomous robot soldiers and autonomous uavs... this technology will makes, 'the lion sleeps no more' sound believable... there is much cutting edge research on the fringe of the scope of what is possible in defense or even in the fringe of far future science fiction which will eventually become reality or which describes a reality similiar to that which will exist.... but it is probably best not to disrupt or disturb members of society who are not in the system with the latest advances in defense research or in descriptions of reality which challenge their belief of what is real in a too strong a way... the regular media does a good job in encouraging people to toe the line... john





john anthony pattison a year ago

Something like this is discussed in Wired this month. The difference being that light waves, instead of sound waves were discussed. The only holdback is the ethics of using peoples as experiments. This would be needed to map out the areas of the brain

that are sensitive to the stimulus. It would be hard for any volunteers to actually know the real risks involved. Still, the benefits are great, as you have pointed out. What a conundrum.





Thomas a year ago

That's the problem isn't it, who would volunteer for such a program? No one. That's one they pick their own "volunteers" and make their lives a living hell. This is not new, the government has had lots of covert programs that would absolutely shock people if disclosed, that's why they don't disclose them and do ANYTHING to keep their dirty secrets secret. These people don't care whos lives they destroy, they are evil. Sad isn't it?



Bob Robert

2 years ago

In the past some experiment with others methods doesn't work, brain is extremely complex than a circuit or a machine, Humit is essential for Int.agencies too many technology without secure source and very trusted information don't serve for their purpose.



Bob Robert

2 years ago

Some experiment make in the past as no result with others methods, if this serve to community and intelligence in their mission it's ok, no spend humans resource for nothing only for accademy purpose, human factor is essential for intelligence mission.




2 years ago

"How can this technology be used to provide our nations Warfighters with strategic advantages?" One needn't even imagine. After 10 yrs of "research" experimenting on live "subjects" I think the DoD probably has it nailed. It's always good to keep refining your method. Ironic isn't it?)) Wait, wait, don't tell me...I see some of the research subjects have been here already leaving their sleep deprived impressions regarding something they experience remotely on a nightly basis. Unpossible you say. That's just the ravings of undisguised paranoia, right? I know, it's difficult to read some of these comments. "The whackos are everywhere." I don't blame you when we have con-artists like Alex Jones and George Noory presenting our cases. Whenever they have ppl calling in on this stuff they make sure they have at least 90% schizophrenics or actors acting wacky with the remainder being the real thing who are made to seem, indistinguishable and unrecognizable from the above.



Gopal Sea

2 years ago

Well, to think, for one, that the technology n'er existed is a misnomer. It has been there for ages though nobody directly refers to it. Two, it's applicability. Think 2000 years from now, if there were a debate as to who the rights of mind control would go to, would they go to people who are trying to control others through wars or devices or to self-gratification, or for more general reasons like inheritance of a culture, share a tradition, lead life with more faith in life and in others. To help you further, let me say two things. One, it maybe used to track people's lives. On a lighter parallel. But then would the trackers be useful to the lives of the trackee or the person being tracked. Usefulness maybe positive or negative. We don't even want to go there. What is needed is a panopticon which is not like a prison. Turn the pages of time and one would see ancient traditions that have survived thousands of years. Do you think it was only possible through the limited means of living that humans supposedly had over the centuries. And then who are we going to fool. Everytime a human being in all consciousness does any work, he seems to be missing something. That is the essence of it all. To miss something. Why. History repeats itself. Sometimes it is going up the usual way. Sometimes it is going up the down staircase. Sometimes it is going down the up staircase. Well, if you really want to spend time on ultrasound transmissions to the mind, study bats. And then you will be able to make sounds that only certain people can hear, not all. Voices. Sounds familiar. Schizophrenics. Sounds familiar. It's all in the game. Name the game and it exists. If one disagrees that a particular technology doesn't exist, we are making a fool of ourselves. And when we say it exists, we are making a tool of ourselves. Rhyming ehh. Makes me a poet more than a scientist but left to myself, i would rather remain an English Grammar teacher. Thank you for this space. Au Revoir.



john anthony pattison

2 years ago

this is the missing link between,

-artificial intelligence, brain computer uploading, even cyborg research


-special ability of telepathy, esp, psychic, penticostal christians who access others thoughts via the spiritual relm.






john anthony pattison 2 years ago

While thinking I was having reconstructive surg. at Stanford, I recieved retinal implants and earth to skull. That was 3 years ago, when I was in good health both mentally and physically. One year post op, I was being followed by neuroscience dept. A second surg. was preformed that was the added interface for all movement to be directed by the relay. Being a subject is the most painful, boring and sickening experience one could imagine. There is a lag on the thought process and the language causes my tongue to move. I am so horrified, I can't express it to you. Please say a prayer that I wil have the strength to continue to live and get my life back. Or that my body can fight the effects of so much emf when I touch my dog, it sparks. On a good day I feel like I am being electrocuted only half the time. I exist, not live anymore.





Slow mo4me a year ago

Hang in there friend, someday soon all of this will come to light and heads will roll. That will be a GOOD day.



john anthony pattison

2 years ago

this technology could be good at quickly bringing the those with this technology into hypnotic trance as a way to access anything from their unconscious photographic memory... however, i am opposed to this system being used all the time on the citizens brain... as humans our bodies react to oppose all changes to our if this system was used all the time on our brains then our brains would become reliant on this system in much the same way citizens need their coffee to function each day... so at firts (1st) the citizen doesn't need the coffee but with prolonged use they do need it because their body naturally slows down [after the coffee is out of their system] in response to continued stimulation from coffee... that is, in much the same way that if you have an oily face and use soap on your face everyday for a week and then suddenly stop the soap... well, your face will then soon get more oily than it was before the soap treatment began...

i have heard that some illegal drugs can create permanent changes to the brains of those who use to enable citizens to quickly access the their unconscious mind and its photographic memory at key times... i think this system also may be useful to give someone a quick topup to get into peak state say once a month or every few months but using it every day to keep in peak state i think is too much and will cause damage and dependance... i also think that more research needs to be conducted as to how certain illegal drugs can create permanent changes in their users... it may be hard to get ethics approval to test new chemical componds on drug addicts when they think they are - perhaps - just getting some more of there regular drugs... they would be loyal to their drug dealer and with surveillance their progress could be monitored... the film minority report mentions something like drug addicts or their children generating the pre-cog ability from drugs...

i'm relaxed and there is probably a better way to create brain changing drugs or even better brain changing brain stimulation... probably the best application will be that of creating a very deep instantaneous trance so that hynpnosis can create the permanent changes...




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Attorney Marketing

11 months ago

The medical applications sound awesome and exciting. I have to admit a bit of apprehension, though, at the possible military applications. While benign in your article, I could see that quickly changing.



arnold smith


Attorney Marketing 8 months ago

Technology is fastly growing, I can't imagine how we become robot in the future.


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a year ago

Wow, really great technology here. Love to see it.



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a year ago

Good article and very valuable information. Keep it up!




Safety Manual Pro

a year ago

Wow, DARPA?? Pretty serious.. Anything to help warfighters in theater. However, we need to look at treating returning veterans too. Too bad we cannot leverage these ideas in a way that treats PSD.



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a year ago

well, isn't it all about,to boldly go where no man has gone before,transhuman augmentation,Psycho-Acoustic Correction/Stimulation,EM Perception ManagementDBS,etc. most probably is the bridge to F.S.D of Inner Space & Outer Space alike.Some may question the moral implications,but consider this-imagine you are about to parachute for the 1st time,when you take the plunge,you will not consider the thoughts and opinions of those still in the plane awaiting their turn.



Colocation Hosting

a year ago

Getting into the realms of when sci fi becoming reality. Scary stuff


Marko Ramius, H4RO

a year ago

Thank God or Nature, or whomever is responsible for Peak Oil and Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources. In a choice between a future of Twelve Monkeys Matrix Brave New World vs. a return to Daniel Quinn's: Story of B / My Ishmael Tribal Hunting future; will finite resources will be the ultimate determinator?




a year ago

The ability to stimulate AND depress brain activity remotely is old science and old news. Google DangerRoom & Wiki for the Microwave Auditory Effect. It was used long b4 the patent date. You might even find the page on Dangerroom that gives a very decent translation of the innocuous language on Wiki. You might. The comments below will be filled with nonsense that seems at first glance to be rational. Articles like this draw a certain element that do a very good imitation of either someone very gullible or borderline psychotic. Most likely they are neither. They are not professional PR BS people, in many cases, they are better than the pros. There are sites that deal with mind control on YT and the internet that are run by fake moderators with comments by fake victims who are outraged at the NWO, the Illuminati and similar nonsense. They are created to discredit and obscure the very real things they point to. Real victims who are controlled but not harmed.



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a year ago

Just reading this post quickly, I think that it is a brilliant idea with potential, but it also is a slippery slope. Take, for example, Pain Intervention. Although Pain Intervention could be a great tool, it could also be incredibly harmful even if used in small doses. Although this may sound less logical and more visceral, there are costs to interfering to this degree with a natural system as complicated and delicate as the human brain, and I think that this technology could ultimately be very harmful to any subject it is used on. -Andrew



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