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Lycoming Alive

Lycoming Christian Church NOVEMBER 2012


One of the most frustrating aspects of ministry is that nothing happens as quickly as wed like. The church grows, but more slowly than we would like. We all have a desire for things to move more swiftlyinstant gratificationbut ministry is not the place we will typically find it. This means that in church work, we always need to take the long view of things. We need to view each ministry of the church as planting a seed that may not bear fruit for years to come. If God wants to create a pumpkin, He takes just a few months, if He wants to create an oak tree, He takes a hundred years. Theres a great story about a British Navel commander by the name of Cuthbert Collingwood. He was second in command to the famous Admiral Horatio Nelson. He was credited with the victorious, world-changing win of the 1805 naval battle of Trafalgar. Its a great true story and one I encourage you to read about. ANYWAY there is a neat little side note about the actions of Admiral Collingwoodhe always carried around a pocket full of acorns whenever he got off his ship at an English port. He carried acorns because he knew that a ship like the HMS Victory, the ship he commanded after Admiral Nelsons death, required 3,000 100-year old oak trees to build. Keeping the British navy strong required oak trees at an alarming rate. So, whenever he was on English territory, Collingwood planted thousands of acorns in order to replenish the many that were felled in the shipbuilding industry. He knew he was taking the long view! He knew full well he would be long dead before the trees he planted would ever be mature enough for use in shipbuilding. Yet he cared enough about Englands future that he would plant trees in every suitable spot because he wanted to sustain Englands military Christians who did most for the present strength for generations to come. world were precisely So, we have to consider that anything we do to those who thought sustain the church and assure its growth takes most of the next. longer than we want. This requires that we take the long view. I want to believe that looking to the C. S. Lewis future is the proper perspective for us. Paul admonished us strain toward what is ahead (Phil. 3:13). I know I certainly want this body to be sustained, empowered, and growing strong long after Im gone.
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To glorify Christ by serving Him together in love and unity

SUNDAY SCHOOL 9 :15 AM WORSHIP 10:15 AM Minister Donald Dennis ELDERS Fred Bryans David Gephart John Getgen David Lomison John Williams SECRETARY Suzanne Gephart



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The Youth Ministry is still in need of housing for Celebration. There are SEVERAL youth and sponsors who need housing. This is not as big of a hardship as you may think. Please talk to people who have hosted sponsors and youth for many years. You pick your individuals up on Friday evening at 10:10 p.m. and return them to the church on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Sponsors need a bed, however students only need a carpeted floor. They bring their sleeping bags and pillows. We ask that you give them something for breakfast on Saturday morning. Other needs for Celebration include food items. There is a need for vegetables, fruit, cakes and homemade cookies. There are signup sheets at The Source in the lobby for you to sign up to help provide these items. Another great need is help with cleanup after the banquet. The Youth Ministry Team and kitchen crew are very tired by the time Saturday evening arrives, and we need MANY individuals to come to the church at 6:00 p.m. in order to help cleanup from the banquet and put furniture away. The great side to this is that we will invite you to eat the turkey dinner with us before you work! Please sign up at The Source if you can help with the cleanup. Everyone is invited to attend the Marc Imboden/Curtis Booher final presentation on Saturday evening, November 10 at 6:00 p.m. I know God has great plans for Celebration 2012, and I pray that you would ASK for His presence that we may SEEK His will for our lives and that doors of many hearts will be OPENED to Him!
Robert Williams Youth Ministry Team Leader

Family Advent Night As you read last month, we are reviving a former Lycoming family tradition. On Saturday evening, December 1, 2012, the Youth and Prayer Ministries will be sponsoring a Family Advent Night. We will be gathering in the fellowship hall at 6:30 p.m. to create a family advent centerpiece that will be a focus for you during the month of December. We will encourage you to use the candles to gather as a family each day or night in December to read the devotion, scripture, and pray to help you center your family thoughts on the meaning of Christmas. With the excitement of shopping for gifts, parties, family gatherings, and of course Santa we often lose the focus of Christmas in all of the other wrappings. After we finish making our Advent centerpiece as a family (no creative talent needed) and creating some new ornaments for our church lobby tree, we will have a perfect family snack and then make our way to the church lobby. We will gather around the tree as a church family, put our new ornaments on the tree, sing songs of Christmas, and as a huge family have our first Advent devotion together. We have had these family Advent nights in years past and those who participated as children have wonderful memories of these special church family nights. Please put this on your family calendar now and join us on December 1st to celebrate the Light of Christmas!

Calendar Sales The youth are selling 2013 scripture wall calendars to benefit Celebration. The calendars are on sale each Sunday in the lobby before and after church. The cost of the calendar is $5.00 and make perfect Christmas gifts.

PAGE 5 Fellowship of Young Adults (FYA) Bible Study If you are a high school senior through young adult, we have a small group for you!! The Fellowship of Young Adults small group will start Saturday, November 17th at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Bryan and Kayla Gephart. You are invited to join them for a time of Bible study and fellowship. Bring a friend or two. See Kayla Gephart or Eli Getgen for more

Scholarship Concert
The annual scholarship concert to benefit the Lycoming Christian Church College Scholarship Fund was held Sunday evening, October 21, in the form of a hymn sing. Diana Combs coordinated the evening featuring appearances from former scholarship recipients. Thank you to John Shirey, III for driving from Turtle Creek, PA, where he is minister at the First Christian Church to speak at the concert. We also would like to thank former recipients Kristi (Toner) Fisher, Ashley (Toner) DuBois, and Maria Williams for performing in the concert. We would like to also thank those who performed for the giving of their talents. The offering given was $1,001. Thank you to all who gave so generously so that the scholarship fund can continue to benefit youth who want to attend Christian colleges. You can give to the scholarship fund at any time by marking your gift scholarship fund and placing it in the offering plate or mailing it to the church.

Robert Williams

The Junior and Senior High Youth will be collecting shoe boxes again this year for Operation Christmas Child. Everyone is encouraged to fill a shoe box to help them reach their goal of 65 boxes. If you would rather have the youth shop for you, please give Sam or Tammy Smith $20.00 and the youth will fill a box. They will be shopping on Sunday, November 4th at 4:00 pm. All youth are Invited.

Lycoming Christian Church 20 Chapel Hill Road Linden, PA 17744 (570) 322-9940

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Lycoming Christian Church




LCC Monthly Support: $160.00 The Mission of the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (NHCM) is simple: To serve the people of the Northwest region. To provide sustainable, real support to these people in need and enrich their lives spiritually and physically. The NHCM is dependent on people and churches like Lycoming Christian Church to make it happen! Their passion is partnering with local churches in Northwest Haiti to bring the people in this region out of spiritual, physical and social poverty to demonstrate love for all. Through the instrument of the church, they serve thousands of people across Northwest Haiti regardless of their age, gender, or religion. They do so through a diverse collection of programs that include - among others - primary schools, feeding projects, orphanages, medical clinics, church planting, a Bible college, and agricultural development. They are the largest employer in the zone and one of the largest ministries in Haiti. Northwest Haiti Christian Mission is built around partnerships with churches and individuals who are interested in ministry in Haiti. Every year, hundreds of volunteers travel to Northwest Haiti on short-term trips to participate in the work. NHCM is driven by their faith in Jesus Christ to serve with the poor and oppressed in the Western Hemispheres poorest nation because they love them and believe God loves them, too. They believe in Christs promise to bring life in its fullest for all people, and believe His command to serve our impoverished neighbors. In every community they serve, they hope that their work becomes a tool for healing and strengthening peoples relationships with God. Whether meeting peoples basic human needs, improving their living conditions, or sharing the gospel, the aim is to always be encouraging individuals in their faith journey and pointing them toward a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The Mission Ministry at Lycoming is always looking for new members. If you have a heart for missions, we would love to have you join our team. Please see Suzanne Gephart for more information.
Suzanne Gephart Mission Ministry Team Leader

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LCC has been planting a lot of acorns lately The new pavilion at Matthews Park is an acorn The roof work over the conference room is an acorn The new Information Technology (IT) Ministry is an acorn The new Childrens Worship time is an acorn CELEBRATION is an acorn The Recognition Meal for the Woodward Firemen is an acorn The New FYA (Fellowship of Young Adults) group is an acorn The New transportation ministry is an acorn... You know, now that I think about it, I have noticed a lot of bulging pockets and purses around this place. Thats a good thing, it means we are taking the long view by investing our time and efforts in those who will follow us tomorrow by making the most of our today. Me? Im just an indefinable nut but Im planting acorns everywhere I can.


The prayer team continues to meet every first and third Saturday of the month and we encourage all brothers and sisters to join us. Praise and prayer are our agenda. The prayer team is encouraged to be part of the Advent Devotional that will be available December 1st at the Advent Night at the church. We are praying that the Advent Night will be a great start to a month that our church family can meet with the devotional book and advent wreath and read Gods word each and every day. Traditionally, Advent ends with the celebration of Christs birthday on Christmas Day. However, our book is going to extend through December 31st in order to give us cause to still gather together and be thankful for our Lords sacrifice in coming to earth to save us from our sins. It will also help us to teach our children that Christmas goes beyond the gifts given and opened on Christmas day. This will give families the opportunity to set time apart for devotions, scripture and prayer.
Carolyn Myers Prayer Ministry Team Leader

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