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Epiphany- The epiphany also known as the 12th day of Christmas is

when the three wisemen(magi) followed a star and was led to the inn
of Mary, Joseph and Jesus bearing three gifts gold, frankincense and
myrrh. They three gifts had meaning to them, gold meaning king,
frankincense meaning deity and myrrh meaning death.

The Baptism of our Lord – The following Sunday after the Epiphany-
The Baptism of our Lord is also called Theophany this is when Jesus
was baptised in Jordan river by John the Baptist.

Presentation- - The presentation is when Jesus was first recognized as

the Messiah by the Simeon. This is when Simeon thanked God and
uttered a prayer known as the Nunc Dimittis know also known as the
song of Simeon. The prayer goes like this: Lord, now let thou thy
servant depart in peace according to thy word. For mine eyes have
seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all
people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy
people Israel.

Ash Wednesday- Ash Wednesday begins Lent which is a season of

fasting, giving alms and prayer. On Ash Wednesday there are often
church services giving people ashes on their forehead.

Lent- Lent is a period of forty days where people pray, fast and give
alms to those in need. The reason we celebrate lent with fast is
because Jesus spent forty days in the dessert without food or water.
Matthew 4:1-11 Christians want to replicate this sacrifice during the
period of lent by fasting from both festivals and food.

Paschal Tridium- - The Paschal Tridium also called Holy Tridium,

Easter Tridium or Three Days starts on Holy Thursday (Maundy
Thursday), Good Friday (Holy Friday) and Holy Saturday are

Holy Week- Holy Week starts on the 28th which is Palm Sunday also
know as Passion Sunday and ends Holy Saturday. Holy week
includes holy Monday, holy Tuesday, holy Wednesday, Holy
Thursday often referred to as Maundy Thursday, Holy Friday often
referred to as Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

Easter Sunday -Easter Sunday also called Pascha or Resurrection

Sunday is when Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his
crucifixion on the cross.

Pentecost- Pentecost also known as the birthday of the church and is

celebrated every year on the seventh Sunday after Easter. It marks
when almighty wind started, tons of fire appeared on the apostles and
Mary Mother of God’s heads and they could speak different tongues
so they could help start the Catholic Church. This is when the Holy
Spirt came down.

Feast of Christ the King- The Feast of Christ the King marks the end
of a year on the Christian calendar. On this day the priest would were
white or gold vestments.
Annunciation- The Annunciation is when the angel Gabriel came to
Mary and told her she was the chosen one and asked her to become
the mother of Jesus. This is also when the incarnation happened
(which is when Jesus was conceived).

All Souls Day- All Souls Day also known as the Commemoration of
All the Faithful Departed and also known as The Day of the Dead
this a day of prayer and remembrance for the souls in Purgatory and
Heaven. The priest wears either violet, purple or black.

Advent- Advent starts on the feast of Christ the king and ends on
Christmas Eve, this. Is when we were expecting the arrival of Our
Saviour, Jesus Christ. There are 3 candle the first purple symbolizing
hope called the prophecy candle, the second purple symbolizes the
coming of Jesus and is called the Bethlehem candle, the third candle
is pink and symbolizes joy or rejoicing and the fourth candle is
purple symbolizing love and is called the angel candle.

Christmas- is when Jesus was born in the inn. Christmas day is one
day but the Christmas Season goes for 2 weeks and on the 12th, day is
the epiphany and it end on the baptism of Our Lord.

Transfiguration- the Transfiguration of Jesus is an event where Jesus

is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain. 

Visitation- is when Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth.

All Saints Day- All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, this
is in hour of the saint known or unknown.

Green stands for ordinary time and symbolises hope and nature.

Purple is worn during Lent or the Advent, it represents penance,

preparation, and sacrifice.

Rose is only worn twice a year on the third Sunday of advent

Gaudete Sunday and the fourth Sunday of Lent Laetare Sunday. They
are worn to show the joy and love in Our Lord.

Red is symbolic of passion and blood. It is worn during the feasts of

the martyrs (people who die for their faith), Good Friday, Palm
Sunday, and the Pentecost. Cardinal’s people who elect the next Pope
wear red to symbolise their devotion to the church.

Blue symbols the Virgin Mary as she always wore blue and is usually
only worn on her feast days.

White or Gold are worn on Christmas and Easter. They symbolize

the birth and resurrection of our Lord.
Black is worn usually only at funeral to reflect the mourning of the

The Liturgical cycle for weekday mass reading counts in years A,B,C
and for Sunday mass readings 1 and 2. We are currently in Year 1B

The Liturgical cycle for weekday mass reading counts in years A,B,C
and for Sunday mass readings 1 and 2. We are currently in Year 2B
Holy Week- Holy Week starts on Palm Sunday also know as Passion
Sunday and ends Holy Saturday. Holy week includes holy Monday,
holy Tuesday, holy Wednesday, Holy Thursday often referred to as
Maundy Thursday, Holy Friday often referred to as Good Friday and
Holy Saturday.

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