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Lesson 1 . Let me introduce myself. . Let's introduce ourselves. . I don't want to bother you. . I want to talk to you. ?

to you. ? Can I have a seat here with you? . You speak English really well! ? Where are you from? ? What nationality are you? ? How long have you been in Korea? ? When did you come to Korea? . I like staying in Korea. ? What work are you doing in Korea? . Korean people help me. . Korean people are kind. Lesson 2 . I can speak a little Korean. . I learn Korean and teach English.

. Studying Korean is interesting so I study hard. . It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language. . Every day I gain a little bit of knowledge. . I'm a fast learner. ? What are you thinking about? ? What makes you so serious? ? What's the problem? . It's a long story. . Today was a long day. . The students are always complaining. . I am under a lot of stress. . I'm going to get drunk. . Don't worry! . Don't expect too much. ? Do you not want to live in Korea? Lesson 3 ? Where do you live? ? Is it far from here?

. Very near. . Very far. ? What building do you live in? . I live in Kwanchodong. . Come and see me (sometime). . I am moving to Incheon. . I have lived in Incheon for a long time. . I wanted to live in Japan but never did. . Thank you for inviting me. . I'm looking forward to seeing you again. . Happy Birthday! . Please be sure and call. . Let's meet more often. ? Did you have a good time? . Sure / Certainly Lesson 4 ? What's your dream? . My dream is to be rich.

. My dream is to travel the world. . I love adventure. ? What do you want to be? . I am not sure yet. . It's too early to tell. . I want to become a professor. ______/ ? Why do you want to be a ______? . I plan on writing a Korean language textbook. . Don't waste a good opportunity. . Don't loose a good opportunity. . The rich are not always happy. ! Believe in yourself! . Positive thinking is important. . It takes time. . It takes effort. Lesson 5 . I can't explain it in Korean. ? What do you mean by that? . I am confused.

. I feel so foolish. . This is strange for Americans. . Korean culture is very different from American culture. . There is a wall between you and I. . I don't agree. . I think differently than you. . Give me a chance. ? Are you mad at me? . I am to blame. . I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. . It was just a joke. . Please mind your manners. Lesson 6 ? Do your children go to hagwon? . People who can speak English well have more opportunities. . People who can speak English generally earn more money. . He is an experienced teacher.

. He has taught for many years. . He has more experience than me. ? Do you have any experience teaching children? . His intelligence is above average. . He has a kind heart. . I am happy to have such a good friend. ? For how long have you been living in Korea? . I've gotten used to life in Korea. . I came to Korea to save money. . Money is always in short supply. I am broke (I am poor) Lesson 7 ? Have I improved? . My progress has been slow. . I'm not getting very good results. . You should be proud of yourself. . I am proud of you. . I've heard that Chinese is difficult.

. I always want to learn new things. . I'm good at languages. . It requires effort. . I only know a few important Korean phrases. . There's a limit to what I can say (in Korean). . My range of conversation is small. . I enjoyed talking to you. . You cheer me up. . I have to keep a promise. . I should go to sleep early. . I feel like going to bed. Lesson 8 ? What should I call you? . I have a favor to ask of you. ? May I introduce my friend? ? How do you know each other? . I'd like to know your telephone number.

? Will you take a walk with me? ? Do you smoke? . Let me buy you a drink. ? What are you thinking about? ? So what's new in your life? . I am timid. . I would like to try it. . I'll try it. . You look young. . I am older than you. . I don't care. ? What is your age? . You are the same age as me. Lesson 9 . You look so serious today. . I started drinking early (today). . I gave up. ! I failed!

? How can you drink while it's still light out? . I am expecting a blind date tomorrow. . I lost my (bank) card. . My money is all gone. ! That's too bad! ? Could you please lend me some money? . Sure . Certainly . Let me give you some advice. . Negative thinking is bad. . I save money. . You cheer me up. ? Shall we walk there together? Lesson 10 . I wish for a true friend. ? Do you talk on the phone a lot? ? Do you have a good memory? ? Have you ever been in love?

? What's your special talent? ? Do you like cooking? ? What kind of food can you make? ? What do you do in your leisure time? ? What do you do on your time off? ? Are you interested in learning foreign languages? . Today I studied a lot so I feel satisfied. ? When is your birthday? . Thank you for coming. ? Where are you staying now? . I'm staying at a relative's house. . We were born and raised in Seoul.

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