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What I think are the five most pressing trends and/or social issues affecting teens in Malaysia

By Peter De Run
1. Lack of mentors/heroes due to family disintegration many teens comes from homes that are less than perfect, where family problems are ever increasing with no solution in sight. Divorce and one-parent families are on the rise. This has resulted in a loss of respect for elders/parents and a decline in family values. A major need for todays Malaysian teens is adult heroes and models that they can respect and emulate, especially when it comes to relationships and problem handling. 2. Degenerating moral values Internet porn and raunchy MTV video clips are readily available and eagerly consumed in ever increasing intensity. This has greatly lowered the standard of moral values and practices of Malaysian teens, even in a Muslim/Asian culture like Malaysia. There is an increased openness and practice of transvestitism among youths and girls are becoming more open and available to various levels of sexual activity. This has definitely contributed to an increase in unwanted and throwaway babies as well as STDs. Underlying all of this is a deep need for love and acceptance, something very lacking among teens. 3. Online communication the boom in technological communication has given birth to a whole new dimension of communication: the Internet chat lines. Teens spend hours in idle chatter with other teens in Malaysia and the rest of the world in cyber-cafes that litter every town; many become addicted to this unreal world and to the identities they create. The chat lines provide an avenue for teens to be whomever they chose to be and chat on any subject they wish to without any strict moral or ethical fences to guide them. There seems to be an intense drive to communicate, many for fun but also for idea dissemination. Making contact and being able to converse with someone else seems to be very important to teens in Malaysia. This also is seen in the commonness of hand phones (cell phones) almost every teen has one and is continuously speaking or being buzzed. Its a world where touching others via voice or word is essential.

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4. Looking cool physical appearance is SO important to teens. Whether its clothes from the Hong Kong scene or the current top pop singers, dress (or the lack of it) plays an important part of the life of a teen. Branded clothes and shoes are high on the wish list with many teens making every effort to own and parade these prized possessions at every opportunity. The very thin look is presently the in look and many teens are practically starving themselves to look beautiful (as determined by their peers). A confusion or lack of ones own identity and a need for acceptance is again an unseen but powerful force behind these pursuits. 5. Its a rich mans world An ever-increasing number of teens have rich and successful parents access to money is not a problem. This has produced teens that are self-centered and proud, sorely lacking in manners and respect towards those not so blessed. They are able to spend freely and usually hang-out at cool cafes and night-spots. Many dont work and are perceived as lazy by adults. These second-generation rich teens also splurge on cars and are usually found in the many private colleges in Malaysia.

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