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SKYLINE BUSINESS SCHOOL Assignment of Management Development Faculty: Mr.

Rajiv Jaiswal Subject Code BB0031 Submitted by: Rajat Suri BBA L3S2 520771334 Q.1 Explain Different Managerial roles in detail.

1) Managerial Roles According to Mintzberg (1973), managerial roles are as follo ws: 1. Informational roles 2. Decisional roles 3. Interpersonal roles Informatio nal roles: This involves the role of assimilating and disseminating information as and when required. Following are the main sub roles, which managers often per form: Monitor-collecting information from organizations, both from inside and ou tside of theorganization Disseminator-communicating members Spokesperson-represe nting the organization to outsiders 1. FIGURE HEAD ROLE 2. LEADER ROLE 3. LISON ROLE FIGURE HEAD ROLE: acts as legal and symbolic head; performs obligatory soci al, ceremonial or Legal duties. hosts retirement dinners, luncheons for employee s, and plant Dedications; attend civic affaires; signs contracts on behalf of fi rm. information to organizational 1. LEADER ROLE: motivations, develops and guides subordinates; oversees staffing, t raining, and Associated activities {introduces management by objectives [MBO], d evelops a Challenging work climate, provides a sense of direction, acts as a rol e model}. LIAISON ROLE: maintains a network of contacts and information sources out side t he top management In order to obtain information and assistance {meets with key people from the task

Environment, meets formally and informally with corporate division managers and the CEOs of other firms} 2. Decisional roles: It involves decision making. Again , this role can be subdivided into the following: Entrepreneur-initiating perfor mance Disturbance handlers-taking corrective action to cope with adverse situati on Resource allocators-allocating human, physical, and monetary resources Negoti ator stakeholders 1. MONITOR ROLE 2. DISSEMINATOR ROLE 3. SPOKES MEN ROLE MONITO R ROLE: seeks and obtain information in order to understand the corporation and its Environments; acts as the nerve centre for the corporation (reviews status r eports From vice-president, reviews key indicators of corporate performance, sca ns wall Street journal and key trade journals, joins select clubs and societies) . DISSEMINATOR ROLE: transmits information to the rest of the top management tea m and other Key people in the corporation {chairs staff meetings, transmits poli cy letters, Communicates five year plans}. negotiating with trade unions, or any other new ideas to improve organizational

SPOKES MEN ROLE: transmits information to key groups and people in the task envi ronment {prepares annual report to stock holders, talks to the chamber of commer ce, States corporate policy to the media, participates in advertising campaigns, Speaks before congressional committees}. Interpersonal roles : This role involv es activities with people working in the organization. This is supportive role f or informational and decisional roles. Interpersonal roles can be categorized un der three subheadings: 2. Figurehead-Ceremonial and symbolic role Leadership-leading organization in terms of recruiting, motivating etc. Liaison-lessoning with external bodies and publi c relations activities. 1. ENTREPRENEUR ROLE 2. DISTURBANCE HANDLER ROLE 3. RESOURCE ALLOCATOR ROLE 4. N EGOTIATOR ROLE ENTREPRENEUR ROLE: searches the corporation and its environment f or projects to improve of Products, processes, and structure; cost then supervis es the design and Implementation programmers, Makes plant trip to division, chan ges forecasting system, brings in subcontract-Act work to level the workload, re organizes the corporation}. DISTURBANCE HANDLER ROLE: takes corrective action in times of disturbance or crisis. {Personally talks key creditors, interest group s, congressional committees, union leaders; establishes investigative these proj ects.{introduces reduction

committees; revises objectives, strategies, and policies}. RESOURCE ALLOCATOR ROLE: allocates corporate resources by making and /or approvi ng decisions {reviews budgets, revises programme, scheduling, initiates strategi c planning, plans personal load, and sets objectives.} NEGOTIATOR: represents th e corporation in negotiating important agreements; may speak directly with key r epresentatives of groups in the task environment or work through a negotiator; n egotiates disagreements with in the corporation by working with conflicting divi sion heads {works with labor as negotiator; resolves disputes, negotiates with c reditors, suppliers and creditors} Q.2 Discuss the 14 principles of Fayol. PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT Principles may be defined as fundamentals statement of basic truth that provides a guide to tho ught and action. Principles of management originate and grow as a result of past experience and accomplishments. HENRI FAYOL (1841-1925) A French mining engineer developed 14 principles of management based on his mana gement experience. He pioneers in the field of management education. He has been rightly called as father of management process school. He was first person who l aid emphasis on the process of management. 1. Division of work There is an efficient result in the operational level when ta sks are

distributed qualified and competent workers, or when people do specialize. 2. Au thority to With formal authority, managers have the right to command, and give orders to th eir subordinates. 3. Discipline Members in any organization have to respect the rules and agreement s governing it. Respect and obedience to rules is embodied in the conduct of goo d life and discipline. 4. Unity of Command Employees must receive instruction onl y from one person. Reporting to more than one manager results to conflicts in in struction and confusion of authority. 5. Unity of Direction Operations within any organization having the same objective must be directed by only one manager usi ng one plan. In a department for example, There should not be different policy t o follow. 6. Subordination-of the Individual Interest to General interest Individ ual interest must be subordinate to general interest when there is conflict betw een the two. The agreement between the employers and the employees should be fai r and there should be constant vigilance and supervision. 7. Remuneration Compens ation for work done should be fair to both employees and employers. 8. Centraliz ation We have this approach by decreasing the role of subordinates in decision ma king. Managers should retain their final responsibility; while at the same time give their subordinates enough authority to do their jobs properly. two or more supervisors, each having

9. Scalar chain The line of authority in any organization turns in the order of r ank from top lowest level of the enterprise. 10. Order Either material or human r esources should be in the right place at the right time. People should be in the jobs or positions they are suited to. Equity is combination of justice and kind ness. Equity in treatment and behavior is liked by everyone and it brings loyalt y in the organization. This brings cordial relation between the management and l abor. 12. Stability of Staff Employees work better if job security and career pro gress are assured to them. A high employee turnover rate will affect the organiz ation Managers should encourage their employees for taking initiative within lim its of authority and discipline. Initiative increases the zeal and energy on the part of human beings. Fayols describes initiative as one of the keenest satisfa ctions for an intelligent man to experience. 14. Esprit de Corps management to the 11. Equity13. InitiativeTeamwork is fundamentally important to an organization. Work teams and extensive face to face verbal communication encourages team work.

Q.3 Mr. Narayan is Senior Manager HR with BrightShine Paints. He wants to develo p a system which helps in drafting the plans, achieving them .It shall also help in improving the communication between the superior and subordinates. Suggest a technique which may help to achieve this. Explain the technique in detail. Mr. Narayan can use the Management by Objective (MBO) Technique: MBO relies on the d efining of objectives for each employee and then to compare and to direct their performance against the objectives which have been set. It aims to increase the performance of the organization by matching organizational goals with the object ives of subordinates throughout the organization. Ideally, employees receive str ong input to identify their objectives, time lines for completion, etc. MBO incl udes continuous tracking of the processes and providing feedback to reach the ob jectives. Peter Drucker Management by Objectives was first outlined by Peter Dru cker in 1954 in his book 'The practice of Management'. According to Drucker mana gers should avoid 'the activity trap', getting so involved in their day to day a ctivities that they forget their main purpose or objective. One of the concepts of MBO was that instead of just a few top-managers, all managers of a firm shoul d participate in the strategic planning process, in order to improve the impleme nt ability of the plan. Another concept of .

Management by Objectives was, that managers should implement a range of performa nce systems, which are designed to help the organization to function well. Clear ly, Management by Objectives can thus be seen as a predecessor of Value Based Ma nagement. Four Operating Principles of M.B.O. 1.Unity of managerial action is more likely to occur when there is pursuit of a common objective-In the incident command sys tem the incident commander sets the goals and objectives to be accomplished. 2.T he greater the focus on results one wants to achieve the greater the likelihood of achieving them-In the incident command system, we ensure focus as the objecti ves are reviewed every 12 hours as we develop the new action plan. 3) The greate r the participation in setting meaningful work with an accountability for a resu lt, the greater the motivation for completing it. Every objective is directly co nnected with a person who is responsible 4) Progress can only be measured in ter ms of what one is trying to make progress towards-The work objectives developed on the 204 form are the expectations of work to be accomplished.

M.B.O. Stage Process Defining objectives Analyzing Setting standards Se ectives Aligning targets Establishing the system Set down the mission statementpolicy maker and fire chief Discover the goals that fit the mission statement-fi re chief and deputy fire chiefs Set the objectives to accomplish the goals-deput y fire chief and division commanders Implement the objectives Controlling and re porting status of the objectives-planning process every Advantages Of MBO 12 hours Helps and increases employees motivation. Managers are more likely to compete wi th other manager. It reduces conflicts and ambiguity. It leads to good Planning. Identify problems. Develop leadership qualities. Targeted Planning Participatio n and Collaboration Motivation Efficient Communication Training and Development Performance and Appraisal Features Of MBO

It is not only a technique but also a philosophy Setting objectives Provides eva luation and mechanism Creates linkage between organizational goals and individua l goals Rewards are governed by the results achieved Continuous process

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