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Goal Planning Sheet

A coach will be going through this entire goal sheet with you every three months.
You will be given a goal sheet and asked to fill it out before your scheduled
meeting with your coach. You are encouraged to discuss goals with your parents
and teammates.
Planning your development is essential. People who do not map out their growth
are setting themselves up for long-term failure in whatever they do. Your goals
should be specific, measureable, attainable, and time-bound. The second step,
which is more difficult than the first, is being disciplined enough to continuously
move toward the goals you have laid out. To become more disciplined you must
constantly remind yourself of your goals (you should have a copy of your goal
sheet by your bed, in your locker, and in your car). And your goals need to be the
most dominant thought in your head because our last most dominant thought
decides our next action. You will also be expected to share your goals with your
coaches and your teammates (this way we can all help hold you accountable for
your goals).

1. How would you like to be remembered as a person?

a. By Your Family?
b. By Your Classmates?
c. By Your Coaches?
d. By Your Teachers?

e. By the Community, By Your Church ect..?

2. Football Goals
a. Position of Preference Offense: _____
b. Team Goal:_______________________________________________
What is one specific way you can help us accomplish this goal over
the next three months?
c. Team Goal:_______________________________________________
What is one specific way you can help us accomplish this goal over
the next three months?
d. Team Goal: _______________________________________________
What is one specific way you can help us accomplish this goal over
the next three months?
3. Physical Goals: Next Three Months
a. Current Body Weight:_____ Goal Body Weight: _____
b. Current 40 Time: _____ Goal 40 Time: _____
c. Current Pro Agility: _____ Goal Pro Agility: _____
d. Current Hang Clean: _____ Goal Hang Clean: _____
e. Current Squat: _____ Goal Squat: _____
f. Current Bench Press: _____ Goal Bench Press: _____
What are two specific ways to make sure you accomplish your
physical goals?

4. Mental Goals: Next Three Months

a. Current GPA:______
b. Desired GPA:______
What is one specific area you need to work on to become a better
overall student?
What class or classes are you struggling with and why do you believe
you are struggle with this/those classes?
Name two people you can get extra assistance from in the classes
you are struggling with.
c. What book will you be reading in the next three months? What is
the topic of the book?
5. Emotional/Social Goals: Next Three Months
a. Name ten people in your life that you are thankful for:
One: ____________________
Two: ____________________
Three: ____________________
Four: ____________________
Five: ____________________
Six: ____________________
Seven: ____________________
Eight: ____________________
Nine: ____________________
Ten: ____________________
b. List three relationships you would like to work on:
1. ______________________________________________________
What is something you can do weekly to help work on this

2. ______________________________________________________
What is something you can do weekly to help work on this
3. ______________________________________________________
What is something you can do weekly to help work on this
c. Are there any friends that you would benefit from not hanging out
with (no specific names)? Circle Yes or No
Name three friends you could hang out with instead:
6. Spiritual Goals: Next Three Months
a. Do you spend ten minutes per day praying, meditating, or reflecting?
Circle Yes or No
b. Would you be interested in attending a Football Team Bible Study?
Circle Yes or No
c. List one way you can strengthen your faith life in the next three
7. Future Dreams
a. Would you like to play football in college? Circle Yes or No
b. Do you expect to attend college and if so what would you like to
c. Is there anything else you would like to work on?

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