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Industrialised Motherhood:

The Family Court Baby Factories

O nce upon a time in a far away land lived a mother and her children…

She was free to raise them without shame and they were free to learn and
explore other lands together. The children loved to visit their grandmother and
cousins who lived across the seas, as their grandmother and cousins loved their
visits. Their cousins were too young as their grandmother was too old to endure the
harsh conditions of travelling and was grateful that they visited.

The father lived in a rundown castle on a cliff above the town where they
lived. For many years, he spied on them with his telescope, laughing at their
challenges and enraged by their delights. He wanted to finish the job that he began
a long time ago when she was his to punish, but the Queen’s order stopped him
after their neighbour witnessed his brutal punishments. The greatest punishment of
all to him was hurting the children, because he knew how she loved them dearly
and how distraught she would be if something were to happen to them.
By chance, he met with a drunken priest who loved children in a sinister
manner and wanted them to be away from their mothers, so he could do harm
without their protection. Together they raised an army of men who wanted to
punish their former wives. It was not swords or daggers that they sharpened, as
years of malice had taught them to calculate their plans well. Together they
appealed to the public that their wives were under the spell of witches and wanted
to break up their family making the children “fatherless”. They claimed that the
abuse was all lies and spread their own. The king concerned that fatherless ness
was the work of these witches and changed the laws so that both parents care for
the children and if the mothers don’t, they and their children would be severely
punished. Mothers fearing for their children’s lives ran until they could run no more.
The kings men caught them and threw them in jail and thus began the story of the
baby factories…

In reality this is no tale, nor does it have a happy ending as the ending is up to you.
Laws all over the world in Family Courts today seldom reflect the rights of children and victims
of rape and violence. Some have been killed in acts of revenge whilst mothers have been
powerless to protect them. Aware that the courts behaviour is a major violation of human rights,
more than often the outcomes are kept secret with laws that threaten jail if a mother or child
were to plead to the public of their injustice. In some countries, they are allowed to speak, but
are punished and intimidated by court officials with the misuse of the law.

For many years family courts have awarded children to fathers as though they are
property and ignored the children’s voices. Today’s mother if she is obedient to accepting child
abuse from the father and tolerating rape and violence can see her children. If she protests
however, the children are either placed in foster care or with the father. Children in the family
courts are treated like property; to be seen and not heard. Fathers are given authority over both
mothers and children as a short cut to stopping divorces. This has been a major pressure from
groups that also lobby for child sexual abuse and women to have no rights at all. The coercion
behind these groups is why these laws and trends exist today. The Fathers manifesto and the
paedophile creed is a great example of the totalitarianism behind most family services, father’s
rights groups and children’s rights organizations. Motherhood has been reduced to nothing
more than baby factories.

The acknowledgement of the powers of psychology over humanity has not yet provoked
thoughts from the average mind, leaving opportunity for professionals lacking any moral
standing to exploit the rights of children within the realms of law and policy. Two motivating
factors are behind these violations: greed and control.

For many, it’s horrible to consider that there are times that we cannot trust and maintain
faith in the work of these people which becomes even more devastating when it is forced upon
us. To contemplate the justifications of ripping away a baby from their mother’s breast is
horrific. Getting the mother to absorb the blood from their hands to hers is part of the act as
they coerce her sending her child to an abuser. “Coercive control” a well known militant
psychology tactic is often used against the mother by the courts and the intimidation towards
former victims leaves a devastating effect both on her ability to parent effectively and develops a
lack of trust toward services that are supposed to assist victims. The damage caused by family
courts is the governments best kept secret and one that needs to be brought out into the open.
Secrecy laws are justified as a means to protect the children, yet when they have broken an
order, any information that prejudices the parent and child is released while criminalizing
information about the courts decisions that lead to negligence is often withheld. This is evident
in the buildup of the shared parenting campaign where many fathers were not punished for
speaking about their accounts whilst the mothers remained in fear and silence. Some
researchers have drawn links between the father’s rights movements and the motivations of the
Family Court to avoid accountability. The evidence of this is emerging frequently in the court
outcomes and the parallel statements made to the press. Subtracting the issues of intimate
partner terrorism, the family court expects mothers unquestioned cooperation, full responsibility
and work without such requirements being placed upon the father. Relocation laws are a good
example of how the mother is given an ultimatum rather than a choice to stay with the children
or to leave without them. Most will stay and this is often questionable when reviewing the
human rights article, “freedom to roam”. In some countries, children are under these orders
until the age of eighteen and are compelled to comply or face the consequences of their parent
being punished as a result. Referring to shared parenting laws as equally is in reality a
complete disregard to the respect of motherhood and her efforts to bring children in the world.

For every woman who dies from a pregnancy-related condition, about 30 more (i.e., over 15
million women per year) sustain a severe and permanent injury, such as chronic pelvic
inflammatory disease, vaginal, rectal and perineal tearing leading to urinary and faecal
incontinence, or Sheehan's syndrome (excessive blood loss causing pituitary gland necrosis
and thus ovarian, adrenal and thyroid insufficiency).

Yet she has no rights to how she cares for them nor states her concerns about their care and
where they can grow up. The attack on women’s rights from the courts and fathers groups is in
reality an attack on giving life and is a great disgrace that is in the hands of humanity that can
no longer be justified. Her rights and freedoms are entirely dependent upon remaining in the
relationship. Our laws as they stand today, is that if a women engages in intercourse with a
man and the child succeeds over contraception, her choices are slim and societies cultural
pressures to keep the baby(some still engrained in the law) are still prevalent and disastrous.

UNICEF. The progress of nations. Adamson P, editor. New York: UNICEF, 1996: 3-9.

Researchers whose opinions follow incentive and manipulate evidence to support claims that
children are better off with fathers are common, but not accurate nor empirical.

The 585 000 women in the world who die in pregnancy each year leave behind them at least
one million motherless children. The death of a mother is almost twice as dangerous for her
surviving children as the death of a father, and her daughters are almost twice as likely to die as
her sons. 6

Pittrof R, Stanfield P. Raising awareness of safe motherhood. A collaborative project. Action for
Safe Motherhood (UK) and Teaching Aids at Low Cost. St Albans, UK: TALC, October 1995.

The Family Court needs to desperately change their thinking upon motherhood and children and
cease prioritising father’s rights above children’s rights. Fathers rights groups need start
showing some respect for their ex wife’s who gave life to the child they claim to love. Church
leaders have the opportunity here to inspire the appreciation for mothers regardless of their
marital status if they can move beyond past views on marriage and choose not to become an
exploit of violence as many religions were used in the past to cultivate. Women bring life to the
world, let’s start to honour them and end the baby factories and industrialised motherhood.

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