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Useful websites for Studies in Japan

Universities Lists

Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) Gateway to study in Japan This website is a portal site run by Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) in order to offer the comprehensive information about STUDY IN JAPAN. w w -s d in w .g tu y j a a .ja s .g .jp pn so o "Student Guide to Japan" is an essential guidebook for international students planning to study in Japan. h ://w w s o o /s d _ g e tm c n n ttp w .ja s .g .jp tu y j/s tj_ .h l# o te ts

Japan Science and Technology Agency Directory Database of Research and Development Activities (ReaD) - (ReaD) - is a database service designed to promote cooperation among industry, academia and government. ReaD is the web site that collects and provides scientific information on research institutes, researchers, research subjects and research resources in Japan. h ://re d t.g .jp d x e tm ttp a .js o /in e _ .h l Japanese Universities for Motivated People (JUMP ) 13 JUMP is a website for prospective students willing to study in Japanese universities supported by the Global 30 project. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has launched the "Global 30" Project for Establishing Core Universities for Internationalization, for the purpose of selecting universities that will

function as core schools for receiving and educating international students. In 2009, 13 universities were selected. These core universities have established English degree programs and will play a major role in dramatically boosting the number of international students educated in Japan as well as Japanese students studying abroad. h ://w w n te a n l.m x o / ttp w .u rn tio a e t.g .jp The International Priority Graduate Programs PGP -Advanced Graduate Les sites spcialement pour les appliquants Research Students de la bourse MEXT : Courses for International Studentsh ://w w e t.g .jp _ e u o to /ry g k /k k h k ttp w .m x o /a m n /k u u u a u o u i/to u e /0 0 2 0 .h b tu 7 3 7 2 tm

2007The International Priority Graduate Programs PGP-Advanced Graduate Courses for International Studentsh ://w w e t.g .jp _ e u o to /ry g k /k k h k ttp w .m x o /a m n /k u u u a u o u i/to u e /0 0 0 0 .h b tu 8 4 7 9 tm

2009The International Priority Graduate Programs PGP-Advanced Graduate Courses for International Studentsh ://w w e t.g .jp _ e u o to /ry g k /k k h k ttp w .m x o /a m n /k u u u a u o u i/to u e /1 8 2 4 tm b tu 2 7 3 .h

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