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1. Synopsis of the movie : Catch Me If You Can 1-2

2. Cast and Character 3-4

3. What can you learn from the movie? To be related with the 5-6
interpersonal communication value

4. Conclusion 7

5. References 8

Synopsis Of The Movie


The movie Catch Me If You Can by directed by Steven Spielberg was inspired by a
true life tale tell a story about a 16 year old boy named Frank Abagnale Jr. who pulled
off con after con also has successfully forged millions of dollars worth of checks while
posing as Pan Am pilot, a doctor, a teacher and a legal prosecutor before his 19th
birthday. The movie sets the story up as a cat-and-mouse game between Frank and
FBI agent Carl Hanratty, a composite of several agents who worked the case. Frank
Abagnale Jr. Started to pull of the con to impersonate the substitute teacher in his first
day at new school when his father loses their house because of his IRS debt. That
was only the beginning, when he has to decided whether to stay with his father or his
France mother that going to divorce. Frank ran away from home deciding to venture
out on his own, vowing to regain dad's losses and get his parents back together. He
started the actual con as a Pan Am pilot and learning more about the airline under the
disguise of a student doing a report. It is because he can simply to cash checks. As
his skills in check fraud increase, Frank realizes he can travel free on other airlines as
a "deadhead" passenger.
Meanwhile, Carl Hanratty, the nearly humorless but persistent FBI agent, receives
word of the fake Pan Am checks, and begins to try and track down the culprit. At first
Carl got to arrest Frank but Frank convinces him he’s really a Secret Serviceman and
Carl lets him go. When he con as a doctor, he meet his true love Brenda. Frank(now
working for US post office) decides to marry Brenda, so he go meet his father to invite
him to their engagement, there Frank dad to that hid mother has remarried,
devastating with the story Frank call Carl tell him he want to settled down and stop
tracking him, but it is impossible to Carl because Frank has stolen about 4 million
dollar. There, Carl start to catch up where is Frank through the engagement, but Carl
does not successfully catch Frank. With his fiance broke their promise to meet at
Miami airport and not tell anyone, Frank find the new idea and fly to Europe.
Meanwhile Carl find a new clue to track him, remembering from an interview with
Franks mother Paula that she was born in France, Carl travels to her birthplace of
Montrichard and finds Frank there (on Christmas Eve), inside a massive printing
factory. At there, Carl get to capture Frank, however, the French police arrive and
escort Frank to prison. The French police take Frank away, with Carl promising to
have Frank extradited back to the USA.

After learning his father’s dead, Frank was given a 12-year prison sentence, which he
is sent to serve out in a maximum security Federal prison in Atlanta. Years later, Carl
arranges for Frank to be allowed to serve out the remainder of his sentence working
for the check fraud department of the FBI under Carl's custody. Misses the thrill of
his old life, Frank he tries to run again while posses as a pilot but there he meet Carl.
Carl let him go and believe he will meet Frank on Monday at their office. The next
Monday, Frank returns to the FBI, where he begins helping them catch other con men
like himself. Lastly, it showed on the screen "Frank has been happily married for 26
years" had three sons, lives in the Midwest with his family, is still good friends with
Carl, caught some of the world's most elusive money forgers and gets millions of
dollars each year because of his work creating unforgeable checks.

The Production Team


Steven Spielberg

Writer Jeff Nathanson (screenplay)

Frank W. Abagnale (book)
Genre Suspense
Frank Abagnale Jr.
- A runaway teen 40 years ago, passed himself off as a
teacher, airline pilot, doctor and lawyer over a five-year
stretch, all the while cashing millions of dollars in fraudulent

Leonardo Dicaprio

Carl Hanratty
- An FBI agent whose mission in life evolves into capturing
Abagnale. As the only person who really has a
comprehensive overview of the scope and versatility of
Abagnale's activities,
Tom Hanks
Frank Abagnale Sr.
- Frank's father, and a World War II veteran. Frank, Sr.
loses his wife Paula and most of his wealth after he
committed tax evasion and in trouble with IRS. His popular
saying phrase “ Two little mice fell in a bucket of cream.
The first mouse quickly gave up and drowned. The second
Chritopher Walken mouse wouldn’t quit. He struggled so hard that eventually
he churned that cream into butter and crawled out.
Gentleman, as of this moment I am that second mouse.

Paula Abagnale
- Frank’s mother, Frank, Sr. meets her when she is 18
years old in Montrichard, France during World War II. Six
weeks later the couple marries. They divorce when Frank is
16, leaving Paula to marry Jack Barnes. Cheated on his
Nathalie Baye husband he was in trouble with IRS.

Brenda Strong
- A new nurse at hospital where Frank Abagnale con
as a doctor. Frank meet with her at the hospital and in love
with Brenda. Got to reconcile with her parent because of
Frank and was engaged with Frank but turn him down
Amy Adams when knowing he is a con man.

Roger Strong + Carol Strong

- Parents of Brenda Strong. Disown their daughter after she
Martin Sheen
had an abortion. A Lutheran and very loving couple.

Nancy Lenehan

What Do You Have Learn from this movie?

From the movie Catch Me If You Can I have learn so many lesson that can be either
the good one or the bad one. First, in a relationship we need to have a good
communication. Relationship is a connection established with another through
connection. From the movie I could see the relationship between Frank Abagnale Jr.
With his parent Frank Abagnale Sr. And Pauls Abagnale. Before his father was facing
a conflict with IRS, their relationship was so good and they was once a one happy
family. Honesty and communication, that’s a lot can be learn here, Frank’s father
Abagnale Sr. Should have tell his wife Paula that he was facing a really hard problem
right now and need her support for that but in the meantime Paula cheated on him
with Frank friend Jack Barnes because she can not handle life in a miserable having a
poor life. As the result, their son, Frank Abagnale Jr. Was so devastating with their
divorce. For him asking to choose between his mother or his daddy was too much so
he fled and start to being a con man. But now as he has working with FBI and was
enjoying a good life, he was being perception which is he has experiencing the world
since age 16 and has making sense of what Frank has experience.
Next one, Frank Abagnale Jr.being a con by impersonate so many character such as
as a pilot, student journalist, lawyer and doctor need a lot of confidence and
preparation. As I learn, in doing anything for the simple task or the important task what
we need to have a confidence and be prepared for everything. For example in the
movie, we could see the scene where Frank impersonate as a pilot. The first time
Frank boarded a plane he was impersonating a pilot, he had never even been to an
air port. So how did he successfully dupe a plane full of flight professionals? He acted
like he was supposed to be there. Even when his gut was churning on the inside,
outwardly he projected unshakable confidence. When in doubt, fake it till you make it.
Being a pilot need you to know the theory and practical method, so first thing he do
was impersonate as a student journalist to interview the worker at Pan Am company.
Here, Frank was adapting to others by understand the diversity. In diversity, there is
sex which is the crew of Pan Am have both sex, male and female character. Frank
has learn their culture which he got from being con as a student journalist and from his
observation of the pilot at the hotel. Culture was mean by he learned system of
knowledge, behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, values, and norm that shared by group of

In addition, I also find that from this movie, it teach me do not be fear for the unknown
or the future, look forward and face it. In the movie Abagnale was just a 16 year old
kid from the Bronx when he ran away from his home, never to return. He had never
been on a plane and knew little about the banking system he was about to take on for
the next 5 years. Now he owns a multi-million dollar security consulting company and
is one of the FBI’s most well respected educators on fraud. This wasn’t an
overnight occurrence, it took time and lots of on the spot education, but if you never
try you’ll never know. We could say that Frank was not an introvert person but an
extrovert. He has a skill mean behaviour that improve the effectiveness or quality of
communications with other, which is one of intercultural communication
Last one is determination. i could learn that if you want anything you need to have a
determination and everything will become smooth. From this movie, I could see the
determination in Carl. How he really determined to catch Frank. Even when he has
been prank by Frank multiple time and when the superior does not believe in him
because Frank was just 16 years old and it is quite playful if there is no a good proof
then Abagnale will not be catch for the rest of his life. By this also we could see that
Carl have a good responding skills. Listening can be defined as process of selecting,
attending to, creating meaning from, remembering, and responding to verbal and
nonverbal messages. Every Christmas night for every year since the catch and run
scene, Abagnale will call Cal to have a conversation with him. From the conversation
he catch a clue where is Abagnale at by remembered the word and listening very well
to the conversation even there is also hate speech between both of them.


The movie Catch Me If You Can directed by Steven Spielberg was a really good and
fun movie. There was so many emotions that has been created by the writer and the
director. Also a good acting from the cast such as Leonardo Dicaprio, Tom Hanks and
Stephen Walken has bring a good impacted to the audience. I have learn so many
good things in this movie. From the family issue a divorce parent and how the child of
the house can handle it, the impact to the children was really big and dangerous if it
not be taking a serious action to the good relationship with human. How the Strong
family been nice to Frank when Frank acted as a doctor and reaction of Brenda when
he know frank was lying to her. Also from the bad relationship to a good relationship
between Carl and Frank. Last but not least, this movie was based on the real story of
Frank Abagnale Jr. We could conclude even though Frank was a con at first but finally
he changed to be a good person but with the help of people that care to him such as
Carl. So the bad people or bad behaviour can be changed and if you want to judge
and do not judge the person from your early meet.


14 July (2012). 5 lesson from movie Catch me if you can


Colin Mccormick, (2020).5 things based on the true story.


Deanna, (2018). Life lessons from a Former Criminal and Now FBI Agent, Frank

Abagnale Jr.


(2002) . Catch me if you can full cast ad crew.

(2003) Catch me if you can plot summary.

Niklas Goeke, (2016). catch me if you can summary


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