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The Preacher’s Notebook

The Paper and Electronic Pulpit of the First Baptist Church of Mineral Springs, NC
(Delivered by E-mail and Us Postage Through Subscription as an Extension of the Pulpit Ministry of this Church)
Dr. Terry W . Preslar – PO Box 388 – M ineral Springs, NC 28108
(704)843-3858 – E-Mail:
Copyright (C) 2007. Terry W. Preslar All rights reserved.

Vol. II November, 2008 Issue 11

What Will Improve

My Preaching...?
A Suggested Code of Conduct for Preachers
(Some Pointers for Preachers – How to be a “Born
Again Devil Disturber”)
On several occasions, this church where I am the
pastor (First Baptist Church of Mineral Springs, NC),
has given Honorary degree call: “The Doctorate of
Born Again Devil Disturber.” These degrees are
honorary but must be earned through some set of circumstances that qualify the candidate for this degree.
Dismissal form a pastorate for a Biblical position, and ethical stand or just mean treatment brought on by
the candidate’s preaching. This has been a ploy to encourage the struggling servant and honor the battered
servant. Needless to say, you would not seek this degree, but it has been our delight to offer this accolade
to a select few. We have not given one lately and that might be because of the deplorable state of preaching
in this hour!
There might be some who think that it is vain to try to improve their preaching. But, if they had to hear
their own preaching they would hope for some improvement. To be less that your best for the Lord in service
is a dark sin. He has never given us less than “perfect” gifts (“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from
above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of
turning.” James 1:17). Why should we offer Him less than our best?
To improve would be a Holy Endeavor (“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not
unto men;” Col. 3:23) , a Happy Quest (“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Col. 3:17) and a Helpful Occupation (“Be ye
followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.” 1 Cor. 11:1). How then may we improve that we might serve
Him better, be a better witness and feed His sheep thereby?
I have seen suggestion list of things that might improve us since I started preaching, but had hesitated
to volunteer one myself. I have preached for over 35 years now and am not the best I hope to be, but I have
learned a few things along the way. The “School of Hard Knocks” is a difficult way to learn and I think I
have been in classes there most of that 35 plus years. Let’s laugh a little and cry a little together as we read
a few suggestions that might be offered:
I- Be Prepared (Study) – I know this is a novel idea! Some pastors actually wait until about fifteen minutes
before the service to prepare a message. There was one pastor that waited until another pastor or deacon
presented his material. Then as the aforementioned person was talking the pastor would take notes and
preach on what the man just said. That man is lazy and is cheating his people.
Feed your people. There are thousands of good Christian people all over the world that are just
starving spiritually. It is a shame and should not happen. The Lord gave clear instructions as to what a

pastor ought to do in feeding his people (“Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the
oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;” 1 Peter
II- Be Knowledgeable – Have plenty of facts at your fingertips. Your message should show that you have
a deep and studious interest in the message which you preach. There is no excuse for ignorance of your
subject. In a Spiritual since, it is said, “Where He Guides He Provides” – this is true of this matter of
wisdom too.
III- Be Biblical – There are many Scriptures applicable to evangelism. Stay focused and don’t get too far
off the subject that you can’t get back on target. If you are not the pastor in the church where you are
speaking, be sure some care is taken to recognize that fact. Pastoral preaching is different from your
work to fill that pulpit. There are areas off limits and the Pastor will be responsible in those spheres of
the message.
IV- Read Your Bible – Know the books of the Bible – most Sunday School students know them. Have a
regular time each day to read Bible. Read it with a notebook in hand to take down thoughts that God
gives you. Think about what you are reading. The only place where success is mentioned is in relation
to the word of God. (“This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate
therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou
shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” Joshua 1:8)
V- Learn to Mark Your Bible – The Bible looks formidable, with its hundreds of pages of small print.
However, the Bible is a book designed to be used. To familiarize yourself with key verses, it is a good
idea to mark your Bible to help you relocate particular passages. The methods used by students of the
Bible range from one color to elaborate color keys, arrows, notes and brackets and underlining words,
phrases and sentences.
Anyone who goes through the process of marking his Bible will appreciate the need for simplicity.
After a while a Bible can end up looking like a messy coloring book. A few guidelines will help avoid
over-marking your Bible.
Use colors to highlight only important words. Be sure to select a pen or marker that will not run,
smear or bleed through the thin page. When underlining phrases, use a ruler or straight edged card. With
a proper mark, an important word or phrase should instantly let you know what is the subject matter.
Marking the Bible will help you get a feel of where you are in a particular page. It will save much
time trying to locate that special scripture.
Many computerized Bible-study programs will allow you to type your own notes (or import them
from other electronic text files) and attach them to specific verses, letting you create your own personal
commentaries. This method allows a virtually unlimited amount of space for your personal notes and
comments while keeping them neat and orderly. Such electronic notes can later be edited, expanded or
deleted much more easily than handwritten notes in a printed Bible.
VI- In Your Study, Have a File System – One of the best ways to prepare for future sermons is have a file
on different topics and every time you come across something that can be useful file it away.
One pastor has a file that he has worked on for a period of several years, and now he can actually
take and use it for his sermon preparation. It does not take him many hours of research either. He has
already done it and now it is easy to get the needed resources. Why? Because it is all right there at his
fingertips ready at hand.
Most file systems that are promoted in Bible institutes and universities are very complex and actually
pretty stupid for a preacher to try to use. Some would require a full time secretary just to take care of his
stuff. Very few preachers could afford to do this.
Here is a simple easy-to-use system. Buy some file folders and mark them from A to Z. Every time
that you come across a good article just put it in the proper folder. Eventually you will have a nice large
resource file that will cover most of the things you might want to preach about. (Topical - A to Z) and

(Textual - Genesis to Revelation). Your topical file will probably be larger than the textual. Note - If you
are going to preach on alcohol then it is right there in a folder waiting for you. Easy! There will be many
other things that you will have to do as a preacher or teacher and the last thing you want is to have to
spend hours each day doing a file system. But you DO need one. So get started NOW. Don't wait.
VII- As you Prepare, Use a Notebook – Write it down; write it down; write it down. Many times the Lord
will give you something and if you do not write it down then you will not remember what God gave you.
Some of the best sermons have been thought of in the middle of the night and then just a few notes
written down prepares the sermon for the future. Otherwise it would have been forgotten in the morning.
VIII- Write down Illustrations – Whenever you hear a good illustration write it down then or you will not
remember it properly in the future. Especially if you have had a number of them that you have heard in
the past several weeks. There will not be very many illustrations that you will remember three years
down the road unless you write them down.
IX- Learn How to Use Good Illustrations – Make sure that they properly fit the theme of your sermon.
Many times an illustration has been used in sermons and at the end of the sermon the person says, “that
was a good illustration, but what was he trying to teach?” “What was the point?” Beware of using an
illustration that goes off on a rabbit trail.
Kinds of illustrations are important on a degree as to their use. In Gospel Sermons and Bible lessons
we find that an illustration that comes from imagination is the least powerful. Then there is the
illustration that is taken from real life (your’s or some other’s life) will be a little more effective. The
most powerful illustration of all is a “Bible Illustration” taken from the text of Scripture. The “Law of
the Bible Illustration.” is stated thus: “For most truths God gives one classic illustration to carry the truth
home to the heart and mind of the believer.” (An example is Sin Guiltiness - Isa. 53:6). If this “law” is
applied illustrations will be powerful.
X- Have a Right Spirit – Do not get jealous of another teacher or preacher. This is probably one of the
greatest sins amongst preachers. Just be faithful to the Lord; do not get bitter; walk in the Spirit and keep
your eyes on the Lord. Amen! Try to be a blessing and a help to your people. Let God take care of your
“promotion.” Real promotion comes from God anyway (“For promotion cometh neither from the east,
nor from the west, nor from the south. 7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up
another.” Psa. 75:6-7). Stay humble and He will lift you up. (1 Peter 5:5; James 4:10).
One other thing; do not try to “butter up” to the high man on the totem pole. There is nothing so
disgusting as preachers that quit being preachers and become politicians. (poly means many; and tic is
a blood sucker). Serve God! Yes, be considerate of others, but be careful how & WHY you do it. Don't
be a hireling - be God's servant.
XI- Have a Good Attitude – A preacher’s attitude determines his altitude. Don’t tell be how high you have
gone if you stepped on everybody on the way up. The old saying was: “The higher they go the harder
they fall.” A few “Attitude Issues” might be listed:
Be Interested – Show an interest in the people to whom you are to speak. Ask the pastor questions
which will indicate your concern for his work. Encourage him – he probably needs it.
Be Prayerful – The preparation of your message should be bathed in prayer. Make it a point to have
a time of prayer with the pastor before the service, if he seems able. It shows solidarity with his burden
for the service.
Be Conscientious – Do not allow lesser things to rob you of proper heart preparation. The Lord’s
ministry through you is closely related to His ministry to you. If He has not done anything for you, the
hearers might think that He can not do anything for them. We are told of a time in Israel when :,,,there
was no open vision.” (“...And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open
vision.”1 Sam. 3:1).
Be Winsome – People draw conclusions about you, before you speak. Let your enthusiasm show
through. A smile is contagious.

Be Positive – Do not be problem conscious – be power conscious. Do not look only at the shadows,
remember the sunshine. The issues are important but the pastor of that church is responsible for them,
in that church. There is no one that cannot be saved (if God ever saved anyone He can save anyone). The
need is great and there are open doors for all.
Be Humble – There is no place for arrogance in the life of a representative of the Lord. Meekness
and graciousness adorn the servant as well as the doctrine of God. You are not God’s ultimate gift to
ministry. You are a sinner saved by God’s Grace who is His servant for this moment.
XII- Get Up, Speak Up and Shut up – There was a man that when he got up to preach, the people groaned,
because they knew that they were going to be in for a L-O-N-G session. What also makes this even more
horrible is usually that preacher Had Little or Nothing to Say! Yes, “,,,tribulation worketh patience...”,
BUT don't you be their “tribulator.” Make it interesting, to the point and with meaning.
One man preached a message and to the best that could be figured out, he had four or five different
messages in one. Talk about confusing! The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion, but
unfortunately many preachers are!
Also, do not forget the letters - K-I-S-S. “Keep-It-Simple-Stupid”. Do not try to take your brain out
and “show off” as to how “smart” you are. You just might succeed.
XIII- Preach the Word – Forget the psychology. Let “Dr. Phil” take care of that. God did not say that He
wanted us to preach psychology to the world, but to PREACH THE WORD. (2 Tim 4:2). “Preach the
word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.”
It is a shame when preachers actually know more about psychology than they do the word of God.
Something is drastically wrong with this picture! Believe it or not; Freud is NOT the final authority.
The Bible is!
The Bible says that Paul preached all the counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Make sure you have a proper
balance and preach all of the Bible, not just some favorite places therein.
XIV- Be Faithful in Church – To be quite frank, if you are not faithful in church, you should not be a
teacher or a preacher - Period! If you are this kind of person you are doing nothing but giving a bad
example and will lead others astray. (Heb. 10:25). How can you expect those that listen to you to come
faithfully if you are not faithful yourself? This is hypocrisy. Note: Sometimes young preachers will come
out to preach but not be faithful in church, handing out tracts, soul-winning, etc. No young man should
be allowed to preach until he is found faithful. (“Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be
found faithful.” 1 Cor. 4:2).
Promptness is a forgotten virtue. Be on time for every meeting. If it is a speaking appointment, arrive
in time to check with the pastor, he may have a meal planned, or fellowship arranged, or someone he
wants you to meet. You should be in the auditorium at least 15 minutes before the service begins. Study
your map, be sure of the direction you are to go and allow time for travel and emergencies.
XV- Beware of Sin and Temptations – A person that is in a position of leadership WILL find that there will
be women that just LOVE this position and will want you to pay “special” attention to them. BEWARE!
Even David got caught in the devil's trap about this.
You should never forget that you are an example to others and they will be looking UP to you. Don't
make them fall. (“...that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way.”
Rom. 14:13).
XVI- Be Yourself (Don't Try to Be Someone Else) – It does not matter who your preacher hero is, DO NOT
try to be like him in your actions and attitude. You do not have his character, experience or mannerisms.
Do not be a fake. God is not interested in “clones.” God used different people with different
personalities. Take note of the 12 apostles; they were all different.
There have been more preacher problems because someone wanted to act like his preacher “hero”
and not be himself. Also, there are some things that an older preacher can say and do that a young
preacher just cannot get away with. Don’t hurt yourself – Be yourself!

XVII- Practice Proper Pulpit Manner – Don't hang on the pulpit – The pulpit is there to hold your notes
and Bible. Not you! Unless you are physically handicapped stand on your own two feet.
Don’t slouch in the pulpit – Honestly, some people look like they just got hit in the stomach. They
are all hunched over. This hinders speech and volume and also looks like you have no authority. Yes,
stand straight, but on the other hand, do not stand at attention like a wooden soldier. Avoid extremes in
Don't mumble and don't talk too low – Make your commands CLEAR! How will they understand
if they cannot hear what you say? Why waste your time getting up to preach if the people can't get the
message. Don't cause them to be frustrated. Have you ever been behind someone in the audience who
could not hear the speaker? “What did he say?” “What was that?” Not only is that person not getting it,
those behind are not either, because all they are hearing is that guy questioning what's being said.
Many people talk too low and those that are some distance away cannot hear them. You want 100
percent of the people to hear, not just a few. Always try to preach to the LAST person in the
congregation. That way all will hear.
Don't Scream at the people – Screaming, not loud talking, can give the appearance that you have lost
control of your message and have your own agenda. While the Bible says in Isaiah to “cry aloud, spare
not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet,” it also talks about sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal. Raising
your voice to make a point is one thing. Constant shouting without “charity” can be misinterpreted.
Make sure you obey the Spirit's leading.
XVIII- Be Ethical – Whether you are allotted five minutes or fifty minutes, stick to the time given you. If
you are given a time schedule of the speakers, take no time past your scheduled time. Where financial
matters are involved, be open, accurate, frank and honest. Do not steal time and do not make money your
master. If you present a project or financial need, be specific, but do not beg. Do not take anything
personally – if you are God’s man, He has promised to take care of you and rejection is not of you but
of Him – Judgement is in His hands.
XIX- Be Neat – Your appearance is important. If you are to preach, by all means ware a tie and coat as the
season dictates. Dress well for the occasion. The banker has a dress code – the lawyer answers to the
court as to his or her dress – the solder has a uniform. Why does the preacher think he is exempt?
XX- Preach for Results (Have a Goal) – Keep in mind what you want to get across to the people. Will the
sermon be informative? To get them to make a decision of some kind? To see someone get saved? What
are you striving for? Make sure that it is clear in your own mind. If not, then you will have a confusing
message. Be Creative with your delivery. There are numerous ways to add interest to your message.
Humor is fine but be careful to use humor that is not at the expense of anyone. Practice telling the
stories, illustrations, or experiences about which you are going to speak.
The Preacher and Accountability
With sure determination, we will offer this last subject as a means of accountability through several
systems of checks and balances. The means of accountability include, first, the fact that God calls for
accountability, (“So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God.” Rom. 14:12). Secondly, the
saints of God who receive the ministry of the Gospel from those who serve from Faith to Faith. (“For therein
is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” Rom.
1:17). Then we are answerable to a Pastor as all Evangelism is through the local church and should be
accountable to the leadership of the church sending the servant. (“Obey them that have the rule over you,
and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with
joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.” Heb. 13:17; “For this cause left I thee in Crete, that
thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed
thee” Titus 1:5). Lastly, all the servants of God should be accountable to everyone that might ask him. (“But
sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you

a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” 1 Peter 3:15). Honesty is not to be seen as an
invasion of privacy. Servants have the right to serve and the promise of supply which is a mighty motive to
accountability. (“...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men
have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” Luke 12:48). There are several levels at which much
accountability is required:
I- The Preacher and Accountability in a Local Church Focus – The church, the called out body, is God’s
unit of Spiritual Fellowship. The Ministry of Evangelism is to be concentrated in the local church. Its
ministers are under the church’s apices, order, protection and supervision.
A) With the Pastor’s recommendation – sponsorship and encouragement.
B) With the Pastor’s oversight – authority and accountability.
C) Duty to the local church – in league with the vision of the local church.
II- The Preacher and Accountability in Character Standards – A good name goes beyond the mere report
from without, even though it includes that account. What is seen is one reference of the individual but
Character is what is known about you by those who work with you. There are several areas of Character
A) Integrity in natural and Spiritual matters – prayer and work are on a scale with service as the balance
of the measure.
B) Good testimony – the story of what has happened and what is happening is a good predictor of what
will happen.
C) Standards of behavior – The Bible is the only safe rule of practice and faith: “To the law and to the
testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.” (Isa.
III- The Preacher and Accountability in His Loyal to the Truth – Pilate’s frustrated question of the
Saviour may never have had an answer (“...What is truth?” John 18:38) but GOD intends for the believer
to know and be assured of TRUTH. The Spiritual commodity the gives assurance and peace and rest and
all that the saint enjoys is TRUTH. Since HE lives in the heart of the saint, the saint can not abide error.
There seem to be many sheep of this day that have acquired the appetite of a goat. The sight is repulsive,
seeing that the redeemed are bidden to come boldly. The Truth is implemented in several manners:
A) The KJV, 1611 will enhance the expression of Truth. (“The words of the LORD are pure words: as
silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt
preserve them from this generation for ever.” Psa. 12:6-7)
B) Traditional Bible doctrines will engage the public ministry of the Gospel. (“...that ye should earnestly
contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 3). (See Articles of Faith)
C) Evangelistic concern for the lost – willingness to preach the message in all open doors. Evangelism
is not a “job” it is a ministry for the Lord. The truth of the Gospel is the mightiest truth ever handled
by the race of man. Go at your expense, at your own bidding, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
IV- The Preacher and Accountability to Personal Standards – Responsibility for personal matters is not
only a service to standing order of church administration; it is a deep personal need rendered to lift the
self toward the master.
A) Separated from worldliness – touch not, handle not. (“Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the
rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (Touch not;
taste not; handle not; Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines
of men?” Col. 2:20-22)
B) Separated unto Christ’s Service – Christ-centered and with selfless worship of the Master in the joy
that is known to belong to those who are filled with the Holy Ghost (Matt. 13:20; Luke 8:13; 10:17;
Acts 13:52; 20:24; Rom. 15:32; Phil. 1:4; 1 Thes. 1:6; 2 Tim. 1:4; Heb 13:17; “Whom having not
seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable
and full of glory” 1 Peter 1:8)

C) Church Faithfulness (In your Prayers, Means, and Presence); in attendance (Heb. 10:25), in Giving
(2 Cor. 8:1-5), in Dedication to that ministry (“...addicted themselves...” 1 Cor. 16:15)
V- The Preacher and Accountability in Pulpit Decorum – There is a need to fit the pulpit with decorum
and order that will add credibility and integrity to the exercise of the Gospel Evangelistic Ministry.
A) No false doctrine (or “Double-speak”- speak the same to all. “ have obeyed from the heart that
form of doctrine which was delivered you.” Rom. 6:17)
B) No Greed (Trust the Lord to supply) (“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches
in glory by Christ Jesus.” Phil. 4:19)
C) Have compassion (“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring
one another;” Rom. 12:10)
D) Don’t abuse your Liberty (“As free, and not using your liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as
the servants of God.” 1 Peter 2:16)
E) No gossip (Backbiters are in bad company: “Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters,
inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,” Rom. 1:28-32)
F) No grudges – “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But
if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matt.
6:14-15) (Forgive and Forget)
VI- The Preacher and Accountability to Promote the Preached Gospel – We must encourage the general
ministry of the preaching and teaching of the Word of God through our churches. This will be done
A) Revival in the churches. (“Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” Psa.
1- Revival is the move of Holy God on His Own work, fallen under clouds of discouragement.
2- Revival can be in a day of seeming great visitation and judgement. (Psa.138:7; Isa.57:15)
3- Revival is for every person and church of whatever sort. (2 Chron.7:14)
B) Encourage the Saints. (And the people the men of Israel encouraged themselves, and set their battle
again in array...” Judges 20:22)
C) Having Fellowship between preachers of like mind. (“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for
brethren to dwell together in unity!” Psa. 133:1)
VII- The Preacher and Accountability in Our Debt to Society – We Owe a Lot to the many that have stood
with us in the Gospel. We believe that this modern day has left the heart of Old Fashioned Religion
behind in an effort to move into this generation and therefore Revival is at its lowest ebb. It was for this
very reason that First Baptist Church of Mineral Springs, NC was organized. In Order to See Revival
in the Land again we have rolled back the calender to an early day and you have our promise to:
A) Have Preaching Like That Of Fifty Years Ago That Will Shake The Foundations Of Worldiness
And Bring Conviction To The Lost World. (Rom.1:16 “For I am not ashamed...”)
B) Have Old Fashioned Singing That Thrills The Hearts Of The Saints And Brings Shouts Of
AMEN! – Praise The LORD! – Glory! And The Loud Explosive Shout Of Joy That Is Seen When
GOD Moves In The Camp. (Eph.5:18-19 “...singing to yourselves in psalms and hymes and spiritual
C) Have Heart Felt Testimonies That Prove That GOD Does Bless In This Day And Revival Is
Possible Among GOD’S People If We Will Pay The Price. (II Chron.7:14 “If my people..”)
D) Have Prayer That Has Roots In The Far Past And Reaches To The Next Generation With A
Lasting Restoration Of Spiritual Victory Over The Errors of this Backslidden Hour. (Joel 2:25 “I will
restore to you the years...”)
E) Leave Our Children Some Heritage Of The Old Fashioned Religion That Was The Hallmark Of
The Past Generations (Job 24:2 “Some remove the Landmarks...”) America was built upon and the

American Culture has been a product of the Values of Faith in GOD and a firm conviction that
GOD raised up America in order to provide a place for Worship and service in the Power of GOD.
There is no more wonderful sight than to see the church house filled and many of the saints rejoicing
while sinners get saved at the “Mourner’s Altar”. With GOD’S help and your faithfulness we can see this
continue. Please Pray For Revival In Our Churches...!!! Preach the Devil out’a them and then you qualify
to be a Born Again Devil Disturber.

This author has a correspondence course through “The Fresh Waters Bible Institute” called “The
Exhorter’s Home Bible Study Program – Preaching and Teaching – The Preparation and Delivery of
Gospel Sermons and Bible Lessons, To learn more, please contact:

The Fresh Waters Bible Institute

PO Box 388 Mineral Springs, NC 28108 — 704-843-3858 – E-Mail:

This Periodical is printed by Gospel Publishing and Colportage, a ministry of the First Baptist
Church of Mineral Springs, NC, and is designed for education, evangelism, and edification. If we may
assist you in knowing more about Christ and the Christian life, please write us without obligation: First
Baptist Church of Mineral Springs PO Box 388, Mineral Springs, NC 28108 (704)843-3858
Psalms 107:2 S É S Romans 12:1-2
These Sermons are used through the subscription to an E-Mail list maintained by Bro. Preslar
( and are the copyrighted property of Dr. Terry W. Preslar. This document is part
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restriction will not hinder the effective use of this sermon/essay in the teaching and preaching of this
document. – The Editor

“...when thou comest, bring with thee...the books,

but especially the parchments. (2 Tim. 4:13)
Psalms 107:2 S É S Romans 12:1-2
P.O. Box 388 Mineral Springs, N.C. 28108

First Baptist Church

PO Box 388
Mineral Springs, NC 28108

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