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Algorithms in Everyday Mathematics

What is an algorithm?
 An algorithm is a well-defined procedure or set of rules used to
solve a problem.
 A good algorithm is efficient, unambiguous, and reliable.

Why do we teach students algorithms?

 To give them important problem-solving skills
 To build computational confidence
 To develop sound number sense, including a good understanding of
place value

What are some examples of algorithms that have been taught in the past?
 Long division
 Subtraction with regrouping
 Multi-digit multiplication

Our new math curriculum, Everyday Mathematics, teaches a number of

different ways to do grade-level computations. Some of them are hundreds
of years old, but simply aren’t the way we have traditionally taught in U.S.
schools. A few of these algorithms are emphasized more than others, and
they are called “focus algorithms”.

What are the new “focus algorithms” in Everyday Mathematics?

Mathematical Operation Name of Algorithm

Addition Partial-Sums Addition
Subtraction Trade-First Subtraction
Multiplication Partial-Products Multiplication
Division Partial-Quotients Division

Now, let’s do some math…

Partial-Sums Addition

First, add these numbers any way you’d like:

6,907 + 485 =

In Everyday Math, students are taught the Partial Sums algorithm, which
relies on deep understanding of place value, and of what each digit in a
number truly means:

+ 485
Add the thousands: 6,000 + 0 6,000
Add the hundreds: 900 + 400 1,300
Add the tens: 0 + 80 80
Add the ones: 7+5 + 12
Add the partial sums: 6,000 + 1,300 + 80 + 12 = 7,392

Discussion Questions:
What do you notice that’s different about this method?

Do you think it will help students better understand the addition of large
numbers? Why or why not?

To firm up our understanding, we’ll do one more sum using the Partial Sums

15,384 + 3,602 =
Trade-First Subtraction

First, subtract these numbers any way you’d like:

9,062 – 4,738 =

Traditionally, students are taught to regroup, or “borrow” as needed in order

to solve the problem. This can lead to confusion, and to unnecessary
regrouping when students don’t understand when regrouping is needed.
Everyday Math teaches students the Trade-First Algorithm, in which all the
trading (regrouping) is done before all the subtraction:

There are three steps:

1. Examine all columns and trade as necessary so that the top number in
each place is as large or larger than the bottom number. (The trades
can be done from left to right OR right to left!)
2. Check that the top number in each place is at least as large as the
bottom number.
3. Subtract column by column.

9, 0 6 2
- 4, 7 3 8

Discussion Questions:
How might this be less confusing for students?

Where might they most need support when learning this method?

Let’s try one more:

4,826 – 3,934 =
Partial-Products Multiplication

First, multiply these numbers any way you’d like:

67 x 53 =

In Everyday Math, students are taught to think of numbers as sums of their

parts, e.g. 67 = 60 + 7 and 53 = 50 + 3. When multiplying, then, each part of
one factor can be multiplied by each part of the other factor. To get the
solution, all of those partial products are added together:

x 53
50 x 60  3,000
50 x 7  350
3 x 60  180
3x7  + 21

Discussion Questions:
How is this different from the traditional algorithm?

Where might students most need support when learning this method?

Let’s try two more for practice:

45 x 82 = 134 x 65 =
Partial-Quotients Division

First, divide 157 by 12 using any method you’d like:

The traditional method for long division has often been frustrating for
students. There are many steps, and many skills required, to get
consistently correct calculations. Partial-Quotients Division relies on known
facts, estimation, and number sense to help students make sense of division.
It may look more complicated, but follow the logic…

157 ÷ 12 = ?
Question: How many groups of 12 are in 157?
Estimate: There are at least 10 groups of 12 in 157, 12 157
because 10 x 12 = 120, and 120 is still less than 157. -120 10
If we take 120 from 157, we are left with 37. 37
Next question: How many groups of 12 are in 37? - 36 3
Estimate: There are 3 groups of 12 in 37, because 1 13
3 x 12 = 36.
If we take 36 from 37, we have only one number
Solution: The final result is the sum of the partial quotients
of 10 + 3 = 13 with a remainder of 1.

Discussion Questions:
What’s challenging about mastering this method?

How is it different from the traditional algorithm for long division?

Let’s try one more:

758 ÷ 28 =

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