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BA (Hons.



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Module Code OUGD30 Module Title

Semester Doc. Code OUGD30

Brief/Session/Document Title 2013 ISTD:: BOOKS STILL Brief 6

Working with content that you have selected you are asked to develop an editorial design project that considers how we read in the 21st century. Choose a format that is appropriate for your subject matter and your target market. It could be a high quality printed publication, a screen-based inter- pretation or a combination of these. Current developments in publishing should be considered such as printed books, apps, Print on Demand (PoD) hypertext links in digital formats.

Background / Considerations
As the starting point for this project you are asked to explore traditional and contemporary book and publication design in terms of typography, image, navigation, hierarchy, formats, and binding. As part of your research you should consider how design has been used to express structure and narrative. You should also explore the creative possibilities offered by production processes and materials, nishing and binding. In the age of electronic transmission of text and images to screens? There is no need here to rehearse arguments for the virtues of printed information and the codex form. Prophets of the death of the book are now scarce and they are more cautious in their arguments than they were in the early years of the electronic revolution. As evidence of the durability of the book as a form, we need only to think of the inexorable increase in the number of titles published each year, of the battalions of printed directories and magazines that accompany and explain this electronic revolution. Robin Kinross 2003 As designers arrange texts in space and time, they use the forms, structures, and signals of typography to guide readers through streams of content. Text has a specic meaning within design. It is also a concept embedded in theories of writing and communication, connecting graphic design to broader cultural discussions. Technology has inuenced the design of typographic space, from the concrete physicality of metal type to the endless exibility (and peculiar restrictions) imposed by digital media. The typographic text has evolved from a body that is solid, stable, and closed to one that is open, malleable, and unxed. Ellen Lupton 2010

Possible content could include genre publishing such as crime, literary ction, Illustrated books, thriller, science ction, lm, history, classic novels, short stories, or your project could move beyond book design into the broader arena of editorial design to include journals, newsletters, newspaper supplements ... . Use whatever methods and media you consider appropriate to convey your solution effectively as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you incorporate typographically detailed text matter that expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that words and language are our collateral and that your submission should be essentially typographic.

Target Market
Identify your market, and how you will target it, in your Strategy.

Mandatory Requirements
-Consider how we read in the 21st century. -Choose a format that is appropriate for your subject matter and your target market.

Deliverables -Editorial design project

-High quality printed publication

Studio Deadline 22/03/2013

Module Deadline May 2013

This brief should be read in conjunction with the module brief. Please refer to module information at E-STUDIO for module brief, submission deadline, graded outcomes and further reading.

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