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Photoshop Workshop Name_________________________

Getting to know Adobe Photoshop

_______ Assignment #1: “Boxer” Restoration (DUE:__________________ )

 You have accurately adjusted the levels to get a wide range of black and white values in the image.
 You have used the selection tool to select, and then crop off the unwanted white border of the image.
 You have effectively chosen the appropriate brush sizes, types, and opacities to restore scratches/unwanted marks.
 You have effectively used the clone stamp tool to set anchors and restore the image.
 You have effectively used the dodge/burn tools to alter dark or light areas correctly in the image.
 You have created a folder and saved your file as a jpeg, (clearly identified w/name) within your folder on your
assigned computer.
 All areas of the photo have been restored with equal attention. Major scratches and marks have been effectively
removed without visual evidence of Photoshop tools.
 You have included your name in your final file name, and emailed your final restored image to Mr. La Londe.

________ (TOTAL) 40 points

_______ Assignment #2: “Scan and Restore” (DUE:__________________ )

 You have successfully scanned a low-quality, damaged, original print and completely restored it in Photoshop.
 You have scanned your image at 150 dpi on the scanner.
 You have successfully restored the levels to get a wide range of black and white values back in the image.
 You have used the selection tool to select, and then crop off the unwanted white border of the image.
 You have effectively chosen the appropriate brush sizes, types, and opacities to restore scratches/unwanted marks.
 You have effectively used the clone stamp tool to set anchors and restore the image.
 You have effectively used the dodge/burn tools to alter dark or light areas correctly in the image.
 You have saved both the original file and the restored file (clearly identified w/name) as a jpeg within your folder on
your assigned computer.
 EXTRA You have created a online portfolio using Flickr. Your online portfolio has been labeled with your first
initial and last name, and you have joined Mr. La Londe’s Photo 1 group.
 EXTRA You have uploaded two-three scanned works at a resolution of 72 dpi each. You have uploaded your
images at a good viewing size, (at least 4x6”). You have titled and described each work.

________ (TOTAL) 40 points

_______ Assignment #3: “Selective Color” (DUE:__________________ )

 You have successfully scanned an original black and white image at 150 dpi on the scanner.
 You have converted the image from grayscale mode to RGB color mode.
 You have carefully selected a variety of sized shapes to color in your image by using the magic wand and lasso
 You have used the brush tools to add multiple hues and values of color to make these sections of your photo appear
 You have successfully restored the levels to get a wide range of black and white values back into the image.
 You have used the selection tool to select, and then crop off the unwanted white border of the image.
 You have effectively chosen the appropriate brush sizes, types, and opacities to restore scratches/unwanted marks.
 You have effectively used the clone stamp tool to set anchors and restore the image.
 You have effectively used the dodge/burn tools to alter dark or light areas correctly in the image.
 You have saved this new file as a jpeg (clearly identified) within your folder on your assigned computer.


________ (TOTAL) 40 points

_______ Assignment #4: “Digital Collage” (DUE:__________________ )
 You have successfully scanned at least five different black/white or color materials/images at 150 dpi into your
folder to use in your digital collage. You have saved these scanned materials in your folder.
 You have converted your original black and white photo from grayscale mode to RGB color mode.
 You have carefully selected a variety of sized shapes to copy and paste into your collage by using the magic wand
and lasso tools.
 You have used the blur and smudge tools to effectively soften the edges of these new collaged shapes in your
 You have used the brush tools to adjust hues and values of color to make these collaged sections of your photo
appear natural.
 You have flattened the layers of your final collage by merging all layers together, and then saving your final file as
a jpeg at 150 dpi.
 You have successfully restored the levels to get a wide range of values back in the image.
 You have used the selection tool to select, and then crop off the unwanted white border of the image.
 You have effectively chosen the appropriate brush sizes, types, and opacities to restore scratches/unwanted marks.
 You have effectively used the clone stamp tool to set anchors and restore the image.
 You have effectively used the dodge/burn tools to alter dark or light areas correctly in the image.
 You have saved this new file as a jpeg (clearly identified) within your folder on your assigned computer.


________ (TOTAL) 80 points

_______ Assignment #5: “Opposite Composite” (DUE:__________________ )

 You have successively combined two opposing images from the image bank into one cohesive image, an “opposite
 You have carefully selected the shapes and textures of your image by using the magic wand and lasso tools.
 You have used the blur and smudge tools to effectively soften the edges of the merged areas of your composite
 You have used the brush tools to adjust hues and values of color to make these merged sections of your photo
appear natural.
 You have flattened the layers of your final composite by merging all layers together, and then saving your final file
as a jpeg at 150 dpi.
 You have successfully restored the levels to get a wide range of values in the final image.
 You have used the selection tool to select, and then crop off any unwanted borders around the image.
 You have effectively chosen the appropriate brush sizes, types, and opacities to manipulate and combine the shapes
and textures of these images.
 You have effectively used the clone stamp tool to set anchors and manipulate the image.
 You have effectively used the dodge/burn tools to alter dark or light areas within the image.
 You have saved this new file as a jpeg (clearly identified) within your folder on your assigned computer.


________ (TOTAL) 80 points

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