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THE BATTLE FOR LIBERTY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA America is a battlefield. There is a battle taking place in the United Sates of America between tyrants who impose their will on a peaceful citizenry and liberators fighting for the fundamental essence of liberty. This is an epic battle between the forces of tyranny and defenders of liberty that begins with the simple definition of freedom. There was a time in America when you didnt need to define freedom. The vast majority of citizens in America understood freedom at the genetic level - it was in their blood. Many had immigrated from countries with oppressive regimes, they came to America to escape tyranny, to be left alone, to live or die according to the fruits of their labor. They were self-reliant, they could fend for themselves, they knew when to come together, without coercion, to raise a barn or fight a war, and most importantly they knew when to go home. Unfortunately, something changed in the last half of the 20th century. The definition of freedom for many Americans took on a whole new meaning. With the advent of an income tax in 1913, FDRs New Deal in the 30s, LBJs Great Society in the 60s and the evolution of the Nanny State through the 90s, some Americans began to believe that freedom meant free stuff paid for by somebody else. These Americans traded self-reliance for dependence upon the state, having been seduced by politicians and the media anxious to exploit their most basic vulnerabilities. As the Nanny State grew so did the bureaucracy to run it and the cash to fund it. As we begin 2013 America is bankrupt, owing far more than she can ever repay. Today America is run by a corrupt political class buttressed by a crooked legal system that penalizes the working and rewards the non-productive. America today is run by those who would demonize business and capitalism while praising collectivism and the European model of socialism. Today America is run by tinpot tyrants who believe they should decide how much of your hard earned wages you should be allowed keep, while distributing the rest to those who would vote to keep them in office.


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TYRANNY IS WINNING THE BATTLE Are you a tyrant? This is a very easy question to answer. If you believe that you are entitled to healthcare, pensions, unemployment, social security, housing, education, etc., that you cannot pay for yourself, then you are - at best - a charity case. Further, if you believe that the cash to pay for your entitlements should be extorted from others who work harder, and make more money than you, then you are - at best - a thief (assuming you have the balls to steal their money yourself instead of hoping a proxy will do it for you) Last, if you believe these more productive souls should be taxed by the State against their will to pay for your entitlements, and most importantly, you believe these souls should have their liberty and or their lives taken should they resist paying for your entitlements, then you are tyrant. At this point you join the ranks of Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, and Stalin all who used violence to compel others to do things against their will. So what is your definition of freedom? Is it free stuff paid for by other people? Or is it self-reliance and voluntarily engagement? Are you a tyrant or a liberator? As it stands today in the US, a significant majority of the citizens of this once great nation would be defined as tyrants. Liberty is losing folks. Its time to draw a line and fight for liberty.


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TEMPESTUOUS SEAS Today, we have exactly the kind of government our Constitution and Bill of Rights were designed to prevent. Our Founding Fathers went to great lengths to put in place a process that would limit government, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO DEFEND OURSELVES FROM TYRANNY. But instead, we have ended up with tyranny. The tyranny of a few, driving the masses to a frenzy, using class warfare rhetoric pitting socialism against capitalism. Frdric Bastiat called this system legalized plunder whereby everyone tries to enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else. You cannot reconcile socialism and capitalism any more than you can reconcile tyranny and liberty. There is no middle ground. We can debate when the first shot in the battle for liberty was fired. For each of us it may have been a different event that caused us to say we are at war with the forces of tyranny. For many of us, the publishing of the Homeland Security Assessment on Rightwing Extremism in 2009 qualifies as the first shot fired. This assessment basically says that if youre a white, Christian male, who owns guns, didnt vote for Obama, and views government with suspicion, then you are a homegrown terrorist. What this analysis did was to establish the legitimacy of identifying and attacking opponents of big government. In other words, Homeland Security gave the advocates of big government permission to not debate or discuss the merits of limited government and self-reliance, but to instead simply brand anybody holding those views with labels like racist, terrorist, etc. and to proceed with laws and other actions designed to limit or take away our liberty - primary example being attacks on the 2nd Amendment.


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THERE IS NO POLITICAL SOLUTION The American political process and legal system has been gradually infiltrated and taken over by forces of tyranny who inhabit every corner of the government creating the laws and regulations that further enslave us. As of early 2013, America stands on the precipice of admitting 11 million more immigrants onto the voting rolls, immigrants whos notion of freedom has been shaped by big government advocates, and who will forever tip the voting roles in favor of legalized plunder via tyranny of the State. We have a government that is out of control, unaccountable and not responsive to a fair or informed ballot. There is no political solution left for the forces of liberty in the United States of America.


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NON-AGGRESSION PRINCIPLE Perhaps the most important principle driving the fight for liberty is the non-aggression principle or NAP which declares a simple moral stance - aggression which is not used in the immediate defense of oneself or other innocents is inherently illegitimate, regardless of ones position or station in life. Aggression, for the purposes of NAP, is defined as the initiation of - or the credible threat of - violence against a person or legitimately owned property of another. Do not mistake NAP for non-violence or pacifism. Violence is justified under NAP when there is a reasonable fear of immediate or otherwise unavoidable danger of death or serious bodily injury to you or an innocent


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ENLIGHTENMENT. Can a man who believes in the nanny state become a self-reliant, freedom fighting AMERICAN fundamentalist? The answer is yes, and many Americans are unintentionally following a path to enlightenment which takes them from an ignorant, nanny state existence to a full-on freedom fighter. Their movement along this path is propelled by events they personally experience, events that lead to questioning, anger and activism, events that shape his appreciation for freedom from first hand experience. We describe this path through the eyes of men and the experiences that shape their notions and definition of freedom. We certainly do not claim to speak for men - these are our experiences and observations. There are 5 basic stages that men move through before becoming a freedom fighter. 1. Ignorance. The first stage is ignorance. Typically this stage begins for most men when they start trying to establish themselves and their family. Initially he is oblivious to politics, he doesnt make enough money to worry about taxes, and he really has no reason to interact with government. He may have tance because hes been indoctrinated to think its ok for other security, healthcare, unemployment, etc. Hes been programmed to

3. Participating. Joins a political party. With questions going unanswered and realizing that much of what he was taught in school was wrong, he begins participating in the political process. He votes for the first time, perhaps registering as a Republican because he thinks they best represent his concerns. As he gets older, makes more money, and expands his career/job responsibilities he has a few run-ins with the State. Perhaps he is unfairly accused and sued for sexual harassment. Or an IRS audit results in fines and penalties for violating some obscure tax law or filing requirement. He begins to feel the pinch of the State dictating his life, and he doesnt like it. He is counting on Social Security and his pension being there and thinks by participating in the political process hell be able to protect his future. 4. Demonstrating. Becomes a conservative Republican. After voting in a few elections he quickly sees that he is outnumbered. That there are more people hooked on the state than there are willing to fend for themselves. He sees class warfare developing between those who would be supported by the state and those who pay the taxes necessary to support them. He becomes a Conservative and starts looking at the budget, and realizes that America may be bankrupt. For the first time he begins questioning whether his Social Security will be there and the safety of his other nest eggs. He begins actively joining groups, attending meetings, and what he hears and what he see makes him angry. He realizes that hes screwed and that BOTH parties have sold him a false bill of goods. 5. Agitating. Looks beyond the political process. At this stage his polite demonstrations and conversations now turn to agitation. He realizes the two-party system is a failure and his Social Security and pension will not be there for him when he retires. For the first time he realizes that he does not want other people paying for him nor will he pay for other people. Neither party had/has the fortitude to disassemble the polices and process that have bankrupted America. He gravitates to Ron Paul and begins to understand that liberty and freedom bear no resemblance to the America he grew up in. He now identifies as a Libertarian crossing that threshold from being dependent upon the State to realizing the he needs to be self-reliant. BUT, he now also realizes that there is no political solution to the problems facing America and that only his direct action can have an impact on returning liberty to America. 6. Action. Takes action. He now understands that all people should be free to pursue those relationships and opportunities that they deem acceptable, without coercion or the threat of violence from the State. He also understands that State workers will fight to keep their jobs, and government dependents will fight to keep their entitlements. Their anger and violence will target business, business owners, business employees and productive individuals who will have to fight government workers and dependents in order to keep their businesses and livelihoods. The Democrats have been fanning the flames of this war using class warfare rhetoric for many years with the Obama Administration openly declaring war on capitalism. He now realizes that he is a FUNDAMENTALIST and he will have to fight for his liberty.

as long as he keeps his nose clean, no problem accepting public assispeople to pay for his education, think the State is good.

2. Awakening. Becoming aware. As young men start to turn to middle age they begin to experience enough of life in the US where they begin to question things. Why did the person with different physical characteristics get the job that I was more qualified for? Why is it, that the harder I work, the more I pay in taxes? Why do my kids not qualify for any of the scholarships or awards given to other kids who arent as smart? Why does my brother-in-law collect unemployment for 24 months even though hes capable of working? Questions like these awaken him to the fact that he is not being fairly treated, and he begins to question the State.

BECOME AN AMERICAN FUNDAMENTALIST. If the political process is no longer viable then what do we do next? There are 5 activities that you can engage in to help win the battle for liberty. These activities or actions are arranged in order of risk to your life and livelihood. You move from one action to the next depending upon triggers or flash points in your life. How you fight your battle is up to you. We are not advocating that you do anything illegal or that you take up arms against the State. At least not yet. We at Pulse O2DA are at level 2 in our actions. When we think the time has come for a fullon counter-offensive well let you know. 1. Speak the truth. If you believe in liberty then you need to speak up for liberty. If youre tired of corrupt politicians, media outlets, Hollywood influencers and the academic elite hijacking liberty then you need to speak the truth. You know that little voice inside of you that has long said what you really believe? Now is the time to let it speak for you. Generally anything politically correct is wrong. Speak the truth to those people, colleagues, associates and family members who have monopolized the conversation for so many years with political correctness. Let them know how you really feel. It is important that you speak the truth to the people you know, for two reasons; first, the PC police will see they have competition, and second, others silenced by the PC police will be emboldened by your actions. 2. Resist legally. What happens when the State is overrun by Socialists? You resist. Legally. This is not resisting by filing lawsuits. These are legal activities you can engage in to disrupt the progress of tyranny. They include activities like doing the bare minimum to comply with any State mandated activity and LEGALLY delaying payment of fees and taxes whenever possible. Do not support via contributions, patronage, or your time, any charity, business, or community effort that is sympathetic to the State. Most importantly, many State charters have nullification and secession clauses built

in. Understand what they are and either begin efforts to nullify or secede, or help to move forward efforts started by others. 3. Civil disobedience. The Socialists decide to take your property and distribute it to others. Now what? This is when honest Americans cross the line and intentionally violate civil law. These are passive actions (you do not fight or harm any State official who may arrest you, or confiscate your property). For example, do not register your guns. Carry your weapon concealed regardless of permit or local law. Refuse to pay local fees and taxes. Stop paying Federal taxes. Stop withholding payroll taxes from your employees checks. Do not comply with court orders relative to administrative actions like building permits or zoning regulations. Refuse to follow affirmative action, EEOC or other Federally mandated entitlement programs. 4. Direct action. Civil disobedience on the part of producers (capitalists) will result in civil unrest on the part of dependents (socialists) and direct action on the part of the State. At this stage freedom fighters will be targeted by the state for internment or elimination and must take direct offensive actions to defend their life and liberty. These direct actions are designed to disrupt and dislodge those activities of the State capable of inflicting tyranny. These actions target State apparatus - not civilians. This is the time for all freedom fighters within the State to disobey orders; do not carry out seizures, do not perform the levies, do not prosecute the cases, do not arrest those engaging in civil disobedience. Civil disobedience could very well ignite civil war. 5. Revolutionary war. If direct action against the State is not enough, then you proceed to revolutionary war. This is not a civil war fought over political, racial, gender or other issues of conflict as was fought over in the American Civil War. This is a revolutionary war overthrowing a tyrannical government and replacing it with Liberty. The battle for liberty needs voices for freedom who speak the truth, resisters who disrupt and disobey the forces tyranny, and freedom fighters for direct action and war. There are roles to be filled by private citizens, business owners and their employees, and employees of the State.


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FLASHPOINTS AND TRIGGERS. How do you know when to progress from one activity to the next? How do you know when to escalate your own actions? What are the flash points you should be looking for? 1. Political corruption - State officials openly lying, media distortion advocating collectivist policies, corrupt politicians pandering to State dependents, class warfare rhetoric extolling redistribution, voter fraud via 11 million illegal immigrant mainlined onto the Democratic roles are just a few examples of political corruption flash points that trigger Speaking the Truth actions. 2. Expanding tyranny - Homeland Security declaring American citizens who are against big government tyranny potential homegrown terrorists, and high officials authorizing drone strikes against honest and non-violent citizens, Democrats openly advocating redistribution of wealth policies, Liberals passing legislation to limit civilian access to military pattern weapons, FDA, EPA, Department of Labor unleashing a barrage of new laws and regulations designed to further control business, Congress continuing to raise taxes while not cutting spending to fund collectivists, are all examples of the State expanding tyranny to fight the forces of Liberty. These are examples of what might trigger Legal Resistance actions. 3. Civil unrest - We are on the verge of massive civil unrest triggered by the the Obama Administrations class warfare rhetoric and the government running out of money to pay entitlements to its dependents. When this happens State dependents and State workers will begin attacking those they feel should be paying for their entitlements - businesses, business owners, and productive citizens. This civil unrest will take the form of rioting and other forms of mayhem which then trigger Civil Disobedience actions. 4. Weapons confiscation - A tyrannical state can only exist when its citizens are docile and disarmed. At some point, using the excuse of civil unrest the State will move to confiscate all weapons in the hands of private citizens. Weapons confiscation triggers Direct Actions. 5. Internment/elimination - As resistance increases the State will begin interning and killing those who will not obey. At this point we have a Revolutionary War.


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END GAME What Liberty looks like. This is our idea of liberty. Yours may well be different. Starting with what the State looks like today as a baseline, we would eliminate the budget, eliminate the rules, sell the assets not directly related to basic infrastructure or a strong defense. Effectively reduce the Federal, State and Local government footprint by no less than 90%. Pay for what remains via a tariff tax, sale of federal lands (as was done prior to 1913) or voluntary contributions. And if we somehow had the political will re-established we would do it over 10 years in 9% increments. It may be possible to do this via legal resistance and civil disobedience alone without ever having to offensively engage with the State, but probably unlikely. Re-establishing Liberty in America then looks like: 1. Eliminating 90% of government budget - local, state, federal. Maintain basic infrastructure and a strong defense. 2. Selling or privatizing all government property/services/assets not directly supporting infrastructure and defense. Return the proceeds to the citizens. 3. Eliminating 90% of the rules - laws, regulations, mandates, orders, etc. Keep only those relative to property rights, infrastructure and defense. THERE IS NOTHING THE GOVERNMENT CAN DO THAT CANT BE DONE MORE EFFECTIVELY BY THE PRIVATE SECTOR.


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SIGN THE BATTLE PLEDGE I pledge allegiance to individual liberty and to all men becoming self-reliant and the sole arbiters of the value of their property. I pledge that all men are free to voluntarily pursue those relationships and opportunities that they deem acceptable without coercion or threat of violence. Further, I pledge that I will never force my values or way of life upon another man, and should anyone attempt to force their values or way of life upon me or any other innocent, that I shall resist such effort with the full force of my resources and capabilities, including my life.


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Pulse O2DA Firearms Training, Inc., created this. We provide firearms training to private citizens and businesses. We created this because we believe that all businesses need to declare what side of freedom they are on. Do you support the forces of tyranny? Or do you fight for freedom? For those of you cowering in the shadows afraid of upsetting customers, shareholders, industry watchers or others, remember the forces of tyranny want you to cower so they can tax and regulate you into submission. Youre either for or against liberty. We at Pulse O2Da pledge to arm and train freedom fighters to resist the forces of tyranny. What do you pledge?


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