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ASWCC Newsletter Great Beginnings!

See us in the office! Email! Call! (530) 661 5785 Visit! Room 719 MON 1 - 5:30 TUES 10:30 - 3 WEDS 1 - 5:30 THURS 10:30 - 3

Our First Edition!

February 15, 2013 by Mitch Harris, ASWCC President mation that is important to us and our education. This is a student-run newsletter, and as such, we have a vested interest in the functions and affairs of our school. We want to connect students, faculty, staff, and all interested in WCC through this publication, and we hope you will continue being the awesome students you are and giving us a reason to!
We believe that a newsletter will help keep everyone up to date of the awesome activities and events happening every month! In this newsletter, you will find reviews, interviews with students, clubs, and faculty, and things to help pass time like Sudoku and crossword puzzles! Also special to this newsletter is student-generated content such as creative writing pieces, poetry, art, and opinion articles. If there is anything you think is needed to help keep this newsletter successful, or something you would love to see added, please contact your ASWCC Representatives, visi the newsletter blog, or email the editor for information on how you can help!
email the editor at

Ink magazine,, Eagles Nest, Sudoku puzzle

Sarahs Health & 3 Beauty, Your ASWCC! The Ridiculous Interview, ENGL31 Poem Growing Something Fantastic!, Imaginating 101 Current Clubs, Club FAQ, Sports Club Idea Screechin Eags Crossword, Heads Up by J Alexander Z Calendar and Thank you!

Welcome to the first edition of the first newsletter brought to you by ASWCC for Woodland Community College! We have been hard at work to bring you the information contained within, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed putting it all together. Our goal for this newsletter is not only to inform you of campus going-ons, but to provide relevant, interesting, and new information regarding your education here at Woodland Community College. Want to know what events are on campus? This is the place! Want to know what other students are talking about? Hear it here!

We are inviting you and other community 4 members to share infor-

The Low Down on the AHSS Club

February 13, 2013 by Cristal Reyes
agine what we could do! Upon expressing his feelings to a teacher, Eric was encouraged to look into the once-active human services club, and think about revitalizing it. And wouldnt you know it, thats exactly what he did! Since August of 2012, Eric, along with his fantastically dedicated group of members, have been breathing life into the WCC campus. The club has maintained three goals since formed: 1. Grow the program - create an awareness of careers in the human services field and the support services for students on campus. On a sunny Monday in early February, I sat down with the handsome and enthusiastic president of the Woodland Community College Association of Human Services Students (conveniently abbreviated to AHSS), Eric Rodriguez, to get the low down the swiftly growing AHSS club. Last Fall, Eric looked around at Woodland Community College and observed a marked lack of community amongst fellow Human Services students. He thought, if only there was a way to provide support, encouragement, community, and confidence to fellow students, just im-

AHSS cont. on pg. 2


AHSS cont from pg. 1

2. Give back to students raise money for scholarships and host activities. 3. Give back to the community arrange events for the community to educate, entertain, and inspire. AHSS also has their fingers in several community organizations via AHSS members who volunteer! So far, AHSS has been successful in providing a strong base in which to foster a community amongst students. The club has grown from four to fifteen students since last fall, it has already raised over $300 for scholarships through various fundraisers, and members are enthusiastically involved in different community projects. For example, a different member helps at the Kids Farmers Market every week, and more cook for the 4 th and Hope center. AHSS is determined to keep moving forward with more

Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

fundraisers, community events, and support to fellow students. If you just happen to be a student interested in the human services field and would like to know more, I encourage you to check out the Association of Human Services Students club at WCC! You can join anytime, and you can follow your passions surrounded by hardworking, motivated, and friendly individuals! Check out AHSS on Facebook at WCC Association of Human Services Students for more info. Id like to thank Eric for his time, and give a BIG round of awesome high fives to everyone in the AHSS club. Keep the good work going, guys!
AHSS meets every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 12-1 in rm. 852 email the editor at

Ink, A Literary Arts Magazine, is proud to announce that we are now accepting submissions for the 2012/2013 publication. You may submit up to: 3 short stories/flash fiction, 5 poems, 1 play, and/or 2 personal narrative essays for consideration. There is no limit on art/ photography submissions. The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 12, 2013 at 5 p.m. Please visit for complete rules and more information. You may also enter our Coveted Cover Contest! This years cover art theme is Whimsical Wonderland. Ink is also accepting donations to help with publication. Those who donate $50 or more will receive a free copy of the magazine as well as an invitation to our annual Spring Community Reading. We thank you for your support and look forward to reading your submissions.
Answers for this Sudoku puzzle will be shown in the April newsletter

Announcing the Eagles Nest!

February 15, 2013 by Mitch Harris We are excited to announce the Eagles Nest! We are working with President Angela Fairchilds to help repurpose the old student lounge into a new Student Government Activity Room. Our hope is to create a space for students to come and hang out! We would like to see the addition of a TV, some couches, and other commodities for those times when you just want to sit back and relax but stay at school. We will also have some sports equipment on hand to loan out to anyone interested in kicking around a soccer ball or throwing a Frisbee with other friends. This room will be available to student clubs to use for official meeting spaces, Open Mics, ASWCC hosted Student Forums and lunch space. There are a few hurdles to get over before we can make this room usable, however. We are working with local businesses and the school administration to help put a new handicap accessible ramp, which is required by Americans with Disabilities Act. While this room may not usable till next semester, we are working very hard to make it available to students as soon as possible. email the editor at


Sarahs Health & Beauty

The lovely Sarah Steele is delighted to share her health and beauty advice with you! Look out for her column every month, and send your questions to her at
Whenever I see those ads on the television for beauty creams I always laugh. Women actually pay that much money for something that doesnt even work long term? I think maybe a lot of women just dont know any better. What if I told you about a product that is inexpensive, 100% natural, you can find it literally everywhere, and helps improve the overall appearance of your skin? Can you guess what it is? Its actually 100% green tea. I, like many women, am afraid of the tell-tale signs of aging. Its true that I still have a few years left before I really have to wor-

Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

ry, but why wait? A few years ago I started searching for something that was all natural, that I didnt have to apply to my face, and that I could use for everything. After about a minute on Google I found it. I already knew that green tea was full of antioxidants but what I didnt know is what the antioxidants actually did. I quickly learned that drinking 3-5 glasses of green tea a day could help me with what seemed like an endless list of things! Some of my favorite were regulating blood sugar levels, help prevent cancer, increase metabolism, and helping reduce/prevent wrinkles. Green tea can also help prevent tooth decay, prevent acne, is a zero calorie drink, and is just a great way to help you relax. Green tea is definitely one of my favorite everyday treats. Its one of those little health changes that isnt insanely dramatic but can help you out with your fitness and health goals more than you actually think. I would recommend you drink it every single day - youll definitely thank yourself for it. Do you have a health or beauty question /comment for Sarah? Email her at and title your email ,Health Column Response.

February 20, 2013 by Cristal Reyes

The picture below is your student government body, the Associated Students of Woodland Community College, also known as ASWCC. Arent we just a handsome bunch? Weve been working hard this semester to bring you some great events and get to know you all better. You may have heard about the Open Mics that are put on monthly - thats us! Maybe youve been treated to free pizza at a Student Forum and learned about whats been happening at the school - thats us too! As your student government, we happily volunteer our time for you, the students of Woodland Community College, to improve our school and most importantly, your education. Already, weve found a hangout place for WCC students (check out The Eagles Nest on pg. 2), weve put students on the important committees that make decisions for our schools, and now we have a newsletter! We want to do so much more, but we need you! We need your ideas, energy, and an hour of your time a week! ASWCC is a great way to lgain leadership skills, learn better communication, share your talents, or find a few you didnt know you had, and have fun! Please, drop in on any of our weekly meeting held in rm. 719 on Tuesday, 12-1. Elections for the 2013-2014 year are approaching! Check out,. Look out for election information in our April newsletter. Robert Fernandez Senator of Student Body at Large David Perez Faculty Advisor John Murrieta Senator of Math & Science Ken this guy

Join the newsletter!

Get experience, show off your skills, look great on resumes and applications. Were fledging newsletter creators, ad we need help to make this newsletter the best it can be. Please, join us as we figure this thing out! We need: co-editor, columnists, article writers, interviewers, artists, opinionists, and more! email the editor at
Art Acosta VP & VP of Finances

Mitch Harris President

Cristal Reyes VP of Student Affairs

Absent: Douglas Day Senator of Social Science

Absent: Thomas Johnston Student Trustee

Jocelyn Hernandez VP of Communications


Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

The Ridiculous Interview

Every month, well interview somebody and itll be ridiculous. If you know someone who would willingly be subjected to a Ridiculous Interview, please email the editor at

Interview with Cristal Reyes

February 14, 2013 by Jacob Zentner
In an effort to better understand the lead editor of our new newsletter, I decided to spend some quality time with her on this lovely Valentines Day and find out whats making her tick. CR: Happy Valentine's Day! I've been handing out the high fives like a mad man you know, in the name of love. JZ: You're a pro. Let's get started. CR: I am ready JZ: How long have you attended WCC? CR: Since fall of 2012 JZ: How many units are you taking? CR: I am taking thirteen or fourteen. The numbers get lost on me after a while. JZ: Favorite punctuation mark? CR: Oh, definitely the squiggly because it looks so unsure of itself. ~ ~ ~ JZ: So, who do you prefer more, Professor Dumbledore or Gandalf the Grey? CR: Dumbledore was definitely my favorite literary-wise. He cared, even if he did withhold a ridiculous amount of valuable inJZ: Can you tell me the difference between affect and effect? formation that continually put poor Harry in trouble. But, movieCR: When you try to say effect, it sounds nothing like the Aflac duck. AFwise, Gandalf. "A wizard is never late, he arrives precisely when he FECT! AFLAC! Heh heh. means to." I've tried to use that one a few times. Hasn't worked for JZ: When you get up in the morning, which leg do you put in your pants me so far, but one day it will! first? JZ: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear CR: I try to avoid pants-y activities that early in the day. the word "buoyant?" JZ: If your attitude were a color on the spectrum, what would it be? CR: Something that should not be repeated in this newsletter. CR: Is sparkle combined with a hint of creepiness a color? JZ: Moving on. Right handed or left? JZ: Would you rather bush your teeth with spicy salami or use sour cream in CR: Right handed. Sometimes I wish I were left handed. I have a lieu of deodorant? suspicion left-handers can time travel. CR: Tough...tough...salami. The taste that lasts all day. JZ: If you had to spend an entire day using only your left hand, JZ: If a man approached you with a cat and proceeded to rub it in your face, what task would you find most difficult? what would you do? CR: Probably brushing my teeth. It'd go up my nose, in my eyes, CR: Fall in love. and probably in someone else's mouthew. JZ: How many third-graders would it take to bring you down? ~ ENGL31 Group Poem ~ by students in ENGL31 February 14, 2013 Mr. Ferns Creative Writing class just started their poetry unit, and as an easy intro into the world of poetry, Mr. Ferns had each member start a poem with just a single line. Then, we passed each poem around until every person had written one line onto the poem. We all had a ton of fun with this exercise. Every poem became unique and evolved with each person; some changed quite dramatically. It just goes to show how people can work together to make something beautiful! I am the night - a blanket as the North sleeps. I am the dark the - fuel as their dreams creep. I am the warmth - from ailing a throats scream I am the cold theres mist when I breathe I am not your little girl. I am strong, fearless. I am the mountain, a fortress. I am a creek deep with regret. I am a rock, unable to break. I am art, my fate painted for me. I am a leader guiding others. I am confident for all to see. I am the truth, a cruel, hard knife. CR: Based on experience...about four and a half. Don't ask about the half one. JZ: If you had to choose between swimming naked across a river in January and walking barefoot across a highway in July, which would it be? CR: I'll always go with the naked option. JZ: If you could be one of Baskin Robin's 31 flavors, which would it be? CR: The one everyone wants. JZ: Okay, there's one last question that's been on everybody's mind. Boxers or briefs? CR: Ha ha ha. I like a man who wears it like he owns it. Yes, tactfully avoided. JZ: Indeed. I guess that concludes our interview, Cristal. Thank you for your time. This will definitely help the students of WCC to get to know you better. CR: I don't think they'll want to after this. JZ: Agreed. In fact, I just remembered that I have somewhere I need to be. See ya!


You may have missed your chance to enroll in Creative Writing this spring, but you dont have to wait until its offered again to get started in creative writing . Lucky for you, a creative writing club was just approved and theyre currently looking for members! Check out IMAGINATING 101 on pg. 5 for more info!


Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

Growing Something Fantastic!

February 13, 2013 by B. Asmus, WCC Agriculture Department
Agriculture students at Woodland Community College have been very active during the 2012-2013 academic year. Students earn 1 unit of credit in the AG 19R course for their active participation in college, community, and outreach activities. During the Fall, WCC hosted over 300 high school students from Yolo County, in their opening and closing contest, as well as an educational field day. The educational field day consisted of 7 different agriculture-related activities, spanning from livestock evaluation, veg crop judging, AG mechanic judging, and floral judging. The WCC Agriculture students successfully planned and coordinated the days activities, and handled the day with ease. The fall also consisted of hosting and preparing a meal for the Yolo Wayfarer Center. This year, WCC Agriculture Department partnered with the UC Davis Humphrey Fellows and wrote an internal grant at UC Davis. This UCD grant provided a huge opportunity for this event, as we hosted a BBQ of tri-tip and chicken for the homeless shelter. What an opportunity for students of WCC to give back to the community! Finally, the fall also included an opportunity for a state-wide leadership conference hosted at Wonder Valley Camp, in Sanger, CA. WCC students had the chance to interact with other agriculture students from 9 community colleges across the state of California. A new class of AG 19R began in January, which brought a combination of old and new student participants. Planning the spring activities has been a focus of the first few class meetings one goal of this semester is to increase student participation on campuswide committees through participation with ASWCC. WCC Agriculture students travelled to Colusa Farm Show Feb 5-7, viewing the companies in agriculture, and representing WCC in the school booth. Students did an excellent job answering questions from the public and recruiting possible new students! As I write this article, we are travelling home from the World Agriculture Expo, in Tulare, CA. WCC students viewed the expo on Tuesday, Feb 12, and participated in a seminar on Hay and Forage Quality the importance of quality testing. Students were encouraged to attend, as agriculture and agriculturerelated companies travel from all over the world. This provides students with the reality of how big the agriculture industry really is, and, gives students motivation to continue to study in this field. Looking ahead, a state-wide collegiate speech competition with be attended by WCC students at Butte College. While agriculture is the focus, a more broad approach to learning skills such as portfolio development, job interview skills, and marketing presentations gives students from all backgrounds, practice at what they will be faced with following their career in education. We want students from WCC to be prepared for entering the job market this speech competition collectively drives students to be successful. And finally, spring also marks an annual fundraising event for the WCC Agriculture Department. Planning is still underway, and a date will be finalized before April. More details to come!!! email your questions or comments to Asmus or visit her office (#404) during her office hours

We want to hear what you have to say too!

HEY! YOU! WE WANT YOUR ARTWORK! - sketches - photos - reviews of art - anything artsy

See guidelines, contribution information, deadlines, contact info, and more at the newsletter blog.


NOTE: any material you wish to see in the next newsletter MUST be in by March 15 to the editor at

Ladies and Gentlemen, please join us in heralding a new literary and creative era here at Woodland Community College. Imaginating 101 has been officially approved as a club for creative individuals who seek creative endeavors. Honor us with your presence at our first official meeting on Thursday, February 28 at noon in room 843. Bring your lunch, your imagination, and a friend or two or twenty! Please, come check out what we do and help us make this club the most awesome club that ever was clubbed. We will WRITE, we will CREATE, and we will IMAGINATE. We look forward to meeting you! Check out Imaginating 101 on Facebook at Imaginating 101 to find out more. You can also write the editor at with questions & comments.


Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

Current Clubs at WCC

February 16, 2013 by Art Acosta
Accounting and Business Club Networking is the key to finding a good job, internships, clubs, committees and anything else you can imagine. We try to provide the best opportunity we can to make this to happen. Field trips to meet professionals in the real world, and future accountants in your school. 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays at 12-1 in rm. 817 Association of Human Services Students Connect with fellow Human Services students and have fun! See The Low Down on AHSS on pg. 1 for more information. Check out AHSS on Facebook at WCC Association of Human Services Students. 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 12-1 in rm. 852 Chi Alpha Club A place to learn more about Christ and share His Love! All are welcome; this is a place to discuss ones faith and other related topics openly. Come on by and find the Joy youve been looking for! Thursdays at 12-1 in rm. 808 Gamers United Club Come showcase your skills, and enter the world of gaming! Look us up on Facebook at WCC Gamers United Club, and for more information contact Angel at Imaginating 101 Woodland Community Colleges premier writing and creative imagineers club! Develop your inner writer, artist, inventor, creator, and whatever else may be within you. Find an outlet with us, and create! See Imaginating 101 on pg. 5 for more info. Also see Imaginating 101 on Facebook. Thursdays at 12-1 in rm. 843

Interested in sports? Then help this student get the Sports Club started! Have fun, play hard, and enjoy life. Contact Ken: (530) 554 3016


You need a club in your life as much as you need this cuddly kitty to cuddle -wuddle with forever. Which is a lot.
Image pulled from Credit for shared image to user fawwkes


Febrary 16, 2013 by Cristal Reyes
What do clubs do? Clubs provide an environment for people with special, common interests to further explore, develop, and share their passions. Any official club on campus has the power to do pretty much anything, so long as it does not violate the schools rules or codes of conduct (and passes the faculty advisors approval). Clubs also get the benefits of using WCC facilities free of charge, permission to post flyers and posters around campus, an account for finances through YCCD, and a webpage, or link to an existing website, on the WCC website. Lastly, you get the support from your student government, ASWCC, who are just some super people to have at your back. Why join a club? Why NOT join a club? There are so many benefits! Not only do you meet people who share your same interests (new friends- woot!), but you get to spend more time doing something you love while giving back to your peers and school. It gets better: by being a part of club that you are having a ton of fun in, youre making yourself look good on your resume. Employers and universities are impressed by people who are involved in college clubs as it shows you are mature, motivated, and reliable. Alrighty, youve convinced me. How do I join a club? Simply go to to find out what clubs there are, or look at the Current Clubs at WCC above to find each clubs contact info. Contact the club, go to a meeting, and youre in! Easy!

I dont see a club I like. How do I go about starting one? Glad you asked. First, check out the list of inactive clubs to see if the club you have in mind existed before. The paperwork may already be done and thats one hill conquered! If it hasnt been established already, heres how you get your fancy club started: 1. Find three more students who want to help start your club. You need a President, a Vice-president, a Secretary, and Treasurer. 2. Talk to a faculty member to be your advisor. They will help guide you and give you a voice in administration. 3. Fill out the paperwork! Print out the Charter Packet from the ASWCC website . Please note, you DO NOT have to have money to start a club. 4. Submit your completed Charter Packet to the Presidents Office. It usually takes about two weeks for the paperwork to be approved/denied. This is the perfect time to attend an ASWCC meeting to present your intentions to your student government and get their support. ASWCC meets regularly on Tuesdays, 12-1, in rm. 719. 5. Make a game plan. While waiting for approval, talk to your officers about how meetings should go. What do you want to do? What are the guidelines for members? How will you publicize the club? Remember, you have the power to do anything, and whatever that happens to be, its probably better executed with a plan in mind. 6. Approved! Once your charter is approved, you can start holding regular meetings, putting on events, doing projects, and so much more. Talk to your advisor about what rooms can be used for meetings. As soon as you can, write to the editor of the ASWCC newsletter to get an ad in place to advertise your club. And thats it! Easy, right? Now get out there and join or start a club. Its gonna be awesome! write the editor at


Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

~Heads Up~ by J Alexander Z January 2013 Now the sky is Dropped from Heaven's It plummets upon So run while falling, depths upon Man existence, you can

Now the sky is falling, Grinding summits as if they were gravel Like the footstep of God, It converts everything to powder Now the sky is falling, Breaking forests beneath its weight The cobalt haze above our world, Becomes our ever grimmer fate Now the sky is falling, Pressing the seas down into ice With an ever tighter grip, It holds the globe like a vice Now the sky is falling, So lift your head and raise your fist, As the very air you breathe Is turned into a mist

Answers for this crossword puzzle will be shown in the April newsletter

Visit the newsletter at:


Do you have feedback for our newsletter? What did you think of the content? What would you like to see in the future? Possibly more cuddlywuddly kittens? Was the layout as awesome as you dreamed it would be? We want to know hat you think. This newsletter is for you! Thank you! The Editor


Visit your student government, ASWCC, at:


And like ASWCC on Facebook! Search:



Spring 2013 ~ March Volume 1

Roberts happening.

Thu Feb 28 12:00pm 1:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm Fri Mar 1 9:00am 1:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm Building Thu Mar 7 9:00am 1:00pm Fri Mar 8 9:00am 1:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm 1:00pm 3:00pm Mon Mar 11 12:00pm 1:00pm Thu Mar 14 9:00am 1:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm Fri Mar 15 9:00am 1:00pm 9:00am 3:30pm 12:00pm 1:00pm Mon Mar 18-22 9:00am 1:00pm Fri Mar 22 9:00am 1:00pm Thu Mar 28 9:00am 1:00pm 12:00pm 1:00pm

STUDENT FORUM - 800 BLDG Imaginating 101 first official meeting - WCC Campus, Rm. 843 Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 How to use Word, Excel, and Outlook - WCC Campus, 800 Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 How to Create an eMail Account and Safely Search the Web WCC Campus, 800 Building Academic Senate Meeting WCC Campus, Building 100 Conference Room, or Room 852 Exploring the Transfer Process - WCC Campus, Room 727 Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 OPEN MIC 800 BLDG Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 Discover UC Davis 2013 - UC Davis Campus How to Build a Resume and Cover Letter - 800 Building Kickball Tournament! Teams/individual sign up at ASWCC Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 Free health services to students - WCC Campus, Rm 770 STUDENT FORUM - 800 BLDG

Newsletter Deadlines
Drafts of articles/submissions for review Friday, March 15 All submissions, announcements, images, etc. due Friday, March 22 For special arrangements, email the editor at Check out the blog for for contribution guidelines THANKYOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THIS NEWSLETTER AWESOME! Art Acosta Brandi Asmus Cristal Reyes David Perez Dr. Angela Fairchilds Mitch Harris Jacob Zentner Jesse Foster Jocelyn Hernandez Robert Fernandez Sarah Steele The folks at the Print Shop!


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