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Teknik Las
Dr. Ario Sunar Baskoro, ST, MT, MEng.


Instructor and references

Instructor : Dr. Ario Sunar Baskoro, ST, MT, MEng. Office : Manufacturing Laboratory, Dept. of Mechanical Eng. UI Phone : 7270032 ext. 222 E-mail : References : 3 Harsono W., T. Okumura, Teknologi Pengelasan Logam, PT Pradnya Paramita Jakarta Cetakan ke-10, 2008. 3 American Welding Society, AWS D1.1/D1.1M:2004, Structural Welding Code Steel, 19th edition, 2004.


Course Evaluation
Course evaluation : Assignment, homework, quiz Project Mid Test Final Test 25% 30% 20% 25%


The purpose of this course

Provide the knowledge, understanding of the theories, principles, design and assessment of the welding quality and applications.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Pendahuluan Istilah dan definisi, jenis-jenis proses pengelasan, standard Oxy-gas welding Shield Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) Resistance welding, Friction Stir Welding Other welding process: laser, electron beam, plasma Cutting and other edge preparation processes, surfacing and spraying 11. Brazing and soldering 12. Joining processes for plastics, ceramics and composites


13. Testing materials and the weld joint, Non Destructive Examination (NDE), DT (Destructive Test) 14. Heat treatment of base materials and welded joints 15. Basic of welding design, Residual stresses and distortion 16. Welding Symbol 17. Behavior of welded structures under different types of loading, Design of welded structures under static and dynamic loading, welding defects 18. Design of welded pressure equipment 19. Welding Performance Qualification Record (WPQR) 20. Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 21. Welding automation 22. Presentasi Tugas


1. Introduction



Nikolay Benardos

In 18811882, a Russian inventor Nikolai Bernardos created the electric arc welding method for steel known as carbon arc welding, using carbon electrodes.


History (contd.)
Butt welds and sleeve welds were used in the fabrication of Philadelphia Electric Co.'s 2200ft-long steam line in 1922. Electric welding (shown left) was used on a 33 sleeve welds for the flange joints, while the 92 butt joints were made using oxy-acetylene welding. The entire line consisted of 12-in.-diameter steam line and a 3-in.-diameter water return line. The chemistry of the pipe included 0.0 percent 7 carbon, 0.30 percent manganese, 0.045 percent sulfur, and 0.100 percent phosphorus. The electrodes contained 0.011 percent carbon, 0.032 percent sulfur, and 0.025 percent oxygen. The sign speaks for itself in this gathering of welding people in 1924. This assemblage was about to board two buses for tours of three facilities in Cleveland. The first was the local utility where they witnessed the oxyacetylene welding of a 16-in.-diameter high-pressure steam line. The next stop was a tour of the Collingswood Shops of the New York Central Railroad. Third on the list was a visit to The Lincoln Electric Co. The editor of the November 1924 journal noted: "This plant is taking its own 'medicine' in that it is using welding wherever possible in the construction of its motors and generators."


History (contd.)
At the annual convention of the American Institute of Steel Construction in 1930, an automatic welding machine was demonstrated which had been designed originally for "battledeck" steel construction. At the time, it was inferred that such equipment could also be used effectively in the fabrication of floors in building construction.

Regarded as a "first" at the time, three 10,000-ton cargo ships were launched simultaneously at Todd Shipbuilding Corp., South Portland, ME, in 1942. W.H. Hobart, vice president of Hobart Brothers Co., attributed the feat to three things. First, the steels did not have to be overlapped as they are when riveting is used, thus saving a great deal of steel. Second, he said, new welders could be trained much faster than new riveters. And third, welding lends itself more readily to production line assembly.


Proses Penyambungan (Joining Processes)

Gambar :


Alasan menggunakan Proses Penyambungan

1. Produk tidak mungkin di manufaktur dalam satu benda. 2. Produk lebih mudah dan ekonomis di manufaktur dan di kirim (transport) sebagian komponen-komponen yg kemudian di rakit (assembly). 3. Memungkinkan untuk mengambil komponen untuk perbaikan atau pemeliharaan thd bagian yg rusak. 4. Sifat material yg berbeda mungkin lebih diinginkan untuk tujuan fungsional dari produk.


Joining Process & Equipment

Welding Adhesive Bonding Mechanical Fastening


Brazing & Soldering

Solid State








Oxyfuel Gas











Laser beam


Electron beam


Mesin Las
Mesin las listrik yang biasa kita temui di dalam dunia industri di antaranya Carbon Gas Arc Welding (GAW) Shielded Metal - Arc Welding (SMAW) Flux Core Arc Welding ( FCAW) Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) Gas Tungsten Arc welding (GTAW) Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) Plasma Arc Welding (PAW) Stud Welding (SW) Friction Welding


Cara Pemotongan

Pemotongan Gas

Pemotongan Busur Listrik

Pemotongan Gas Oksigen

Pemotongan Busur Karbon

Pemotongan Serbuk

Pemotongan Busur Logam

Pemotongan Sembur Api

Pemotongan Busur Plasma

Pemotongan Busur Udara


Contoh Penyambungan dengan Welding

Gambar :


Tiga Proses Penyambungan : Shielded Metal, Gas Metal, dan Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
Kesamaan dari tiga proses :

1. Setiap proses menggunakan arus DC untuk menghasilkan arc antara electroda dan benda kerja. 2. Setiap proses menggunakan shielding untuk melindungi weld dari kontaminasi. 3. Setiap proses menggunakan material pengisi (filler), yang memiliki komposisi kimia yg sama dengan benda kerja.


Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Dikembangkan pada awal abad ke 20. Penggunaan utamanya di dalam pengelasan baja (steel welding). Shielded metal arc welding dilaksanakan dengan membuat arc antara elektroda metal berlapis dan benda kerja. Sesaat arc terbentuk benda kerja menjadi cair pada titik lokasi arc. Batang elektroda memiliki dua fungsi Pertama : sebagai media utk arus listrik. Kedua : material pengisi digunakan untuk menghasilkan sambungan. Lapisan yg mengelilingi elektroda membentuk gas yg membantu melindungi lasan.


Shielded Metal Arc Welding (contd)


Gas Metal Arc Welding

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW), juga dinamakan Metal Inert Gas (MIG) atau Metal Active Gas (MAG) welding, melindungi las-an dengan gas eksternal spt : argon, helium, carbon dioxide, atau campuran gas lain. GMAW digunakan untuk mengelas semua metal-metal komersial penting a.l. baja (steel), aluminum, tembaga (cooper), dan stainless steel. Pemilihan metal pengisi (filler metal) memiliki komposisi kimia yang sama dengan material yg di las. Proses dapat dilakukan dalam berbagai posisi : datar, horizontal, vertical, dan overhead.


Gas Metal Arc Welding (contd)


Proses GMAW
Panas dihasilkan oleh busur listrik (electric arc) antara elektroda dan benda kerja. Kedua metal, benda kerja dan pengisi, melebur. Area las-an dilindungi oleh gas inert (inert shiled gases).
Metal yg dapat di Las : -steel carbon - steel low-allow - steel stainless - aluminum - copper and its allows - nickel and its allows - magnesium - reactive metal (titanium, zirconium, tantalum)

Characteristics of the weld joint by GMAW (Modern Welding (p63))


Parameter dalam proses GMAW

1. Ada empat metode pemindah metal : short circuit, globular, spray, dan pulsed spray. Setiap metode membutuhkan setting dan penggunaan yg berbeda. 2. Gas pelindung (shielding gas). 3. Ukuran elektroda (electrode size). 4. Parameter elektrik : Tegangan (voltage) dan Arus (current) (GMAW menggunakan arus kontinyu). 5. Laju pengumpanan (feed rate : kecepatan penyuplai-an pengisi). 6. Laju penge-las-an (travel speed).


Perlengkapan Utama
1. 2. 3. 4. Torch Sumber daya elektrik (electric power source) Sumber gas pelindung (shielding gas source) wire spool with wire drive control

Peralaran yg dibutuhkan dlm GMAW (Modern Welding (p63))


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

Dalam GTAW, elektroda tungsten digunakan sebagai pengganti elektroda metal dlm shielded metal arc welding. Gas inert yg bersifat kimia (chemically inert gas), spt argon, helium, atau hydrogen, digunakan utk melindungi metal dari oksidasi. Panas dari arc (busur) yg dibentuk oleh elektroda dan metal melebur bagian tepi metal. Proses ini dpt digunakan untuk hampir semua metal dan menghasilkan las-an dgn kualitas tinggi. Namun laju pege-las-an cukup lambat.


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (contd)


Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (contd)

Elektroda Tungsten memiliki titik lebur yg tinggi hal ini membuat GTAW memiliki keuntungan spesifik : Pengelasan (Welding) dapat di lakukan dalam setiap posisi. Hasil las-an memiliki komposisi yg sama dengan metal benda kerja. Tidak digunakan Flux; sehingga, hasil las-an tidak membutuhkan pembersihan dari sisa las-an yg bersifat korosif. Tidak ada asap atau gas yg merusak penglihatan. Penyimpangan dari metal benda kerja adalah minim karena panas terkonsentrasi pada luasa yg kecil. Tidak ada cipratan api yg dihasilkan karena metal tidak di transfer melewati arc (busur).


Faktor Keamanan dlm Pengelasan

Burn hazard Protection clothes and gloves

Eye protection against splatters and ultraviolet and infrared rays

Helmet or special glasses

Toxic gases: - carbon monoxide (CO) - ozone (O2) - phosgene gases produced with some metals when welded

Well ventilated area


The ESAB CaB 600 installed at AB Martin Larsson in Plsboda, Sweden.

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