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Crispin Analysis

Elisha David English 6 2012-2013 Mr.T Crispin :The Cross of Led

Avi, the author of Crispin:The Cross of Led, presented a story of a young boy that lived in medieval England. The thirteen year old boy named Crispin began a journey suffering in the wilderness and running, because he was called a wolfs head for a crime he did not commit. Crispin experienced different emotions that changed him forever. Crispin lived in Stromford for the first thirteen years of his life. While living in Stromford he was poor and only had an ox, plus stromford was a small village. The village probably made him think twice because at first he was not able to speak up for his rights. Nevertheless, Crispin got abused all the time by John Aycliffe and John Aycliffe probably took advantage of Crispin. At that time, all that he did when he grew up was farming and living a lonely life. Crispin decided he needed to leave Stromford. On the way, he found a dead body which happens to be Father Quinel. Before Father Quinel died, he was helping Crispin realize more about him and his family and who he was. At that point, he notices he wants to live and that there is a reason to live. While he continues his run,he now knows more about having freedom. Eventually, during his escape, he over hears a man singing on the ground with swollen knees. Turns out it was Bear. Bear offered Crispin and piece of bread, and not having food for days, Crispin took the loaf of bread. From on,Crispin learns about trust. Bear helps Crispin experience different things such as, courage, bravery and friendship. Bear also took him in as his own son, he protected and cared for Crispin. Bear taught Crispin skills as well. He taught Crispin how to play music and have rhythm, how to juggle, and most important how to smile. In this point of his life, it became complicated. Bear and Crispin travel to Great Wexly because great wexly was where Bear would have his meetings as an entertainer. When Crispin and bear arrived at great wexly, Crispin took a glance and saw nothing but huge buildings and a crowd of people. Meanwhile, they suddenly arrived at a big church. While Crispin was looking around, out of all the people in the world he sees John Aycliffe. All of a sudden he gains courage and talks to John Aycliffe like he has nothing to worry about. All those skills Bear taught Crispin finally paying off. In conclusion, Crispin got to be free for the first time. Now he understands the world better. Even though Crispin gave up the cross/burden and his lordship possibility, he can rely on himself ,and he

seems happier. He also became more intelligent and aware from at first. He has become more confident in himself as well. The puzzle pieces are coming together now.

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