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Definition of Adjectives:

 Used to describe the nouns (person, place, animal or thing) and pronouns in a sentence.

 It also indicates the number, quality, size, shape, and feelings etc of a noun or pronoun.

 What kind? How many? Which one? How much? Are a few questions that tell more about an adjective.

The team has a dangerous baller (what kind)

I have ten rupees in my pocket (how many)

I loved that blue car (which one)

I earnt more points in Ludo than he did (how much)

Degrees of Adjectives

Positive Degree – An adjective is said to be in positive degree when there is no comparison.

Comparative Degree – An adjective is said to be in the comparative degree when it is used to compare two nouns or

Superlative Degree – An adjective is said to be in the superlative degree when it is used to compare more than
two nouns or pronouns.


Beautiful More Beautiful Most Beautiful

Big Bigger the biggest

Black Blacker Blackest

Clean Cleaner The cleanest

Difficult More Difficult The most difficult

Dirty Dirtier The dirtiest

Far Farther/ Further The farthest/ The furthest

Old Older The oldest

Types of Adjectives:

1. Descriptive Objectives

As the name suggests, these are words that describe nouns and pronouns. In other words, it adds an attribute to the
nouns/pronouns. They are also known as Qualitative Adjectives.

I have a fast car. (The word ‘fast’ is describing an attribute of the car)

I am hungry. (The word ‘hungry’ is providing information about the subject)

2. Quantitative Adjectives

The quantity of the nouns or pronouns is defined by quantitative adjectives. The question ‘how much?’ and ‘how many?’
is addressed by this type.


I have 50 bucks in my purse. (How much)

Sunita has three kids. (How many)

3. Proper Adjectives

Proper nouns modifying or describing other nouns/pronouns become proper adjectives. It means ‘specific’ or particular.


Indian kabaddi players are very strong.

Japanese people are hard workers.

I love Burger King’s burgers.

4. Demonstrative Adjective

Reference to something or someone is pointed out by Demonstrative Adjectives. The words: this, that, these, those are
used as Demonstrative Adjectives.


That house is beautifully decorated.

(‘That’ refers to a singular noun far from the speaker)

This notebook is mine.
(‘This’ refers to a singular noun close to the speaker)

5. Possessive Adjectives

Possession or ownership is described by this adjective. The ownership of something to someone/something is pointed
out. The most common words used: my, his, her, our, their, your.


My bicycle was parked outside.

His dog is very adorable.

Our work is almost done.

6. Interrogative Adjectives

This adjective asks a Question. The adjective is followed by a noun or a pronoun. The most common words are: which,
what, whose.


Which laptop do you use?

What game do you usually play?

Whose bullet is this?

7. Indefinite Adjectives

A non-specific modification of a noun is done by this one. Provides indefinite information about the noun. The common
words are few, many, much, most, all, any, each, every, either, nobody, several, some, etc.


Manisha gave some rice to her.

Raj wanted a few moments alone.

8. Compound Adjectives

When compound nouns modify other nouns, they become compound adjectives. They can be recognized by a hyphen or
joined together with a quotation mark.


I have a broken-down mattress.

Ramesh saw a six-foot-long snake.

9. Absolute Adjectives

An Absolute Adjective is an adjective with a meaning that is generally not capable of being intensified or compared. Also
known as an incomparable, ultimate, or absolute modifier. According to some style guides, absolute adjectives are
always in the superlative degree. However, some absolute adjectives can be quantified by the addition of the word
almost, nearly, or virtually.


He is dead. (We cannot use “dead” in a comparative sense; i.e. we cannot say “He is deader than me.”)

That gem is unique. (We cannot use “more unique” as the word “unique” itself means “one of a kind”.)

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