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Prospectus 2013

Table of Contents
General Information Schedule..................................... Page 3 Map............................................. Page 4 Definitions.................................. Page 5 FAQ............................................ Page 6 Recruitment Policies................... Page 9

Chapter Pages (in alphabetical order) Alpha Epsilon Pi .............. Delta Kappa Epsilon ........ Delta Tau Delta ................. Kappa Alpha KA....................... Kappa Sigma ........................ Phi Kappa Psi .................... Sigma Alpha Epsilon .......... Sigma Chi ............................. Sigma Nu ............................... Sigma Phi Epsilon ............... Theta Delta Chi ...................


2012 Recruitment Schedule

Week 1
Mandatory Kickoff Event: 4/1, 5:30 to 7:00 in Cubberly Auditorium. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Open House Events: Running from 8-11 pm
Monday (4/1) Tuesday (4/2) Wednesday (4/3) Thursday (4/4)

KA @ BOB @ Mars

@ BOB @ Xanadu

KA @ BOB @ Mars

@ BOB @ Xanadu

Optional Invitation Only Events: Sat 4/6 and Sun 4/7

Week 2
Open House Events: Running from 8-11 pm
Monday (4/8) Tuesday (4/9) Wednesday (4/10) Thursday (4/11)

KA @ BOB @ Mars

@ BOB @ Xanadu

KA @ BOB @ Mars

@ BOB @ Xanadu

Invitation Only Retreats: Sat 4/13, Sun 4/14 Bid Period: Bids may go out on 4/14 and must be accepted by 5pm on 4/17
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Contact Information
IFC Recruitment Chairs
Walter Herring: Nolan Pura:

Greek Life Advisor

Amanda Rodriguez:

IFC President
Matt Bettonville: 4!

Helpful Definitions
African American Fraternal Sororal Association (AAFSA): A student governing body for historically black Greek organizations Active: A member who has completed his period of new membership and has been formally initiated into a fraternity Bid:!A!formal!invitation!to!join!a!fraternity!!Bid'Period:'The!period!following!formal!recruitment!during! which!fraternities!distribute!bids!to!prospective!new!members!!! Chapter:!A!local!group!that!represents!a!larger!national!or!fraternal!organization! New.Member.Period.(Pledge.Period):!The!period!following!membership!selection!and!during!!which! new!members!learn!about!a!fraternity.!New!membership!prepares!individuals!for!initiation!into!full! membership!in!the!fraternity! Greek:!A!term!applied!to!members!affiliated!with!a!Greek!letter!fraternity!or!sorority! Inter:Fraternity.Council.(IFC):!The!body!consisting!of!representatives!from!each!chapter,!which!!plans! and!directs!the!activities!of!their!respective!member!organizations,!plans!and!directs!recruitment!! activities,!and!in!general!acts!as!the!fraternal!systems!liaison!to!the!university! Initiation:!Typically!a!ritualistic!ceremony!of!new!membership!in!which!new!members!are!formally! inducted!into!the!groups!local!chapter!and!larger!fraternal!organization! Legacy:!The!son!or!grandson!of!a!brother!who!was!initiated!into!a!fraternity!!! Multicultural.Governing.Council.(MGC):!A!student!governing!body!for!multicultural!Greek! organizations!!! National:!The!governing!body!for!each!Greek!organization!nationwide!!! Prospective.New.Member.(Rushee):!Individual!participating!in!Recruitment!! Recruitment.(Rush):.The!formal!period!set!aside!for!selecting!prospective!members!for!a!fraternity.! Recruitment!is!a!period!of!social!activity!during!which!individuals!interested!in!joining!a!Greek! organization!may!become!acquainted!with!chapter!members


Fraternity FAQ The!formal!Spring!Recruitment!is!an!opportunity!for!undergraduate!men!to!join!one!of!the!many! fraternal!organizations!on!the!Stanford!campus.!It!is!a!twoNweek!process!filled!with!fraternityNhosted! events.!The!object!of!Recruitment!is!to!introduce!prospective!new!members!to!the!Greek!community!and! to!give!them!an!opportunity!to!join!a!fraternity.!It!ends!with!the!Bid!Period,!during!which!fraternities! invite!candidates!to!become!members!of!their!organizations.! The!recruitment!spans!the!first!two!weeks!of!Spring!Quarter. Why.join.a.fraternity? For!many,!being!a!member!of!a!fraternity!is!a!unique!and!fulfilling!experience.!It!affords!many!great! opportunities!during!both!the!undergraduate!years!and!life!beyond!Stanford.!Fraternities!offer! leadership!roles,!athletic!and!recreational!activities,!community!service!opportunities,!social!events,! scholarship,!friendship,!and!brotherhood.! Yes.!Stanfords!Greek!houses!operate!independently!of!Stanfords!housing!lottery.!If!you!receive!a!bid!to! a!housed!fraternity,!you!are!guaranteed!housing!in!that!fraternity!house!for!at!least!your!sophomore!and! senior!years.!In!many!cases,!fraternity!housing!will!be!available!to!you!for!all!of!your!remaining!years!at! Stanford.!Ask!at!the!individual!fraternities!that!you!are!rushing!about!their!specific!housing!policies!for! more!details.! Fraternity!membership!should!not!have!any!detrimental!effects!on!your!academic!performance.!While!a! fraternity!can!be!a!major!time!commitment,!there!will!always!be!time!to!devote!to!your!studies.!We!are! all!Stanford!students!first!and!foremost.!In!fact,!many!see!a!rise!in!their!grades!after!joining!a!fraternal! organization,!as!brothers!are!often!able!to!offer!each!other!academic!support.! The!cost!varies!from!fraternity!to!fraternity.!Typically,!unhoused!fraternities!have!lower!dues!than!their! housed!counterparts.!For!more!information,!be!sure!to!contact!the!individual!fraternities.!Many!chapters! are!able!to!offer!payment!plans!or!scholarships!in!order!to!assist!with!possible!financial!burdens.! Which.fraternities.are.housed?.Which.are.unhoused? There!are!seven!housed!fraternities:!Sigma!Alpha!Epsilon,!Phi!Kappa!Psi,!Kappa!Alpha,!Sigma!Chi,!Sigma! Nu,!Theta!Delta!Chi,!and!Kappa!Sigma.!There!are!four!unhoused!fraternities:!Alpha!Epsilon!Pi,!Delta! Kappa!Epsilon,!Delta!Tau!Delta,!and!Sigma!Phi!Epsilon 6! The!housed!and!unhoused!experiences!differ!in!a!variety!of!ways.!Unhoused!fraternities!often!require! less!of!a!financial!commitment!and!do!not!have!the!added!responsibility!of!caring!for!a!residence.!! However,!each!fraternity,!regardless!of!whether!it!is!housed!or!unhoused,!is!unique!in!its!own!right.!Ask! fraternity!members!what!their!chapter!does,!what!formal!events!they!offer,!and!what!their!informal! culture!is!like!to!get!the!best!feel!for!each!individual!organization.! Is.Recruitment.dry? Yes.!It!is!University!policy!that!the!entire!two!week!Recruitment!Period!is!dry.!Fraternities!will!not! provide!any!sort!of!alcohol!or!controlled!substances!at!Recruitment!events.!As!detailed!in!the! Recruitment!policy,!there!are!significant!penalties!for!any!fraternity!in!the!possession!of!alcohol!or!any! controlled!substances!at!any!time!during!the!Recruitment!period,!including!monetary!fines!and!! suspension!from!the!InterNFraternity!Council.!, Fraternities!may!take!prospective!new!members!off!campus!on!any!given!weekday!as!long!as:! 1.!The! event!does!not!involve!any!alcohol!consumption!!2.!The!prospective!new!members!are!back!on!campus! no!later!than!7:30pm!!3.!The!event!does!not!conflict!with!any!official!IFC!Recruitment!event!or!official! Recruitment!event!for!any!other!chapters.!Weekend!trips!must!abide!by!the!IFCs!weekend!trip!policy.! No.!Prospective!new!members!may!not!be!in!contact!with!a!fraternity!after!7:30pm!on!any!night!during! Recruitment,!unless!the!fraternity!is!holding!an!event!that!night.!! No.!You!may!visit!as!many,!or!as!few,!fraternities!as!you!see!fit.!However,!you!are!strongly!encouraged!to! visit!as!many!events!as!possible!during!Recruitment!and!meet!as!many!fraternity!members!as!possible.!! There!is!always!the!chance!that!you!neglected!to!visit!the!fraternity!that!was!actually!the!best!fit!for!you.! A!bid!is!a!formal!invitation!to!join!a!fraternity.!Fraternities!will!be!extending!bids!from!Sunday!April!15th! until!Wednesday!April!18th.!Bids!must!be!responded!to!by!April!18th!at!5pm.!If!a!prospective!new! member!receives!multiple!bids,!he!can!only!accept!one.! If.I.pledge.(join).a.housed.fraternity, In!most!cases,!joining!a!housed!fraternity!means!that!you!must!commit!to!live!in!the!house.!However,!if! there!are!more!members!in!the!fraternity!that!the!house!can!accommodate,!you!may!be!able!to!live!! outside!the!house.!Usually,!new!recruits!have!first!preference!to!live!in!the!house.!However,!housing! policies!differ!from!organization!to!organization.!Be!sure!to!question!members!of!each!fraternity!about! their!new!member!housing!policy.! 7!

Making the Most of Recruitment You!can!glean!some!information!about!each!fraternity!from!their!respective!national!websites.!! Additionally,!many!of!the!chapters!on!campus!have!individual!websites! If!you!have!any!questions!about!a!fraternity,!make!sure!to!ask!them.!You!do!not!want!to!base!as! important!a!decision!as!joining!a!fraternity!on!incomplete!information.!Additionally,!fraternities! like!frank!and!upfront!individuals!and!are!more!than!happy!to!answer!any!questions!that!you! may!have.! Get!to!know!as!many!members!of!a!chapter!as!possible.!It!will!not!only!give!you!a!more!accurate! impression!of!the!fraternity,!but!it!also!lets!you!make!a!stronger!impression!on!more!of!the! chapters!membership.! Even!if!you!miss!a!few!events!dont!think!that!recruitment!is!over!for!you.!It!is!not!uncommon!for! someone!to!make!a!strong!impression!late!in!the!game.! Unfortunately,!you!may!encounter,!and!may!have!already!encountered,!badmouthing!of! individual!chapters!by!either!other!fraternities!or!non!members.!Dont!let!these!types!of!rumors! negatively!color!your!attitude!against!a!chapter.!Get!to!know!each!fraternity!for!yourself!and! keep!in!mind!that!the!spreaders!of!these!rumors!are!usually!just!reflecting!badly!against!their! own!character.! Theres!a!good!chance!that!you!will!have!friends!going!through!the!recruitment!process!too,!and! many!of!you!may!be!considering!the!same!fraternities.!Many!may!find!that!the!right!fraternity! choice!coincides!with!that!of!their!friends;!others!may!not.!Make!sure!that!you!make!your! decisions!on!rushing!and!joining!a!fraternity!are!made!with!your!best!interests!in!mind,!and!not! based!on!outside!pressures.!!


Recruitment Policies
I. Recruitment. Recruitment!will!run!for!the!first!two!weeks!starting!in!April.!The!first!event!of! recruitment!will!be!held!on!4/1/2013!and!will!conclude!on!4/17/2013! No!chapter!may!hold!events!!outside!of!the!IFC!Recruitment!schedule! Fraternities!may!opt!to!invite!prospective!new!members!to!a!final!offNcampus! event!during!the!final!weekend!of!recruitment,!4/12/2013,!4/13/2013,! 4/15/2013.!Each!fraternity!may!choose!whether!to!hold!that!event!on!the!Friday,! Saturday!or!Sunday.!Fraternities!should!try!to!reduce!event!overlap!as!much!as! possible.! Per!IFC!policy,!the!recruitment!process!is!completely!dry.!! Bid.Period. Bids!will!be!distributed!by!phone!or!in!person!between!4/14/2013!and! 4/17/2013! Prospective!new!members!have!until!4/17/2013!at!5pm!to!respond!to!each!bid! received.!Once!a!bid!has!been!accepted!the!prospective!new!member!should!notify! all!other!chapters!from!which!he!has!received!a!bid.!! There!is!a!Zero!Tolerance!policy!for!any!pressure!exerted!from!any!chapter! toward!any!prospective!new!member.!There!can!be!no!pressure!towards!any! candidate!who!was!given!a!bid.!! Rules.and.Penalties.for.Violations. IFC!and!University!policy!state!that!the!Spring!recruitment!period!must!be!dry.! This!of!course!includes!alcohol!and!any!other!controlled!substance.!Therefore,!any! contact!between!a!prospective!new!member!and!a!fraternity!during!Recruitment! (day!or!night)!where!alcohol!is!present!will!be!considered!a!violation!of!this!policy.!! Penalties!for!alcohol!violations!will,!in!standard!cases,!be!based!on!the!number!of! fraternity!members!and!prospective!new!members!present.!University!action!may! also!be!taken,!with!the!chapter!being!reviewed!by!the!Organization!Conduct!Board.!! Fraternities!may!take!prospective!new!members!offNcampus!on!a!given!weekday! as!long!as:!the!event!is!dry!and!does!not!involve!alcohol!or!any!other!controlled! substance!consumption,!the!prospective!members!are!back!on!campus!by!7:30pm,! and!the!event!does!not!conflict!with!an!IFC!Recruitment!event.!! Open!Houses!are!from!8N11pm.!Fraternities!may!hold!events!only!on!the!nights!to! which!they!are!assigned.!All!prospective!new!members!must!leave!the!event!by! 11pm.!! Sanctions!imposed!for!nonNalcoholic!violations!of!regulations!will!be!made!on!a! caseNbyNcase!basis!by!the!IFC!Executive!Committee.!! Following!the!powers!granted!by!the!IFC!Constitution,!any!fraternity!found!in! violation!of!these!policies!will!appear!before!the!IFC!Executive!Committee.!Serious! violations!may!be!passed!onto!the!OSA!and!Organization!Conduct!Board!for! review.! ! !
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! ! ! ! Due.Process. Anyone!witnessing!a!violation!of!one!of!the!above!violations!must!first!contact!the! IFC!Recruitment!Chairs! Upon!notification,!the!IFC!Recruitment!Chairs!will!contact!the!President!of!the! accused!fraternity!before!further!action! Accusations!will!remain!confidential!until!after!recruitment!has!ended!unless! there!has!been!a!violation!of!University!Policy! After!Recruitment!ends,!a!meeting!will!be!held!by!the!IFC!Executive!Committee!to! decide!on!the!accusations!and!impose!sanctions!subject!to!council!approval!unless! there!has!been!violation!of!University!policy! Any!information!concerning!a!violation!of!the!recruitment!policy!will!be!kept! within!the!IFC!unless!there!is!a!majority!vote!to!decide!otherwise! Each!night!of!open!house,!Recruitment!Monitors!will!sporadically!monitor!events.! The!monitors!will!not!be!members!of!the!same!fraternity.!! The!Recruitment!Monitors!will!be!present!to!ensure!that!all!Recruitment!policies! are!followed.!A!recruitment!Monitor!is!expected!to!report!any!suspicious!behavior! to!the!IFC!Recruitment!Chairs!and!no!one!else! A!monitor!can!enter!any!room!in!the!building!hosting!the!Recruitment!event,! escorted!by!a!member!of!the!fraternity!to!confirm!that!no!violations!are!taking! place! A!monitor!may!document!any!infractions!with!the!use!of!any!applicable! technology.!!


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The Fraternity Chapters of 2013

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-Alpha Epsilon Pi-

The decision to attend Stanford was one of the most significant choices you ever had to make. The next three or four (or five or six) years of your life will not only be demanding and rigorous, but also enlightening, rewarding and fun. Now, more than ever before, you are free to be yourself and choose your friends - all you have to do is decide: who do you want to be. This is what fraternity is about - this is what AEPi is about. Life at Stanford can move quick; between p-sets and midterms, essays and presentations, and the boatload of extra-curriculars we load on ourselves - it can be hard to find time to build meaningful friendships. Fraternity membership will give you a strong social network on campus and friends who are up for doing whatever, whenever. You will bond both by engaging in wild, hilarious shenanigans, and by learning from your brothers and sharing your own talents. AEPi has a strong presence on campus. We have ties to the Jewish community, good relationships with sororities, a tradition of community service, and of course, our unique parties like Jewish Special Dinner. Our social schedule keeps us busy all year long. We do all-campus parties, formals in San Francisco, mixers with sororities, brotherhood skydiving adventures, and road trips to party with AEPi bros all across California. We are more than just a social organization, though, AEPi brothers are active leaders in Hillel, intramural sports, Stanford in Government, the Daily, Ultimate Frisbee, Jazz Orchestras, theatre and comedy groups, and, of course, hackathons. We also have sick alumni network. Our alumni are leaders in industries like finance, law, medicine, tech, and business. Not to mention AEPi National has connections in every job sector imaginable (did you know Mark Zuckerberg was an AEPi). We are a brotherhood of individuals with divers ethnic, religious, and political backgrounds who come together to have a good time and add some spice to campus life. Its a fraternity of men who want to be more than just frat boys. You should join us. 13!

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Contact'Information:' ' John!Gold!(President)!!! ! Jay!Hack!(Recruitment)!!! Max!Johnson!(Recruitment)!!! ! Fraternity!Website!!!! !


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' RDelta'Kappa'EpsilonR!
-Delta Kappa Epsilon-

Delta Kappa Epsilon was founded at Yale University on June 22, 1844, by fifteen members of the class of 1846, in protest against what they saw as the injustices and limitations of the prevailing societal system. Join DeltaThe Kappa Epsilon (KE)that if you want to getfavored morewas outhe of college. As an most unhoused founders of KE believed 'the candidate most who combined in the equal proportions the gentleman, scholar, and the jolly good fellow' criteria which have remained unchanged to fraternity,this we arent bound by walls or social restrictions. You can be yourself, live where you day.! want, and ! still be a part of the brotherhood. Five U.S. Presidents have been Dekes, the most of any fraternity. The first man to reach the North Pole was a Deke, and a Deke has carried the Delta Kappa Epsilon flag to the moon. In every corner of the Our campus parties our sororities are equally do things world you will are meetepic, fellow and Dekes, but mixers whatever with their background or station is in life, fun. we areWe united bycrazy the shared experience of membership in DKE. ! others are afraid to attempt. If you went to the all-campus DeKEs of Hazzard which we threw ! with the ladies of SYZ, and you had the chance to ride the mechanical bull, you what we Delta Kappa Epsilon Sigma Rho Chapter was founded at Stanford University on December 12, know 1901. As one of Stanford's oldest fraternities, we honor our traditions. We define ourselves and our brotherhood, mean. not by the accomplishments on our resumes but by the strength of our bonds, the diversity of ourselves and passions, and our embrace of new ideas. We want "gentlemen, scholars, and jolly good fellows."! ! dont expect to be overlooked. You can start to have an impact from day 1. Weve With KE, Join Delta Kappa Epsilon if you want to get more out of college. With KE, don't expect to be overlooked. taken trips to Mexico Tahoe when proposed by members. IfWe you have an idea for a similarly As an unhousedand fraternity, we aren't bound by walls or social restrictions. believe everyone is entitled to their own fun their own ambitions. You can beit yourself, live where you want, and still be a part of fun adventure, KE isand the perfect place to bring to reality. the brotherhood.! ! Our campus parties are epic. We bring in mechanical bulls, make artificial walls, and pull out all the stops. Our alumni network is vast. While at Stanford, you will attend tailgates, dinners, and whatever If you've heard of Dekes of Hazzard, DKEcember, and Berlin Wall, you know part of the story. else we can ! talk our way into. Besides local events, alumni from Stanford and other KE Our alumni network is vast. While at Stanford, will attendand tailgates, dinners, and whatever else we can chapters offer unique opportunities to activeyou members recent graduates. We stay in close talk our way into. Beyond local events, alumni from Stanford and other KE chapters offer unique contact with our alumni forming friendships and connections that stay with us forforming a lifetime. opportunities to active members and recent graduates. We stay in close contact with our alumni, friendships and connections that stay with us for a lifetime.

KE was founded at Yale on June 22, 1844, by fifteen members of the class of 16. The founders ! of KE believed that the candidate most favored was he who combined in the most equal proportions the gentleman, scholar, and the jolly good fellow criteria which have remained unchanged to this day. Five U.S. Presidents have been KE, the most of any fraternity. The first man to reach the North Pole was KE, and a KE has carried the Delta Kappa Epsilon flag to the moon. In every corner of the world you will meet fellow KEs, but whatever their background or station in life, we are united by the shared experience of membership in KE.


! ! The Sigma Rho Chapter of Delta Kappa Epsilon was founded at Stanford University on December 12, 1901. As one of Stanfords oldest fraternities, we honor our traditions. We define ourselves and our brotherhood not by the accomplishments on our resumes but by the strength of our bonds, the diversity of ourselves and passions, and our embrace of new ideas. We want gentlemen, scholars, and jolly good fellows. Rush'Events'(At'BOB)' ! Tuesday,'April'2''Paintball'Night' Thursday,'April'4''Miracle'Berries'and'Fruit' Smashing' Tuesday,'April'9''Fight'Night' Thursday,'Aprill'11''Steak'and'Cigars'( KE# Tradition) '

Contact'Information:' !Daniel!Eth!(President)!!!! Andrew!Dotey(Rush!Chair)!!! ! Fraternity!Website!!!! ! 16!

! ! -Delta Tau Delta-

Welcome to rush. With many excellent organizations to choose from at Stanford, the task of choosing a fraternity that you will associate with for the next few years of your college experience may seem overwhelming. As you journey through this important and exciting time in your life, we encourage you to take the time to get to know what each fraternity on campus has to offer. That being said, we firmly believe you will find that T can offer you an incredible experience unlike any other. One of the great benefits of T is its size. Our focus lies in creating the best possible scenarios for our brothers, and our relatively small size allows us to put more efforts into smaller events such as mixers with sororities, rafting trips, and road trips to away football games. As a smaller group, we are able to form closer bonds with our brothers and host smaller events for our own guests and ourselves rather than have many large all-campus parties, although we do have a few annual all-campus events as well. Our brothers are accomplished athletes, entrepreneurs, musicians, and community service leaders. Our membership reflects the wide variety of talent on Stanfords campus and these diverse strengths bring us together as leaders, making it easy to support each other in our individual pursuits. The Stanford Delts have a history of excellence. Two of our recent alums are playing in the NFL. And have you heard of John Arrillaga, Jim Plunkett, or John Elway? Yeah, they were all Delts. As one of the longest standing institutions on campus with over 110 years of history, the Stanford Delts have an impressive alumni network. Ask your parents or their friends and you will quickly find out what T was known for back in the day. Delta Tau Delta continues to be an impressive fraternity that produces impressive alumni, not just another house on campus that hosts cool parties. Along with the strength of 17!

! ! our own alumni network, the network we have created at national and division conferences makes traveling around the country a breeze. In addition to throwing awesome mixers and parties, taking trips with brothers, and forming close bonds with the entire T family, Delts also serve the community. Members of our fraternity volunteer at the local childrens hospital and help out at an elementary school in East Palo Alto. We also often partner with sororities to help promote and organize community events that help raise awareness and funds. Weve also been one of the first Delt chapters to work with our new philanthropy partner, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. T is looking for leaders who want to contribute to the success of our fraternity and continue our tradition of excellence both on campus and after graduation. In return, you will find lifelong friendships with a tight knit group of brothers who will help you grow and develop as a person and a great set of memories to look back on long after you leave Stanford. While we may not have a house to offer, the University hooks you up with that, and you still get to enjoy the benefits of living with girls and non-Greek friends. However, the University cannot guarantee incredible memories with a great group of friends who support each other throughout the best and worst of times, and have a ton of fun along the way. Contact'Information:' Andrew!Bleich!(President)!!! ! Dan!Nelsen!(Rush!Chair)!!! ! Fraternity!Website!!!!!! !


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Surely, many of you know KA. Whether come for a party, or taken just taken advantage our Surely, many of you know KA. Whether youve youve come for a party, or just advantage of of our open doors and inviting attitudes, youve undoubtedly seen some of what makes KA the best place on open doors and inviting attitudes, youve undoubtedly seen some of what makes KA the best campus. At KA we pride ourselves on being a great group of guys who love hosting the most fun events on place on campus. At KA we pride ourselves on being a great group of guys who love hosting the campus, whether we are hanging out during the day or getting rowdy at night. Our annual rafting trip on the most fun events on campus, whether we are hanging out during the day getting rowdy at night. American river and playing broomball in Redwood City with the most fun or group of guys and gals on Our campus annual are rafting trip on the American river and playing broomball in Redwood City with the just a couple of the highlights. Youll hardly ever find a day without a group of KA guys most fun group of guys and gals onback campus are just couple of the highlights. Youll hardly everof us gathered outside by the lake to sit and enjoy ouraamazing surroundings. Youll always find some findtossing a day without a group ofplaying KA guys gathered outside watching by the lake to sit and enjoy our dice in the kitchen, tunes on the balcony, games in back the lounge, eating delicious mealssurroundings. from our chef, Youll and going out together at night. Most importantly, were a very tight-knit group. We amazing always find some of us tossing dice in the kitchen, playing tunes love rolling out to our athletes games and are the mostdelicious fun fans youll find. We really doand a lot together on the balcony, watching games in the lounge, eating meals from our chef, going because every guy here might be the coolest guy youve ever met. out together at night. Most importantly, were a very tight-knit group. We love rolling out to our KA offers Greek life without many ofWe the really typicaldo fraternity shenanigans. There is no athletes games and the are fun theof most fun fans youll find. a lot together because every system of enforced seniority at KA. Pledges are not treated worse than actives, and everyone is friendly. guy here might be the coolest guy youve ever met. No rollouts, elephant walks, bodily harm, or other ridiculous hazing of any kind. This is not a trap, thats just not our style. As a pledge, you can even pick your own roommate for a luxurious two-room double KA next offers the fun of Greek life without many of the typical fraternity shenanigans. There is no year. system of enforced seniority at KA. Pledges arefor treated as well as actives, everyone is the All in all we take pride in our reputation being just respectful, stand up guysand from all parts of friendly. No community. rollouts, elephant walks, bodily harm, or other ridiculous hazing of any weve kind. This is Stanford We have members from all walks of life. Weve got athletic guys, got really not a trap, thats just not our style. As a pledge, you can even pick your own roommate for a funny dudes, and weve got geniuses. No discrimination here. We all value our role as leaders in the Greek luxurious two-room double next to year. community, and we work hard serve those around us with events like the KA kickball Classic, Movember (our annual charity mustache competition), and the KAnned food drive. In all seriousness, if youre a cool guy who loves to have a good time, meet new people, and make the most of your four years in college, then come check out our rush events and be part of the wonderful community KA offers for a lifetime.


13 13 15 13 14 15 15 15 14 14 15 14 13 13 15 13 15 14 14 13 13 15 15 13 15 14 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 14 13 14 14 13 15 15 15 14 14 13 14 14

Defense Against The Dark Arts 2015 STANFORD Founded 1995 Water Polo and Product Design 2015 CHAPTER Not Hanging Out 2015 WEBSITE Hanging Out ! 2015 ! Its hard to explain 2015 group/KappaAlpha Bio Engineering 2015 for being respectful, stand up guys from all parts of the All in all we take pride in our reputation PRESIDENT Connor Barnett STS Stanford community. We have members 2014 from all walks of life. Weve got athletic guys, weve Regular Husbandry got really funny dudes, and weve2015 got geniuses. No discrimination here. We value our role as MS&E 2014 leaders in the Greek community, and we work hard to serve those around us with eventsAbrams like the RUSH David GLC 2014 KA kickball Classic, Movember (our annual charity mustache competition), and the KAnned Psychology 2013 CHAIRS food drive. Electrical Engineering 2013 Geography (obviously) 2015

In all seriousness, if youre a cool guy who loves to have a good time, meet new people, and Jake Sonnenberg make the most of your four years in college, then come check out our rush events and be part of MS&E 2014 the wonderful for a lifetime. Feminist Studies, KA offers 2013
Choreography 2013 Volleyball Game Management 2015 Chiptango Studies 2013 Contact'Information:' Astrophysics and Rocket Science 2014 Connor!Barnett!(President)!! MS&E 2015! Student Government 2015 ! Nautical Engineering 2015 David!Abrams!(Rush!Chair)!! Political Science 2014! Agriculture 2014 ! Kangaroo Biology 2015 Starting Fights 2014 Jake!Sonnenberg!(Rush!Chair)!! Quesadilla Architecture 2013! Htripleistory 2013 ! Computer Science 2015 Website!!! Business, Medicine 2013! Human Biology 2015 ! Symbolic Systems 2014 Biology 2014 Chemistry 2013 Mechanical Engineering 2013 Human Biology 2015 Calligraphy 2015 Product Design 2013 Caribbean Studies 2015 Italian 2014 Feminist Studies 2015 Econ 2015 Spelling Bees 2014 Franchise Economics 2013 Empire History 2013 Feminist Studies 2013 Physics 2013 Aquatic Studies 2014 History 2013 Marine Biology 2014 MS&E 2014 Undecided 2013 High School Football 2015 Bodybuilding and Supplements 2015 Wheeling & Dealing 2015 ! Tomfoolery 2014 Steel Engineering 2014 Computer Science 2013


! !

K -Kappa Sigma-

Think back to admit weekend when you were just a skinny, pimple-ridden, high schooler pumped to chat up some rando from Harvard-Westlake at BROC party. Fast-forward one year, and now youre a proud member of Kappa Sigma sporting a robust stache, smooth skin, and even smoother moves. And youre still amped for BROC party. But what if we told you it gets better? As a prominent social hub on campus, Kappa Sigma boasts an arsenal of gatherings, all of which feature artists ranging from in house DJ Grovemau5 to ber-celebrity Kanye West (via iPod). The bass is loud enough to shake the walls of Munger, and the lost-and-found is comprised exclusively of lanyards, iPhones, and about six hundred faces. Why study abroad when you have Eurotrash? But lets get down to the nitty-gritty. The Beta Zeta chapter of Kappa Sigma was founded in 1896 on a tradition of excellence. We expect excellence from our members in all aspects of their lives. Excellence in their academics, personal behavior, extracurriculars, community service, sleep habits, hygiene, dancing ability, etiquette, and reading comprehension. Our house has a tremendous legacy at this school not only of producing great men, but also fighting for diversity and reform. We have a large and active alumni base, and each member has an alumni mentor with whom they share a personal and professional relationship.


! ! Kappa Sigma is about making connections. We have athletes, artists, engineers, economists and everything in between, all of whom share the bond of brotherhood and a common love for our house. We work hard, play hard, and make the most of our time here. So if youre down to spend the next three years rolling around the PAC 12 in a Winnebago, spending spring days at the beach and winter ones on the slopes, and feasting on Juan Carlos dank chalupas, then come check us out. Perhaps youll meet some guys you can see yourself living with; perhaps youll pre-assign to Oak Creek. Either way there will be fun, free food, and vigorous man flirting. See you at rush. Contact'Information:' ' Billy!Gallagher!(President)!!! ! Neil!Hamamoto!(Rush!Chair)!!!!! ! Isaac!Halyard!(Rush!Chair)!! ! Bryant!Seaman!(Rush!Chair)!!!! ! Alex!Salton!(Rush!Chair)!!!! ! Website!!!


! !


Live Ever. Die Never. Phi Kappa Psi. Three phrases that embody a spirit of brotherhood and excellence rivaled by no other student group on campus. Unsure about what fraternity life has to offer and what you would get out of the experience? Many of our brothers had similar questions before recruitment, but youll be hardpressed to find one that regrets his choice. What does it mean to be a Phi Psi? We are, above all, a diverse collection of gentlemen. We hail from all walks of life, and no one label can truly capture the essence of what it means to be a Phi Psi. Our brothers are passionate and involved in a variety of activities and leadership positions: our house boasts a variety of club athletes, student activists, DJs, members of Solar Car, and musicians to name a few. Many of our brothers are also in staff positions all around campus. Through all of this diversity, though, Phi Psis share a bond summed up in the simple word Brotherhood. Stated plainly, were a group of guys from around the world who have found in Phi Psi a rich source of life experience, stories well be telling for the rest of our lives, and a dynamic group of men were proud to call brothers. Living in Phi Psi is an experience like none other. How could living in a row house with 35 of your best friends be anything else? Since weve moved into 592 Mayfield ten years ago, we have left and continue to leave our mark on campus in exciting and unique ways. Our dedication to serving Stanford and the community is unparalleled on campus: brothers routinely get involved in programs such as the Boys and Girls 23!

Ravshan Abzalov

2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013


! !

Joaquin Carcache Albert Pak Dustin Janatpour

Physic MCS


Club, Habitat for Humanity, and Challah for Hunger, and more. Our annual charity Kho and event, Taste of Palo Alto, is extremely popular with the Stanford Gabriel community raises thousands of dollars for the Boys and Girls Club. Gregory Valdespino Our devotion to excellence also manifests itself through our academics and ambitions. Although our academic interests are diverse, Phi Psis are always James willing to help Liu another brother out. Many brothers report their grades improving after joining. In Jeremias David addition, we boast an incredibly successful alumni network. Brothers have gone on to pursue prestigious careers in academics, medicine, public service, and finance, and Phil Chen have founded some of the hottest start-ups in the Valley including Yahoo and Sam Sciolla Palantir. Whats more is that our alums are incredibly devoted (one of our favorite Scott Parks sayings is that Phi Psi is for life). We host many events with them, including Homecoming and Founders Day, that routinely attract alumni from allKates-Harbeck around the Julian States, and many brothers have secured jobs and internships through these Yitao Zhang connections.

Comp Intern


Phi Kappa Psi Haynes Winkler K Phi Psi


Greek Letters Nickname National Fraternity Stanford Chapter Website




Founded February 9, 1852 2013




2014 Founded December 18, 1891 Ranajay Sen 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014



Max Although were ambitious gentlemen, we have plenty of fun along theDeng way. Whether were hosting a typically mind-blowing dance party, paintballing in San Jose, or engaging in our usual shenanigans, there is rarely a dull moment.Will Troppe
Adam Raudonis Haithem Turki

Biolog Atmos Engin Engin Engin

So if any of this interests you, feel free to stop by the house for one of our rush events Bryant Tan or just to talk to the brothers, we invite you to come see what Phi Psi is all about.


Comp Ruoyu Ding Haynes Dillon Winkler McCoy

Brian Fei



Recruitment Chairs

Michael Chen 2014 Contact'Information:'

Politic Engin Psych Engin

John Ryan
Max Praglin Alexander Atallah

Andrew Aguilar 2014 ' Kyle Dumovic 2014 !Haynes!Winkler!(President)!!!! John Ryan 2014 ! Joseph Domenici 2014 Website!! Scott Thao 2014!! 2014 2014






! !

' RSigma'Alpha'EpsilonR' - Sigma Alpha Epsilon -

In many ways SAE is one of the most diverse student groups on campus. Hailing from cities all over the US, Europe, Africa, and America, brothers are truly very different. However, closerHailing inspection the similarities InLatin many ways our SAE is onebackgrounds of the most diverse student groups on upon campus. between our brothers are more significant than the differences. United in a vision of lasting friendship, from cities all over the US, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, our brothers scholarship, and an active social life, SAE has become one of the tightest knit group of brothers on Campus. SAE offers its members the backgrounds and interests are truly very different. However, the similarities between opportunity to be part of something bigger and even more enriching. our brothers are more significant than the differences. United in a vision lasting The first thing that comes to mind when thinking about SAE is definitely the packed social of calendar. From the first day scholarship, and an active social life,Back SAE to has become one the up tightest of classes,friendship, SAE kicks off the quarter with a bang at our very popular School Party, andof keeps the pace with at least two more per quarter. Weekly SAE bar nights, sorority mixers, ski trips with sororities, knit all-campus groups ofparties brothers on Campus. offers its members the opportunity to and be quarterly part formals in San Francisco ensure that there is always something fun going on. Events such as 80s Party and Roman Baththe of something bigger than themselves. only Toga Party on Campushave become yearly traditions attended by students across campus. Aside from social events, SAE is also passionate about sports. Many members of our house come from either Varsity The teams, first thing that mayof come to mind when thinking about SAE is the Brothers packednever social or Club sports and the majority our members are former athletes and enthusiastic fans. have a problem starting a pick-up game out on our basketball court or getting in a quality game ping-pong. after calendar. From the first day of classes, SAE kicks off theof quarter with Also, a bang atjoining our SAE, you will certainly have a place Back to stay on about any college campus in thethe nation. After all,at SAE is the countrys very popular tojust School party, and keeps up pace with least two more largest fraternity. If you are just relaxing on a given afternoon, you can expect to walk into our stadium- seated common room and all-campus parties quarter. Weekly bar nights, sorority mixers, ski trips with enjoy some time watching TV or per playing XBOX with the friends. sororities, and quarterly in San Stanford Francisco thatcommunities, there is always SAE also never forgets that it isformals part of the larger and ensure surrounding and gives back through service events. In addition togoing more traditional community service ideas like gathering food,Linner, rebuilding schools in East something fun on. Events such as 80s Party, the spring canned day party and Palo Alto,Roman and hosting blood drives, we try to reach out in more innovative and fun ways. Baththe only toga party on campushave become yearly traditions attended SAE like everyone at Stanford cares a lot about academics. The academic support, along with our incredible alumni by hundreds of students. network, ensure that brothers have great opportunities after college as well. Recent graduates have secured jobs with J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, McKinsey & Co., Morgan Stanley, Teach for America, and professional sports teams. As an SAE, Aside from social events, SAE passionate sports. Many ofGoose our or Sundance expect to get to know our alumni early and oftenis when they treat about us to dinners and drinksmembers at The Dutch Steakhouse. You might Stanfords Soccer Stadium is named after our the current Alumniof Advisor, Laird Cagan. house comenotice fromthe either varsity or club sports teams, and majority our members Speaking are of dinners, you owe it to yourself to stop by, meet our new chef Herb, and try one of his delicious former athletes and enthusiastic fans. Brothers never have a problem startingmeals. a SAE is more than just a place to live. As rush approaches, we encourage you to stop by and form your own opinions about us, pick-up game out on our basketball court or finding a rowdy group to roll out to as well as the other fraternities on campus. Not so long ago, we were all freshmen facing the same decisions that you are about sports games. you are more relaxing on ahis given afternoon, you can walk into to make, you would be If hard pressed to findinto an SAE who regrets choice. ! and

our stadium-seated common room and enjoy some time watching TV or playing XBOX with friends.






raphy& 2012& mics& & 2013&! SAE also never forgets that it is part of the larger Stanford and surrounding communities, and gives back through service events. In addition to more traditional RUSH' James!Snagle! community service ideas like gathering canned food, rebuilding schools in East Palo CHAIRS ! Alto, and hosting blood drives, we try to reach out in more innovative and fun ways! Year% Major% like a charity basketball tournament. Further, ! SAE is truly a nationwide presence, FRATERNTIY Sigma!Alpha!Epsilon! 2012& Economics& with the most initiated members of any national fraternity. Members of SAE always an&Studies& Brandon!Chowers! 2013& MS&E& have a place to stay on other campuses and frequently meet apparent GREEK' ! strangers who 2012& CEE&! share their association with SAE and its traditions. 2012& MS&E&

ic&Systems& ology&

! !

WEBSITE! PRESIDENT!! Nelson!Estrada!


2014& t&Design& 2012& raphy& 2014& 2014& 2013& t&Design& 2013& mics& phy& 2012& ystems& 2014& t&Design& 2012& my& mics& 2013& 2012& mics& 2014& phy& & 2012& mics& 2013& 2012& r&Studies& 2012& 2014& 2012& matics& & 2012& l&Science& 2014& gy& 2012& & 2013& 2014& 2014& t&Design& 2013& 2013& 2012& 2012& 2013& 2014& 2014& 2014& 2013& 2012& 2012& 2012& 2013& 2014& 2014& 2014& 2013& 2013&

mics& 2014& sics&


History& SAE like everyone at Stanford is serious about academics. Brothers earn their free History& time, and support each others efforts to excel. The academic support, NATIONAL' 1856! along with our STS& incredible alumni network, ensures that brothers have great opportunities after college Chemical&Engineering& FRATERNITY ! as well. Actives and recent graduates have secured jobs with Apple, Goldman Sachs, IR& Economics& McKinsey & Co., Jawbone, Morgan Stanley, Teach for America, and professional STANFORD' 1891! Product&Design& sports teams. Zooology&& CHAPTER! IR& SAE is more than just a place to live. As rush approaches, we encourage you to stop Bioengineering& by and form your own opinions about us. Not so long ago, we were all freshmen WEBSITE!! IR& facing the same decisions that you are about to make. You would be hard pressed to Economics& find an SAE who regrets his choice. MS&E& PRESIDENT! Nelson!Estrada! Symbolic&Systems& CEE/Geology&! CS& Contact'Information:' Bioengineering& ' STS& RUSH' James!Snagle! Jack!Nagle!(President)!!!! MS&E& ! CHAIRS! MS&E& !Colin!Epperson!(Rush!Chair)!!! CS&!! EE& ! American&Studies& Brandon!Chowers! !Baker!Tilney!(Rush!Chair)!! MS&E&!! STS&! ! STS& Stenography& Economics& Biology& STS& Economics& CS/Physics& CS& Product&Design& Cartography& CS& STS& CS& Product&Design& Economics& Philosophy& Earth&Systems& 26! Product&Design& ! Alchemy& Economics& CEE&


! !

X - Sigma Chi -

Stanfords first and oldest housed Fraternity, Sigma Chi proudly combines tradition and achievement with an unparalleled commitment to providing a high-quality experience during college and beyond. Sigma Chi is unlike any other Greek Chapter on campus. We bring together ambitious men, with varying interests who share a common goal: to get the most out of college and form a close group of brothers in the process. We are athletes, musicians, scholars and leaders, together making a fraternity of truly amazing people. Our uniqueness extends to our house, as well: we own ita claim that no other fraternity on campus can make. Spend some time around the House and you will undoubtedly feel the real difference between the atmosphere in Sigma Chi and every other row house. Recently, we completed a $3 million campaign worth of renovations, further ensuring Sigma Chi as the finest residence on the Farm. Year after year, Sigma Chi serves as one of the pillars of the Stanford social scene. From our signature parties like Cowabunga and Graffiti Party, to our weekly Penthouses and regular mixers with sororities, it is fair to say that we have a great time. Numerous date events for brothers and their guests are held throughout the year, 27!

! ! like our Christmas party and the spring formal in San Francisco. Pilgrimages to Tahoe, Vegas, Shasta, andmost recentlyto the Fiesta and Rose Bowls, are also a staple of the House. However, the Sigma Chi experience is about more than just partying. While our brothers certainly play hard, we also believe in working hard. In addition to hosting inspiring professors and awarding Sigma Chi scholarships for academic excellence, we promote academia by genuinely supporting and encouraging each other as students. Without question, Sigma Chi has the closest ties with its alumni of any Greek group on campus, providing career connections and social networks that last a lifetime. Over the years, these alumni relations have helped many brothers secure jobs and internships in everything from investment banking and startups, to biotech companies and microbreweries. Moreover, these associations reflect both the strength of our alumni relations and the excellence shown by our active members. Sigma Chi also has a very proud tradition of giving back to the community. One of our strongest efforts is our weekly SPOON feed, in which we team up with the ladies of Theta to prepare and serve meals at the Palo Alto Opportunity Center. We are also leading a new tutoring program working with East Palo Alto students, where we bring underprivileged kids to the house and help them with homework each week, providing a strong foundation of guidance and mentorship. Perhaps most notably, our Chapter carries on the renowned Sigma Chi tradition of Derby Days. With the help of the ISC sororities, we have raised thousands of dollars for the Childrens Miracle Network and Huntsman Cancer Institute through this event. And we look forward to making Derby Days an even bigger event at Stanford this spring. Most importantly, what characterizes our house is a solid foundation of brotherhood; it is what binds together our different temperaments, talents, and convictions, and leads to lifelong friendships. If you are drawn to any of the above, we welcome you to come hang out at the House anytime and see if Sigma Chi is right for you.

Contact'Information:' ' !Rush!Moody!(President)!!!! ! !John!Burke!Kleinheinz!(Rush!Chair)!!!! ! !Walker!Szurek!(Rush!Chair)!!!! ! Website!!!! ! ! 28!

! !

N - Sigma Nu

The Sigma Nu Fraternity for Men is a Legion of Honor dedicated to Love, Truth, and one other thing. Sigma Nu as a national fraternity has its proud origins in Virginia shortly after the Civil War. Sigma Nu at Stanford was founded in 1891 by the venerable Carl Lane Clemens. Beta Chi Chapter was the first chapter of Sigma Nu established on. Are you still reading? I would tell you to put it down because this excerpt about Sigma Nu will tell you nothing but of our attempt to entertain you during this awesome meeting. So what is this fraternity all about? Sigma Nu prides itself on being diverse. What that means is that a lot of its members probably would have never met each other if they hadnt joined. We have athletes (including an Olympic contender), budding politicians (half the senior class presidents and an ASSU Senator), actors, RAs, volunteers, musicians. During the quarter we can be found supporting our brothers at DJing at parties around campus, in plays, and at sporting events (ever seen someone quadruple back flip in a gymnastics meet? us neither but that would be sick). We are all Stanford students and we all know working can be a drag so the house is a really awesome place to kick it be during the day too, hanging out on the lawn playing games or on the basketball court, our speakers are always laying down the phattest of beats (is that a what theyre calling it these days?) ! 29!

! ! Sigma Nu has a social calendar of events like mixers, progressives, formals, and chapter development nights (read: summoning of the bros). Whether its the extreme taco bell challenge (two 40 oz beverages, 14 items from the T-bell value menu), or delicious food from our new chef Ralph we always eat like kings. Besides social gatherings, Sigma Nu provides members with the opportunity to put on philanthropy events like Sigma Boo (its a Halloween night for little kids we really like puns) and Snowchella (i.e. huge concert for charity with over $12,000 in lights and speakers). It also puts members in contact with opportunities like tour guiding, Sierra Camp staffing, and student theatre, in addition to more boring but probably fruitful exploits like internships, research opportunities, and job openings. Chubbies, Instagram, Charles Schwab, Verbling? Ever heard of those companies? Each has at least one founder from Sigma Nu, Beta Chi Chapter. Plus, what other house do you know that has a balcony? Exactly. We here at Sigma Nu would love for you to come and visit. If youre intrigued, come chill. Best of luck in the Rush process (And make sure to ask about Falconry nights).

' RSigma'NuR'

Contact'Information:' Sigma!Nu!was!established!at!Stanford!in!1891!with!the!establishment!of!our!Beta!Chi!chapter.!It!was! ' founded!byare!still!reading?!Well!done,!you!have!made!it!passed!our!first!test.!Making!it!to!the!second! !James!Honsa!(President)!!!! sentence!is!a!formidable!task.!Congratulations.!

So!what!is!this!fraternity!all!about?!Sigma!Nu!prides!itself!on!being!diverse.!What!that!means!is!that!its! !Connor!Kelley(Rush!Chair)!!!! members!would!never!have!met!each!other!if!they!hadnt!joined.!And!now!the!guys!in!the!house!are! !Max!Kohrman!(Rush!Chair)!!!! some!of!their!closest!friends!(except!for!Kenny,!no!one!likes!him).!We!have!athletes!(including!an! Jeremy!Mann!(Rush!Chair)!!! Olympic!contender),!budding!politicians!(a!sophomore!class!president!and!an!ASSU!Senate!deputy! Uche!Uba!(Rush!Chair)!!! chair),!actors!(both!good!ones!and!Lawrence),!resident!assistants!(pay!close!attentionthey!are! ! everywhere),!volunteers!(apparently!Camp!Kessem!invited!Rosellini!back),!and!entrepreneurs! Website!!!! (BroVerbLinckle).!The!point!is!Sigma!Nu!brings!together!people!from!across!our!campus!and!forces! ! themI!mean!allows!them!to!become!friends.!


Besides!introducing!us!to!each!other,!the!fraternity!gives!to!its!members!more!than!the!Giving!Tree.! Sigma!Nu!has!a!social!calendar!of!events!like!mixers,!formals,!and!chapter!development!nights!(read:!a!

! !

E - Sigma Phi Epsilon -

Major(s) / Minor(s)

& Economics

n nce / Arabic & Mathematics



ng. ence

Are you ready? a powerful, omniscient voice Phi boomed from afar. Fraternity Sigma Epsilon Morgan Freeman? you meekly asked, with freshman-like innocence. Ready for what? Greek Letters For everything, the voice echoed back, and you were swept off your feet and placed into the studly ranks of the men of Sigma Phi Epsilon.

nce and Eng.

Public Policy


Sigma Phi Epsilon is everything doing everything, seeing everything, and experiencing everything there is to experience in our four short years at college. Every SigEp realizes ng. National Founded that, with our young smiles, youthful cheer, and college-hardened bodies, this is the time Fraternity November to experience things we will never get the chance to 1, do1901 again. We party with the lovely ladies of Stanford sororities, throw all-campus parties, go to gun ranges (F*** YEAH ution/Ecology) Stanford Founded AMERICA), host wine-tasting concerts, Chapter events, attend May 15, 1985organize philanthropy events, ironmental Eng. (A&E) decimate opposition in intramural sports, serenade sororities, hold physical challenges, host speakers, allow members to showcase their passions and skills, attend national Website *Register online to promising receive updates conferences, and much, much more. SigEp never stops new ways to have a Science & Eng. good time, learn, and grow, all alongside fraternal brothers who will undoubtedly become ng. Colin Gray some of your best, President lifelong friends. . & Computer Science SigEp is the largest national fraternity (Over 300,000 members! Look at all those 0s!), ons Vincent Chen and the first to have a chapter in all 50 states. Joining SigEp will introduce you to ence Recruitment hundreds of new people, but this is not merely about finding a group of friends we Chairs Francisco Pinillos Relations


Nick Name



ironmental Eng.

! ! bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate success in personal endeavor and duty to fellow man, and are willing to challenge themselves in every aspect of personal growth. We are a brotherhood of vibrant individuals, striving to become better human beings, forming memories that last a lifetime, and occasionally dancing on tables. SigEp has consistently delivered on its promise to build the Balanced Man. Our brothers at Stanford have started their own companies and non-profits, gone on to be successful on Wall Street and Capitol Hill, are leaders of major campus organizations, and are national varsity athletics champions. Nationally, SigEp alumni are CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, NFL quarterbacks, astronauts (The SigEp flag was aboard NASAs last manned exploratory shuttle), and cultural figureheads like Dr. Seuss. Green Eggs and Ham? More like Purple, Red, Gold Eggs and Ham. So come join us at rush; wed love to meet you. Get to know us, eat some kick-ass food, learn why we love SigEp, and see for yourself why all of our brothers unanimously agree that joining SigEp was one of the best decisions theyve ever made.


At the crux of every fraternity experience should lay some fundamental gains: a brotherhood of vibrant individuals, Contact'Information:' constant striving to become better human beings, and memories to last a lifetime. Over a hundred years, Sigma Phi ' Epsilon (SigEp) has diligently sought the best way to make these available to our brothers. As the largest national !Nadiv!Rahman!(President)!!!! fraternity, with over 300,000 members, and the first to have a chapter in all 50 states, SigEp has consistently ! delivered on its promise to build the Balanced Man. SigEp is not ! simply about finding a group of friends- we bring together like-minded individuals who appreciate success in Chaz!Curet!(Rush!Chair)!!!! personal endeavor and duty to fellow man, and are serious about challenging themselves in every aspect of personal growth. We have a membership development program designed to pool together our diverse expertise, and ! as a community help one another achieve our personal goals. From physical challenges to educational experiences, Website!!!! wine-tasting to throwing the most creative all-campus parties, and organizing soccer tournaments to benefit Haiti to ! with campus sororities, SigEp promises many new ways to engage and learn every week. 32! socializing Every SigEp realizes that college is a time to experience things we would have otherwise never tried. As a fraternity, we try and enjoy our brothers company in as many diverse activities as possible. We go to gun ranges, attend concerts, excel at intramural sports, serenade sororities, host speakers, allow members to showcase their passions and


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X - Theta Delta Chi -

Theta Delt is in its daily operation a living, breathing, coughing manifestation of the accomplishments of men in brotherhood. Its brothers include dedicated academics, athletes of distinction, artists, writers, thespians of inspiration, surfers, skaters, chillers, and, last but not least, bros of the highest order. Among houses on the row, our location is central, and is known by many as a beacon, lighting the way from Scary Path to familiar freshman ground. Our festivities are among, and widely considered the leaders of, the coolest fiestas in the Stanford community. Bops, brews, and breezy livin' are the pillars of life in our section of the world. Our kitchen-lounge social setup includes two separate state-of-the-art speaker systems, as well as comprehensive lighting, a custom built DJ booth, and a stage on which the TDX house band, Dire Times, makes the occasional appearance, attracting fratstars and groupies alike to partake in rollicking gyration. Yes, we are hard working gentlemen, but we dont mind an occasional break to let the rest of Stanford catch up. Celebs gotta do what celebs gotta do. Partying at Theta Delt is an experience unlike any other; the sights, the sounds, the tastes youd think you died and ended up in Vegas. Our parties are kind of like Inception. We typically consolidate 33!

! ! our party-throwing experience to one open party a quarter, though it usually hits the student body with the force of eight to ten open parties. In addition to these parties, we host many closed events throughout the quarter, typically with one of our many gorgeous sister sororities (not in a biological sense, so you know, its cool). In fact, these lovely ladies are around so often, and in such huge crowds, that were often mistaken for a sorority. Im having trouble typing this right now because two, wait, three, girls want to play FIFA 13 with me. What about daily life? It's chill, super chill, all the time. Our chef, Walter Sobchak was the personal chef for Kevin Costner and the founder of Jack in the Box. He was also a pro skater and the first person to snowboard, ever. Brothers of The Delt represent a number of interests and pursuits. Our intramural basketball and football teams compete at the highest level. With our own basketball and volleyball courts, pick-up games are standard operating procedure in the Dojo. Musicians, the occasional chapter consultant, and Kirk (on Friday and Saturday night) find their home in the band room, where equipment and partners-in-the-jam are available most any time. Theta Delts also demonstrate a vested interest in philanthropic activity, a fact demonstrated this year at the Autism Speaks U Dodgeball Challenge, where the crusading residents of the pledge ghetto lost in a narrow championship match to the leaping ladies of Kappa Alpha Theta. Come one, come all. Chillers, philosophers, athletes, academics and all others. Check out what having a darn good time is all about. !

Contact'Information:' ' !Jack!Brody!(President)!!! ! Lucio!Mondavi!(Rush!Chair)!!! Rooney!Pitchford!(Rush!Chair)!!!! Marcus!Munoz!(Rush!Chair)!!! ! !


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