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Case study and workshop evaluation framework

Introduction This document describes the build-up and purpose of the overall case study and workshop evaluation. Within the execution of the case studies we define four different types of evaluations at different moments: 1. Case study record Starting point: description of plan and process 2. Evaluation workshops by Participants 3. Case study record Finishing point: reflection on plan and process 4. Evaluation case study with the person who acts as the contact point of the case study partner The four evaluations mentioned above have each a specific purpose in the evaluation of each ARCH-case studies. We have also developed four templates that can be used during each evaluation moment. These will be described below. 1. Case study record Starting point: description of plan and process Goal The goal of this case study record is to present a description of the plan and process for the case study before the beginning of the case study process. The purpose of this case study record is to collect general information about each case study and to describe the starting point of the case study process. Execution This Case Study Record should be completed by the ARCH project team before the series of workshops start. The completed Case Study Record should be accompanied by a process diagram, illustrating number of workshops, evaluation activities and key events. If multiple team members are involved in the design and delivery of the case study, the evaluation report should be based on a group discussion. Template The template that should be used for this evaluation is: Case study record Starting point. Please send the completed Case Study Record including any supporting policy documents, reports, process diagrams etc. to

2. Evaluation workshops by Participants Goal The purpose of this evaluation is to provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on their experiences of each workshop in the case study. Execution The evaluation should be executed after each workshop or key event that is being organised within the case study process. The workshop participants should complete this questionnaire after each Case Study Workshop or after key events (e.g. after major decisions have been taken or key tasks have been completed) in case the experiment involves a series of interconnected events. Data from the Participant Questionnaires should be processed, i.e. translated and put into the provided Excel file before submitting the results to Template The template that should be used for this evaluation is: Participants questionnaire AND Excel Participants Questionnaire results-table. Please send the completed Participants questionnaires and table including any supporting policy documents, reports, process diagrams etc. to 3. Case study record Finishing point: reflection on plan and process Goal The goal of this case study record is to collect detailed information about the experience of the ARCH project team with the workshops at the end of the case study process AND to reflect on the plan and process as was described in the case study record starting point. Execution This Case Study Record should be completed after the execution of the series of workshops. The completed Case Study Record should be accompanied by an updated process diagram, illustrating how the process (number of workshops, evaluation activities and key events) was executed in the end. If multiple team members are involved in the design and delivery of the case study, the evaluation report should be based on a group discussion. Template The template that should be used for this evaluation is: Case study record Reflection. Please send the completed Case Study Record including any supporting policy documents, reports, process diagrams etc. to

4. Evaluation case study by contact person of the case study partner Goal The goal of this evaluation is to ask the main contact point of the case study to evaluate the process and results of the case study from the part of the case study partner with whom you cooperated. This should be done at the end of the case study process. Execution The Case Study evaluation should be completed after the execution of the workshops. The contact person at the case study partner is asked to fill in an evaluation questionnaire: the Contact Person Questionnaire. Better is to interview the case study contact with this questionnaire. Template The template that should be used for this evaluation is: Contact Person Questionnaire. Please send the completed Contact Person Questionnaire to Schematic overview of evaluation framework Below a schematic overview is given of the evaluation framework including all templates for evaluation, the moment in time and activity they are connected to.
Case Study Record Starting Point Case Study Record Reflection

Start of case study

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop x

End of activities on the ground

Participant Q

Participant Q

Participant Q

Contact Point Q

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