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By John Papadopoulos Private investigator of the Bitcoin phenomeno

What CAD software you use for your DIY PCB miner? Well in this question i can't answer straight. There are many of them but i think two are in shape:

from CadSoft which is very popular. You can google it or search on Youtube There are 4 version available at the moment: 1) The lite version for students. It has lite schematic editor for one schematic and also can produce 2 layers PCB. Max dimensions are 100 x 80 mm. The best part? It's free! (for evaluation) OK there is a little cost about 50$ but this is for those who want telephone support. 2) The hobbyist version. It has 99 schematics and can produce PCB with up to six layers. Max dimensions are 160X100 mm. Only For non-commercial use and costs about US$120. 3) EAGLE Standard version: It has 99 schematics and can produce PCB with up to six layers. Max dimensions are 160 x 100 mm. Price depends of user needs and available options. Costs about $550 for one user with schematic and PCB layout, $820.00 with auto-router capabilities. 4) EAGLE Professional version: It has 999 schematics and can produce PCB with up to 16 layers. Max dimensions 1.6 x 1.6 meters! Price depends of user needs and available options. Costs about $1100 for one user with schematic and PCB layout, $1650.00 with auto-router capabilities. Note: All prices are not include GST


By John Papadopoulos Private investigator of the Bitcoin phenomeno

Features EAGLEs has the schematic (circuit) editor hierarchical construction, Electrical Rules Check tool (ERC), one of the biggest component libraries, PCB layout editor, autorouter and CAM print facility. It also has a script feature called ULP, which is a script language like C++ which adds very useful options, such as multiple PCB prototyping and 3D placement simulation. Another useful thing is that eagle it has a command line terminal for mass productive work through command or keyboard shortcuts. It has it's own macro's and thus can easily be customized.

eagle 3D team

KiCad open source PCB

KiCad is an EDA software suite for the creation of professional schematics and printed circuit boards. Kicad runs on Windows, Linux and Apple OS X and is released under the opensourceGNU GPL v2.


By John Papadopoulos Private investigator of the Bitcoin phenomeno

KiCad is a software which includes a project manager and four tools: Eeschema, schematic editor. Pcbnew, board editor. Gerbview, GERBER viewer. Cvpcb, footprint selector for components used in the circuit design. With KiCad you can create schematic diagrams and printed circuit board up to 16 layers.

With the KiCad schematic editor, you can create a simple electronic sheet or a group of hierarchical sheets. A Electrical Rules Check tool (ERC) is available. You can as well create netlists for Pcbnew, or for Spice.

Eeschema is the schematic editor and manages a fast and direct access to component documentation. The Pcbnew board editor can handle up to 16 PCB layers plus 12 technical layers (silk screen, solder mask, etc.) and can produce all the necessary files for PCB (GERBER files for photoplotters, drilling files and component location files).You can plot board layers on Postscript laser printers (for prototypes). Pcbnew can show a 3-D view of the printed board with its components, using OpenGL. There are about 7 PDF documentation manuals and also many tutorials


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