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Scene 1 The film starts with an adults arm and hand to be seen to be seen on a glass table.

The door opens and the voice behind this man speaks, Here, Mr. Mahmood, the file you requested for. The file is placed on the table and hand moves forward to grab a pen and open the file. The man sitting behind the desk extracts a booklet with the companys name on top of it. The hand flips the pages and starts reading. When this page is flipped, the scene changes. This scene shows a childs hand flipping papers and writing furiously on the paper. Background score is of a clock ticking followed by the sound of a ringing bell. A womans voice is then heard saying Your time is up. The hand compiles the answer sheet, flips through the pages and then writes on the top of the first sheet his name Ali Hamza Mahmood under the heading which says Matric Board Examination 2011 and puts the pen down. After this scene the title appears In Pursuit of Success Scene 2 A small kid (around the age of 10-11) with dirty feet in slipper can be seen (only) running on a road. The kid is then shown fully (long shot) running towards a wall. When he stops, hes panting heavily and is standing against a wall right before it opens up to another street. Ali, slightly scared, peeks onto the next road- inspiration taken from the The Kite Runners cover page- A macro shot of his eyes can be seen, darting from left to right and up and down. A certain excitement but sadness and a feeling of longing can be seen in his eyes. The kid is looking at a school, opening and the kids entering it. Ali looks at them for a moment, and then turns on his heels and runs back. Scene3: A younger kid, in his teen (15-16years) is washing a rickshaw. His mother calls out his name Ali and he immediately stops and goes inside. He comes out-dressed in an old shirt, dirty jeans and worn out sneakers- after a few minutes, bids his mother goodbye and rides away. The scene cuts at this point and next a male adult, coming out of a different house and driving away in his car. Scene 4 Later around mid day Ali can be seen sitting in his rickshaw on a very busy street. Even though its extremely hot, the roads are busy with traffic etc but Ali seems oblivious to it and seems to be studying intently. A woman comes to him, tells him where she need to go. Ali puts his books aside and starts driving

the rickshaw. The female looks at his rickshaw with fascination. Her dressing is such that it seems she belongs to the upper middle class and is sitting in a rickshaw for the first time. She notices the books, looks at Ali curiously and asks Whose book is this? and with this dialogue, the conversation starts between the two. The middle class woman finds it very fascinating that the kid is able to study without any guidance so she asks him why he is doing so. From the point of view of the woman, she is shown looking at Ali through the rear view mirror, only Alis eyes will be seen by the women and his voice will be heard. Here, the scene cuts as she asks this intense question to him and he looks at her with a wise look in his eyes and the scene changes from here. Scene 5 Mr.Mahmood can be seen sitting in his office, reading a file. A colleague of Mr.Mahmood comes into his office and greets him. He hands him a file and sits on the chairs in front of his table. They start chatting for a few minutes after which the friend becomes quite and start observing Mr. Mahmood reading the file. He then say I have to say man, u have the best luck in the world. I mean do you know I many times I applied for this job of yours? For three years but still didnt get it! But you?! You got it the first time amazing luck you have my friend!. To this Mr. Mahmood looks up and smiles wisely and says I remember those days when I would sit under the faint light of the lantern or streetlight during many nights when the electricity would be cut off and would study..So dont say I have luck rather ask how I made my luck. He closes the file and signs his name on itAli Hamza Mahmood. Scene 6 The scenes start with the adult Ali sitting in his car driving back home. He looks in the rear view mirror at his eyes and the has a flashback of a conversation he once had with a women in his rickshaw when she asked him if he needed any help and he had answered Madam I would make my own luck one day and I will stand on my own feet one day and I will have my very own big car one dayI will work hard day and night and will become strong enough to overcome any obstacle and that one day is not too far awayMadam, ull see I will run after excellence until success chases me all the way till the end.after all life is a struggleto add stuff. Scene 7 The adult Ali stops his car in front of his house. He gets out and only his shoes are shown as he walks towards the door. A flashback of the small kids dirty feet running are showed after which the present adult Alis feet walking to the door is showed again. Next an over the shoulder medium close up shot of

Ali is showed as the opens the door of the house. Then a flashback of when the small kid stops at the wall breathing heavily and panting and as he peeks around the corner to spy on the school and the kids and the camera does a macro focus on his eyes. Showing the sadness and longing in them. As the scene returns to focus on the present, Alis aged hands can be seen opening the door and the mother coming to greet her son. Then only Alis eyes are shown in macro as he opens the door and the happiness and the satisfaction is seen in them. The Music: The music or background score would be a soft tempo beat. A soft music would help the story by developing it in a direction that its a serious story. The high and low pitch would give it the element of anxiety as well as excitement. The locations: The locations would vary according to the scenes. For example our first scene where only the hand of the two characters can be seen, the lighting would be almost the same; fluorescent. Since this type of lighting is very common in offices as well as examination room. Here our location would not really be seen. But rather through dialogues and props we would try to direct our audience. The second scene shows a small child running in a street next to a long wall. Then he stops at a wall and turns around to look inside a narrow street. The location for this scene has to be exact to the requirement, so in order to show that the character is running and moving forward. Also the school has to be shown at morning time or afternoon time when they either collect together to go in or come out in groups. The third scene of when Ali washes the rickshaw has to be shot in the house of a family that belongs to the lower middle class so we can use the houses of an actual rickshaw driver. The office scene has to be shot in a real office building with a room were Ali works. Its not suppose to be to large nor to small. It should have a door and a window. The rickshaw scene requires to be shot on the road and sometimes from inside the rickshaw from the point of view of the women. Likewise the car scene requires to be shot from inside the car, from the point of view of Ali and from the road as well.

The last scene as Ali walks towards his house would consists of ,macro shots of Alis feet walking towards a house. The house has to look like a upper middle class family house so either one of us partners house can be used. The characters: We need to use three different characters for the characters of Ali Hamza Mahmood. Firstly the stage of his life where he is just a kid around the ages of 10-11. This kid has a very dirty messy poor boy look to him. He is seen wearing shorts and a shirt with slippers. His shirt has patches of dirt on it. The second character is a teenage boy who seems to be dressed in jeans and a button down shirt and really old shoes. He doesnt seem to be dressed all too well yet he can seem to be dressed neatly. He carries around with him a book of his Matric Board and is often seen to be reading it during any free time in the day. He is a well mannered kid who has self educated himself enough that to converse in English is easy for him. He respects his elders and his mother and is seen as a intelligent wise kid. The third character is a middle age male who is intellectual, soft spoken and very well mannered. He is a likeable person. He represents Ali as he is in the present. He is well dressed, in dress pants and a coat as is seen to be employed at a high post in the office that he works. Hes not seen as arrogant or egoistic nor as a proud person. Apart from Ali we have other supporting characters as well that we have to use in order to make our film. The characters of Alis mother who is a old women in her late 40s. She is a mild mannered, soft nature loving and kind mother who cherishes her son. She loves her son dearly and sees him with pride as he struggles through with a smile on his face. She supports him in all that he does and is seen to be an encouraging boost for him. Alis colleague is a friend of his who works in the same office as Ali does just on a different post. In the film he makes it clear that he was after Ails job for many years but that was when Ali was not yet employed and the job kept of firing and re hiring candidates since no one seems suitable for it. After Alis employment is friend is employed for another job. He and Ali become good friends. He is a likeable, humorous and a social person. The rickshaw scene requires for a passenger who is a middle age, upper middle class women who has her first ever rickshaw ride. She is seen to be well dressed in expensive clothing. She educated enough. Her manner of speaking is with respect for the other person and she talks to Ali very politely.

As Ali converses with her in English she is impressed by his manners as well as his English. She is very happy to learn that Ali is a hard working boy who studies as well as works. She tries to offer him some money so that he can study hard but he rejects it saying that the very fact that she feels proud to have been in a company of such an extraordinary boy and that his hard work would definitely lead him to success was his reward enough. Other characters include the voice over of women in the examination room. Other childrens around the ages of 10-11 huddled around the school. The voice of a young custodian who hands Ali the file. The look and Feel of the film: The film is very reality based with the present and the past shown simultaneously. In order to make sense of the film and not have our audience get confused, hazy and dissolve effects will be used. Changes in the lighting of the scene will be done.

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