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At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
1. define bias;
2. enumerate biases of authors; and
3. examine biases, for or against made by the author.

A. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of Southeast Asian Literature as mirror to a
shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual information; strategies features of a listening and
viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and grammatical signals for
opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis.

B. Performance Standard: The learner transfer learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech
based on an informative essay featuring use of properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical
signals for opinion making, persuasion, and emphasis and appropriate prosodic features, stance and

C. Most Essential Learning Competency: Examining biases (for or against) made by the author; EN8RC-


A. Topic: Examining biases (for or against) made by the author.
B. References: Module 1 3rd Quarter English 8
C. Materials: PowerPoint, Manila Paper, marker
D. Values Integration: Fairness and Cooperation
E. Subject Integration: E.S.P

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
 Prayer

Let us bow our head and feel the presence of the Lord. (someone from the class will lead the prayer)

 Classroom Management
Before you sit down, kindly arrange your chair properly and
pick up those paper scattered around the floor. Are you
through? Okay you may sit down

 Checking of Attendance (the secretary of the class will do the report)

 Greetings

Alright! Good morning/afternoon everyone! How’s your Good morning Mam! Yes Mam our vacation is
one week vacation? Is it good so far? great and we do a lot of things!

That’s good to know it seems you really enjoyed your one

week vacation, Now are you ready to learn for this 3rd
quarter. Okay that’s good so let’s begin.

Before we go on to our next lesson for this 3rd quarter let us have a
short recap about your last lesson.

Anyone from the class who would like to have a recap? (Someone from the class will do the recap)

Okay, Very well! To have a short review let us have a short activity,
write your answer in your activity notebook.

Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Put a check mark (/) if the
sentence connotes a positive message and cross mark (x) if it is
negative. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. People should stay at home during pandemic. /

2. Using rubbing alcohol regularly is important. /
3. Washing of hands is optional. X
4. People are not following social distancing. X
5. Wearing a facemask is a must. /


Okay Class seems everybody understand the last lesson you have let
us have a short motivation before we go on to our next topic. This
activity is entitled Pick Your Favorite. (The teacher will instruct the
class about this activity this will help the students to have an idea
about the lesson)

Okay class let us have this activity I will let you choose between two
options which you like better. Are you ready? Let’s begin!
Yes, Mam we are ready!
Directions: Pick your favorite between the given options below.
Then, give your reason for choosing such.

(student’s answer may vary)

Basketball or
(student’s answer may vary)

Mobile Legends or Call of Duty

(student’s answer may vary)

Jollibee or MacDonald’s

(student’s answer may vary)

Facebook or Instagram

(student’s answer may vary)

English or Math

Alright you were able to make your choices sometimes our

preferences may lead us to being biased. Are you familiar with the
word bias?

In this lesson you will learn how to examine biases especially in
tackling issues and informing your beliefs. This will help you make
sound judgments on given situations. You will also learn the concept
of bias and ways to determine the author’s biases.

These are the objectives of today’s lesson.

 Define and identify bias;
 Recognizing bias in a given statement and; (the teacher will call someone from the class to
 Accept responsibility for personally held bias. read the learning objectives)


What comes in your mind when you hear the word bias?
Is it your bias kpop idol? Presidential candidates?
(students answer may vary)
What is Bias?
Bias mean partially for or prejudiced against someone or some idea.
The tendency of an individual to have a positive or negative
tendency or liking towards or against something. Showing bias
prevents individual to approach an issue or matter from neutral point
of view.

For Example: Cats and dogs are both good pets. Dogs are
affectionate but they are extremely difficult to care for. Cats, on the
other hand, are also very lovable and cuddly. They require only
moderate care that isn’t too time consuming.

Based on the writer choice of words which do the author prefer is a

cat or dog?
The author prefer the cat
You are correct you have just identified bias, how about do you also
prefer cat over dogs like the author?
Yes, Mam we also prefer cats
That’s great remember that we all have biases that reflects our
opinions and our particular outlooks about life it is perfectly normal
and part of human being. Almost of every piece of writing shows a
little bit bias even the Primary and Secondary sources.

Do you know what the primary and secondary resources are?

Okay, very good that’s right primary resources are the original
document, a raw material like dissertations, journals, letters, diaries
and interviews. Secondary sources is one that was created later by
someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the
events, like commentaries, histories, popular books and etc.

These sources also show biases and prejudices that’s why the
reader’s job is to recognize biases and think critically about them to
determine how much they affect a writer’s presentation of his/her

Okay class let me use the famous line of Mike Enriquez a TV host
anchor from 24oras. “Walang kinikilingan, Walang
pinoprotektahan,serbisyong totoo lamang”

Now what is the meaning of his famous line? (the teacher will call
someone from the class)

Okay very good! This famous line of Mike Enriquez is different

from the bias, which means in this line they are not favoring anyone,
and they work for truth, unlike bias statement they are favoring
someone according to their preferences and experiences.

Now what is bias in writing?

 A prejudice against something an author is writing about.
 Favoritism for something an author is writing about.
 An author letting feelings or emotions cloud his/her
objectivity concerning something he/she is writing about.

Five steps in recognizing bias from the text.

1. Look for loaded words- words that are charged with emotion
(whether positive or negative) can reveal an author’s
opinion about his/her topic. The word boring and the phrases of waste of
For example: Reading for pleasure is a waste of time. time and don’t really learn anything these
People who spend hours on reading don’t get to live in the implies biases/
real world/ they don’t really learn anything that is useful
about dealing with everyday people and problems. Plus,
teachers always make us read text that are boring.

Class which words or phrases are charged with emotions

Correct and t is about reading for pleasure.

2. Watch out for stereotypes- if the author labels an entire

group, the writing is probably biased.
For example: Women are better than men in so many ways.
Whether at home or at work, women always excel/in fact
there is almost nothing that women cannot do better than

On what stereotypes does the author show bias?

The author shows stereotype on women as
better than men.
3. Notice vague language or generalization- if the author isn’t
using specific language, this could be an indicator of bias.
For example: online learning is the best mode of education
in the new normal learners who have gadgets with internet
access learn better than learners who only use modules. The
internet is expensive, though.

Which does the author prefer online learning, or modular

Did the author show an unclear generalization? Online learning

Correct the author failed in organizing his or her ideas well Yes
resulting unclear realizations about the topic.

Identify the author’s bias. Is it for or against?

4. Be on the lookout for one-sided arguments- if the author

only presents one side of an argument, his/her writing is
probably biased.
For example: Many Filipinos disagree with DepEd
secretary Leonor M. Briones on the opening of classes on
October 5 this year. They claim that the lives of everyone
will be placed at risk once classes’ resume .because of the
threat of the Covid-19 virus many people are protesting to
further postpone the opening of classes.

Did the author present a one sided argument?

The author’s argument on the issue is and failed explain the Yes Mam
secretary side regarding the opening of classes.

What is the author’s bias? Is it for or against?

The author is against on the opening of the

5. Does the author presents facts or opinions? class on October 5.
Facts are what they are-the truth. But opinions can be based
on feelings, or prejudices, which aren’t objective.

For example: most parents tell their children that engaging

in romantic relationships can ruin their studies. As for me,
based on my experience being in a relationship provides
inspiration to graduate. The feelings of excitement, love,
and motivation, make me believe that it is okay to begin
relationship while studying.

What does the author use on his or her text, fact or opinion?

He or she use the expressions “as for me” “based on my

experience” and make me believe as well as the phrase the
feeling of excitement love and motivation to persuade the
audience to believe his or her argument.

Let us have an activity regarding biases. I will group into five groups
and each group will be given a task. Each group will give 5 minutes.

Everyone will examine and analyze the paragraph given, if it is

biased or not and then write the words or phrases that make’s the
paragraph biased as well as the step they use in recognizing bias
from the text.

GROUP I: In this time of pandemic everyone is encouraged to

boost the immune system by eating healthy. I believe that becoming
a vegetarian is the healthiest way to keep myself protected against
Covid 19.
GROUP II: Many people say that fluency of speaking English does
not determine intelligence. In schools, students who are good in
English are often tagged as smarter than those who are good in
GROUP III: Filipinos top the rank of social media users in Asia. It
has become an important part of our everyday lives. According to (2019), a Filipino spends an average of 4 hours
and 12 minutes per day on social media sites for communication,
information and entertainment.
GROUP 1V: Dog and cats are commonly domesticated animals.
However, dogs are a better choice for they are fun to play with and
they can be trained as service dogs to help humans. Cats on the
contrary, can only serve as a house pet.
GROUP V: I like soda better than juice, I prefer soda because it is
not too sweet unlike juice. Though juice tastes good, soda has this
acidity that make you burp.

 When we can say that author’s writing is bias?
It is opinion the author shows bias according to
his or her opinions and feelings.

 How are we going to identify biases made by the author? An author shows bias by leaving out
information or by altering facts to force or
persuade the readers.
 Why is it important to avoid bias in writing?
We can identify biases using the five steps in
recognizing biases. It prevents us from being
objective. We need to have a factual
informations and fairness
Direction: Write B whether the statement is BIAS and U if it is

______1. Religious people are delusional

______2. All foreigners are terrorists. B
______3. Pretty people are not intelligent. B
______4. No one is perfect. B
______5.Filipinos are all good and kind people. U
______6. Women are inferior. B
______7.Atheists don’t believe in God. B
______8.We all commit mistakes. B
______9. We must follow rules always to keep us safe from U
punishment. U
_____10. Men are more intelligent than women.

Read and English article from a newspaper or magazine and see if
the author shows some biases. Cute out the article and paste it on
your English notebook. Then identify biases shown by the author by
underlining the parts of the texts that show biases.

Prepared by:

Practice Teacher

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