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The 10th Year Anniversary of the Iraq War

It has been almost 10 years after the beginning of the Iraq War from March of 2003. Time is going fast

since I remember 2003 like it was yesterday. I was in college as a Sophomore when the Iraq War came about. I was 100 percent opposed to the Iraq War in June of 2003. On February 15-16, 2003, that time was the largest antiwar protests in human history. More than 10 million human beings marched in over 600 cities, with demonstrations including 3 million people in Rome. That was the single largest antiwar rally in history. One-and-ahalf million people attended a rally in Madrid, and 1 million took to the streets of London. In the United States, at least 225 separate demonstrations took place, with 400,000 marching in New York City. The vast majority of the American public agreed with the execution of the Western Iraqi War (in the beginning. Later, most Americans opposed the Iraq War). Back in
those days, we still were in the vibe of experiencing the aftermath of 9/11 more psychologically than today. The mainstream media was mostly attuned with desiring the war to take place. There was a strong debate in America about the Iraq War. Society back then was much more conservative in America than today obviously. Back in those days, it was still taboo to do some of the things that we witness in our time of 2013. Fashion was much different and cell phones were much larger back in 2003. There were no IPhones or other such technologies. I-Pods were just invented. I was changing too and during the beginning of the Iraq War, I was 19 years old. My political consciousness grew into another level. I understand more about history, politics, culture, economics, and things of that nature in a higher level. My mind expanded. What do I think of the Barack Obama administration? My views are clear. The current White House is neither God nor Satan. It is a fallible institution who is right on some issues and dead wrong on other issues (from civil liberties to war mongering imperialism). We need the Audacity of Hope not the Audacity of Empire. The war in Iraq is personal with me, because I know one human being (who was a nice, down to Earth, pleasant, and real person) I knew from high school who were involved in that conflict. One of my older brothers was in the Iraq War. My brother was an Army soldier in the conflict of the Iraq War. He was there for many months. Before coming into Iraq, he was stationed in various military bases like Fort Lee and Fort Hood. He learned hand to hand combat, shooting, sleeping outside in the elements, and other activities. To further in the Army, you have to run a mile consistently and he did that. He called me to tell about the stories that he dealt with as a member of the military. There were commander officers there and if youre in the military with the rank above an E-4, then you had a lot of power politically. His job was to transport

supplies from base to base. He told me a lot stories about the Iraqi people, restaurants, and so forth. He talked about the climate being very warm, even during the Winter. He never told me whether he saw attacks, because that is personal for a lot of military folks. You have to make up your mind on that issue. He received many medals. He got out and my family had to literally fight for economic or job opportunities for him since even veterans suffer lax job opportunities. His military ID is now labeled retired since once you leave the Army, you have to renew your military license. He did it at the Navy Exchange place in Hampton Roads. In the Navy Exchange, there are stores, restaurants, and folks in the military can have discounts in buying merchandise. Ive been there a couple of times. In Hampton Roads, we see military human beings all of the time. So, we know about the military culture from the Army, Navy, Air force, Marines, etc. It is a part of American culture in fact. It is what it is as they say. Now, he or my older brother is in great spirits today. We have similarities and differences. We say more politically incorrect statements privately. We know about politics and we love debate. The difference is that on some issues, I am more progressive and on other issues, he is more progressive. Regardless of our views of this war, all human beings including veterans should be treated with dignity and respect. All human beings regardless of their background are created equal and

deserve justice (we have a fight against the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, and the mainstream media corporate multiplex. There are Brothers and Sisters of every color that want to do what is right and sincerely want genuine liberty throughout the world. I have known them all of my life). So, it is important for me to know about
the Iraq situation in a pristine, accurate fashion. I know about the history of Iraq from the ancient civilizations, cultures, and religions. Also, veterans should be treated fairly and the same as any human being should be. Suffering veterans in the road of life ought to be treated with compassion. Yet, that reality still will make me opposed to war and opposed to imperialism.

A lot of us know about the poor and poverty. The elite of society readily scapegoats the poor in trying to advance a sick society. The system of oppression and inequality has been advanced by a select few not everyone in the government even. Racial, gender, and class oppression have been a scourge inside of Western society and other lands in the globe. Not even the concessions that we received from the 1960's have fully ended discrimination and racism from our society. Many of our educational system lack funds, which causes some students to lack the tools to receive a fair, just educational experience. I am brought to the realization that education like health care is a human right. These are necessary, cogent functions of any truly free civilization. Our situation has been caused by many things like the deindustrialization of the economy from the mid 1970's. The victims of oppression are not to be blamed for their own oppression at all. We need to careful too. Some of the respectable bourgeois middle class make it a pastime to not only distance themselves from the poor (but blame the poor collectively for their own oppression). The enemy loves to bash the poor, but they try to justify capitalistic excess as found in the corruption of society. In other words, some of the upper middle class, not the just the rich, want to separate from the poor. They later turn their back on the social devastation of the poor. Extremists like David Horowitz refuse to know that the evil neoliberal economic system has harmed society. Now, we live in a new era of class oppression. That means that we should use our talents, our intellect, and our strength to battle poverty and class discrimination. The enemy may use a left face or a right face, but the results of evil are still the same. One example is that Bush Jr. made huge destructive errors in our nation from his response to the disaster of Hurricane Katrina to the Iraq War. Yet, Bill Clinton also threw thousands of poor off welfare into homelessness. He also caused an unprecedented numbers of black youth into prison. The Republicans and Democrats even refuse to have a living wage for all American workers. They love the status quo. That is why a revolutionary solution is needed to end the evil conditions that plague the ghettoes of the world and other communities.

There is a social solution to these issues beyond just individual. If we want solutions, then we must address the social conditions that harm us and that means we should fight racial and class oppression. The concessions made in society were allowed by the ruling class in the West as a means to prevent a comprehensive revolution in American society. We must continue to wage an unconditional war on poverty. The harm done to the social safety net has nothing to do with individual responsibility run amok. It has to do with evil bureaucrats wanting to end the genuine rights that our ancestors fought for in this country. If we want change, then we have to struggle and confront the powers that be.
We know about the many lies that were created as a justification to start the war in the first place. The massive genocide in Iraq lasted for over two decades with sanctions, war crimes, and bombings by the West including others in the nation of Iraq. The truth is that Iraq never had tons of fully functional weapons of mass destruction that could have threatened neighboring nations let alone the nation of America. The Iraq War was illegal and immoral. It was an unique pre-emptive war. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson said that they were wrong on the politicized information. It was bigger than that. The neo-

cons wanted an Iraq War years before 2003 via their PNAC document Then Secretary of State James Baker's vow to: "reduce Iraq to a pre-industrial age" was being minutely executed over what was to become a forty three day blitz, which morphed in to a thirteen year, vicious, murderous, one sided war of attrition and ultimately illegal invasion and occupation. The Iraqi Holocaust massively began in 1990 with the advent of the Persian Gulf War.

Dr. Polya, who has filed a Formal Complaint with the International Criminal Court, stated that:

"The Iraqi Genocide still continuing under Nobel Peace Laureate Obama is of a similar magnitude to the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation)"
They or the neo-cons fabricated specific information like the Yellow cake from Niger document That document was forged. Much of the information shown by Wilkerson and Colin Powell was fabricated as a mean to create buzz for the preemptive Western war in Iraq. America did not just participate in this imperialism alone, but the UK and other nations as well. Millions of Iraqis have died by the UN approved sanctions and the war itself against the human beings of Iraq. We know the truth now more than ever. This war of aggression included many war crimes and crimes against humanity in general. We wasted billions of dollars in the war when alternatives can be made in order for the Iraqi situation to be resolved. Even the Japanese exposed the names of their major criminals. A lot of folks in America sit back and act like nothing occurred when men, women, and children died needlessly as a result of imperial aggression. Tenet, Powell, and others knew what they were doing when they expressed their distorted testimonies in the United Nations. Then Secretary of State Colin Powell was wrong to assume that Saddam Hussein was in possession of weapons of mass destruction and that he wanted to make more of them. Colin Powell now wants to make regrets about the situation. Whether you agree with his sincerity or not, the Iraq War was an evil endeavor indeed. The decimation of Afghanistan existed too. Many soldiers like Joshua Key from his 2007 book entitled, "The Deserter's Tale: The Story of an Ordinary Soldier Who Walked Away from the War in Iraq" wrote that he apologized to the people of Iraq because of the injustices that transpired against the human beings of Iraq. Joshua was from Guthrie, Oklahoma. He joined the U.S. Army in 2002. He wanted to make enough income to support his young wife and children. He at first believed in the Bush administration's claim that Saddam Hussein was threatening America with terrorism and WMDs. In the

first nine months of the war, he changed his mind. He deserted the military and soon returned to America. He went into Canada since that was a sanctuary for many deserters. Other deserters came to America to face lengthy prison sentences and dishonorable discharges. He co-wrote the book with Lawrence Hill as his memoir. Ex-President George W. Bush wanted to invade Iraq explicitly immediately after 9/11 in 2001. Bush Jr. ordered the CIA and his senior military commanders to draw up detailed military plans for the invasion of Iraq immediately after 9/11. This is ironic since the Americans and the Saudis

actually backed Iraq during its eight year war against Iran from 1980 to 1988. America alone sold Iraq fifty billion dollars worth of weapons when Bush Sr. was President. Margie Burns writes that the U.S. Department of Commerce licensed 70 biological exports to Iraq between 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax. Under President H. W. Bush, shipments continued four more years, after the Iran-Iraq war ended in 1988. So, some of the WMDs in Iraq came from the Western nations. Today, the Iraqi nation is exploited by corporate interests, terrorists, and other nefarious
interests. After Iraq, we have Western attacks in Libya, Mali, Somalia, Yemen, and other nations suffering occupation, imperialism, drone attacks, or other nefarious activities done to them (by the military industrial complex).

When you use war as a way of settling disputes, you only cause more war In the long run, the only way to have peace is to use peaceful means -Coretta Scott King "Iraq was not involved in 9-11, Iraq was not a terrorist state. But now that we have decimated the country, the borders are open, freedom fighters from other countries are going in and they have created more terrorism by going to an Islamic country, devastating the country and killing innocent people in that country." - Cindy Sheehan
The Iraq War was evil for numerous reasons indeed. The Iraq War was wrong. It was a war of aggression. There were no WMDs in Iraq that could threaten American soil and there was no firm collaborative link between Iraq and al-Qaeda in an extensive fashion at all. We know that the Bush administration wanted to invade Iraq long before the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. We know

that this invasion even violates the UN Charter. The U.S. signed this Charter back in 1945 after WWII. The Charter allows nations to use military force against another nation only in self-defense or with Security Council permission. Yet, the U.S. led invasion was neither satisfying some condition of the UN Charter. It was a war of aggression, which makes it a crime against peace that the Charter wanted to prevent. Bush Jr. said that the war in Iraq was needed as a means to protection Americans from Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction or WMDs. The neo cons wanted to further politically dominate the oil rich Middle East. This is easily documented in the September 2000 report prepared by the neoconservative Project for a New American Century (PNAC). The report, commissioned by Dick Cheney, outlines a plan "to maintain American military preeminence that is consistent with the requirements of a strategy of American global leadership." It notes that while "the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussein." There was another document, which was produced for Vice President Dick Cheney's secret Energy Task Force. The document had a map of Iraqi oilfields, refineries, pipelines, and terminals including charts (that described Iraqi oil and gas projects). The "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts" was another document that was dated on March 2001, which was six months before 9/11 and 2 years before Bush invaded Iraq. By early 2003, the Bush administration attacked Afghanistan and removed the Taliban from power. Yet, they wanted to also attack Iraq all along. So, they sold the war on the lies of weapons of mass destruction, ties to al-Qaeda in a hardcore level, and its complicity indirectly with 9/11. An August 2006 report prepared at the direction of Rep. John Conyers, Jr. found that "members of the Bush Administration misstated, overstated, and manipulated intelligence with regards to linkages between Iraq and Al Qaeda; the acquisition of nuclear weapons by Iraq; the acquisition of aluminum tubes to be used as uranium centrifuges; and the acquisition of uranium from Niger." The report also noted that "[b]eyond making false and misleading statements about Iraq's attempt to acquire nuclear weapons, the record shows the Bush Administration must have known these statements conflicted with known international and domestic intelligence at the time." So, it is known that the Bush administration overstated or misstated intelligence information about chemical including biological weapons. The report concluded that "these misstatements were in contradiction of known countervailing intelligence information, and were the result of political pressure and manipulation." In other words, the Bush regime misused the information about the WMD threat as an excuse to invade Iraq. On 9/11, the Bush administration was told in the President's Daily Brief that the intelligence community had no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime has anything to do with 9/11. There was scant evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties to al-Qaeda. The reason is that Hussein ran a secular government that suppressed religious activity while al-Qaeda was made up of religious extremists. The Bush administration still said that Iraq aided al-Qaeda members. Although the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) determined in February 2002 that "Iraq is unlikely to have provided bin Laden any useful [chemical or biological weapons] knowledge or assistance." A February 2002 DIA memo said that al-Libi gave American interrogators false material about Iraq training al-Qaeda to use weapons of mass destruction. al-Libi's false testimony was one major part of Colin Powell's now discredited February 2003 claim before the United Nations that Iraq had developed WMD programs. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld wanted plans to attack Iraq as early as 2001. Former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz argued that war against Iraq might be "easier than against Afghanistan." The 9-11 Commission Report noted that as early as September 20, 2001, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith suggested attacking Iraq in response to the 9/11 attacks. In late November 2001, Bush instructed Rumsfeld to develop an Iraq war plan. "What have you got in terms of plans for Iraq?" Bush asked. "What is the status of the war plan? I want you to get on it. I want you to keep it secret." The Security Council never authorized the war in Iraq. The Western use of cluster bombs, depleted uranium, and white phosphorous gas were real weapons of mass destruction. Children have been injured and killed by these weapons. The Geneva Convention

Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in time of War (Geneva IV) classifies "willfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health" as a grave breach. The US War Crimes Act punishes grave breaches of Geneva as war crimes. The Bush administration has committed war crimes with its use of these weapons. The Nuremberg
Charter defines "Crimes against Peace" as "planning, preparation, initiation or waging of a war of aggression, or a war in violation of international treaties, agreements or assurances, or participation in a

common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of any of the foregoing." Bush's war on Iraq is a war of aggression, and thus constitutes a Crime Against Peace. So, a war of aggression is still immoral and wrong as said by U.S Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson.

The United Kingdoms Role in the Iraq War

Far too often, we ignore the UK responsibility in the immoral war in Iraq. We know about the American involvement in the Iraq War, but not the British involvement in striking detail in a lot of cases. There are a series of intelligence dossiers. Blair put these dossiers out and it showed dire claims of saying that Saddam Hussein had sought uranium from Niger for possible nuclear weapons and that he could deploy WMDs with 45. Of course, these accusations were proven to be false. We have folks like Foreign Secretary William Hague. He has an arrogant mentality, because he has made it a career of talking down to human beings. According to the Guardian, with the 10 year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq coming up, he has written to his fellow Ministers and asked them not to discuss the case or the legality of the Iraq War. According to a source close to Hague: 'The foreign secretary has written to colleagues to remind them that the agreed position of the coalition government is not to comment on the case or justification for the war until Chilcot has reported. This is about allowing the inquiry to reach its conclusion, not having the government prejudge them. Hague might have forgotten that the long awaited Chilcot Inquiry cannot deliver its report. Once, it has been told in November of 2011 that the report will be delayed until the summer of 2012. The reason is that the Whitehall departments were continuing to block the disclosure of documents about the events relating to the invasion of Iraq. Chilcot's panel read all of the classified documents. They knew that it was vital that these documents must be revealed to the public. Without that intrepid action, the public wouldn't learn fully about the lesson about the error of the invasion of Iraq. The report would be delayed again as told on July of 2012. The inquiry panel was frustrated by Whitehall's refusal to release papers still being held in secret. These papers involved the MI6 and the government's eavesdropping center called GCHQ. Chilcot's letter to David Cameron referred to the sharp exchanges with the former cabinet secretary Gus O'Donnell over disclosing details about the correspondence and conversations between Blair and Bush. This would illuminate Blair's position at critical points in the run-up to war. By late 2012, news about a further delay as the issue about showing the documents was still being fought over by the Inquiry and the Cabinet Office. So, the documents are postponed for publication until late 2013 or even in 2014. It is unknown to the wider public. The evidence given to the Chilcot Inquiry document about how legal advice was ignored and vital human beings were excluded from discussions. Chilcot and his panel had to recall many folks like Tony Blair. The reason is that much of their previous evidence has been rubbished by other witnesses.

Gus O'Donnell, the cabinet secretary, told the inquiry that the cabinet should have been told of the Attorney General's doubts about the legality of invading Iraq before Blair went to war.

Sir Gus, before he retired, was the one blocking the much sought after publication of the classified documents. Diss Blair with one hand and protect with the other is the of same. Hague desired to block all meaningful discussion on the justification or the legal basis for invading Iraq until Chilcot has delivered his report. The government including Hague's own Ministry though was blocking the very action Chilcot needs from them in order to finalize the report. Hague wrote a letter to the cabinet to make it clear that 'not prejudging Chilcot should not prevent [ministers] acknowledging the sacrifices of the armed forces.' On the other hand, it is true that the illegality of the invasion of Iraq will lead into the exploitation the military. The military was sacrificed on the altar of Blair's delusional ambitions not in the defense of the United Kingdom at all. Many Conservatives in the UK political system advanced gender inequality and voted to go into war. Some Labour MPs voted against the invasion. Yet, even some Labour members kept their heads down. The LibDems found one MP guilt of harming the course of justice and facing prison. Nick Clegg or the deputy Prime Minister discussed about the accusation of the former chief executive being accused of sexual harassment. If someone wants to support the troops, then don't lie to the troops about an unjust, illegal, and immoral war.

The Fruits of the Iraq War

The fruits of Iraq War are not fresh. They have been rotten to the core. History has found that out so far. Many anti-war activists have consistently opposed this war and the war on terror in general. The war on terror benefits the neoliberal globalization agenda. That agenda contributes to exploitation of nations by the IMF and World Bank. An economic system that enslaved my ancestors, which murdered those in the Gilded Age, and conquered whole nations is an economic system that I will never respect at all. The imperialists allowed a puppet regime to presently persist in Iraq where national and sectarian divisions are exploited. There are many sincere Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, and other backgrounds of human beings who really desire peace, security, and a true, freedom filled Iraq. When the shock and awe bombing campaign came against Baghdad, folks realize that this was a unique type of occupation. This occupation revolved around the turning of Fallujah into a free fire zone.

Fallujah is a city with 350,000 human beings. The bombarding included white phosphorus shells, which is banned by international law. There has been the summary executed of wounded prisoners. The Abu Ghraib photographs document the torture against innocent human beings. Death squads, sectarian massacres, and torture still plague Iraq to this very day. The orchestrators of the war in the first place live their lives in luxury. The Bush administration and the Blair administration has not been legally made accountable for their actions at all. So, we see the fruit of the Iraq War and it is not of God or of morality at all. That is plain to see. Iraq can be a massively better nation, but that will take time. The products of the Iraq War include the following tragic realities: *There have been about 4.2 million Iraqis injured from the result of the Iraqi War. *There have been 4.5 million Iraqi human beings driven from their homes. *As of 2012, 4,486 U.S. military personnel died as a result of the Iraq War. *There have been no investigations made by the U.S. military, government, or media concerning the number of Iraqis killed, wounded, displaced, or died as a result of war and occupation. *About 2 million Iraqi women are now widows. *The legal status of women is worse now than under Saddam Hussein. For example, Iraqs secular constitution has been replaced with a more reactionary Sharia Law with separate, unequal rights for women. Womens rights advocates have documented the growth of honor killings, forced veiling, beating women, and violence against women. Reactionary regimes are always like this. *Torture, illegal detentions, and execution are widely executed by the Iraqi government that the U.S. backs. According to Al Jazeera, prisoners are regularly tortured and raped by Iraqi security forces with: fingernails pulled out, hung upside down, beaten with pipes, kicked and beaten and insulted and spit upon. This stuff is worse than a horror movie. *There have been zero U.S. officials or military commanders prosecuted for these crimes under Bush and Obama. The highest ranking official punished was Lewis Libby, Vice President Dick Cheneys chief of staff; Libby was convicted of harming the CIA by revealing the name of one of its operatives.

We like under an unique time in American society. We still have huge, record poverty. There has been millions of Americans on food stamps and below the poverty line now. That is why in our generation, we must continue to be dedicated to the eradication of poverty in the world. We have to give working people and the homeless the right to their destinies in

their lives. Both major parties are tied to Wall Street and the interests of the elite. Both parties love drone attacks indeed. There were war crimes done during the years of Johnson, Nixon and Kissinger, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and the current administration of President Barack Obama. We are not just fighting against poverty. We are fighting against innocent men, women, and children being carpet bombed by drones, cluster bombs, and other instruments of real mass destruction. When you have a Kill List and the TSA molesting human beings in airports nationwide, then we have a serious civil liberty including foreign policy problem here in the States. We are fighting against ignorance, against prejudice, and against environmental degradation also. There is an economic catastrophe continuing against poor and working human beings in the world. The homeowners are not being bailed out massively in America. We have the new Jim Crow of the prison industrial complex, which has jailed a lot of black and brown youth. This system has existed long before President Barack Obama was elected, so it is bigger than one man. Yet, any man should have no license to whatever he wants to. No man on this Earth now is the Messiah. Now, the enemy is not just the reactionaries. We know that the reactionaries in the Tea Party are dead wrong on numerous issues. Some of them hate foreigners, which is highly xenophobic. Some of them claim to love liberty, but many in the Tea Party omit the love for collective power too not just individual power. They refuse to advocate a living wage or an end to imperialism. The Tea Party loves laissez faire, free market fundamentalism, which is definitely a false Gospel. It is the neoliberal crowd too that using slick euphemisms as a means to carry forward their agenda. We know that the federal government works with biotech companies that advance dangerous GMO products for years. We know how some Democrats want corporate America to dominate public education via quasi-privatization and their Charter schools as well. We know who God is and we know who the Devil is. Get it. LOL. Some in the mainstream media are complicit in the lies advanced about the Iraq War as well. When the Iraq War came about, hospitals, schools, power facilities, water and sewage services, trash collection, and other infrastructure in Iraq were destroyed. Cholera and other diseases spread all over the nation. When you have cluster bombs and depleted uranium weapons used against the Iraqi population, then you have an issue here. We know that the West is funding terrorists in Syria. Insurgent terrorists are cutting out a soldier's heart and liver. This is sick stuff. Now, you have the fake liberal Bill Maher calling for the censorship of the Internet sine he feels that conspiracy related information is bad for democracy. He omits the truth that the freedom of thought is the essence of a free and open society. An open and free Internet is a great idea that the enemy indeed hates. Ultimately, we are battling against white supremacy on many fronts additionally. White supremacists (as found in the 1 percent not just a local bigot in the street) know exactly what they are doing. They advance the lie of the inferiority of blacks. So, it is our job to advance the truth that black human beings have great value in the Universe and black independence including black liberation are superior to Jim Crow including all forms of deception. Black humanity is real and it ought to be respected. All of humanity ought to be treated with dignity and respected too. The Iraq War will never be forgotten.

The Keystone XL Pipeline The Keystone XL pipeline is about enriching the oil giants. It can threaten water and environmental areas also from oil spills. The Keystone is an export pipeline that would transport toxic tar sands Alberta down to a tax free zone in Texas and out to foreign markets. That means that the EU, China, and Latin America get the oil while the foreign owned oil companies get the profits. North Americans are left cleaning up the oil spills and shouldering the pollution burden (from extracting and refining the dirty tar sands). The issue is complicated. You have to deal with data from the U.S. and global oil markets to get a further gauge of the issue. The Texas refineries processing the diluted bitumen is apparent. There is the commitment of oil companies to sell their product for the best price internationally. Now, the proponents of this pipeline claim that Keystone XL offers greater energy security and economic growth, but just not in America. The pipeline can give more energy security to Europe, China, and Latin America since there is a massive fuel pipeline they can tap (as long they're willing to pay). Oil companies can have a new bounty of profit to play with the pipeline. The refineries can be found in a foreign trade zone. There is the promise of new jobs, but the estimates mention that there will only be about 35 permanent jobs over the long term. There is a short term influx of cash from constructing the pipeline. Very little maintenance can come when the pipelines are built. The White House will decide whether it wants to enrich big oil companies that are already the wealthiest companies in the world, for the long-term pay off of 35 permanent jobs and the oil spills that will inevitably occur. It can also not approve of this plan too. The XL Pipeline can harm American public health. It can cause refinery pollution, threats to water supplies from oil spills, and there are implications that tar sands expansion has for global climate disruption. We do not need this plan at all. Valero, Motiva, Phillips 66, Total, and LyondellBasell are the five companies that have plans to take heavy crude from Keystone XL. So, the pipeline is an export pipeline that could send oil heavily overseas. That is why more and more Americans seek alternatives to the Republicans and the Democrats as Margaret Kimberley have mentioned. For even the White House has been influenced by corporate interests. The system of mainstream capitalism is near the end. There are so many human beings that the oligarchs can exploit and so much products that can be commercialized. The lie of the mainstream system rewards the superrich. Whereas, the elite try to extract wealth from the world's people of color illegally masquerading as economic development and freedom. It is not freedom to bomb civilian targets. It not a part of freedom to kill folks and use mass exploitation and claim that is really great. It is not a part of the momentous, great concept of freedom to aid murderous theocrats. American Exceptionalism is nothing more than a slick form of imperialism and consumerism. A thief is a thief and the modern American state has been created by the theft of millions of square miles of the Americas (the enemy even broke treaties among the Native Americans as a justification for them to execute a policy of extermination. Most of the Native Americans died from that evil, wicked policy). Western

imperialism for centuries is all about thievery, genocide, and a superiority complex possessed by the enemy. We know who the enemy is. We have to always remember Africa since Africa is our home. Africaness is in our consciousness and in our soul. We can never support a racist Empire. I do not want the extension of the Empire. I am working for the defeat of the American Empire via all legitimate means necessary and for America to reach for its true potential (as I wish for all nations of the world). We must permanently love Africa and love our heritage. I wish for the defeat of poverty, for the end of neo colonialism, for the defeat of imperialism, and for the defeat of mainstream laissez faire capitalism completely. We must be connected with Africa completely. We will continue to fight for justice.

A Special Note in Closing: We are not children anymore and our eyes are open. We know that unfettered capitalism has been a totally failed system that must be replaced. We have tried tinkering with the system. It has not worked as a means to end hunger or poverty in America at all. We realize that both major parties are ruled in their leadership by the same Western oligarchs. Elections have been exploited for years as a means for political agenda. It should be clear from anyone that the election coup d'tat of the 2000 election documents how the political process has been subverted via plutocrats, oligarchs, and reactionaries. You have to win the Electoral College to win Presidential elections irrespective of the popular vote. There are legitimate activists in the world that want change. Also, there are also fake revolutions and contrived riots as a means to cause regime change or violate human civil liberties (resulting in a more authoritarian, police state like society). We know that the President Barack Obama is not to be blamed for all evils in America, but he is a puppet of this cabal system. The system of white supremacy use Obama as a means to make him a scapegoat of all of our oppression when our oppression existed long before he was in office (yet, the President is accountable on issues of civil liberties, foreign policy, economics, health, and other important issues in the globe though. Obama is used as a means for the elite to carry out their agenda under left wing cover. In other words, things are happening now that Bush Jr. could only dream of). We know about cartel capitalists using economic terrorism before too. Goldman Sachs has been caught robbing and thieving resources from the American people. Zombie banks have looted taxpayer money for thousands of years. Their crimes go unpunished. That is why the American economy has been heavily harmed via the criminal financial miscreancy. The events of dead workers in Bangladesh, the unemployment, the income inequality, tax doges, globalism, fascism, and other bailouts for the super-rich, then we know that we have a problem here in the world. Domestically, we have the further militarization of American society and the evil Patriot Act continuing forth in America. Change can only come via alternative political and economic systems like a cooperative commonwealth communities, etc. We see evil wars, torture, and other evils in the world. The government with an economy that promotes the general welfare of all citizens is better than reactionary lies and deception. Also, we should fight for better health. We should oppose GMOs in our food supplies without labels, dangerous chemicals in our water supply, and austerity in the world. We know that the New Deal saved America from potentially leading America into fascism. Yet, it also saved vulture capitalism from its own excesses. It was still left alive enough to continue to pillage the poor not only the working class. The homeless and all of the poor should have justice in the world not just the working class.

This is one issue that I wanted to write about for a long time. There are those who claim to be Independent, but they are really closet reactionaries. They use or exploit the errors of the White House as a means to go beyond strong, dissent against the White House. They use emotionally charged and sometimes bigoted ad hominem attacks against not only the President Barack Obama, but his family. That is truly disgraceful and cowardly. The reality is that we can disagree with each other without unjust hatreds at all. Even some of my own people claim to be Independent (from the Internet, publicly, and in other arenas), but they love the bigotry against the poor, they believe in harming or expressing bigotry against those of another background, and they believe in an economic philosophy that enslaved humankind (and it exploited and harmed the rights of workers all over the world). Many of the so-called Independents follow well known personalities like we know his name. He is Ron Paul, whose allies and himself have been filled with racist, sexist, and classist accusations. It is true that Ron Paul believes falsely that corporate power is equivalent to people power. Ron Paul is the ideological grandfather of the Tea Party movement. Folks like Ron Paul are slick in having support from reactionaries, free market enthusiasts, and those from the left as well. He holds the view of an unrestrained market when such a market has caused disaster in our world. When these so-called Independents want to shut down all U.S. military bases, some of them do not wish to have peace in the world necessarily or form real trade (including compassionate foreign aid). Some of them are just isolationist or try exploiting those who are sincerely against U.S. imperialism as a means to crush much of the social safety net (or advance a perverse form of nationalism). They still want American hegemonic dominance in the world without using U.S. resources to be used as a world police. We have too many military bases in the world, but we should have withdrawals and disbanding excluding the militarization of the borders in the States. Why the socalled populist Independents would want to end the war on Drugs and legalize nearly about any drug, but many of them want to end all public funding for health care. If we want to solve this public health issue then we must have affordable health care here. We need funding of publicly funded emergency rooms and health clinics. When you hear a reactionary (hiding under the Independent label) talking about an end to the war on Drugs (which I have no issue with at all), some of them want only private companies to deal with heroin and meth issues (while those facing addiction problems would be left to die in the streets if they can't get private help). We never need some Gilded Age mindset where the robber barons rule the land. I also notice that some of the faux Independents have a hatred of immigrants (of wanting to end even birthright citizenship. These faux Independents lie and collectively blame immigrants for crime, disease, and other social problems in America when the system of white supremacy have caused more destruction than indigenous Americans or our black brothers and black sisters at all), and a hatred of those of certain background. Some of them hate to support love among human beings. Don Black, founder of the white supremacist group Stormfront, who donated $500 to Pauls campaign. Folks like Paul want to eliminate any regulations on corporations. Many of them hate equality. Some want to shred the social safety net. The attacks on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are a part of the agenda of the establishment and their Independent allies (who unknowingly follow elite talking points). The Bush tax cuts were regressive and I have the right to reject them. We also have the right to a free public education. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being an Independent politically, but not everyone who claims to be one is one though. It is what it is.

It is very important to note that there are millions of Iraqi activists in Iraq that are still fighting for equality and real solutions in Iraq. We cant ignore the veterans of the war as well. Their voices ought to be never forgotten, omitted, or ignored.
By Timothy

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