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Autumn Kallsen Mr. Neuburger Eng. Comp. 102-117 14 May, 2013 Final Exam

My Experience

My experience in English comp 102 was a great one. Even though I havent been in English for a little while, you made it extremely easy to bounce back in and take control. English 102 really helped me better my academic writing, with all of the response essays and blogs. I learned through various comments on my paper that I really needed to pay more attention to my commas and grammar errors. The handbook that was required for the course really helped me out a lot, with fixing the errors. As far as my personal writing I believe the free writes really helped out, just being able to write what was on your mind, without worrying about the errors. I really enjoyed the blogs, it helped me personally better my writing, knowing that the class would be looking and commenting on it. I didnt want embarrass myself, so I always tried to put a little extra effort into them. As a whole the course really helped me better my writing, and analyzing skills. Reading the short stories and responding to them helped me out a lot. The comments, also explained what could have been done better and where we could improve, opposed to basic Good Job or Watch the Comma comments.

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Writing Research Papers

My experience in writing my research paper was also good. I loved the fact that we had already been studying the Holocaust before writing our paper. It allowed for us to have some background information before researching. I also thought that it was explained very well what was to be expected from us and when it was due. Choosing from a list of small topics helped me because its hard to write twelve pages on the same thing without repeating myself. The fact that we had a list and were only required to write about eight of the twelve topics also allowed us that little bit of extra room in case our paper wasnt quite long enough. The fact that we able to put pictures into the paper as a visual aid also was a plus, allowing for the paper to be an easier and more interesting read.

Technology in the Classroom

In English 102, we used computers for everything, which is just like the real world, where computers are a necessity. When we leave school we will need to know how to write an email, manuscript or whatever it is that your careers requires. I also thought it was a good thing for the older students who werent accustomed to the technology. During the course of the class we used Twitter, Blogger, Scribd and a few other websites that really allowed for us to take advantage of the technology. The technology really has impacted my learning in English 102 because it allowed for me to be able to do a lot from home

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or other places in the building. I also could email, if I had a question about something, and the fact that the class could share their work with each other when necessary.

What do you think could have been done to enhance your experience this semester?

Like I said before, I had a really good experience in English 102. I had a great teacher whose teaching techniques really fit my learning style. Extra credit was offered throughout the year and when something was wrong he would talk to you about it, whether it is a grade, or something related to a paper. Although, I probably should have taken a later class, I cant complain. I really enjoyed this course and I can honestly say that my writing has improved tremendously this semester.

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