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Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley

Volunteer Contact Information:

Todays Date:






Home Phone:

_________ )______________________
Emergency Contact:





Home Phone:

_________ )______________________

Alternate Phone:

_________ )______________________



I understand that I am a volunteer for Catholic Social Services of the Miami

Valley. I understand that, as a volunteer, I may be involved in physical activities
that have a potential risk of injury. I assume that risk. I agree that I will only
perform volunteer activities that I am comfortable doing. I also agree that I will
not hold CSSMV and their former and current officers, directors, shareholders
and employees responsible or liable for any damage or injury to me or my
property as a result of my participation and I agree to be responsible for my
I also grant full permission for organizers to use photographs or video footage of
me in legitimate accounts and promotions of this event.

_______________________________ Date: ____/____/____

Agency Use:
Program for which volunteer assisted:
Type of volunteer:



Short-term (______ days; ______ hours)

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