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Trakindo Utama - Training Center

7 Steps Fastener Tightening Procedures:

Step 1. Yakinkan fastener yang dipasang benar. Make sure the fastener would be installed is correct.

Parts Book

One Safe Source

Step 2. Yakinkan fastener tidak rusak dan bersih. Make sure the fastener is not damage and clean.

Damage & Dirty bolts

Good and Clean bolts

Step 3. Mengetahui Specifikasi Torsi. Know torque specification.

Serv. Manual

Module Dis./Assembly

General Torque Spec.

Step 4. Memberikan pelumas sesuai ketentuan dalam proses. Put thread lubrication as recommended on process. -Thread lock -Anti seize Compound -Clean oil -Thread lubricant -etc.

Step 5. Meyakinkan torque wrench yang dipakai sesuai dan calibrated Make sure to use only proper and calibrated torque wrench.

Calibrate the torque wrench in

Step 6. Mengencangkan dengan cara /sequence dan torque yang benar Tighten the fastener sequence and correct torque.

Find procedures on Serv.Manual /

Module Dis./Assembly or Specification

Step 7. Memberi tanda dengan cara yang benar. Put mark with marker. Tightening and marking sequence : tighten. put mark. tighten . put mark and so on


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