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1.'ls' command: ls is uesd for listing or long listing syntax: ls -lrt 2. 'file' commands: (i).tail command: which is uesd to display the last few lines in the file syntax: tail -100f filename.log tail -100f (ii). 'head' command: which is used to display the starting lines of a file syntax: head -100f filename.log (iii).'more' command: which display the complete file in percentage wise syntax: more filename.log note: if we want see the percentage give the 'space' 3.'bash' command: if we type 'bash' command it will save the all commands that we will use for future purpose. From next time we need not retype the commands rather we can use 'up' and'doun' arrows. Syntax: bash 4.'copy' command: which is used to copy the files from source to target. syntax: cp -p source target ex: cp -p a.txt b.txt we can use the 'back up' command in the using of copy the files ex: cp -p a.txt a.txt.bak.07022011

5. 'delete' command: to delete a file or a directory. syntax: rm file/directory rm -r directoryname(for directory) rm filename.txt(for files only) rm filename.log( " ) rm filename.xml( " ) 6. 'diskfree' command: it will display the disk usage of file system syntax: du -sh * 7.'kill' command: it will kill any services forcebily syntax: kill -9 processid 8. 'process' command: it will give the process id of any particular service which is running in background. syntax: (i). ps -ef|grep -i stringname ps -ef|grep -i portnumbers it will give the perticular directory only ex: ps -ef|grip -i hawk ps -ef|grip -i admin

(ii) /usr/ucb/ps -auxwww|grep -i strinname Here grep is for searching and | (pipe) is use for addding the servers or combining this is used to get the id in any background in any directories. 9. 'nohup' command: which is used to run the process in backgroud syntax: nohup ./ &

10. 'top' command: it will display the entire cpu utilization for a perticular server. Syntax: top 11. 'tnsping' command: it will give u the status of database (or) remote database. syntax: tnsping databasename tnsping remotedatabasename 12.'nslookup' command: it will give u the ip-address of any given servername (or) vip.the vip is also known as servername. syntax: nslookup servername ex: nslookup ustu-eaiappdvino1 address: name : 13. 'pwd' command: it will give u the 'present working directory'. syntax: pwd 14. 'telnet' commnand: it will give u the connectivity b/w the 'source' and 'destination' servers. syntax: telnet 15. 'traceroute' command: this command trace the network path of internet routers. that packet takes as they are forwards from 'your compute' to destination computer. ex: traceroute ipaddress traceroute it is the ip address

16. 'ping' commnad: which is used to ping any specific server name. syntax: ping servername

17. 'tar' command: it create taparchives and add extract files. syntax: tar -cvef director.tar dirctorname ex: tar -cvef abc.tar abc 18. 'zip' command: this is used to 'zip' the directories or folder for this input file is 'tarfile'. syntax: gzip director.tar ex: gzip abc.tar 19. 'crontab' command: is a scheduler which is used to schedule any job at any time around the year. syntax: crontab -l (listing the scheduler) ex:crontab -e (to edit and modify any changes in the scheduler)

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