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If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be?

When you feel sad, what cheers you up? What do you think the most interesting thing about our religion? Have you told anyone about it? Do you feel happy today, or do you think a specific future event will bring you happiness? Tell about a time when you were very brave or courageous. What do you think heaven will be like? Where have you lived that made you happiest? Why? What is the most amazing thing about you? What punishment have you received that you thought was really unfair? Why? What do you say to comfort yourself when something scares you? Has anyone ever tried to give you drugs? If so, what did you do? Who is the meanest kid you know? What makes them this way, do you think? What are the qualities that make good friends? Which friends do you like the most? Why? What have you done, in school or sports or anywhere that you are especially proud of? What characteristics do you think make a good parent? Many people have an unnatural fear of something (like clowns)! What kind of things have made you afraid? Grandma and Grandpa have seen a lot of things disappear in their lifetime: 45 records w/record player, rotary dial phones, black and white television, daily school prayers, and manual typewriter. What things have disappeared in your lifetime? What do you think will soon be obsolete? What is your earliest memory as a very little kid? Which style of home (house, houseboat, high-rise penthouse, travel home, etc) would you choose? What do you think lies beyond the stars? What would you do if you won an unexpectedly large amount of money?

Tell about a time someone did something kind for you. How did you feel about it and the person? Have you ever gotten really lost? If so, tell about it. How did you feel? Describe the most beautiful place you have ever visited. Tell me about the best teacher you have had. Tell me about something I never knew about when you were little. Name something that scares you. What would you do if it happened to you? If a genie could give you only one wish, what would you chose and why? Which of your friends are you most proud of and why? What is the best thing you ever ate? What kids in your grade are popular? What do you think makes a person popular? Tell me three things you remember about kindergarten. Tell me about a time you were honest, even though it was hard. Do you think you live in a dangerous neighborhood? Why or why not? If you were going to have a weird, unusual pet, what would it be? Do you ever have a dream that comes back over and over again? If so, what is it like? To you, which of the following is scarier: Public speaking or a personal interview? What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? If you knew today was the last day on earth, what would you do? Name two things we should do as a family on the weekend. Do you think honesty is always the best policy? Why or why not? The most embarrassing thing that ever happened to you is.? What is the most enjoyable thing our family has done this year?

Have you ever had a dream that really scared you? What was it about? What would be the ideal allowance and how would you use it? If you could trade lives with someone you know, who would it be and why? How would you describe me to your friends? If you could decorate our whole house, what would it look like? What would you do if you were invisible? If you knew a friend of yours had stolen something, what would you do about it? If you found a bag with a $1000 in it, what would you do with it? Tell about your favorite toy when you were little. Is there anybody in history that you have read about that you would like to imagine to be? Which of the following (choose one) would you be more likely to spend money on: nice home, nice car, nice vacation, or nice clothes. Why? If you saw a friend drop a quarter, would you point it out to himor keep it? What if he dropped a $100 bill? Do you think some people are honest when it is convenient and easy, but dishonest when there is something to gain? If so, are they really honest? If your best friend or hero/heroine came to the house right now, is there anything you would want to look different? Do you have ideas on how we can help each other make our home a pleasant place to live? Many young women would like to meet and marry a Captain Moroni. What kind of young woman would Captain Moroni be attracted to? Tell about some things you are doing to develop those character traits. If you are at a friends home, on a date, or at an activity where you find yourself feeling uncomfortable with someones speech, attitude, or choices, what are some things you could do about it? Imagine you are at a friends home for a meal and you dont like something bein g served. What should you do? How should you do it? Why do you think lenders offer credit cards and other easy-credit plans? Do people sometimes agree to pay back more than they can? What happens when they cant make the payments agreed upon? What thoughts do you have about borrowing money?

What kinds of jobs do you think are generally available to people with a high school diploma? Bachelors? Masters? Doctorate? What kind of job do you hope to have some day? In what ways are you preparing now? When we find ourselves in situations that cause us to feel upset, how can we behave in mature and polite ways? Tell a family story that represents a good point or principle to live by (I was thinking about an incident that happened to___________) After telling the story, explain why you like it and what it means to you. Ask family members at the table if they recall other meaningful family stories. Do people around you ever make fun of others? How are we supposed to act or respond when we see this happen? Is there anything we can do? There may be luck in getting a good jobbut there is no luck in keeping it. (Jonathan Ogden Armour) What do you think this quote means? A lot of people seem to react with anger in todays worldon TV, at school, in sports, etc. What are the results of getting angry? Is it the best way to solve a problem? Why/why not? What different kind of choices did each of us make today? How do these choicesbig or smallset a course for our lives? When you take the very first step on the road, you also take the if you dont like the end of the road, you d better turn backyou know youd better turn back fast! (from My Turn on Earth) What does this mean to you? The periodical cicada, an insect, hatches every 13-17 years. If you were a cicada, what do you think you would see in 13-17 years? Whether you think you can, or think you cant youre right.
(Henry Ford - automobile manufacturer)

Peace is not the absence of trial, but the presence of God. (Anonymous) You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
(Gandhi) (Will Rogers)

Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there.

The greatest improvements in our life often take place when we make small changes in often-repeated actions. (See Alma 37:6) There are 148 calories in a can of Sprite, for example. If you had the habit of drinking one can of Sprite every day, and replaced it with a glass of water, you would cut 54,000 calories from your diet!! Other personal examples? The things that men believe in are the things they do. (Joseph Smith) What might an observer think is of most importance to you by watching what you spend your time on? Is that what you believe in most? When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives.
(Ezra Taft Benson)

The clerk at the store gave you too much change back; it was her mistake do you keep it? You spent the night with friends and forgot to study for an important test. If you dont pass this test, you will be kicked off your sports team. Is it okay to cheat for something really important just once? You are a teacher, and have a student who is from a single parent family and must work to attend college; but the job is interfering with the students performance and several assignments have not been turned in. You ha ve determined that a D is the grade the student deserves, but the school counselor informs you that the student needs a C to qualify for an academic scholarship. What do you do? Your friend calls and tells you he is sneaking out to meet a girl his parents dont approv e of. He wants you to lie and say he was at your house if his parents call. What would you do? Your parents dont allow sleepovers. The most popular girl at school has invited you to spend the night with a bunch of her friends. You really want to go and dont want them to make fun of you. What solution might your parents help you find?

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