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Whistleblowing is one case or act which caught my eyes when I was studying a case in

Finance last year. The case obviously focused on the financial aspects, but pondering
over topics I wanted to think over the ethical aspect of whistleblowing. Whistle blowing
is act of disclosing information from a person or an organization with an intention to
reveal important information mostly related to inappropriate practices or corruption.
There are numerous cases, some of the famous cases which can be counted on the
tips of the fingers are Ashok Khemka, Edward Snowden.Shanmugan Manjunathm and
more.Ashok khemka has been transferred 45 times in the tenure of 23 years just
because he exposed the corruption in the government.
What they did was it ethically right or wrong can help us to understand some
frameworks. The two frameworks which work in sync in this cases are Utilitarian and
Virtue ethics. According to the utilitarian framework, what whistleblower does is for the
good of the larger section of organization. If not in terms of revenue but the intention is
Good. The whole intention of whistleblowing is to make sure that the corporate wrong
done by some people or few members of the firm are exposed and the corrupt practices
are stopped. This is important because then due to bringing these corrupt practices in
limelight the larger section of the firm can gain the knowledge about the wrong being
done. This wrong may be in terms of monetary aspects example using revenues of the
company for personal use and so on.
The virtue framework aspects enters when we talk about why a particular person
became a whistleblower. Is it due to its character, or did he have something to gain from
the whole instance. The aspect that the onus on how the situation is tackled before and
after the whistleblowing is also depends on the virtuous character of the whistleblower.
Here we can see the contradiction between the utilitarian and virtuous framework.
Utilitarian frameworks promotes the good of majority, but the virtuous framework does
not support nor just rejects this aspect. The virtuous framework can only imply what an
individual thought or worked for. Whether it was for the Good of an individual or not is
still a question.
The utilitarian framework is the framework which I like the most because it not just talks
about one's virtuous, its duty or social contractual terms, it supports not just an
individual but supports the good of a larger section of the society. In utilitarian aspects
considers the bigger section as an individual and looks out for the best of the section. It

Consequentionalist : is the aspect which is imp and focus.

Philosophy which derives the good and happiness of the larger section, and covers the
larger or moreover the whole population on various grounds is what Utilitarian
framework aims.

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