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[DataSet1] C:\Users\rupeshmehta\Desktop\SPSSCAL\CIfinal.


Descriptive Statistics Mean Zscore(CI) Zscore(ML) .0000000 .0000000 Std. Deviation 1.00000000 1.00000000 N 200 200

Correlations Zscore(CI) Pearson Correlation Zscore(CI) Zscore(ML) Sig. (1-tailed) Zscore(CI) Zscore(ML) N Zscore(CI) Zscore(ML) 1.000 .767 . .000 200 200 Zscore(ML) .767 1.000 .000 . 200 200

Variables Entered/Removeda Model 1 Variables Entered Zscore(ML) Variables Removed . Method Stepwise (Criteria: Probability-of-F-toenter <= .050, Probability-of-F-toremove >= .100). a. Dependent Variable: Zscore(CI)

Model Summary Std. Error of the Model 1 R .767


R Square .589

Adjusted R Square .587

Estimate .64290897

a. Predictors: (Constant), Zscore(ML)

ANOVAb Model 1 Regression Residual Total a. Predictors: (Constant), Zscore(ML) b. Dependent Variable: Zscore(CI) Sum of Squares 117.160 81.840 199.000 df 1 198 199 Mean Square 117.160 .413 F 283.453 Sig. .000a


Standardized Unstandardized Coefficients Model 1 (Constant) Zscore(ML) a. Dependent Variable: Zscore(CI) B 1.680E-15 .767 Std. Error .045 .046 .767 Coefficients Beta t .000 16.836 Sig. 1.000 .000

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