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I would like to thank my parents that has been contribute for the cost of the making this scrap book. I also would like to thanks to our subject teacher, Pn Siti Awani on her idea to make this folio book happen. Further, thanks to our family member and friends that helping me on information for this project. All cooperation and help that giving to me, I will remember until forever.

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Name: YUSRI DANIAL BIN YUSZANO Class: 6 CEKAL School: SK Bandar Tasek Mutiara Simpang Ampat PENANG, MALAYSIA

What is Endangered Species Animal?







These enormous vegetarians can be found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Pacific. Dugongs are related to manatees and are similar in appearance and behavior though the dugong's tail is fluked like a whale's. Both are related to the elephant, although the giant land animal is not at all similar in appearance or behavior. Dugongs graze on underwater grasses day and night, rooting for them with their bristled, sensitive snouts, and chomping them with their rough lips. These mammals can stay underwater for six minutes before surfacing. They sometimes breathe by "standing" on their tail with their heads above water. Dugongs spend much of their time alone or in pairs, though they are sometimes seen gathered in large herds of a hundred animals. Female dugongs have one calf after a yearlong pregnancy, and the mother helps her young reach the surface and take its first breath. A young dugong remains close to its mother for about 18 months, sometimes catching a ride on her broad back. These languid animals make an easy target for coastal hunters, and they were long sought for their meat, oil, skin, bones, and teeth. Dugongs are now legally protected throughout their range, but their populations are still in a tenuous state. Some believe that dugongs were the inspiration for ancient seafaring tales of mermaids and sirens.

Three types of pangolins exist in

Africathe giant pangolin, the tree pangolin and the most widespread, the ground pangolin. Pangolins have small heads and long, broad tails. They are toothless and have no external ears, although their hearing is good. Their sense of scent is welldeveloped, but their sight is poor. The weight of the protective keratinous scales and skin make up about 20% of the pangolin's weight. The animal preens itself by scratching with the hind legs, lifting its scales so the claws can reach the skin. It also uses its tongue to remove insects from under the scales

The giant panda, or panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, literally meaning "black and white cat-foot")[2] is a bear[3] native to central-western and south western China.[4] It is easily recognized by its large, distinctive black patches around the eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the panda's diet is 99% bamboo.[5] Pandas in the wild will occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents or carrion. In captivity they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared feed.[6][7] The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.[8] Due to farming, deforestation and other development, the panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived. The panda is a conservation reliant endangered species.[4] A 2007 report shows 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.[9] Wild population estimates vary; one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild,[9] while a 2006 study via DNA analysis estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000.[10] Some reports also show that the number of pandas in the wild is on the rise.[11][12] However, the IUCN does not believe there is enough certainty yet to reclassify the species from Endangered to Vulnerable.[1] While the dragon has historically served as China's national emblem, in recent decades the panda has also served as an emblem for the country. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese commemorative silver, gold, and platinum coins. Though the panda is often assumed to be docile, it has been known to attack humans, presumably out of irritation rather than predation

Leatherback turtles have the most

hydrodynamic body design of any sea turtle, with a large, teardrop-shaped body. A large pair of front flippers power the turtles through the water. Like other sea turtles, the leatherback's flattened forelimbs are adapted for swimming in the open ocean. Claws are absent from both pairs of flippers. The leatherback's flippers are the largest in proportion to its body among extant sea turtles. Leatherback's front flippers can grow up to 2.7 meters (8.9ft) in large specimens, the largest flippers (even in comparison to its body) of any sea turtle. A leatherback turtle covering her eggs, Turtle Beach, Tobago

The leatherback has several characteristics that distinguish it from other sea turtles. Its most notable feature is the lack of a bony carapace. Instead of scutes, it has thick, leathery skin with embedded minuscule osteoderms. Seven distinct ridges rise from the carapace, crossing from the anterior to posterior margin of the turtle's back. Leatherbacks are unique among reptiles in that their scales lack -keratin. The entire turtle's dorsal surface is colored dark grey to black, with a scattering of white blotches and spots. Demonstrating countershading, the turtle's underside is lightly colored.[5][6] Instead of teeth, the leatherback turtle has points on the tomium of its upper lip, with backwards spines in its throat to help it swallow food. Dermochelys coriacea adults average 12 meters (3.36.6 ft) long and weigh 250 to 700 kilograms (550 to 1,500 lb).[5] The largest ever found, however, was over 3 meters (9.8ft) from head to tail and weighed 916kilograms (2,019lb).[7] That specimen was found on a beach on the west coast of Wales. Dermochelys coriacea exhibits a suite of

The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) is a

marine mammal belonging to the suborder of baleen whales (called Mysticeti).[3] At 30 metres (98ft)[4] in length and 180 metric tons (200short tons)[5] or more in weight, it is the largest animal ever known to have existed.[6] Long and slender, the blue whale's body can be various shades of bluish-grey dorsally and somewhat lighter underneath.[7] There are at least three distinct subspecies: B. m. musculus of the North Atlantic and North Pacific, B. m. intermedia of the Southern Ocean and B. m. brevicauda (also known as the pygmy blue whale) found in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific Ocean. B. m. indica, found in the Indian Ocean, may be another subspecies. As with other baleen whales, its diet consists almost exclusively of small crustaceans known as krill. [8] Blue whales were abundant in nearly all the oceans on Earth until the beginning of the twentieth century. For over a century, they were hunted almost to extinction by whalers until protected by the international community in 1966. A 2002 report estimated there were 5,000 to 12,000 blue whales worldwide,[9] located in at least five groups. More recent research into the Pygmy subspecies suggests this may be an underestimate.[10] Before whaling, the largest population was in the Antarctic, numbering approximately 239,000 (range 202,000 to 311,000).[11] There remain only much smaller (around 2,000) concentrations in each of the North-East Pacific, Antarctic, and Indian Ocean







Gajah merupakan haiwan

daratan terbesar di dunia. Terdapat 3 spesies gajah di dunia. Gajah Asia Gajah Afrika Gajah Kerdil Malaysia

Gajah Afrika merupakan haiwan daratan

terbesar di dunia. Sepanjang 55 juta tahun terdapat 500 spesies gajah yang dikenalpasti dan hanya dua spesies yang masih kekal iaitu Gajah Asia dan Gajah Afrika. Spesies Gajah Asia dan Gajah Afrika mula berpecah kira-kira dua juta tahun dahulu. Dari jurai keturunan spesies Gajah Asia terhasillah gajah yang bagaimanapun kini telah pupus.Terdapat dua subspesies gajah Afrika iaitu Gajah Savana Afrika dan Gajah Hutan Afrika. Berdasarkan klasifikasi dua spesies baru, africana Loxodonta merujuk secara khusus dengan gajah savana,terbesar dari semua gajah. Ia adalah haiwan darat terbesar, dengan jantan berdiri 3,2 meter (10 kaki) hingga 4 meter (13 kaki) pada bahu dan berat 3.500 kilogram ( 7700) sehingga 12.000 kg (26,000 lb). Betina lebih kecil, berdiri sekitar 3 meter (9,8 kaki) di bahu. Gajah savana dapat ditemui di padang rumput terbuka,semak samun, dan berdekatan dengan tasik atau lopak. Gajah savana ditemui lebih banyak dari zon savana selatan dan Sahara.

Gajah Asia berbeza daripada

Gajah Afrika dari segi telinganya yang kecil sedikit, mempunyai dahi yang rata, dan dua bonggol di kepalanya merupakan puncak tertinggi gajah, berbanding dengan Gajah Afrika yang mempunyai hanya satu bonggol di atas kepala. Selain itu, hujung belalai Gajah Asia hanya mempunyai 1 bibir, sementara Gajah Afrika mempunyai 2 bibit di hujung belalai. Kedua-dua jantina Gajah Afrika mempunyai sementara hanya gajah jantan Asia yang mempunyai gading yang jelas kelihatan.Terdapat beberapa subspesies gajah Asia,antaranya ialah gajah Sri lanka, Gajah India, Gajah

Gajah kerdil atau Gajah kerdil Borneo

dengan nama saintifik Elephas maximus borneensis adalah spesies terkecil gajah, bahkan lebih kecil dari Gajah Sumatra.Ukuran tubuhnya hanya sekitar 2,5 meter. Data menunjukkan bahawa DNA pada Gajah kerdil adalah sama sekali berbeza dari Gajah asia dan Gajah afrika, hal ini dibuktikan bahawa Gajah kerdil merupakan subspesies baru dari gajah.Habitat tempat hidup mereka ada di kedalaman hutan Borneo, perbatasan antara Kalimantan Timur Indonesia dan Sabah,Malaysia. Gajah kerdil Borneo dapat dibezakan dengan melihat ekornya yang lebih panjang dan mencecah ke tanah,mempunyai telinga yang lebih lebar,mempunyai belalai yang pendek dan gading yang agak lurus. Gajah juga pernah digunakan dalam

Orangutans are the only exclusively Asian

genus of extant great ape. The largest living arboreal animals, they have longer arms than the other, more terrestrial, great apes. They are among the most intelligent primates and use a variety of sophisticated tools, also making sleeping nests each night from branches and foliage. Their hair is typically reddish-brown, instead of the brown or black hair typical of other great apes. Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, orangutans are currently found only in rainforests on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, though fossils have been found in Java, the Thai-Malay Peninsula, Vietnam and Mainland China. There are only two surviving species, both of which are endangered: the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) and the critically endangered Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii). The subfamily Ponginae also includes the extinct genera Gigantopithecus and Sivapithecus. The word "orangutan" comes from the Malay words "orang" (man) and "(h)utan" (forest); hence, "man of the forest".

Badak Sumbu (bahasa Inggeris: Rhinoceros (ransrs

"rhinoceros" () diambil dari perkataan Yunani rhinos, bermaksud hidung, dan keras, bererti tanduk; dengan itu "hidung-tanduk". ), adalah nama umum yang digunakan bagi mengelompokkan sekumpulan lima spesis luas bagi ungulate haiwan berkuku bilangan ganjil ]] dalam keluarga Rhinocerotidae. Dua dari spesis ini adalah dari jenis tempatan bagi Afrika dan tiga bagi Asia selatan. Tiga dari lima jenis spesis (Badak raya, Badak Kerbau dan Badak Sumbu Hitam)adalah amat terancam. Badak Sumbu India adalah terancam, dengan kurang daripada 2,700 individu tinggal hidup liar. Badak Sumbu Putih di daftar sebagai Lemah/terancam (Vulnerable), dengan sekitar 14,500 tinggal hiduop liar. Keluarga rhinoceros berciri bersaiz besar (salah satu dari haiwan besar (megafauna) yang masih hidup hari ini) dengan kesemua spesis mampu mencapai berat sehingga satu tan; diet maun; dan kulit perlindungan yang tebal, setebal 1.55 cm, terbentuk dari lapisan terletak dalam kedudukan bersilang (lattice); saiz otak yang agak kecil berbanding saiz mamalia sebesar ini(400600g); dan tanduk besar. Mereka biasanya makan bahan berdaun, sungguhpun keupayaan bagi memeram makanan dalam kolon (perut tengah) membenarkan mereka hidup memakan bahan tumbuhan lebih berfiber, jika perlu. Tidak seperti perissodactyl lain, spesis badak sumbu Afrika ketiadaan gigi pada bahagian hadapan mulut mereka, sebaliknya bergantung kepada gigi premolar dan molar yang kuat bagi menghancurkan makanan tumbuh-tumbuhan.[1] Bilangan gigi berbeza dengan banyaknya antara spesis, tetapi secara umum adalah: Badak sumbu menjadi buruan bagi tanduknya. Tanduk rhinoceros diperbuat dari keratin, protin yang sama yang menghasilkan rambut dan kuku, tetapi tanduk itu sendiri tidak diperbuat dari rambut seperti yang diperkatakan semebul ini.[1] Kedua-dua spesis Afrika dan Badak Kerbau memiliki dua tanduk, sementara Badak Indian dan Badak Raya memiliki satu tanduk.

Dolphins are marine mammals that

are closely related to whales and porpoises. There are almost forty species of dolphin in 17 genera. They vary in size from 1.2m (4ft) and 40kg (90lb) (Maui's dolphin), up to 9.5m (30ft) and 10 tonnes (9.8LT; 11ST) (the orca or killer whale). They are found worldwide, mostly in the shallower seas of the continental shelves, and are carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid. The family Delphinidae is the largest in the Cetacean order, and evolved relatively recently, about ten million years ago, during the Miocene. Dolphins are among the most intelligent animals, and their often friendly appearance and seemingly playful attitude have made them popular in human culture.

The hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius), or hippo, from

the ancient Greek for "river horse" (), is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae (the other is the Pygmy Hippopotamus.) After the elephant, the hippotamus is the largest land mammal and the heaviest extant artiodactyl, despite being considerably shorter than the giraffe. The hippopotamus is semi-aquatic, inhabiting rivers, lakes and West African mangrove swamps [3] where territorial bulls preside over a stretch of river and groups of 5 to 30 females and young. During the day they remain cool by staying in the water or mud; reproduction and childbirth both occur in water. They emerge at dusk to graze on grass. While hippopotamuses rest near each other in the water, grazing is a solitary activity and hippos are not territorial on land. Despite their physical resemblance to pigs and other terrestrial even-toed ungulates, their closest living relatives are cetaceans (whales, porpoises, etc.) from which they diverged about 55 million years ago.[4] The common ancestor of whales and hippos split from other even-toed ungulates around 60 million years ago.[5] The earliest known hippopotamus fossils, belonging to the genus Kenyapotamus in Africa, date to around 16 million years ago. The hippopotamus is recognizable by its barrel-shaped torso, enormous mouth and teeth, nearly hairless body, stubby legs and tremendous size. It is the third-largest land mammal by weight (between 1 and 3 tonnes), behind the white rhinoceros (1 to 3 tonnes) and the three species of elephant (3 to 9 tonnes). The hippopotamus is one of the largest quadrupeds (four legged mammals).[6] Despite its stocky shape and short legs, it can easily outrun a human. Hippos have been clocked at 30km/h (19mph) over short distances. The hippopotamus is one of the most aggressive creatures in the world and is often regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. There are an estimated 125,000 to 150,000 hippos throughout Sub-Saharan Africa; Zambia (40,000) and Tanzania (20,00030,000) possess the

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