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2. How do I create an Apple ID for my child?

Step 1: Navigate your internet browser to

Step 2: Click on Create an Apple ID Enter email address (Use the Gmail account you just made for your child)

Answer security question as parent

Enter password (needs to be 8 characters long with at least 1 capital letter, 1 lowercase, and 1 number

Enter parents birthday

Step 3: Enter your email address (created in previous tutorial). Create a password (needs to be at least 8 characters, with at least the following: 1 capital letter, 1 lowercase letter, and one number). Create a security question and enter your birthdate. Remember to answer this as the parent.

2. How do I create an Apple ID for my child?

Enter parents contact information (not students)

Step 3 (continued): Enter your (parents) contact information.

Uncheck these if you do not want these emails from Apple. Check this box

Enter this text. Click Create Apple ID

Step 4. Uncheck newsletters and communication from Apple. Fill in the letters and click Create Apple ID. Check the box to verify you have read and agree to Apples Terms of Service. Be sure to share your childs Apple ID and password with your child and your childs teacher.

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