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Sign up for any and every social media service to reserve our name (headsetbros).
Identity theft is easy. Don't let it happen to us.

Profile setup:

• Use company standard email address.

• Add as much of our company information (address, toll-free, fax, etc.) as
• Set privacy settings to be as open as possible and still within the social rules
of the community. Nothing is secret for us, but sometimes "friends" or
"connections" don't want their stuff out there, so respect that.
• Sign up for email notifications and RSS feeds and put them into the corporate
RSS reader account. Status emails should go to RSS through the email-to-RSS

Above all, our communications with people should be honest and fair. Never post
anything you would be afraid for your Mom to see.

Respond to all communication within 24 hours in this order: employees, old/repeat

customers, vendors, affiliates, new customers, potential customers. Always mark
something as being worked or done as soon as you finish.

Give the customer not just information, but agency - the power to choose how they
want their problem fixed.

YOU have the power to:

• Fix any problem, in any way, immediately that costs less than $50. More than
$50 and it may come out of your pocket. Reviews are every week.
• Design new policies and procedures.
• Apply Lean principles to fix workflow problems and speed up any part of the
business. Use 5 "Why?"s to figure out the root cause and fix that instead of
the symptoms.
• Engage customers in conversations where they are happening. You're
representing us and we're trusting you. Act accordingly.

Word of mouth is extremely important to us. If you can make the experience better
than expected, do it.

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