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V e r s i o n ..... 1.16 L a s t u p d a t e ..... September 23, 2009 F o u n d a t ..... _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+| -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' 1] - Introduction............................[IN00] ''--..____..--'' 2] - Version History.........................[VH00] | |} 3] - Game Basics.............................[GB00] Ha | /| 4] - Walkthrough.............................[WK00] ha |/ | 4.01] Intensive Treatment...............[WK01] {| | 4.02] Medical Facility..................[WK02] |\ | Gotham 4.03] Arkham Island.....................[WK03] A | \| 4.04] Caves.............................[WK04] r | |} 4.05] Arkham Mansion....................[WK05] k | /| 4.06] Penitentiary......................[WK06] h |/ | A 4.07] Arkham Island.....................[WK07] a {|\ | s 4.08] Botanical Gardens.................[WK08] .'

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4.09] Arkham Mansion....................[WK09] 4.10] Intensive Treatment...............[WK10] 4.11] Lair..............................[WK11] 4.12] Final Battles.....................[WK12] Riddler Guide............................[RG00]* 5.01] Intensive Treatment................[RG01] 5.02] Arkham East........................[RG02] 5.03] Arkham North.......................[RG03] 5.04] Arkham West........................[RG04] 5.05] Medical Facility...................[RG05] 5.06] Penitentiary.......................[RG06] 5.07] Caves..............................[RG07] 5.08] Arkham Mansion.....................[RG08] 5.09] Botanical Gardens..................[RG09] 5.10] The Final Chronicle.(Penitentiary).[RG10]* Equipment Listing........................[EQ00] Trophies/Achievements....................[TR00] Credits..................................[CR00] Legal Disclaimer.........................[LD00] * New content

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; I n t r o d u c t i o n | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[IN00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Hey again, it's ChaosDemon here, making his not so ''--..____..--'' anticipated return to FAQing! I have returned for this very exciting installment of the Batman video game franchise from Eidos. I decided to come back for another walkthrough because I am currently in the final weeks of Summer holidays, so my schedule is considerably more open than it was during school. .' As for the FAQ, you are going to find a complete walkthrough, of course. I also plan on documenting all of that Riddler nonsense, so hang on tight for that. Enough of introducing myself for now, let's get onto the FAQ! -- ChaosDemon _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; V e r s i o n H i s t o r y | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[VH00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' [ August 31, 2009 ] - Walkthrough is complete. ''--..____..--'' Some Riddles (like, actual riddles) have been incorporated into the walkthrough. I'm going to add everything else in in subsequent updates, so hang on tight. .' [ September 9, 2009 ] - Well, finished off the Botanical Gardens and got started on the trophy/achievement guide. I also started the Equipment section of the guide. Stay tuned for more.

[ September 10, 2009 ] - Nothing really new to report. Just did some housekeeping, and tidied up a few things. Maybe we'll have more news tomorrow. [ September 15, 2009 ] - I finished off the Trophy/Achievement Guide. I do believe that we are nearing the home stretch for this FAQ. [ September 23, 2009 ] - The last few updates have been behind-the-scenes work, but this one is a true revision. I fixed up the walkthrough, and also added a Chronicle that I had forgotten. Thanks to Lloyd R. and Julian L. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; G a m e B a s i c s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[GB00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--'' .' _,.--.,_ _,.--.,_ | _____ | | _____ | |-' `'.--------------------------,'` `-| ,' __ `. S O N Y ,' .,. `. / | | \ / (/_\) \ ! __ \/ __ | SELECT START ! ,-. `-' ,-. | | |__ > < __| !__ ,--. __| ([ ]) ( O ) ! ! /\ ___`-. ( PS ) ,-'___ `-' ,-. `-' | |\ |__| ,' `. \ `--` / ,' `. ( X ) /| | `. / \ | | / \ `-' ,' | | `-.____,-. \ / |____| \ / ,-.____,-' | | ,'\ `.___,' / \ `.___,' /`. | | / `-.___,-' `-.___,-' \ | \ / \ / \ / \ / `.__,-' `-.__,' +----+ | 1. | Default Controls +----+------------------------------+ 1] - Basic Controls------------------------------D-Pad.....................Change Equipped Item Left Analog Stick.........Movement Right Analog Stick........Camera L1 Button (hold)..........Aim Gadget R1 Button.................Use Gadget (when L1 is held) R2 Button.................Gadget attack (when L1 is held) L2 Button (hold)..........Detective Mode Triangle Button...........Counter Attack Circle Button.............Cape Stun X Button..................Run/Action Button Square Button.............Melee Strike - I really don't know how the 360 controller works, but for the most part I'm sure every action is in the same place. I.E. I'm sure for you 360 users the Run Button would be where the X button is.

+----+ | 2. | Combos & Countering +----+------------------------------+ The name of the game is to build combos, and huge ones. Once you build up a combo of about 4 or 5, Batman will be much more dangerous in that he can jump across the room to punch somebody in the noggin if you direct him to. In order to keep your combos going, you must not get hit, you must not MISS, and you must not wait more than a second to attack your next target. This brings me to my next point. When a guard is about to strike Batman, there will be blue bolts on top of their heads. In order to not get your combo broken, you must counter their attack by hitting the counter button. Also, try not to spam your strike button unless you have a bunch of henchmen in a corner. Missing a strike is a really easy way to mess up your combo. Instead, identify someone you want to attack and actually target him. In addition, you can also execute critical strikes. These are well timed attacks such that you hit an attacker before he is able to attack you. This is obviously another way to keep your combo going, and you're mainly going to be doing this when the attacker isn't close enough to for you to counter him to keep your combo going. Quick Tips to Build Big Combos -----------------------------* Don't just spam the strike button. If you make an attack at thin air, your combo is over. * Use the evade function to buy some time (Direction + Double Tap on Run Button). * Learn to anticipate. Ex: Hit one guy in front of you, hit the guy on the right, counter the guy from the left, and hit the guy in front of you guy again, because he's up! Try to anticipate when the guys will be getting up from your attacks and strike them again to keep the combos going. * Once the combo counter turns yellow, Batman becomes a bit quicker and can jump all over the room. Nobody is too far as long as you direct him in the right direction. * Use the evade function to jump over the guys with the knives or electric Batons. Build up a combo of 8 and use a special attack on them. They cannot block this and it will keep your combo going. * Use the Ground Takedown attack sparingly. If you are trying to build combo, don't use this. First, it KOs the guy instantly, so there's one target to build your combon on. Second, while you are doing the Ground animation, you are a sitting duck for anyone to come over and give you haymaker, effectively breaking your combo in the process. a big less Takedown a nice

+----+ | 3. | Breaking down the attacks +----+------------------------------+ Aside from punch, punch, kick, kick, Batman also has an assortment of attacks to assist him. Here they are: Ground Takedown: When an enemy is knocked down, but not out, you can stand over him and hold the crouch button + strike to land a big right hand to put the target out. This punch is similar to the one Wanderlei Silva landed on the ground to Keith Jardine to put him out completely. Glide Kick: This will be available to Batman when he's perched on top of a

gargoyle vantage point. Once this is activated, Batman will swoop down and deliver a devastating kick to the targeted Henchman. Follow it with a Ground Takedown and you have a two-strike instant KO. This is attack very useful when faced with a room full of armed enemies. Throw: Once upgraded, this will become available to Batman once he builds up a combo of 8. The throw will give you the opportunity to not only perform a powerful attack on the guy you're throwing, but to also add to your combo by knocking down a few guys in the process. It is recommended that you use this on the "combo breakers" of the henchmen, such as the guys carrying knives or electric batons (you'll run into them later), because it is not possible to block this attack. Takedown: This is the same as the Throw. You have to upgrade it, and it can only be used when Batman builds up a combo of 8. Upon activation, Batman will perform an unblockable attack on the target and KO him instantly. You are also free of anyone interrupting you, so this is the best attack to use on those guys with the knives. Corner Takedown: First, you need to crouch next to a corner and wait there. As an enemy approaches you, you can hit the Counter Button to jump out and silently takeout the target. Ledge Takedown: This will require Batman to first stand next to a ledge and hold R2+Run Button to Climb Down. Then, just wait there and wait for a henchman to approach. Once he gets close enough, hit the Counter button to perform another silent takedown. +----+ | 4. | Critical Hit... It's Super Effective! +----+------------------------------+ No matter what, this needs to be the first upgrade that you get. A critical hit will give you credit for two strikes after landing one. It seems to happen more often when you hit an enemy before he gets his attack off. With this, you will obviously be able to build up your combos more quickly. I should also take this time to recommend what else you should upgrade. After Critical Hit, you should get a Special Attack (Takedown), followed by a Multi-Baterang. Everything else is pretty much up to you. +----+ | 5. | Enemies packing heat +----+------------------------------+ Some enemies are, you guessed it, packing heat. I don't just mean guns. There are some enemies with knives, and even some with electric batons. These guys aren't too particularly dangerous alone, but once they're with a bunch of melee henchmen, they're a lot more difficult. Not really that they can kill you too quickly, but they are pretty nasty combo breakers. I'd recommend trying to dispose of them first. For the guys with the knives, you'll have to hit them with a Cape Stun and striking them. For the guys with the electric batons, you can either grapple hook them towards you (GET OVER HERE!) or jump over them (sprint towards him + X button) and getting to either the side or behind them. From here you can strike them. Any enemy with a weapon other than their fists or a pipe will have red bolts on top of their heads instead of blue when they are about to attack. You cannot counter these types of attacks. +----+ | 6. | Tactical Espionage Action +----+------------------------------+ A good portion of the combat in Arkham Asylum also depends on your noggin. To me, these sequences are the best parts of the game. Because, well, anyone can

fight through a wave of 20 melee attackers, but when you're faced with a room of 8 guys armed with automatic weapons, then really an entire new combat system is introduced. In situations like this, you have, have to, take advantage of the vantage points (gargoyles). When you're up there, you can evaluate the whole area and plan your attack without getting interrupted. Look for enemies that are wandering off by themselves. These lone enemies are absolutely the ones you need to attack (with the Glide Kick). As soon as you take one out, grapple back up to a vantage point. If you get spotted, quickly grapple from one statue to another until you lose them. Alternatively, Batman also the option of performing a Silent Takedown attack. In order to pull this off, you have to crouch walk up to your target and once you get close hit the Counter button. This attack is essential in a room full of guys packing heat because you will be able to eliminate one of the bad guys without alerting the rest of the clowns. It is a good strategy to perform a Silent Takedown and quickly get back to your vantage point. This is because later in the game, the bad guys will know when one of their guys are down, even if they don't see anything. They'll come and check on him, leaving the checkers open for some attacks. +----+ | 7. | Use the gadgets +----+------------------------------+ The Gadgets you come across in this game aren't just for getting Batman around and helping you solve puzzles. Many of them are also pretty useful for combat. Try out each gadget in a fight and you might find something that fits your fighting style. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; W a l k t h r o u g h | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Walkthrough is written on the Normal difficulty. ''--..____..--' .' This walkthrough is intended to aid you on your first playthrough. Let's clear the game first before we find all of the Riddler Challenges. We'll find the challenges that won't take you too far off the path, but everything else will be left until after you've beaten the game. This is because not every single challenge is accessible until you are working with a full house of gadgets. If you are looking for Riddler help, go to the comprehensive walkthrough I've written for that. * How do I blow up a destructible wall? * How do I get through a Security Gate? * What can I do with a Security Control Panel? * How do I reach these vent doors that are out of reach? * How do I go across large gaps? * How do I get to the destructible walls that are way out of my reach? All of these questions (and probably a few more) can be answered with the following:

You can't (yet). Once you receive certain gadgets, you will know how to do all of the above, and more. So, let's get on with the walkthrough! _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; I n t e n s i v e T r e a t m e n t | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK01] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' In these opening moments, just keep the linear path. ''--..____..--'' Keep going straight ahead as the opening credits roll. Head onto the lift when you arrive at that point to keep the action moving. There really aren't many other comments to make. Escort Joker until you make it to the next checkpoint. .' +----H o l d i n g C e l l s----+ There will two waves of melee enemies to deal with. This will be good time to knock off the 5 combo trophy by getting the enemies to bunch up and mashing the strike button. There is a Riddler Trophy crappily hidden in this room. There are 240 of them hidden on Arkham Island, and each will is worth a very nice 200 XP. All right, so to find it, turn around and face the ramp that you came down from. Look to the left of it now and you should see a little vent. go right up to it and you should see the "Open" prompt. Crouch and head inside to find the first Riddler Trophy. Head up the only other ramp in the room now turn left into the room when you see it. Hold still, and aim your Baterang at those Joker Teeth. These are called Joker Teeth. Each one is worth 50 XP, and once you break 5 of them, you will receive a 200 XP bonus. Find 10 and you will get another bonus, and so on. Try not to stand too close to them to get a better aim. Continue down the hallway to the next checkpoint. +----P r o c e s s i n g C o r r i d o r----+ You'll see a few more of the Joker Teeth here, so be sure to pick up the bonus XP. Sprint straight down the hall until you hit a fork. There will be two melee enemies for you to deal with. Nothing that should be too concerning, though. Now, turn right at the fork, towards the portrait of the old man. There will be a door at the end of the hallway here that will lead to the next checkpoint. +----P a t i e n t P a c i f i c a t i o n C e n t e r----+ Sprint straight through to the opened door, past the guards, and up the stairs inside. Make your way to where the two guards are standing and just wait there until Batman talks to himself. Enter detective mode and look up. Take notice of the coloured gargoyles here. You can't grapple towards it just yet, so leave Detective Mode, wait a few moments, and look up again. You should be able to grapple now. Keep grappling to the closest gargoyle statue until you are at the last one. You'll be facing the balcony the two guards were standing on. The Glide Kick prompt should also appear now. Hit the strike button to deliver a devastating blow to Victor Zsasz. This is a stunning blow, so immediately follow up by standing over him and executing the ground takedown to put his lights out for good. Once the cut scene finishes, take note of the vent to the right. Before going

through, head to the northwest corner of the room. You'll find another vent here, so open it up to find the second of 240 Riddler Trophies. Head through the vent you ignored earlier and just follow the linear path. Once you reach the top, and the end of this particular vent, you'll see a Riddler Trophy, so be sure to grab it. Jump down, and sprint north to the next check point. +----D e c o n t a m i n a t i o n----+ Head over to where the lone guard is standing, and look up. You should see a hole in the ceiling that will allow you to grapple up. Another vent, so make yourself at home and head on through. At the end of it, you'll find yourself in the room full of poison gas (fun). Follow the on-screen instruction and get a running start with the Action Button to jump over the large gap. Next, time to look above and you should see a grapple prompt. Make your way up, and go rescue the guard to the left by hitting the Action Button. Next, glide over to the platform below. There's one more guy who needs rescuing (but he's a henchman), so do it to grab the trophy. He won't be of any threat to you because Batman will immediately put him to sleep after saving his sorry keister. Next, look over to the left of the platform and ready your Baterang. You should see another one of those Joker Teeth. Collect your XP and more importantly, aim towards the wall above where the guard is hunched over and your Baterang should lock onto something an operating box of sorts. Throw the Baterang at the box to rid the room of the gas. There are two more Joker Teeth in the southern portion of the room (just below the platforms you first came in on). I'd recommend grabbing the XP, but do note that you can't get the Riddler Trophy just yet so ignore it and head north to the door and through to the next checkpoint. +----T r a n s f e r L o o p----+ Head to the right, there are two henchmen in here, so dispose of them quickly. Next, follow the arrows on the ground to the nearby door. Sprint straight down the hallway and into the next security door to initiate a fun sequence. Don't let this huge slimy thing intimidate you, he will be down before you know it (he's a Batman equivalent of Bob Sapp if you will). Go right up to it and start swinging for the fences. Once it lowers its head to charge at you, double tap the Run Button + Left or Right to dodge. Go up to him and continue your assault to take him down, this time for good. Before continuing, head up the small ramp on the right and into the little cubicle to find a Riddler Trophy. Now head over to the other side and talk to the guard. All right, time to head out the door you came in from. Turn left when you can and through the new opening follow the hallway and soon you'll come across a red corridor. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party in the ( ( "North." | | (_) Before continuing to the red corridor, turn to the right and look _ for the office labelled "Emergency Shutdown." You will have to crouch (_) walk through the hole. Inside, turn to the right and look at the wall to find a black and white poster with a guy wearing a hat. Scan this to solve the riddle. Continue through to the red corridor and get into Detective Mode as your each

the end of it to see two guards. You can sneak up on one to make your life a little easier. One is armed with pipe so he's only slightly more dangerous than the regular guys. Best to sneak up on him. Before going through the door, circle around to the left to find an opening leading to a long hallway. At the end of it are (count 'em) 3 Joker Teeth, so please do pick up the free XP. Now time to head through the door. Turn to the left, go into Detective Mode and into the evidence scanner (it will be automatic, a contextual situation). Look to the right, on the ground. It's a little circular object. Once you see it, the scanner should automatically lock on to it. Once it does, hold the Run Button and wait for a gold circle to form on the screen for the process to complete. Now it's time to start tracking. So how this is going to work is you'll have to be in Detective mode, and follow the little circular prompts (looks like DNA) on screen. keep going from one DNA thing to the next until we reach our destination. Let's turn around and head to the first evidence trace by the door. Turn right and there's the next one infront of the next door. Head on through the door and you should see the next one to the left. The next few alcohol samples are going to lead you right to that long hallway that led you to the three Joker teeth. You can go ahead and sprint straight down the hallway to speed things up a bit. Head on through the door when you see it to the next checkpoint. +----S e c u r e T r a n s i t----+ Continue north to activate a brief sequence. All right, so the old-fashioned way it is. Before proceeding though, head to the left and up the set of stairs. at the top, you'll find a little room with a table in about the middle portion. Go to the table and hit the action button to an Interview Tape. There are a bunch of these scattered around Arkham as well, and each one found will earn you a nice 200 XP bonus. All right, time to continue our mission. Go back into Detective Mode if you aren't already, and go back to where the guard is sitting. Go to the alcohol sample and look up. grapple up to the target and climb onto the platform. next, look up towards the right and you'll see another grapple target. Get onto this platform an sprint straight ahead to jump onto the ledge. Shimmy to the right a little bit and you'll reach an opening. Stop and you should see the prompt to climb up on the bottom right of the screen (if you don't keep going to the right). Follow the vent and you'll reach another one of those small vent doors. Open it up and head on through. Immediately look up, and to the right to find a ledge to grapple to. Once you make it onto the platform, look above and to the right again to find the next ledge. Sprint straight across and climb up the platform to the left. You should also see another target to grapple now. Grapple onto the next platform and turn left. Sprint ahead now and crouch under the big platform when you come across it. You might notice the path to the left, but there isn't anything worthwhile in that direction for now, so just continue on. Climb up the next platform and go right up to the wall. You should receive the prompt to climb, do so, and shimmy left. Climb over the metal structure and immediately turn to the left. Sprint towards the fan and turn left again when you can. You'll see a bunch of those metal structures you just climbed over stacked on one another now. Look all the way up and you'll see another target to grapple towards. Crouch and head into the crawl space now, veering to the left to the next area. You should notice a strange looking spider stone now. Go into Detective Mode and head towards it. Hold onto the Detective Mode button to scan. There are

more of these stones scattered around Arkham too, and once again, you will receive a nice XP bonus for finding them. Now turn to the right and head through the opening. Look to the right again to see a grapple target. Get up there and brace yourself for a showdown with 5 unarmed guards. They are close enough that you can time several attacks together to pull off a big combo. There's also a Joker teeth thing to the left, where the body of the guard is. Now that you've disposed of everybody, look to the right of where the guards were to find another vent. Head on through to the next checkpoint. +----C e l l B l o c k T r a n s f e r----+ Go into Detective Mode and look to the right. Oh crap, guys with weapons now. No worries, answer the call with the Oracle and look up. You'll see another gargoyle there. Latch onto it when you can (you won't be able to do it when Batman still has his finger on his ear). Once you're up there, look towards the right and grapple onto the next few gargoyles. Once you reach the final one, you'll be positioned behind the guards. Drop down silently and crouch walk towards them. Hit the counter button when prompted to perform a Silent Takedown. Takedown at least the first two guards this way, and when one's left, well, it's up to your imagination on how you want to dispose of him. All right, now goto where the last gargoyle statue was (before you dropped down), and look for the stairs on the right. Crawl up though, as there is a single guard here that you can easily dispose of with a silent takedown next, open up the vent to the right and head on through. +----I n t e n s i v e T r e a t m e n t L o b b y----+ There's a single guard immediately as you enter. Best to take him out silently. Next, look to the structure in the middle and grapple up. Next, look directly ahead, and grapple onto the gargoyle statue. Wait here, and you should see a henchman directly below. Glide kick him if you can. If you miss, and he goes into the glass shelter in the middle, you can still take him down by standing on the glass and hitting the counter button. In fact, this is the preferred method because it will alert a guard and he will come check on him, leaving him wide open for a glide kick. Otherwise, a glide kick from any of the nearby statues would be ideal. Once you dispose of this second guard, a brief sequence will activate and three more will pour in. No matter what, you'll start this sequence safely on top of a vantage point. The key to this battle is to grapple along the statues, and wait for the guards to separate off. Once they do, position yourself and look for the lone henchman. Execute a Glide Kick and immediately follow up with an immediate ground takedown. Get right back onto a gargoyle statue as soon as you conclude your attack. Keep grappling around and repeating until each of the three are down. Now, time to head to the platform that these guards spawned from. Immediately take aim at the three Joker Teeth and take them out. Head over to the body to activate a sequence. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "Don't cut yourself on this sharp portrait." ( ( | | To solve this one, turn around and walk to the edge of the platform. (_) Look to the LEFT, and you should see a portrait of an old man. Go into _ Detective Mode and hold the Detective Button to solve it. (_) A brief sequence will happen now. At its conclusion, talk to the guard and

sprint straight down the next hallway, down the stairs and to the door. Open it up to the next checkpoint. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible." ( ( | | Before making your way to the Utility Corridor, there is one more (_) riddle in the Intensive Treatment Lobby. This is the "object does not _ line up correctly" one. There's an office in the very centre of this (_) room. Inside, look for a question mark on one of the windows (in Detective Mode). Now look out the window and towards the big circular vent on the wall. Just below that circular vent should be another circle. Position the camera so that small circle forms a question mark with the hook on the window to solve this one. +----U t i l i t y C o r r i d o r----+ Turn to the right and head right down the stairs. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) \/ / / ( ( | | (_) _ (_)

R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e "You don't know Jack about Gotham. Tune in to find out."

Keep going until you see the broken wheel chair to the right, as well as signs that you would typically see on a women's washroom, and a men's washroom. There are also arrows below them. Go to the WOMEN's side, and right away you should see a bench to the right, as well as a radio on that bench. Crouch, go into Detective Mode, and hit the right stick (R3 on the PS3) to go into first person mode (check your default config to find out what input this is, if it's not the right stick). Don't stand too close, and get the radio in your view. Hold the Detective Mode button to do an environmental analysis to solve the radio. If it says "object is out of view", you are standing too close. Now, let's head to the northeast portion of the room to find a door next to the fire extinguisher and head on through. Inside, you'll find your best friend and mine, the vent, so let's make ourselves comfortable and navigate through it. Once you're outside, proceed northwest until you hit a wall of rocks. Look up, and grapple onto the ledge. Sprint straight ahead to activate a beautiful cinematic. +----A r k h a m I s l a n d----+ Glide down to where the big party is (don't worry, they're all the good guys). Sprint north to the big stairs and head through the door at the top of them. Inside, you'll notice there's nowhere to go, so head back outside and the oracle should give you a call. All right, head down the stairs now, and sprint to batman's right, so that you're going northwest on the map. Sprint past all of the friendlies and you should see the doors leading back to a courtyard of sorts. Take cover behind the ambulance truck, as there are two hostiles in this room, behind a gate. Move to Batman's right, and keep going until your view is no longer obstructed from the truck. Look up to find a grapple target, drop down and do a silent takedown on at least one of these henchmen to take them out without trouble, exit through the doors. Sprint straight ahead and prepare for a battle against a bunch of guys armed with pipes. Time your counters and make some big combos with this bunch. When

you finish, go right up to the Batmobile and hit the action button to collect a new gadget: explosive gel. Ok, now time to do some detective work. Go into Detective Mode and look on the ground on the front of the Batmobile. You should detect a piece of evidence. Hold the action button to scan it to complete this objective. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "Tweedledum and Tweedledee SAW it, can you SEE it?" ( ( | | Head to the very north of Arkham North to find the Arkham Asylum (_) gate. To the right of the gate is a see-saw set (like the one you _ would find on a playground). Get right up to it and scan to solve the (_) riddle. Head back to the Batmobile. All right, you've done this before. It's time to follow some evidence samples. Go into Detective Mode and follow the tobacco samples on the ground. It will lead you right to the Arkham West door, but it's locked! Go into Detective Mode and look on the wall to the right of the door. You should see that it's weak enough for you to use the explosive gel. Equip it with the D-pad (it will be set to the left by default). Once inside, sprint deeper down the hallway and turn left and head on through the door. Go back into Detective Mode and follow the tobacco samples through the big opening. Sprint down the hill here and it will lead directly to a door. Go on through and you should see a few more tobacco samples outside. Follow them down the initial hill here. Turn left when you reach the fork to see another tobacco sample. Sprint straight ahead and follow the tobacco samples. They will soon lead you veering off the right to a bit, to a set of stairs. Since you're Batman, you probably don't feel like going up the stairs like anyone else, so look up, and to the right a little bit to find a grapple target. Proceed on this path for a bit and you should see about 8 thugs below the stairs. Time to get down there and whoop some ass. To the left of where they were standing, there's a door, so head on through You can stay for the conversation, or you can leave outside right away. Look to the top of the medical facility doors and you should see a grapple target. Climb up the ledge and sprint straight ahead to climb up another one. Grom here, you have to head to Batman's northwest, do it in Detective Mode and you should see the weakness in the exterior that you're looking for. Head right up to it and blow it up with your explosive gel. Drop down and head through the door on the right into the Medical Facility. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; M e d i c a l F a c i l i t y | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK02] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Sprint straight ahead and climb over the fence. Jump ''--..____..--'' over the next fence you come on. Drop down to the ground now and go into the vent on the right. Navigate through this vent and then go into the next one. As you navigate through this vent, keep an eye out for a path that leads to the right, downwards. Keep going in this direction and it will lead you right to a Riddler Trophy. Next, get back into the vent and head towards the right to drop down back to the ground. Sprint deeper into this room .'

and crawl into the next vent. Crawl out of the vent and stay put on this platform. +----S a n a t o r i u m----+ Drop down to the ground, go into Detective Mode and keep an eye on the guard on the other side of the wall. Spray some of the explosive gel onto this wall and detonate it to immediately take him out. Take cover behind the pillar and wait for some of the henchmen to come and check on him. Wait for them to bunch up and sprint right out, swinging for the fences. If you start to get into trouble just look up at any part of the room and grapple onto the gargoyle. As usual, grapple around very quickly to lose them. Now, you can use a glide kick + ground takedown to quickly dispose of any the remaining henchmen. Now time to head over to the cubicle on the right portion of the room, to find the doctors. Stay against the wall the doctors were on, and turn left (basically go as far away from the vents you came in from as possible), and look for a little office. You will find an Interview Tape. Talk to them, and then turn around and sprint straight ahead to jump over the ledge when you arrive to it. If you turn left now, and turn left again to the little area in the corner here, you will come across a detonable wall, and inside you will find a Riddler Trophy. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "TICK! TOCK! News flash! Someone is not getting out of here alive." ( ( | | Drop down to the bottom floor of the Sanatorium and make your way to (_) the doors. Don't go in though, instead, turn around and face the _ south. Go into the first opening to Batman's right (in the west). (_) You should see a little chamber here, and it's filled with skeletons and skulls. Take a scan of the chamber to solve the riddle. Make sure to position yourself so you can get as much of the chamber in your shot as possible. Now, head through the doors to the next checkpoint. +----U p p e r C o r r i d o r----+ Turn left up the stairs and sprint down the hallway. Once you come to the fork, turn right and follow the stairs down to the Surgery Room. Go up to the man on the dentist chair and talk to him. Get ready for a battle here. A group of enemies are going to drop down, but don't worry they are all melee. Go at them the normal way, but do watch out for the guys that goto the walls and get these bricks to throw at you. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / ( ( "Shhhhsshh! Rumors persist that Tommy Elliot operates in Arkham. Can | | it be true?" (_) _ After dispatching this wave of guards, look up to where they jumped (_) Once you grab this riddle, head back outside and run up the stairs. A box will blow up in the hallway and a bunch of Joker Teeth are going to appear, so collect the XP. Continue down the hallway and ignore the path to the left to keep going. Get into detective mode and watch for the two melee guards coming up. One of them

have a pipe, but no big deal. Open the door to get into the Patient Observation room. Immediately dispatch of the guards here. +----P a t i e n t O b s e r v a t i o n----+ Look up now and grapple up to the vents. Look up again and see if you can grapple one more time. If yes, do so. If no, look around for the small vent door and help yourself through. You'll now be in a room full of that poison gas. From where you are, move to the right, and get into Detective Mode. You should see an Extractor Control Panel next to the fan in the west, below. Throw your Baterang at it to lower the gas for one level. Now go over and jump on to the platform where the panel is. Now sprint straight ahead and climb up the platforms in front. Once you reach the final platform, and you can't go anywhere anymore. Turn around and face the platform you just jumped from. You should be able to see the second Extraction Control Panel. Throw your Baterang on it. All right, no we're just about finished. For this last bit, look towards the henchman who is hanging in the room. Aim your Baterang at the line he's hanging from and throw. Time to position yourself so you can see into the room the crashed into. The final Extraction Control Panel is there. now and go into the office the police officer (Aaron Cash) in. You'll find another Interview Tape on the table. Leave _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) \/ / / ( ( | | (_) _ (_) henchman just All right, jump down and the doctor were this room now.

R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e "Was this fire fly too hot off the press?" Still on the bottom floor of the gas room, head into the room that the henchman crashed into. You should see a surgical chair here. Look to the corner in the right once you come in, and you should see a couple of newspapers. Go into first person mode and one of them reads "Firefly Escapes." Scan this newspaper to solve.

All right, now circle around and look for the door behind the office Aaron Cash and the doctor were held. Sprint down this hallway and out this door to head back to the Upper Corridor. +----U p p e r C o r r i d o r----+ Sprint down the hallway and you'll find another exploding present with Joker Teeth inside. Sprint down the hallway now and turn right when you can. Sprint down the hallway and you should soon come to a set of stairs. You'll recognize that to the right is the Sanatorium again. Instead of going there, head down the stairs to the left. Sprint down the hallways and keep following the path. Get into detective mode and keep an eye out for the three henchmen outside of the X-Ray room. +----X - R a y R o o m----+ As soon as you come in, go into Detective Mode and walk to the detonable wall ahead. Plant some Explosive Gel here. Circle to the left now, still in detective mode. Turn right when you pass the initial hallway and you should see another detonable wall. Plant the Gel on this one as well, and detonate the walls. Leave the X-Ray Room and head back to the Upper Corridor. Sprint down the hallway. Watch out when you come to the present this time, though. A guy armed with knives is going to pop out as well. Use your Cape Stun on him before striking . Follow the hallways back to the Sanatorium. +----S a n t i t o r i u m----+ After the cut scene, you'll find yourself at the top of the gargoyle statue.

This part won't be too difficult. Go into Detective Mode to get a good view. Watch for the guards to separate off, and focus your Glide Kicks on the lone guys. Once you knock one out, immediately get back up to the vantage point. If you're lucky, a guy is going to come check on his fallen comrade, leaving himself wide open for another Glide Kick. Either way, just repeat the strategy of attacking the lone guards. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "A question can only be answered from a new perspective. Don't you ( ( agree?" | | (_) Grapple back up to the upper floor of the Sanatorium, and make your _ way to the western side of it. Go into Detective Mode and look for a (_) detonable part of the floor (not in a cubicle). Set the Explosive Gel on there and stand clear of the floor when you detonate it, so that you won't fall through. Ok, now stand next to the square hole in the ground, and position Batman so he's looking at the north. Look down at the square in Detective Mode and you should see the top hook of a question mark. The circle is on the bottom floor, below. Take a few steps back from the square hole and manuever the camera to line up the queston mark. Scan to solve. Once everybody is disposed of and you've got the riddle, head into the elevator with the title "Morgue" on top to get to the next area. +----S e c u r e A c c e s s----+ Watch the brief sequence here and turn to the left. Go into Detective Mode and spray some Explosive Gel onto the wall here. Blow it up and head on through. Run down the hallway for a bit and keep descending. The next little bit is going to be very linear, so there are no directional challenges. Soon, you will come across a brief scene with Commissioner Gordon. Once it's finished, look to the right of where he was to find a little vent. Time to crawl on through. Head over to the body on the ground and watch the brief sequence. Once it's over, sprint straight down the hallway. After a little while, you hit a door. Head on through to go into the Morgue. +----M o r g u e----+ Walk around the room here and leave the room. You should notice that you end up another place altogether. Don't worry, it's all part of the mind ****. Just walk to the centre of the room now and open up the body bags. Get ready for some fun. Once you've opened everything up, make your way towards the door and you'll notice everything is just getting very weird. It's starting to rain, the building is in shambles. Just keep going directly ahead and you should soon come to a cinematic. All right, for this battle we'll have to fight him with our brains. You have to avoid Scarecrow's gaze at all costs. It's like a searchlight/laser beam. Begin by running right up the stairs. Wait at the brick wall corner for Scarecrow's gaze to pass. Sprint straight across the next long walkway. Crouch behind the small wall when you reach the fan and the gap. Jump across the gap when the coast is clear and climb up the ledge. Climb up the next ledge and shimmy over. Climb up when you are able. Before jumping across the next gap, take cover behind the wall. You'll soon come to a wall with three... "freezer" doors that open and close. Take cover here for a bit and wait for the Scarecrow's gaze to pass. As you wait here, take note of the wall to your right. It is detonable. Plant the Explosive Gel on it and stand behind the wall as you detonate. Scarecrow is going to come check on the explosion. When it's looking to YOUR left, sprint right and jump across the gap. Don't stop and make a full sprint through the

obstacles. When you reach the stairs, wait here for Scarecrow's gaze to pass and sprint to the light. Hit the Run Button to use to end this sequence. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar?" ( ( | | Before leaving the Morgue room, go to the very centre to find a few (_) surgical beds. You should also see a jar nearby. Go into first person _ mode and scan the label that reads "The Great White Shark" to solve. (_) All right, time to leave this room through the doors now. Follow the arrows on the ground down the hallway here. Batman will briefly halt to look at the body. Go into detective mode and look at the door. You should see three guards on the other side. These guys all have knives, so be sure to set up your attacks with Cape Stun. Follow the arrows again and you'll come to a few Joker Teeth. Follow the arrow up the stairs and turn right into the room. Head through door in here to get into the Experimental Chamber. +---E x p e r i m e n t a l C h a m b e r----+ Head straight down this hallway towards the next room. When you come in, look at the table to your left and you should find the Riddler Map on here. The Riddler Map will show each of the Riddler secrets on your own map (Select). _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "Is this bear the Bane of his life?" ( ( | | On the same table as the Secrets Map is a Teddy Bear. Scan this bear (_) to solve the riddle. _ (_) Go up to the window and you should see Harley Quinn with Gordon. Turn to the right now and open up the vent door. Navigate your way through the vent to head down to the floor below. There's another vent in here, so get your ass in. Once you arrive out of the vent again, you will be in a fortress of sorts. Do note that in order to complete this part successfully, you must take down each guard without being detected. Won't be too difficult though. Get into Detective Mode and immediately crouch walk to the guard to your right and deliver the Silent Takedown on him. Ok, so you should see that there's another guard to the right of him as well. Crouch walk over and Silent Takedown him as well. There are two more guards to the left. One might be on the lower portion of the room. Start with the one who's on your level. Crouch walk to him and take him out. For the last guy below, wait for him to walk up so he's on the same level as you are before disposing of him. Go to the area below Harley Quinn now. Look for the stairs leading up to where she's standing. Once you reach the Security Gate, grapple up and you are now standing above Harley and Gordon. Be sure to grab the Riddler Trophy to your left. Now, stand on the glass in Detective Mode and hit the Takedown action to initiate a cut scene. - B a n e - (Boiler Room) This battle is actually pretty simple. For the most part, focus on avoiding Bane's attacks. You do this by double tapping the Run Button + Left/Right on your left stick. His attacks consist of a tackle, throwing boulders at you, and

melee strikes. The time to strike is when he uses his tackle manuever. Try to position yourself so you're nice and far away from him. As he charges, throw your Baterang from the hip (L1). As SOON as you throw it, dodge to either the left of the right to get out of the way. Bane will now charge into the wall. Watch him after he does this. If he grabs onto his eyes, sprint up to him and swing for the fences. As SOON as his hands leave his eyes, get the hell out of the way. Note that the fourth and last strike of your combo is Batman jumping onto Bane's back and taking a swipe at the tentacles in his neck. When Batman swipes all of them, this battle will be over. Repeat the above method until Joker summons the goons on you. When this happens, it's still important to keep your eye on Bane. Throw some combos on the goons, but if Bane throws a boulder at you, get the hell out of the way. Try to use Bane's attacks to KO some of the henchmen by getting out of the way at the last second. Once the battle ends you will find yourself back on Arkham Island, outside. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m I s l a n d | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK03] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' You'll find yourself in Arkham West. Our target is in ''--..____..--'' in the central portion of the map, by Intensive Treatment. Let's make our way across the field here, keeping to the left, towards Arkham North. Head through the Arkham North doors and up the hill. Turn to the left now and through the small door here. Now time to head towards the Arkham East. You'll run into three henchmen along the way, but they are nice and easy to handle. There is that one guy with the knives, so you'll have to Cape Stun him first. .' Stand in front of the Arkham East door but don't head through. Instead, turn to the right and sprint towards this fence. Sprint straight ahead and head turns the cave opening. Once inside, grapple up and scan the Chronicle of Arkham. Now turn to the right and head towards this opening. Grapple up here and head through the door. Turn left and sprint straight down the long corridor. Once you reach the room with the moonlight, turn to the right and blow up the wall to find a Riddler Trophy. Now climb up the only ledge in this room and head back outside to activate another cinematic. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; C a v e s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK04] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--'' .' Once the cinematic concludes, just sprint straight ahead deeper into the cave. You'll soon come to a waterfall of sorts. Head on through the tunnel. You'll soon reach the Batcave checkpoint. Head onto the computer to activate another cut scene. At the scene's conclusion you will receive the Batclaw, a very cool gadget. All right, armed with your new gadget, head down the stairs and turn right. You'll notice three crates blocking your way here. Take out the Batclaw and aim towards the crates with L1. Then, hit R1 to fire.

Jump across now and sprint through the tunnel and to the door. Head on through and look up. You should see a vent door. Aim at it with your Batclaw and fire. Climb through and jump down. +----O l d S e w e r----+ There's a single henchman to the left, and he will be easy pickings. Turn left now and head up the stairs. You'll see a Riddler Trophy to the right, but don't worry about it because it is out of reach. Get into Detective Mode and look to the right to see a group of unarmed thugs. Good time to work up a few impressive combos. If you keep going in the direction you were going before running into the thugs, you should see a body. Beside it is an Interview Tape. Turn to the right now and open up the door. Uh-Oh! No worries though, turn around and run past the body again towards the hallway ahead. You'll run into a few Joker Teeth along the way. At the end of the hallway is another door, so time to head on through. +---M a i n S e w e r J u n c t i o n---+ Head towards the center of the area and turn right when you can. Don't bother grappling anywhere because it won't work (place is too old, or some nonsense like that). Climb up the platform when you are able to and jump over to the catwalk. Jump over to the next catwalk and onto the next platform. The final platform will lead you right to a pillar that creates a path moving upwards. Run up this pillar and jump to the platform on the left. Jump to the next platform and run up the pillar to the left here. You can also jump over to the Riddler Trophy before doing that. Anyway, at the top of this platform, look to the right and jump across. Follow the path here into a tunnel. There are a few more Joker Teeth and at a door at the end. +---S u r f a c e A c c e s s----+ Open up the door and be sure to grab the Interview Tape on the crate to the left. Turn to the right now and sprint up the stairs. At the top you'll find another one of those detonable walls. Spray it with the Explosive Gel and thar she blows (sounds like a movie I once saw one late night). Jump across the huge gap here and out the door. +---A r k h a m N o r t h---+ The area is now filled with a bunch of guards. Six to be exact, 4 unarmed and two armed snipers. I would definitely recommend sneaking up on the two armed Snipers on the watch towers first, because they are a huge pain in the ass. Their towers have stairs that lead right up to them so just find those. Next, drop down and take out the four unarmed henchmen standing together, talking about crazy stuff, no doubt. One of them have knives, so as always, look to take him out first with Cape Stun + Combinations. With these clowns (no pun intended) out of the way, time to head towards Arkham East. Make your way to the big door labelled Arkham East, and head on through. Be sure to pick up the three Joker Teeth infront of the door. In the proceeding hallway, there is a pretty big wave of enemies that appear. One of them have the knives again. Dispose of these guys and head on through to Arkham East. +---A r k h a m E a s t----+ Once again, there are four Snipers. These guys have been annoying the hell out of you since Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. The key to getting out of this alive is to crouch walk everywhere. Sneak up on these guys and perform a Silent Takedown to avoid alerting the other idiots. Sneak along the area close to the

cementer and make your way to the two henchmen perched on top of the mansion together. Dispatch of these two and look up, towards the mansion. You should see a vent here. Use your Batclaw and pull the door down to create a safe entrance into the uber scary Arkham Mansion. (You still have to head through the door inside the room >___>). _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m M a n s i o n | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK05] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Look down below. There are three henchmen, one of whom ''--..____..--'' are armed. Aim your Glide Kick at the guy with the gun and follow up with a sweet Ground Takedown to separate him from his senses. Grapple up to the platform you were standing on when you first got here. Look up to a vent door. Shoot it with your Batclaw and pull it down. Navigate the vents and you'll come across another one of those Chronicles of Arkham stones. Follow the vents and head to the next checkpoint. .' +---M a i n H a l l----+ Get into Detective Mode and size up the competition below. We might be in for quite a delectation. None of them are armed so feel free to get right down there and starting a Rush Hour action sequence. Once you've disposed of everybody, head over to the door in the south, (aptly named South Wing). Before heading through the door though, pick off the riddle below. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "Who is the main man in the main hall?" ( ( | | Look to the wall on the north for a good plaque of Commissioner (_) Gordon, above and between two large display cases. Scan the plaque to _ solve this. (_) +----S o u t h C o r r i d o r----+ _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) \/ / / ( ( | | (_) _ (_) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e "What does a bird need in the rain?" Near the initial portions of the south corridor, keep your eye on the eastern wall. There's a cube display case here, and it holds a top hat, and several closed umbrellas. Scan this display case to solve the riddle.

Get into Detective Mode and head towards the guards. Crouch and do a corner cover at the wall here. Aim your Baterang at the guard with the gun and let 'er rip. Immediately sprint towards them and swing for the fences. Head through the door here and into the next room. +----L i b r a r y----+ There are a couple of guys with knives in here, so be very careful with them. Otherwise, get right in there and start whoopin' dat ass. Always try to start your combos on the knives guys, as they are the most dangerous of the bunch. So it looks like we're going to have to rescue some ordinary folk before continuing our mission to save Gotham City. No problem. When you're finished,

head into the opening in the north and down the stairs. Darn, looks like the hostages are blocked off. No problem, head back up the stairs until you're back in the room where you fought all of those guys. Look up and grapple as high up as you can. It should be up two more floors. Once up here, look for a vent on the wall. Crawl on through and it should take you to the floor with a huge chandelier. Aim at it with your Baterang and it should pick something up. Throw it to cut the Chandelier down, crashing it all the way down to the basement. Jump down to where the hostages were and rescue them using the Run Button up close. All right, time to grapple back up to the floor where you fought those guys and head back into the South Corridor. Follow the hallway back to the Main Hall. Two guards armed with pipes await you on the other side. Turn to the right now and head up the stairs. Move to the left and head through the door here. It'll take you right to the West Wing Corridor. Use your Batclaw and GET HIM OVER HERE! Finish him off with a Ground Takedown. Go over and talk to the guards. Head up the stairs now and go to the door below. Help yourself through. +----A r k h a m R e c o r d s R o o m----+ As soon as you get inside, grapple up to the vantage point. Like always, focus your attacks on the lone henchman with your Glide Kick. The guy on the left, on the catwalk seems like an ideal candidate. Don't force anything, and take the openings that are presented to you. Note that your Baterang is can set up openings for you by knocking down nearby henchmen and leaving one guy for a Glide Kick. Take your time and attack in this manner, as they will separate off. Once everybody is down, head over to the two hostages and talk to them. To the right of the two hostages are some stairs. Head up these stairs and turn right again to reach a boiler room of sorts. Inside, go up the stairs to the right again and crawl into the vent door to your left. Don't bother trying the main door as it is locked. Jump down into the next room when you arrive at it. Some Joker Teeth are scattered in this room. Leave the cell and head to the cell beside this one. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "Did Amadeus go mad, or was he just dizzy?" ( ( | | Scan the circles on the ground in this cell to solve this riddle. (_) _ (_) Head out of the above cell and look up, to the left. You should see a vent opening up here. Grapple up there to reach a hidden area. There's another Riddler Trophy in the northeast corner of this room. Next, head into the vent to the left and help yourself through. Once you emerge from this vent you will be in Dr. Young's Office. Look down and you'll see a single guard is packing heat. Glide Kick into him and goto work on everybody. It won't take much to finish them all off. Next, head up the stairs and look for the vent door on the left. Hit it with the Batclaw and grapple up. Help yourself through the vent and you'll see a brief cut scene when you make it to the end of it. +----T r a c k i n g F i n g e r p r i n t s----+

When the cut scene ends, go into Detective Mode and look at the safe. You should pick something up on the safe door. Analyze the evidence to isolate the sample. Now, time to follow the prints. Leave through the vents and wait in the room. A few guards should burst in, ready for a beating. Pick up the Interview Tape on the table to the left (inside the first door). Now time to head through the next door into the West Wing Corridor. You'll come across a present pretty soon, and three Joker Teeth await you inside. Turn left at the present and sprint down the stairs here. Don't make anymore turns and sprint straight down the opening towards the door labelled "Reception". Open up the door to find yourself back in the Main Hall. Turn right and sprint down the stairs. Follow the prints as they lead you left, to the South Corridor. Sprint down the hallway in this room and go through the door back into the Library. Drop down the hole in the ground to arrive at the bottom where the hostages are. Look to the left, towards the book shelves. You should find that the prints stop there. Go right up to it and hit the Run Button to Search. +----R e s c u e----+ All right, the Warden's office is in the northeast portion of the mansion. So head up the stairs and out of the Library to the South Corridor. You'll notice that we are back in Wayne Manor. For this next part, just keep going ahead, and keeping the linear path. I think you know what's happening, as it has happened before. This next little sequence is pretty cool so I'll just let you enjoy it. Once you arrive at the door and open it, things will be kind of normal again. In the next room, turn to the right and sprint up the stairs. It's boss battle time. - S c a r e c r o w The same basic principles apply from the first battle. We have to avoid his gaze and navigate our way to the Batman light. Watch the ground and watch for shadows, as these will be safe patches as you make your way. For the first part, just go straight ahead. You'll soon come across a suspended crate. Stand behind some cover and take aim at it. Pull that sum'***** down and take cover. Do the same for the next one. You'll soon make your way to the a platform, so climb up. You'll be safe behind some cover for now, so sprint straight ahead. A couple of skeleton warriors have been resurrected to take revenge on Batman. Robin, is that you? But anyway, these are just your run-of-the-mill melee combatants. No match for THEEE Dark Knight. Dispose of these guys and climb up the next platform. Take cover at the brick wall for a while and wait for Scarecrow to look the other way. Then, jump across and time to shimmy. Shimmy your way to the right and take cover here if you need to, because you are 100% safe. Climb up the next ledge when you are ready and jump across. Once again, take cover here and wait for a bit. Climb up the next two platforms now and take cover again at the brick wall. Jump across when you feel ready and once again climb up to the ledge to shimmy. Shimmy to the right and wait here. Wait for Scarecrow's gaze to pass and jump on the platform to the right. There's another cover shortly. Next, sprint straight ahead. Just a few more skeleton warriors here. Sprint straight ahead now, but watch out for the little gap where the gaze can get through. Climb up and then grapple up. Jump over to the ledge to Shimmy. You're safe here (Checkpoint as well). Stand here and get the timing of the pendulum down. Wait for Scarecrow to gaze at the platform ahead, and as soon as it passes, make your move. Climb up the next platform and run down the long catwalk towards you (the Take cover at the final brick and make your way to the

platform. Climb up and wait here if Scarecrow is gazing in your direction. As soon as it passes, sprint straight to the light and end this motherflower. Snap! back to reality, Oh, there goes Rabbit... +----R e s c u e (cont)----+ All right, turn to the large bell in the centre of this room here. Aim at the line with your Baterang. Throw to cut that down, creating the business for anyone standing below at the moment. Time to Climb Over and descend to safety. Watch for a balcony here, as it contains the Chronicle of Arkham. Go through the newly opened door to the East Wing Corridor now. Step out into the hallway and you will be introduced to a new enemy. Well, technically, it's the same enemy, but now armed with electric batons. Immediately take out your Batclaw, and aim it at him. Fire at him and you a GET OVER HERE! should commence. Be sure to step to the side as you pull him towards you to avoid getting hit with the batons. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "A game of Cat and mouse can be painful." ( ( | | - From the door with the guy and electric batons was standing (where (_) you need to go), sprint across this long hallway to the area parallel _ to the door. You should come across a glass display case. Do an (_) environment analysis to solve. Once he's done with, and you've got the challenge, head through the door across the room. Stop right there and get into Detective Mode. Wait for the henchman to move into the room, to the right. Stay in detective mode and crouch walk towards them. Stay close to the wall and when you get the prompt for wall cover, do so. Aim your Baterang at him and throw. And DOWN HE GOES, IT IS ALL OVER!!! (translation: a cut scene will now initiate). At the scene's conclusion, there are three henchmen that needs to be taken care of. One of them has the electric batons again, so you'll need a new approach this time. Instead of trying to use the Batclaw on him, try to jump over him by sprinting right at him. Get behind him, and land a combination. You can still try the Batclaw method if you like though. Once you've taken care of everybody, head over to the desk against the wall to the left. You'll find a Riddler Map here. All right, when the call ends, get into Detective Mode and look towards the red carpet. You should notice the broken sceptre here. Scan it to isolate the DNA. Get into Detective Mode and follow the trail out to the East Corridor. Another present awaits you pretty soon, and a few Joker Teeth are inside. Once you make it back to the Main Hall, there is a group of armed enemies below. Handle them like you always do--attack the lone henchman and get back to the gargoyle immediately. Take these guys out and open up the door to the left to take you back to the mansion entrance. Follow the DNA back outside now. +----P a t h t o P e n i t e n t i a r y----+ The DNA will now lead you past the fountain and towards the entrance to the Abandoned Tunnel. Grapple up and go deeper into the tunnel. Get into Detective Mode and you should soon see a group of six enemies. Two of them are armed. If you don't have the Multi-Baterang (double or triple) this will be slightly more difficult. Try to position Batman so that you have a Glide Kick on one of the

armed henchmen. From here, take an aim at the other with the Baterang, but don't throw it. Instead, stop aiming and see if you still have the Glide Kick. You can also try using the Batclaw on one guy and the Baterang on the other. Finally, you can just try Glide Kicking one and immediately punching the other. Take out these henchmen and head into Arkham West. Follow the samples for a bit but stop at the sign that reads "Medical Facility". Go into Detective Mode and take note of the snipers in this area. Crouch walk to the right and grapple up to the closest one. Now jump back down and follow the samples further. They will lead you around to the stairs. Follow the samples up the stairs to find a big fight. One guy has the electric batons so be careful of him. The rest are just your run-of-the-mill guys. Try to build up your combo and hit the batons guy with a critical srike. Once you've gotten everyone, head into the door to the left and to the Penitentiary. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; P e n i t e n t i a r y | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK06] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' As soon as you come in, head over to the table on ''--..____..--'' the right and pick up the Interview Tape. Go into Go into Detective Mode and take note of the henchmen ahead. Go into crouch walk mode and Silent Takedown the guy with the gun. Finish off the other two. All right, follow the samples to the left and then turn left again, up the small hill. Follow this hallway for a bit and it should lead you to an area with a dead warden. There are also a bunch of Joker Teeth around here. .' _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "How do you reflect on your successes and failures, Batman?" ( ( | | The DNA samples are going to lead you to the left of the guard. Instead (_) of going in that direction, enter into the opening directly ahead. It _ will lead you right to the washroom area. Head down the steps and turn (_) right to the women's side. Go into Detective Mode and do an Environment Analysis on the reflection on the wall to do complete this one. Now that you've got this Riddler Challenge, you can also pick up the Riddler Trophy in one of the stalls in the men's washroom. Head back up the stairs now, and follow the samples into the door you ignored earlier. Don't let all of the enemies scare you, as they are in the cells. Go down this hallway now, and head into the prison area. Stick to the left here, and it should lead you to an opening. Stay in Detective Mode and look to the left to find a detonable wall with a Riddler Trophy. Turn around and head up the nearby stairs and through the door. Proceed deeper into the Green Mile room to activate a brief cut scene. Now time to follow the samples to the right, and circle to the door behind Ivy's cell. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "A case of mistaken identity?"

( ( | | Before following the samples to the left, circle to the right and you (_) should see a glass with someone who appears to be Aaron Cash behind _ it. Do an environment analysis on this guy to solve this riddle. (_) Head up the nearby stairs to the left of where the fake Aaron Cash was, and be in Detective Mode. Keep an eye out for the detonable wall on the left. Now head down the stairs and follow the samples up the next set of stairs. Once you reach the top, a brief cut scene will initiate. As soon as it concludes, help Sharpe and you will receive a new gadget! The Cryptographic Sequencer will allow you to (finally) to open those doors bugged by the Security Control Panels. Head outside and you will find a security control panel to test it on. To use it, you have to take advantage of the rumble feature on your controller. The combination needed to "jam" each Security Control Panel consists of Up, down, left, right, and also a diagonal direction on EITHER of the sticks. So a combination could be left on the left stick and top-right on the right stick. The rumble feature assists you because as you get closer to the combination, it will rumble more intensely. The screen on Batman's sequencer will also turn lighter as you get closer to jamming it. Head back down the stairs and head towards the door to the Green Mile (where Ivy was). If you want, you can turn up the stairs to the right and jam a Security Control Panel to grab another Riddler Trophy. Otherwise, head on through. Circle around to the next door and back to the Main Cell Block. As you make your way, watch out a single jumping maniac to come out of a cell to your left. You can dispose of it with a melee attack. Anyway, head on through the door and down the stairs. Go straight ahead and a cut scene will activate. The floor is filled with electricity, but don't worry. Immediately sprint to the right and just run along the wall here. Soon you should see a grapple target. Get your ass up there and prepare for a battle with a few unarmed henchmen. Watch for the guys to run to a weapon's crate to try and grab some weapons. Once you see someone standing there, looking for something, take him out immediately. Once you clear you this first wave, a few more guys are going to come in. One of them is going to have a gun so be sure to dispose of him quickly. Once you take out the entire wave, Harley Quinn is going to be shown running away. All right, stay on the platform you are on now. Sprint towards the tunnel surrounded with metal bars, and turn left to the Security Control Panel. Go into Detective Mode to assist your search. Don't forget about the Interview Tape on the table. Jam this panel the floor will no longer be electrified and the security gate Harley Quinn ran through will now be opened. Immediately one of those Lunatics will charge at you. Just spam the Counter Button as you wait for it to approach you. Inside, turn to the left and look for a Riddler Trophy in the middle cell here. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "This room is the end of days for even the most celebrated killer." ( ( | | Once you've got the above Riddler Trophy, look for a cell in this (_) room filled with a bunch of calendar pages. Do a scan here to solve _ this riddle. (_)

All right, now that you've gotten everything, look for a set of stairs that leads upwards and help yourself up. You'll now be in the Guard Room. Don't waste any time and sprint straight through the door ahead. This next sequence involving Harley Quinn and the two guards in hostage is going to be timed, but don't be intimidated. Best to get into Detective Mode. As soon as the cut scene is over, start jamming the Security Control Panel to the left of the glass Harley is behind. Don't bother saving just yet, as we might as well get everything done before untying them. All right, so stick along the left wall here, and turn left again when you can. You should see that the wire on the ground leads right to this panel. Get out your gadget and start jamming. Complete this and untie both guards by launching your Baterang at their lines. This isn't quite over yet. As soon as Harley leaves, turn around and sprint straight to the door you came in from and jam the security control panel to the right. Leave this room now and this small task is complete. Head right through the door, and down the stairs. Make your way back to the Main Cell Block now. Once back in here, sprint straight across to the other end of the room. You should see a locked door, but also a door that's opened. Head through this one to find Controlled Access. Sprint straight ahead here and up the small stairs. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "What has four walls, two sides, and one ex-DA?" ( ( | | After sprinting up the small stairs in the first floor of Controlled (_) Access, turn to the right and look for a cell that has a big _ "Vote Dent" poster. Do an environment analysis on this poster to solve (_) this riddle. Head over to the Security Gate door now, and you should see a vent close by, in the ceiling. Use the Batclaw to facilitate your grapple up there. Watch out for the Lunatic that's going to fall through. Collect the Interview Tape on the desk in this small office, and sprint straight ahead. There's another Lunatic up here, so be sure to stay on your toes. Once you reach the stairs on the other side of this room, descend them and head through the nearby door. It's time to confront that female dog, Harley Quinn. +----E x t r e m e I n c a r c e r a t i o n----+ You will deal with three waves of enemies. Watch out for the guys with the electric batons. Try to stay away from them as much as possible, and watch for when they are about to attack. You can't strike them so try to use your Batclaw to knock them down before KOing them with a ground takedown. Be careful of the floor, because Harley is going to charge it with some electric currents. Watch for when the henchmen scramble to move to a separate platform, and also watch the floor to kind of light up to know when to move. That's basically it--be cautious of the guys with the electric rods, combo up, and move to another platform when it starts to get electrified. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "All alone in your cell? Why don't you break the ice with the most ( ( dangerous prisoners?"

| | (_) From where you came in, there's a big frozen structure along the wall _ to the right. If you stand right in front of it, such that you're (_) basically parallel with the "4", scan from this position to solve the riddle. All right, now that the battle is over time to head out of the penitentiary. Before we do that though, let's grab the Riddler Secrets Map. Head north, towards the building that Harley was standing in when you first came in. Head into this room and look left for a desk. You'll find the Secrets Map here. With this map, you will be able to see which room has some of the Riddler goodies on your own map (select). Anyway, time to continue. Leave through the door you came in from and out of this room with the electrified floors. Head up the stairs and turn left, into the little office. There's an Interview Tape on the desk by the TV. What we came in for though, is the Security Gate Control. Go up to it and the frequency is hold Right on the Right Stick and left on the Left stick. Now let's head back down the stairs and through the new opening. Now turn right and go in this direction down the small stairs. There are three Joker Teeth in your way as well. Continue down the stairs and sprint straight down the hallway to the next door as well. Turn right when you're in the next room and go down this hallway. Be prepared for one of those running crazy guys who like to jump on you. Counter it down. Once you head through the door in this hallway, there's a single Joker Teeth set on the ground. Turn right in this room and follow the linear path here. There's going to be another one of those crazy jumping guys shortly. Follow the path to leave the Penitentiary. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m I s l a n d | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK07] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Once outside, there's a lone Lunatic here so be ready ''--..____..--'' to counter it as well. So now that you've taken care of this one, turn left and sprint in this direction. Two more of those jumping enemies await you. It's a good idea to just spam the Counter button as you approach them. You'll come across the door leading to Arkham North, so head on through. You'll come across two Joker Teeth as you make your way up the hill. .' Turn left when you can and go through the small door. Be prepared to be ambushed by a bunch of Lunatics. You can shoot your Batclaw at any of them that are coming towards you and pull them a little closer. Run up to their downed bodies and use a ground takedown to immediately neutralize the threat. Sprint straight across the field towards the Arkham East door. Spam the Counter button as you go so you won't get tackled by a Lunatic. Once back in Arkham East, proceed a little bit and keep an eye out for a large staircase to your left. There's also a couple Joker Teeth in front of you as well. Anyway, the staircase will lead you to the Botanical Gardens. You'll be interrupted by a few more Lunatics along the way. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ .'

; / \ ; B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK08] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Go into Detective Mode to see the tracks lead you ''--..____..--'' towards the left. There are two armed thugs awaiting you at the bottom of the stairs. Hug the corner (Crouch + Contextual Action) and throw your Baterang at them. With any luck, they should fall right into the Security Gate, knocking them unconscious. In any event, you should leave the corner and sprint to their bodies and spam ground takedown just in case one of them needs to put to sleep. In the next room, proceed closer to the fountain and look up to find some gargoyles/vantage points. Again, use a combination of your Baterang and Glide Kicks to take all of these guys out. Look for lone henchman and they will be easy pickings. Also, stun a two or three of them with your Baterang and Glide Kick the only one standing. Finally, wait for two or three of them to bunch up (which ever is the max number of Baterangs you can throw) and swoop down, spamming Ground Takedowns. Once everybody is taken care of, the finger prints are going to lead you up0 the stairs to the right. Head through the small door here and be sure to pick off the few Joker Teeth. Once inside the next room, circle to the right and grab the Interview Tape on the bench and continue into the next hallway and room. There is a pretty big wave of enemies that you needs your attention in here. Start by using your Multi-Baterang on as many enemies as you can. Next, your move absolutely has to be using your Batclaw on the one with the electric batons. Step aside slightly as you pull him over and separate him from his senses with the ground takedown. There's also a guy with the knives in here, but he's a lot easier to handle than the batons one. Cap stun him and set up your combos. Once you've taken care of everyone, turn your attention to the Sabotaged Security Control. Keep messing around with the sticks until you jam it up. You'll know when you're getting closer to the correct combination because your controller will rumble more intensively. All right, time to leave the room through the door you came in from and follow the orange lines. It will lead you to the next set of fingerprints. Follow them for a bit, and look to the right to see a ladder + the next print. The prints will lead you to a door now, so open it up and watch the brief cinematic. Run across the room and towards the rubble. Look for a vent to the left of all the rocks. Make yourself comfortable and head on through. As you navigate through the vent, look for the path that opens up, to the right. It will lead you right to a Riddler Trophy. Collect it and follow to the end of the vent. Once back onto the ground, turn to the right to find a wall you can blow up. Do so and head through the door. In this next room, sprint straight ahead to drop down to the water below. Turn right to head up a set of stairs, and head right up the next set of stairs. Now, sprint straight ahead to jump across the gap to the door. Keep going to the right, and climbing up the platforms. Use your grapple hook on the last ledge and into the vent. There are two unarmed henchmen here that you need to attend to. Get into Detective Mode now and follow the prints across the room. Head through the door and into the Aviary. All right, stick to the left wall here, and just crawl straight ahead. You should soon see a vent to your left. Open it up and

head on through. Grapple up the next few ledges until you find yourself crawling through a vent and back outside, above all of the threats. Take out your Batclaw and aim it. It should pick something up, but I don't want you to hook on to it. Instead, make a big jump and glide down in that direction, to the northeast, so you end up on the floor below the vent. Now face the centre of the room and look upwards, towards the northwest. Look all the way to the northwest, and grapple up to the platform where there's a single armed henchman patrolling. Latch onto here and shimmy to the left, to position yourself in the shrubs. Wait for the henchman to move towards you, and then turn around. Climb up immediately and crouch walk towards him. Give him the Silent Takedown when you're close enough. Crouch walk to the ladder ahead and climb up. Sneak up behind the operator and take him out. Phew. The final two can be taken care of by sneaking up on them and delivering a Silent Takedown. Now goto the area where you stopped the first guard (as you were hiding in the shrubs). Drop down to the area below and go towards the light. If you don't know where I'm talking about, get into Detective Mode and follow the prints to the wall. Hit the Action Button to open the board to find a security panel. Goto work on it and you will have to successfully tune it three times before it'll open a door. Head over to the right and through the door to initiate a boss battle. - T i t a n s All right, there's not too much to worry about here. Have your Baterang ready and get it ready to blind the Titans as they charge. Once you blind them, get in there, swinging. As you are attacking a Titan, watch for it to lower itself and bend forward. Once it does hit the attack button and climb onto its back. This is the only part of the fight that is different between one Titan and two. You are now able to steer the Titan you are on. Steer it towards the other Titan in the room as its wailing its arms to deal some nice damage to the other one. Once you get a Titan to low enough health, you can finish it off by landing a combo. All right, so now that the Titans are dead, just stay put and wait for a bit. An airplane should come with a new gadget in a cut scene, so wait for that to happen. It's the line launcher, so shoot it at the door on the other side to move safely across the ravine. Leave the room and turn right. Drop down the next few platforms and make your way towards the door you originally came into the Aviary from. Sprint up the stairs and go straight ahead to the ravine. Use your new gadget and help yourself across. Follow the hallway to the door and head inside to initiate a sequence. Now that the cut scene is over, you should notice that there are a bunch of unarmed henchmen on the other side of the ravine. Get over there and take them out. Alternatively, you can try using your Batclaw to pull them into the ravine. This method doesn't have a 100% success rate, but it does work occasionally. With the enemies down, look to the right to climb through the little vent now. Drop down several platforms to the door in the next room. Drop down again in this room, to the water. Make your way up to the door in the northeast of the screen. You'll be in a room filled with water now. Use your Line Launcher and head across. Dispose of the guards here and get into Detective Mode. Head through the door now. This room is filled with armed guards. It's nothing new though, so repeat the strategy that you've been using through the whole game--attack the lone henchmen. Now that the coast is clear, drop down to the ground floor in this room and head through the doors to the Glasshouse Entrance. Dispose of the Joker Teeth here.

Sprint straight ahead, to the Garden entrance. A huge plant is blocking your exit now. Drop down to the hole in the ground, just slightly ahead. There's a Chronicle of Arkham here, so be sure to take care of it. Follow the path down here and grapple up when you see the target. Drop down to the floor below, and turn right, out the doors. All right, now that you're back outside, be aware that these plants are not friendly towards Batman. Those bulbs will fire red bubbles at you, and they hurt. As far as I know, those plants are also immune to any attacks, so the best way to handle them is to avoid them. [ According to Matt D., equip your baterang, allow the pod to spit a spore, baterang it and then run up to the pod, get close and use 'X' to kill the pod. ] All right, our target is the Arkham Mansion, towards the left. Climb up the steps, and grapple up towards your usual entrance--the vent. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m M a n s i o n | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK09] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Once inside, you'll notice that the mansion is filled ''--..____..--' with gas. FUN! Start by taking out your Line Launcher and firing it across the room. Next, look up and grapple up the vent. Navigate the vent now and drop down once you are able. Look to the right here and drop down to the catwalk below. Sprint straight ahead now until you hit a plant. Once you do, look to the left and Line Launcher across. Once across, sprint straight ahead to the end of this catwalk. Drop down here and make your way towards Aaron Cash. .' Now that the conversation is over, grapple up the catwalk to the right and sprint straight ahead. Keep going until you hit a plant. Once you do, Line Launcher to the catwalk across. Sprint straight down this catwalk and look for the grapple up. Look for the vent you came in from and grapple up there. Once out of the vent, use the Line Launcher to get across the room and head out the door back to Arkham East. Grapple up the vent and drop out of the mansion. +----P a t h t o I n t e n s i v e All right, let's head down the stairs and sprint towards Arkham North. Inside, you'll see a bunch they're imposters! Let's rush them, already. All fighters, so let's get to work. Dispose of these to Arkham North. T r e a t m e n t----+ past the large fountain, of firemen... but wait, of these guys are melee guys and head through the door

You'll hear now that all entrances to Intensive Treatment are blocked off. No worries. Go into Detective Mode and take note of the Sniper to your left. Instead of going towards him, turn to the right, and make your way to one of the sniper towers. Climb up, and try not to use your grapple to avoid getting shot. Once up there, look towards where the Sniper is standing. Quickly use your Line Launcher and make your way across to the sniper. Take him out and head inside. Go through the door to make it to Intensive Treatment. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ .'

; / \ ; I n t e n s i v e T r e a t m e n t | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK10] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Once inside, look for the vent door to the right ''--..____..--' and help yourself through. This time, instead of following all the way through to the other vent door, look for a path that opens up to the left. Emerge out of the vent and turn right, towards the mesh. You'll see a grapple target here so shoot yourself up and head through this vent as well. At the end of the vent, take a right here and sprint down. Drop down to the area below and turn into the vent to your left. You should notice a cut scene that shows you the number of cronies Joker has waiting for you. Kick down the vent door and take a few steps back so you are deeper in the vent. Wait for the henchman on the catwalk below to turn his back to you, and you should soon see him walking away. Immediately drop down and crouch walk towards him. Give him a Silent Takedown and crouch walk to the next henchman, towards your left. Take him out, and immediately drop down to the lower level by jumping over the railing. Go into Detective Mode and stay away from the guy's unconscious body as possible. That's because with their little collars, they will be able to detect when Batman's close. For the rest of the enemies, you will have to do your best Solid Snake impression. Try to look for enemies for you to sneak up on and use a Silent Takedown on. Do that, and immediately get the hell out. You'd want to stay in Detective Mode the entire time. You don't always have to use the Silent Takedown, by the way. You can also grapple upto a vantage point and Glide Kick someone. Be careful though, because you won't be able to hide from them because there are explosives on the statues, making them unsafe. Once you've disposed of everyone, head through the door below the vent you came in from, on the ground floor. In the next room, sprint straight down the hallway. When your game starts glitching, don't worry about it, nothing is broken. Once the cut scene is over, you will be in control of someone cool. Just like the first time you played this part, follow the linear path and just let the game progress. Once the game abruptly ends, Retry and you will regain control of Batman. All right, head up the ramp here and jump across the gap. Turn to the right and walk towards the broken door here. Stop once you hit the wall and aim across with your Line Launcher. Time to complete our trilogy against Scarecrow. This trilogy has also been about as competitive as Tito Ortiz vs. Ken Shamrock I think. Sure, the first one might have been pretty challenging, but you can sleep on the last two. Sorry, just had to get that out of the system. Begin by jumping across the gap to your right. Crouch behind that machine thing on the next platform. Let Scarecrow past now and sprint straight ahead. You'll be greeted with a few more of those Skeleton guys so just dispose of them like anyone else. Once they're over with, sprint straight down this path and climb up. Do take cover briefly at this brick wall. Wait for Scarecrow to look at your desired path, and let it pass. Sprint straight ahead when you can. Take cover at that machine again when you can. Next, continue ahead and wait a bit before jumping the gap [Checkpoint]. Crouch walk the next little bit and use the wall for cover. Jump over the next gap and just continue on until you reach the sliding platform. Use the sliding platform for cover and sprint alongside it. Use the next brick wall for scarecrow's gaze to pass. Climb up the next platform and jump onto the metal crate. This will drop you down, but just wait. Wait for Scarecrow to look left so you can

grapple up to the right. As you pass this last bit, be very careful of the gate, as Scarecrow can see through it. Make your way to the light, but it won't be over this time. For this next part, you will have to deal with three more waves of enemies. The first wave are a bunch of those Skeleton warriors. The second "wave" is a Skeleton Titan. Blind it once with the Baterang and it will run into the wall to kill itself. The final wave will be a combination of the Skeleton melee guys and a Titan. The Titan will spawn last so immediately goto work on the melee guys. If you are fast, you might even be able to kill them all before Titan starts attacking. Otherwise, keep an eye on the Titan, and just counter the skeleton attacks. Look for the Baterang to take out Titan first, and then goto work on the others. Once this Scarecrow sequence ends, sprint straight ahead and through the door. +----S e c u r e T r a n s i t----+ At the short cut scene's conclusion, sprint straight ahead and right down the elevator shaft. _____ / ___ \ ( ( ) ) R i d d l e r ' s C h a l l e n g e \/ / / "Dr. Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths." ( ( | | Once you hit the bottom of the elevator shaft, climb into the vent on (_) the wall. As you navigate through it, keep an eye out for a path that _ opens up to the right. Take a scan of the green map to solve this one. (_) With another riddle solved, it's time to turn around and crawl out of this vent. Go into Detective Mode now and look for the orange wire to your right. Take note of the three henchmen here. Grapple up and head up the stairs. You can sneak up on the guy with the gun and immediately incapacitate him. Follow suit by destroying the other two clowns. Grab the Interview Tape on the table before turning your attention to the Security Control Panel. All right, the elevator shaft has opened up, allowing you to go another level deeper. Drop down there and engage the unarmed henchmen. They will attempt to arm themselves with the two gun crates in this room, so watch out for that. Once you've taken care of these guys, head through the door to the left. As soon as you come in, pick up the Interview Tape on the crate to your left. Follow the hallway to the right now, and open up the door to emerge into Croc's Lair. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; L a i r | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK11] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Watch the little cut scene here and come back. Turn ''--..____..--'' to the right here and proceed on the catwalk until it ends. Once it does, Line Launcher yourself to the opposite side and continue along here. Once the path on this side ends, Line Launcher yourself to the circular opening. Sprint straight down this tunnel and you are officially in the bowels of Arkham. I hope your bags are packed. .'

This is fairly straight forward here. You see the distance marker on your HUD? This is how far you are from the closest spore. Do note that you cannot sprint on the platforms in here. You can, however, tilt your left stick as far as you can without hitting the Run button. Ok so, for this first part, go straight down this platform and climb over the metal fence when you come to it. Continue ahead and turn right when you can. Keep going in this direction and climb over the next metal gate when you come across it. You'll have to turn right again when the path presents itself. Right around here, you will see Croc pop up and charge you. Throw your Baterang at it to knock it right off the platform (haha fatass!). He's going to come again very soon so be ready. Go straight down this way and Croc will appear once again. After this, keep an eye out for the path to the right. Use your Baterang on the bulb and hit the Action Button to collect the spore. All right, there's no way that you are going to need a walkthrough for this section of the game. Normally I wouldn't mind, but this part is just so darn boring. There are four-to-five samples to collect, so come back once you've gotten those. Oh by the way, when Croc destroys a good deal of the platform and there's a huge gap between you and the closest platform, you'll have to use your Line Launcher. Also, when the screen tells you to run, just make sure you are running straight ahead. Keep running until the Run action is off the screen. So come back to the walkthrough once you've collected the last sample ok? * * * All right, for this next part, begin by sprinting as prompted. Stop once the prompt is gone. Once again, just follow the distance marker and make sure it's getting smaller to know that you're going in the right direction. Once you reach the final 100 metres or so, it's time to run like hell. The camera can be a little annoying here, so try not to overcommit to your run. As you approach the turn, ease up on the left stick a little bit so you don't fall over. Once you get the "objective complete" prompt, don't be fooled! Go into Detective Mode and take note of the three explosive gel splatters on the ground. Wait for Croc to run over that hole and blow that sum ***** up. +----T o t h e B a t c a v e----+ Ok, so we are safe for now. Look to the right with your Line Launcher and latch to the northeast of Batman. Take out the Joker Teeth here and head through the door. Go through the immediate hallway to the left here and get into Detective Mode. There's a fair sized wave of enemies here. There's one guy with a rifle and another one of those guy with the knives. Take these guys out and go down the stairs. Go towards the Riddler Trophy in the circular ledge. Use your Line Launcher to reach it. Next, Line Launch back and look on the wall to the left for a vent (it's on the right if you decided not to get the Riddler Trophy). Drop down now and sprint straight ahead into the Bat Cave. Just keep sprinting and go towards your super computer to activate a brief cut scene. At the cut scene's conclusion, you will receive arguably, the most powerful gadget in the game: Ultra Batclaw. It has three hooks instead of the usual one. Ok, so, now that the cut scene is over, jump over to the circular platform and get into Detective Mode. Look for the detonable wall. Aim at it with your new Batclaw and pull it down. +----J o k e r ' s F o r t r e s s----+ Jump across to this new opening now and look up for a grapple opportunity. Sprint straight ahead and you will find yourself back outside. Pay attention to this cinematic here as it shows you where you need to go. So let's begin, shall we? Take a leap of faith and glide towards the closest island below; the first one Batman looked at. Next, take out your Line Launcher and aim towards the

island beside you. Go deeper into this island and look up for the grapple target. Once you get on this platform, look up again to find another target in your little island (i.e. don't look outside). Look up again and find the final grapple target. Back outside now, use the Line Launcher and make your way across to the island across. Glide down to the little stone bridge below now. Look to the right for a vent to grapple up to. You're back in the sewer now. Head up the stairs to the left and sprint down this hallway. You'll see a Riddler Trophy in the vent above here. The hallway to the left is where we want to go when you are ready. By the way, you can use a contextual action to take out those damn plants. All right, you're now back in the Main Sewer Junction. Head up this area as you normally would. First, turn to the right and climb up the platform. Jump across the next few catwalks and then jump over to the platform leading to the ramp. Once you make it to the top, there's a huge plant blocking you from where you'd normally go. Instead, take out your Line Launcher and aim towards the middle of the room, to the very left. There's a wall here you'll be able to shoot your line onto. Sprint to the right on this middle platform now, and you'll be able to climb up pretty soon. Sprint across this middle platform now, until you are right above the wall you used to get over here in the first place. Take out your Line Launcher again and look to the corner in the left. There should be another target for your to latch onto. Once you make it over, climb up the next few platforms and go into Detective Mode. Look up and identify the detonable wall. Use your Ultra Batclaw and bring it down. Use your Batclaw to dispose of these henchmen easily, using L1+R2 to bring them down. Once you've got them, grapple your way up. There are a couple of henchmen for you to take care of here. Once you've taken care of them, look for the Riddler Map to the right of the detonable wall you used to get up here, by a control panel and the Joker TV set. Proceed into the hallway now, and be sure to pick up the Interview Tape on the right. Head through the door when you're ready. There are two henchmen in here, immediately. Rough them up, and turn into the opening to the right. Proceed down this hallway and into the Control Room. Use the Silent Takedown on the first guy and work your way through this room. Don't engage in any battles with them, as you will lose. Begin by grappling onto the ledge above the entrance ahead. Look to western portion of the room to your left and Line Launcher your way to the wall here. Climb through the vent now and head on through. Get into Detective Mode and stop when you reach the room with the two destructible walls. Set your Explosive Gel on both of these walls and turn around, back through the vent you came from. Head back outside now and grapple up onto a gargoyle. Don't worry, it's not booby-trapped. Keep an eye on the two Explosive Gels and wait for any henchmen to approach the walls. If you really feel like trying, you can drop down there and take out a guy on the bottom floor just as he is under your Explosive Gel. His collar will go off now, and some henchmen will come check on him. Perfect time to bring life "crashing down". Once you've blown up these walls, stick on the gargoyles and make your way to the eastern portion of the room. Look towards the control centre along the eastern wall here, and wait for two henchmen to enter (trust me, they will). Once that happens, drop down to the bottom floor and make your way under the control centre. Go into Detective Mode and you should see that the floor is weak. Use the Ultra Batclaw and pull it down to take out these two. You should just have a few more left. Take advantage of the Inverted Takedown and Glide Kick to clear out the remaining henchmen. You can also continue to use the Explosive Gel, or the Sonic Baterang if you have that upgrade.

Don't worry this room is a lot easier. There are some guys with the knives, but otherwise, you will be dealing with run-of-the-mill enemies here. Take care of these guys and jam the two Security Control Panels in this room to complete your tasks. Head back outside to the main hallway now. Stay put for a bit and wait for the Titan to arrive. He will come with a bunch of cronies. The key again is to focus on the Titan. Counter the henchmen's attacks so you don't get hurt, but your primary focus should always be to land a Baterang attack on the Titan, and hopefully to take control of him. This might take a few tries, but as long as you focus on the Titan and don't get distracted by the henchmen, you will be fine. Leave through the opening and grapple/Batclaw your way up. Once you reach the small detonable platform, you'll have to use some Explosive Gel on it before you can Bat Claw further. Once you reach the surface, it's time to head to Botanical Gardens. Once in Botanical Gardens, there are no directional challenges. Make your way to the room where you found Ivy the first time you were here.

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; F i n a l B a t t l e s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[WK12] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--' .' - P o i s o n I v y Surprisingly, this battle won't be too difficult. You only have one way to attack, and that's the Quick Baterang (L1). For the majority of the fight, focus on dodging from side to side (X Button + left/right). You have to avoid the vines that come from the ground. If you get caught, repeatedly tap the X button to break free. Once Poison Ivy's plant goes even higher, she will start launching those bubbles at you. Keep dodging and answering back with your Quick Baterang. Once you stun her, and she lets go a little scream, she will be coming right back with a barrage of bubbles. So if you hear the scream, dodge like your life depended on it! (it does depend on it, btw). Ivy has two health bars, a white one and a grey one. Once you deplete the white one, run up to her and get your explosive gel up. You won't be able to blow her yet, because she still has a grey life bar. Deplete this one and now go up to her with the gel. Blow her up and end this for good. Do note that when she sends guards after you, don't bother attacking them whatsoever. Instead, just counter their attacks, and when you get a chance to throw your Baterang. So, got that? Counter the cops and throw the Baterang! +----T i m e F o r R e d e m p t i o n----+ With Ivy down, it's time to set our sights on the grand prize: The Joker himself. Make your way to the Penitentiary. Do note that you won't be able to goto the Arkham West door directly. Instead, leave through Arkham East, and circle around on the southern portion of the map. Once at Arkham West, head to to the big Joker Face close to the Arkham North door. There are some guards out here. I would recommend whooping some ass if you want a trophy. Take out these guys outside of the door, and once you get inside, you'll see two huge lines of

henchmen. If you want the trophy, attack everybody. Either way, you'll have to head through the door and confront The Joker. He's going to talk a little bit, and once his countdown is over, head through the glass and turn to the right. Head through the door here and it's time to begin. - T h e J o k e r Although this battle has been building for the entire game, it won't be a showdown to determine who is the man like the "The Rumble in the Jungle" or Fedor Emelianenko vs. Mirko Cro Cop. Joker will have his buddies, the Titans, and the henchmen to attack you with. Again, the primary strategy is to focus your attacks on the Titans, and only counter the henchmen. You should also have the ability to upgrade so your special move can be done after 5 straight attacks instead of 8. This is pretty useful here. Either way, dismantle these thugs and let the real fight begin. This final battle is surprisingly easy, easier than the Titans + henchmen IMO. So to begin, just run around, and stay away from Joker as he is chasing after you. You can't hurt him, so just stay away for now. Soon, he will call his buddies to attack you. Clear out these guys as QUICKLY as possible. It doesn't have to be _that_ fast but I do want to stress a bit of urgency here. The reason being when Jack Ryder's helicopter comes, Joker will be open for an attack, but you can't attack him unless you have taken out the guards. To actually attack The Joker, wait for the helicopter to come and he turns his back to you. Take out your Ultra Batclaw and aim it at him. Shoot it at him and pull him down. With him stuck on the ground, sprint up to him and deliver a combination. PAY BACK, BABY! You will also recover health after executing this combo. Joker will come after again, so just run around like last time. Soon he will jump back onto his platform, and send his guards at you again. Same thing again this time--beat them as quickly as possible. For phase 2, the guards will be looking for a rifle in the gun crate. Wait for Joker to lose his attention to a helicopter again. Batclaw him, pull him down, and attack. You just have to do it one more time now. For this final phase, there will be those guys with the electric batons. Try to use your special attack on him if you can, and get him out of the picture ASAP. Either way, wait for Joker to be distracted by a helicopter, and shoot the Batclaw. You don't have to punch him this time. Once you pull him down, this battle is over. Congrats, you have beaten the game! _..--""````""--.._ .' |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; R i d d l e r G u i d e | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--' +----B e f o r e Y o u S t a r t----+ It is recommended that you attempt to tackle the 240 different challenges after you've completed the Main Story. This is because you'll now have all the gadgets, so every riddle is obtainable. Second, and less importantly, the number of enemies you run into after the game drops like by 1000%. Maybe not exactly 1000%, but close enough. This will allow you to explore each area

virtually without any interruptions. We are going to separate the Riddler challenges into different areas, and help you find everything there. I won't be breaking them up into different riddles, as I feel this is counterproductive. Instead, I'll just list everything that can be found in one area, then we move onto the next area, and so on. Do note that there are Riddler Secret Maps in each area as well, and finding these will show every secret the Riddler has on your own map (Select). Also, please remember to get the RANGE upgrade for the Cryptographic Sequencer!!! You'll need this for many of the Challenges. _..--""````""--.._ .' |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; I n t e n s i v e T r e a t m e n t | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG01] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Enter Intensive Treatment from Arkham North, exactly ''--..____..--' like you did when you had to come back to find Croc's Lair. Our guide will begin in the first sector of Intensive Treatment you encounter: Maintenance Access. +----M a i n t e n a n c e A c c e s s----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Once inside, look for the vent to your right. Crawl on through and come out when you see the trophy. Sprint straight ahead and climb up the fence. Drop down the little space to the right, and walk to the trophy. +----I n t e n s i v e T r e a t m e n t L o b b y----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible." Before making your way to the Utility Corridor, there is one more riddle in the Intensive Treatment Lobby. This is the "object does not line up correctly" one. There's an office in the very centre of this room. Inside, look for a question mark on one of the windows (in Detective Mode). Now look out the window and towards the big circular vent on the wall. Just below that circular vent should be another circle. Position the camera so that small circle forms a question mark with the hook on the window to solve this one. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ In the same office as the above riddle, look for the tape on one of the desks. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ In the southern part of the room, there's a platform here where the very first

riddle was solved. There are three Joker Teeth around the body in a surgery chair. +----U t i l i t y C o r r i d o r----+ Head through the exit in the west to make your way to the Utility Corridor. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ As soon as you come in, you'll see a Riddler Trophy behind the fence. Go into Detective Mode and look for the detonable wall to the right. Blow it up and collect this. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "You don't know Jack about Gotham. Tune in to find out." Keep going until you see the broken wheel chair to the right, as well as signs that you would typically see on a women's washroom, and a men's washroom. There are also arrows below them. Go to the WOMEN's side, and right away you should see a bench to the right, as well as a radio on that bench. Crouch, go into Detective Mode, and hit the right stick (R3 on the PS3) to go into first person mode (check your default config to find out what input this is, if it's not the right stick). Don't stand too close, and get the radio in your view. Hold the Detective Mode button to do an environmental analysis to solve the radio. If it says "object is out of view", you are standing too close. +----C e l l B l o c k T r a n s f e r----+ Enter the Cell Block Transfer through the door on the right, from the Intensive Treatment Lobby. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Hook up with the relatives before you're transferred out of here." As soon as you get in jam the Security Control Panel and head up the stairs. Up here, look over to the table and identify the picture in a frame. Go into First Person mode (click the right stick), and look at the picture. Scan this to solve the riddle. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ From the above riddle, head north down the hallway and you'll see an opening leading to a set of stairs to the right. In order to get this, you must have the Cryptographic Range Amplifier upgrade. This will allow you to reach the security control panel that is behind the security gate. +----S e c u r e T r a n s i t----+ Enter Secure Transit through one of the doors at the end of the hallway in Cell Block Transfer. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Turn to the right when you come in and head up the stairs. You'll find a tape on the table here.

+-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ You should see these as you attempt to grab the above Interview Tape. You'll spot the teeth on the ground, near the dead guard. +-------------------+ | ***Secrets Map*** | +-------------------+ Drop all the way down the elevator shaft until you are on the bottom floor, in the room leading to Croc's Lair. Look for the stairs to your left, in the eastern part of the room. Head up these stairs and look to the left immediately when you come in. You'll see the map on a table with some flowers. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Dr. Jonathan Crane plans on elevating fear to new depths." Once you hit the bottom of the elevator shaft, grapple up to a vent on the wall. As you navigate through it, keep an eye out for a path that opens up to the right. Take a scan of the green map to solve this one. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ On the floor with the door leading back to Transfer Loop, there are a set of stairs that lead right to a little office. You'll find the Interview Tape on the table. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Now, climb up the elevator shaft like you did the first time you came here. | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Keep an eye out for a vent door in the north that you can use your Ultra Batclaw on, right at the beginning of the climb. You can sprint and jump towards the vent to grab the trophy inside. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Remember when you were climbing up the first left? After climbing up a few platforms, and huge structure, there's a path that opens up detonable walls here. Blow up the one on the

time, and ignored a path to the you have to crouch to move under a to the left. There are two left to find it inside.

+---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ There's really no way you could have missed this one... once you're almost at the top-- just a grapple hook away as a matter of fact, there's a stone right in front of you. Scan it to get this one. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Time to drop back down, to the floor where you began your climb, and where | | the door leading to Transfer Loop is. | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'

+----T r a n s f e r L o o p----+ +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ If you haven't gotten these already, there are three Joker Teeth to the left of where you came in from. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ In the eastern part of the map, and right before the door leading to Decontamination, look for a vent door near the ceiling, above the picture of Sharp (the bald old man). The picture of Sharp also has a Joker smile drawn on him. You'll need the Ultra Batclaw to reach it. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ You should seen these on the ground, right where the door leading to Decontamination is. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ From the above Joker Teeth, follow the green arrows and they will lead you to the door with Joker's face on it. Inside was where you fought the Deformed Henchmen. You'll find a few more Joker Teeth outside the door here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "A top hat and tails is the only dress code for this party in the North." Take a look at your map, and notice the central portion of the Transfer Loop. The "red hallway", or the hall way with red light precedes this central part if you're coming from the west. Anyway, there's a room where half of the door is blocked off, but you can still crawl through. Inside, there's a poster to the right of the door. It reads "Iceberg Lounge", and it has a guy goofy looking guy wearing a top hat. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | With this Riddle solved, head west into the red hallway, then go north to | | the Holding Cells. | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----H o l d i n g C e l l s----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head down the ramp once you arrive in the Holding Cells and turn to the right. In the southeast corner here is a vent, you can climb in to find a trophy. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Where would you find my home sweet home?" There are two cells on each side of the room. On your map, the cell in the

east, and on the top is filled with question marks. You need to scan the big question mark on the eastern wall to solve this riddle. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ In the office next to the door leading to the Processing Corridor are three Joker Teeth. You probably got these already. .-----------------------------------------. | Time to head to the Processing Corridor | '-----------------------------------------' +----P r o c e s s i n g C o r r i d o r---+----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Make your through the corridor and to the northeast of your map. This will take you to the door right outside Decontamination. Don't head through the door. Instead, turn around and grapple up into the vent. You'll find the trophy in here. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | It's up to you whether to goto Pacification Center, or Decontamination. This| | guide will just go the latter route because it's closer to the trophy you | | just found. | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----D e c o n t a m i n a t i o n----+ +---------------------------------+ | Interview Tape & Riddler Trophy | +---------------------------------+ Head through the hallway here and make your way to the Security Gate door to your right in here. There's a Security Control Panel to the right of the door for you to use your Sequencer on. Jam it up and head through. There's the tape right there. For the Riddler Trophy, climb up the ladder inside and pick it up. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From where you gathered the above two items, turn into the area immediately to the right. There's a dead guard lying on a little ramp thing. There are also two floorboards you can climb into. You'll find the trophy in there. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Time to head out the door you came in from and across the Processing | | Corridor to the Patient Pacification Center. | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----P a t i e n t P a c i f i c a t i o n C e n t e r----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head up the first set of stairs you see and at the top look for the vent door.

You can use your Batclaw on this and grapple up to collect it. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head to the bottom floor to where Victor Zsasz had that guard hostage. In the southwest corner of the room is a vent with a Riddler Trophy inside. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Even I was shocked when I saw how Maxie Zeus was treated!" Get into Detective Mode and look for a detonable wall in the southeast corner of the bottom floor (where Zsasz was again). Blow it up and scan the flashing wall to solve the final riddle of Intensive Treatment.

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m E a s t | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG02] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Head into Arkham East in whichever fashion you'd ''--..____..--' like. Alternatively, you could also skip over to Arkham North. .' +------------------------------------+ | ***Secrets Map*** & Riddler Trophy | +------------------------------------+ Let's begin with the best this time. Make your way to the Arkham Mansion, but don't go inside. From here, go south to the fountain that used to have the huge statue of Quincy Sharp, but has now been taken over by a big plant. Immediately west of this plant is a little shack with a Security Gate. Don't worry, the control panel is just to the right of the door. Open it up and grab the map on the table, as well as the Riddler Statue. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ You should see a couple of Joker Teeth on the stairs of the Arkham Mansion. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Outside of the shack where the Secrets Map and Riddler Trophy are another two Joker Teeth. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the above shack, sprint straight ahead (south) in a line and you'll soon come to the edge of the island. You should see the Riddler Trophy on the edge of a catwalk that sticks out. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy |

+----------------+ Head up the first set of stairs to the Arkham Mansion now. Instead of taking the next set of stairs to the mansion doors, go in a straight line to Batman's top-left, or northeast on your map. Do it in Detective Mode and you should soon see a big rectangle on the ground that's detonable. Blow it up to find a Riddler Trophy in the ground. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ From the above Riddler Trophy, head east towards the gate. Climb over the gate and keep your eyes to Batman's right, as you move forward. You should see the Chronicle. You'll have to hop over the railing to scan it. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Still staying the same area as you got the above Chronicle, head east and deeper into this area. Look up and watch for a grapple opportunity. Once you see it, get up there and find the trophy behind the pillar in the centre of the room. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Drop down back to the garden you came from, and grapple up to the roof of the area you were just in. You'll find this trophy next to a pillar. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From where you are now, drop back to the garden area where you scanned the Chronicle. Head north on your map and grapple over the wall here. Head north even further and you should soon see a cemetery. Look at your map and take note of the small area below the Botanical Gardens. You'll find the trophy in the grass next to the plant that makes a little arc. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Go to the foot of the long stairs leading to Botanical Gardens. You'll find another two here. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Head up the long stairs leading to the Botanical Gardens to find them in the middle portion. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Go into Detective Mode and observe the wall of the staircase leading to the Botanical Gardens, here at the cemetery. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Still keeping at the cemetery, look for the wooden shack in about the middle portions of the cemetery. Head inside the shack to grab this trophy

+--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Gotham's greatest family towers over the city." At the cemetery, head northeast until you find yourself at the edge of the cliff. Go into first person mode and scan the large W on the Wayne Enterprises building. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "The legacy of this island has been well and truly buried." From the wooden shack in the cemetery, sprint in a straight line towards the southwest. Stop when you see the grave that has a lot of light around it, and where a closed casket is visible in the ground. There's also a small lantern to the left of the casket. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Now that you've secured these challenges, continue southwest out of the | | cemetery and grapple up to the watchtower. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Go inside the watchtower and grab the tape on the table. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are also two Joker Teeth in here. Can't miss these. +---------------------------------+ | Interview Tape & Riddler Trophy | +---------------------------------+ From the above watchtower, follow the catwalk to a door. Use the Cryptographic Sequencer and get inside. Grab the tape and the trophy in here. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the office where you got your tape and trophy, head out to the catwalk (not the one you came in from). Grapple up this watchtower now and grab the trophy on the top. .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | The final challenges will take Batman (and you) onto the mansion roof. | '------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ For this trophy, we'll have to make our way to the roof from the garden just west of the mansion. It's the same place where you found that obscured Chronicle. Grapple up to one of the platforms next to the gate, and then grapple up to the mansion roof from here. Once up here, approach that high clock tower. Face the southeast and grapple up. Once up there, circle to the

east and when Batman is facing south, look up to find a grapple location. Once up _there_ circle around to the front of the tower, where the clock is, to find the trophy on the ground. ***Go directly to the Riddle below!*** +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "My challenges appear to those with the correct position in life." At the top of the clock tower here, get into Detective Mode and circle around so Batman is looking south. Look down below and you should see the top hook of a question mark. Yes, we are going to have to line this up. Look on the ground that you are standing on for a circle on the edge. It's about in the middle portion of the platform you are standing on. Once you see it, position the camera so the circle forms a question mark with the hook. ***Go directly to the trophy below!*** +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Jump down towards the question mark below and you will find the Riddler Trophy on the ground. This is the last challenge here.

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m N o r t h | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG03] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' The walkthrough begins as you enter the sector from ''--..____..--' Arkham East. .' +-----------------+ | Joker Teeth x 5 | +-----------------+ You should see a big set of Joker Teeth as soon as you come in, if you haven't gotten them already. +-------------------+ | ***Secrets Map*** | +-------------------+ Go into Detective Mode and identify the cabin to your right. Grapple to its roof and plant the explosive gel to get in there. You'll find it on the table +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the cabin where you found the Secrets Map, head west, towards the identical cabin. Go into Detective Mode and you should see a detonable square on the ground between the two cabins. Blow it up and find the trophy in there. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Let's face it, there are two Dents on the wall." Continue to the cabin you identified when you went for the above trophy. Jam

the security control panel and go inside. Immediately, look to Batman's top right to find a couple of lockers. Scan the Harvey Dent posters to the left of those to solve the riddle. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ There is also an Interview Tape on the table here. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Leave the cabin you were just in and head towards the south, the Intensive Treatment Building. Grapple up the building as you stand close to the Arkham West door. Once up there, sprint in a straight line east to find it on the ground. +---------------------------------+ | Interview Tape & Riddler Trophy | +---------------------------------+ Drop back onto the ground and go north to the closest watchtower (the one closest to the Arkham West door). Inside, you'll find an Interview Tape. There's a Riddler Trophy on the roof. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ You should see some Joker Teeth on the watchtower here. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ There are also two more in front of the entrance to Intensive Treatment. You should see them from the tower you are on. If you didn't get them already, line launcher over there. +--------------------+ | Riddler Trophy x 2 | +--------------------+ If you're on the roof of the watchtower, don't be. We need you to drop back down under the roof where the Interview Tape is. Go into Detective Mode and look to the west. You should see two Riddler Trophies here. The one on the top can be reached by using the Line Launcher. To get the one below that, drop back down on the ground and use your Ultra Batclaw to pull down the weak wall. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Now time to make your way to the watchtower close to Arkham East. There isn't anything of particular interest in there, but you will need to use the watchtower roof to jump over to a trophy. Let's do that, shall we? Get onto the roof and look north. You should see it now. Glide down onto the platform and pick up the trophy. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Tweedledum and Tweedledee SAW it, can you SEE it?" From the above platform, go even further north and towards the Arkham Asylum

gate. To the right of the gate is a see saw set (like the one you would see on a playground). Get right up to it and scan to solve this riddle. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the Arkham Asylum gate, look east and grapple up to the railing. You'll need a ranged Cryptographic Sequencer to open this gate. Once you do, grab the trophy sitting inside. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Now I see it, now you don't!" Drop down and head south. Keep your eyes peeled to the right for a stone arc leading to a very broken down building. Go into Detective Mode and approach the stone arc, while looking up. Do it slowly and keep an eye out for the top hook of a question mark. You should see it soon. You should also see the bottom circle you have to line it up with. Position yourself and take a scan to solve this. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Step back from the stone arc, and move to the right of it. Look up to find a grapple target to a little room here. You'll find the Chronicle sitting in plain sight. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With the above Chronicle secured, turn to the left of the stone, or to the west and drop down below. You should see the Riddler Trophy in a corner, by the window. .------------------------------------------------------------------------. | For the last few, head to the southeast portion of Arkham North to the | | Batcave entrance. | '------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Make your way to the opening on the ground leading to the Batcave if you haven't already. Take a few big strides back and look up. You should see a target to grapple up. The Riddler Trophy is sitting here in plain sight. You should see another one behind some bars. Don't worry, we'll get to it soon. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Drop down from the area you are standing on now. Head through the opening and towards the Batcave. Grapple up the first opportunity you see and you'll find a Chronicle to your left. You probably got this already. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the above Chronicle, continue deeper into this passage as if you were

going to the Batcave. Once you reach the door, turn around and look behind you. Jump to this alcove here to grab the trophy you saw earlier. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Go into Detective Mode and head through the door. Keep your eyes peeled to the right of the screen. You'll find a detonable wall here. It's in the room with a bunch of skulls in the centre, and the final room before Batman climbs up and makes the big glide to the cave.

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m W e s t | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG04] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' The walkthrough begins as you head through the Arkham ''--..____..--' West door in Arkham North. .' +-------------------+ | Riddler Trophy x2 | +-------------------+ As you proceed towards the Arkham West, stop when you reach the door. Turn around and go into Detective Mode. You should see a vent door to your right, and a weak wall directly ahead. Grapple up to these locations to grab the trophies. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are also Joker Teeth on the ground here, in the hallway between Arkham North and Arkham West. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Once into Arkham West, head down the initial hill here for a bit and stop when you arrive at about the shrubs. Turn around and grapple up onto the ledge above the Arkham North door to grab this one sitting there. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Drop back down to the hill now. Look to Batman's left, or to the southeast. Approach the edge here and you'll see a waterfall. Drop down to collect this Riddler Trophy. Go into Detective Mode if you can't see it from where you're standing. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Grapple back up to the Arkham North entrance now, and go down the hill. Turn left towards the Arkham East door when you reach the fork. Follow the path all the way to the Arkham East door, but don't go in. Instead, go into Detective Mode and look up. You should see a square that you can break down with the

Batclaw. Get up there to find the trophy. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Does Scarecrow's gas break down barriers as it drives you insane?" Standing at the Arkham East door, turn around and face the entire Arkham West. Look up, and you should see two white structural frames that you can't grapple up. Do so, and look to the northeast in Detective Mode. You should see a weak wall here that you can pull down with your Ultra Batclaw. Do a scan of the three barrels on the ground to solve this riddle. +-------------------+ | ***Secrets Map*** | +-------------------+ From the Arkham East door, follow the path southwest towards the water. You should pass two dead Arkham guards on the way. Turn right at the second dead guard and you should see a cubicle. Get inside with the sequencer and pick up the map. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Leave the cubicle now and go to Batman's left to the big "Medical" sign. Go into Detective Mode to spot the Security Gate Control. Jam this one and it will cause the nearby lift to turn on. Find this Riddler Trophy in the space where the lift is when it goes up. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ From the Security Gate Control, turn around and sprint in a straight line along the edge of the water here, to the northwest. Look to the left for a wooden cabin. Collect the tape on the barrels inside. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ To get this one, we'll have to grapple up the wooden cabin where you got the Interview Tape. You'll find the trophy next to some tires. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ From the wooden cabin, sprint northwest to the tipped over ambulances. Stand next to the ambulance to Batman's right, or the one closer to the east. From there, go detective mode and look towards the Penitentiary in the west. You should see a detonable arc. Use your Ultra Batclaw to get up there. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Do you see what I can see? No? Then maybe I am in a stronger position." Stand next to the ambulance exactly as if you were attempting to get the above Chronicle. This time though, look up higher and grapple up. You should find yourself in the Penitentiary entrance now. Look up one more time and grapple up. You should see a Security Gated door. You'll need the ranged sequencer for this one. Before going in though, go into Detective Mode and turn around,

looking Medical Facility in the southeast. Look down at the platform outside of the Penitentiary entrance. You should see the hook of a question mark. Position yourself behind the middle banister to find the "dot". Position the camera to form the question mark now and scan it. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Zsasz is counting on you finding his work." After securing the above riddle, head into the room with the Security Gate. Once inside, look to the left to see a table of three dead guards hunched over. Get right up to the table and scan them to solve. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Collect the Riddler Trophy in the same room as the above riddle as well. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Leave the room where you cleared the above two challenges and look out at Arkham West, as if you were trying to solve the "Do you see what I can see" riddle. This time though, look to Batman's left, or the northeast to identify the watchtower. Make your way over there and collect the Riddler Trophy on the ground, below the tower. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are also three Joker Teeth in the actual watchtower, as well. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Grapple back up to the Penitentiary entrance, and this time make your way to the doors that read "Cell Block". There should also be a huge plant in front of it. Look to Batman's right to see a vent door. Pull it down with the Batclaw and collect the trophy inside. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Time to make our way to the Medical Facility entrance. Grapple up once there and climb up the first ledge. Turn to Batman's right, and sprint direction, towards the lighthouse. When you reach the very edge of the and are one step away from falling into the water, turn to the left to Riddler Trophy sitting there.

you get in this facility find the

+----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Still on the Medical Facility roof, turn around and sprint all the way across the roof, to the northeast. Once you reach the edge of this side of the roof, you should have a clear view of the rocky side of this mountain. You should also see the Riddler Trophy in the alcove across. Line Launcher over there to make the pickup. +----------------+

| Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head through the Arkham East door now, and look to Batman's left to see a Riddler Trophy behind bars. Grapple up and blow up the weak portion on the ground to collect it, for the final challenge. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are Joker Teeth in the passage between Arkham West and Arkham East as well. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ As you make your way to the Medical Facility, there are Joker Teeth in front of the door. Don't forget about these. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; M e d i c a l F a c i l i t y | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG05] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' With these challenges cleared in the Arkham West, time ''--..____..--' to head over to the Medical Facility. Enter through the main doors. .' .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Where's the Secrets Map? | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Normally, I'd walk you across the area in a logical fashion, picking off | | each challenge as they come. However, this time the Secrets Map is deep | | into the area, and it's always better to have that first. To get it, go | | to the Morgue by grappling up to the vent above the elevator doors. Drop | | all the way down and grapple up the vent in the north. Navigate this vent| | and drop down. Head through the blown up wall and follow the linear path | | to another vent in the Lower Corridor. Emerge from the vent and follow | | the arrows to the Experimental Chamber. The map is on the table to your | | left. | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----M e d i c a l F o y e r----+ +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ There's an Interview Tape immediately when you come in, on the table. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Is the generosity of our benefactors on the Wayne?" East of the table is a gold plate, that's illuminated by a single light above. Go up to it and scan this in first person to pick it up. +---------------------+

| Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ From the above riddle, follow the hallway and up the stairs to the Sanatorium door. Once you reach the doors, stop and turn around. Go into Detective Mode and you should see a destructible wall above. Get in there with your Ultra Batclaw. +----S a n a t o r i u m----+ +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ As soon as you make it into the Sanatorium, take a left and head over to the western part of the room. Get into Detective Mode and keep an eye for a detonable square on the ground. It's in the middle portion. Blow it up and scan the Chronicle below. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "TICK! TOCK! News flash! Someone is not getting out of here alive." Drop down to the bottom floor of the Sanatorium and make your way to the doors (that will take you to the Upper Corridor). Don't go in though. Instead, turn around once you reach the doors and go into the first opening to Batman's right (in the west). You should see a little inmate cell here, and it's filled with skeletons and skulls on the floor. There are also some bugs flying around. Take a scan of this chamber to solve the riddle. Make sure you stand at about the middle portion of the chamber and try to get as much of the chamber in your scan as possible. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Go into the room directly across from the one with the above riddle, in the northeast corner of the Sanatorium. You should see a vent door here. Open it up and collect the trophy inside. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "A question can only be answered from a new perspective. Don't you agree?" Grapple back up to the upper floor of the Sanatorium, and make your way to the western side of it. Go into Detective Mode and look for a detonable part of the floor on the ground. Set the Explosive Gel on there and stand clear of the floor when you detonate it, so that you won't fall through. Ok, so now stand next to the square hole in the ground, and position Batman so he's looking at the north. Look down at the square in Detective Mode and you should see the top hook of a question mark. The circle is on the floor below. Take a few steps back from the square hole and manuever the camera to line up the question mark. Scan it to solve this one. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ In the eastern part of the 2nd floor here, is the door to the Morgue. Head over to the door but don't go in. Instead, continue north, down the hallway and you'll make your way to a little office. Collect the Interview Tape on the

table. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are some Joker Teeth in front of the Morgue door if you haven't already gotten those. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the office where you collected the above Interview Tape, plant some explosive gel on a glass window and blow it up. Help yourself through once you've done that. Now, turn around and go into Detective Mode. Look to the wall above the office, in the northeast and you should see a vent door. If you can't see it, take a few steps back so you're not so close to the office walls. You should see it now. Pull the vent door down with your Batclaw and climb on through to collect the trophy inside. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ With all of these secured, drop down to the lowest floor in the Sanatorium. Go over to the southern end and pick off the Joker Teeth. There are three in total so don't leave until you've caught 'em all. (I wanna be the very best... like no one ever was). +----U p p e r C o r r i d o r----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head straight down the stairs and turn left. Look up the wall here to see a vent. Pull it down with your Batclaw and get up there. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ After saving Dr. Young, you'll see a present in the hallway. Once it explodes, a bunch of Joker Teeth will pop out. You probably got these. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ After saving Aaron Cash, you'll see another present in the Upper Corridor. More Teeth will pop out. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ One final present awaits you in the hallway, after you save Dr. Chen. You probably didn't miss this one, either. +----S u r g e r y R o o m----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ As soon as you enter, take note of the Security Gate to your left. Jam the control panel and head up the stairs to find the trophy. +--------+

| Riddle | +--------+ "Shhhhsshh! Rumors persist that Tommy Elliot operates in Arkham. Can it be true?" After collecting the above trophy, continue through the opening to the balcony. Turn to the right to a find a white dry erase board. Scan the board to clear this riddle. +----P a t i e n t O b s e r v a t i o n----+ +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Go into the office where Aaron Cash and the doctor were being held when this room was full of Joker's gas. The tape is sitting on the table in here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Was this fire fly too hot off the press?" In the room that was filled with the gas, there were actually two rooms on the lowest floor. There was the office where Cash was being held, and there's also this small surgery room. You might remember that you dropped the poor henchmen through this room's glass in order to reach the final panel to rid the room of the gas. Go inside here, and once inside, look in the corner to the right, to find a couple of newspapers. One of them reads "Firefly Escapes". Scan this to solve the riddle. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ You'll find Joker Teeth surrounding the first two Control Panels that activate the fans, to lower the gas levels. +----X - R a y R o o m----+ +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Grapple up onto the roof of the little "maze" where Dr. Young was being held. Turn towards the room's entrance in Detective Mode to find a detonable wall. Pull it down with your Ultra Batclaw and collect the goods. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ You probably got this one already. On the roof area of the maze mentioned above, there's a Riddler Trophy sitting in plain sight.

.----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | We will now head over to the Morgue. To get there, look for the vent door | | above the locked Morgue elevator doors. Pull it down with your Batclaw and | | help yourself through. Drop all the way down this elevator shaft and use | | your grapple on the vent on the northern wall. | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------'

+----S e c u r e A c c e s s----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Are you going to take your hat off to Harley, Bats?" As you are squeezing through this vent, keep an eye out for a path that opens up to the right. Once you see it, drop down into Harley's little private room here. On the desk, look for Harley's mannequin head and scan it to solve. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Head over to the blown up wall and identify the Security Control Panel to the left of the wall. Jam this and head inside to collect the Interview Tape. +----M o r g u e----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "What silent killer of the oceans can be found in a tiny jar?" Make your way to the Lower Corridor and through the vent. You'll see the dead guard here, who was previously Gordon as you recall. Take a left down this hallway and to the Morgue. Inside, goto where all the surgical beds are and find the jar nearby. Go into first person mode and scan the label that reads "The Great White Shark" to solve. +----L o w e r C o r r i d o r----+ +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Leave the Morgue and follow the arrows on the ground and it will lead you to the foot of a set of stairs. You should see the Joker Teeth here. +----E x p e r i m e n t a l C h a m b e r----+ +-------------+ | Secrets Map | +-------------+ You'll find the map on a table to your left when you come in. Hopefully, you got this during the first playthrough. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Is this bear the Bane of his life?" On the same table as the above Secrets Map is a Teddy Bear. Scan it to solve this riddle. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Crawl into the vent and deeper into the Experimental Chamber. Once you arrive, turn to the right and look for the trophy inside of a vent.

+----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Make your way to the room with the weak ceiling where Gordon was being kept by Harley Quinn. Before dropping down into the room, you'll find the Riddler Trophy. There's probably no way that you missed this one. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Look for an open office that's just about made out of glass. It's at the foot of the stairs leading the way to the room where Gordon was being kept with Harley Quinn. You'll find the tape in there. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | For this last one, it's best to leave the Medical Facility and grapple up | | to its roof. Then, head to the left to find the secret entrance you used | | the first time. It will take you right to Maintenance Access. | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----M a i n t e n a n c e A c c e s s----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ You'll see this Riddler Trophy when you come in. To get it, head into the vent that takes you to Sanatorium, but look for a path that opens up to the right. Head on through to pick this up. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; P e n i t e n t i a r y | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG06] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--' .' +----C e l l s A c c e s s----+ +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ As soon as you come in, you'll see an Interview tape on the table to the right. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Once you proceed deeper into Cells Access, you should come to the part where there's a door to your left, that leads to the next area. You should see the Joker Teeth here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "How do you reflect on your successes and failures, Batman?" From where you found the Joker Teeth, don't go through the door. Instead, going ahead, in a straight line. You'll soon come to the washroom area. Go into the

women's side, and scan Batman's reflection to solve this riddle. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ It's in the same general area as the reflection riddle. Except, you'll find it last stall in the men's side. +----M a i n C e l l B l o c k----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Two people, one voice, no gun?" Once inside, grapple up to above all of the cells where the Lunatics were held. Head to the north and across the ramp leading to an office area. As soon as you come in, you should see a Tommy Gun in a display case on the wall. Scan this gun to solve this riddle. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are some Joker Teeth to your left if you're facing the Tommy Gun. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ You'll also find an Interview Tape on the desk close to the Joker Teeth, which is also left of the Tommy Gun. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With these Challenges secured, drop back down to the ground level. Head south, and towards the door here. Don't go in. Instead, go into Detective Mode and look to Batman's left. You should see a Detonable Wall. Blow it up and collect the Riddler Trophy. Don't leave this hidden passage yet! Go directly to below. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Still in the hidden passage where you picked up the Riddler Trophy, take out your Line Launcher and aim it directly across this passage. Zip-line your way across and turn to the right. Scan the Chronicle here and Line Launcher back across. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "This room is the end of days for even the most celebrated killer." After securing the above Chronicle, you should find yourself at the foot of the stairs leading to the Green Mile. Instead of going through, make your way to the west, and to the room with a bunch of small cells. Look for the room with the bunch of calendar pages. Scan this room to solve the riddle. Go directly to the below trophy. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+

You'll find some Joker Teeth right outside the cell with the calendar pages. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ In one of the cells along the southern wall, you'll find this trophy sitting inside. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ You'll also find three more Joker Teeth right outside the door leading to Controlled Access, which is in the east, as you recall. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Note: You might have noticed a Riddler Trophy above you, behind a metal | | design. You won't be able to get this into you make your way to the | | Guard Room. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----G u a r d R o o m----+ With everything secured above, continue west, up the stairs to the Guard Room. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Three teeth spawned after you saved the guards right outside the door leading to Main Cell Block. If you didn't get them the first time around, there still here now. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Instead of sprinting straight ahead into the gas chamber room, look for the path that opens up to the left. Pick up this Interview Tape on the table. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head back into the hallway right outside of the office where you grabbed the Interview Tape. Go into Detective Mode and keep your eyes peeled on the eastern wall for a vent door. Pull it down and climb on through to secure the trophy. You might have noticed this one while you were still in Main Cell Block. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | In order to secure the rest of the challenges in this room, you have to | | turn off the gas plaguing the ground floor. To do so, grapple up to the | | vents in the guard's office where you grabbed your Interview Tape. Then,| | turn to the right, or the north, in Detective Mode. Look for a weakened | | wall and blow this up. Now look across to the south, and you should see | | another destructible wall. Pull this down with the Ultra Batclaw, and | | Line Launcher across. Immediately to your left, in the corner and next | | to a book shelf, is the panel you must Baterang. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "When is something right in front of you but still hidden from view?"

With this room clear of gas, let's continue knocking off those challenges. Still standing in the room with the panel you just broken with your Baterang, look back across to the destructible wall in the guard's office, but do it in Detective Mode. You should see a question mark. Line things up and scan it. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With that secured, turn around to the north and head through the opening to the hallway. You should see Riddler Trophy on the ground here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Prometheus, Arkham guards' most wanted and most hated." After securing the above riddle and trophy, drop down to the ground floor of the room full of gas and turn left, towards the wall in the east. Look on the bulletin board for a "wanted" poster. Scan the whole bulletin board to complete this challenge. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Still on the ground floor, go into Detective Mode. In the southwest corner of the room is a detonable wall. It's beside one of those panels controlling the ventilation that you had to Baterang earlier in the game to save one of the guards. Once inside, turn to Batman's left to find the stone. .---------------------------------------------------------------------. | With all of these in hand, go back to the Main Cell Block, and head | | to the south to the Green Mile. | '---------------------------------------------------------------------' +----G r e e n M i l e----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Aside from the big cell that held Poison Ivy, there are also a series of small cells along the eastern and western walls. You'll find this trophy in one of the middle cells along the wall in the west. +----S e c u r i t y C o n t r o l R o o m----+ - Continue further south to the Security Control Room, where Quincy Sharp was being held. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "A case of mistaken identity?" Once inside, circle to the right and head to the back of the room. You should see a glass with either Quincy Sharp or Aaron Cash behind it, along with a mannequin. This is an imposter guy, so scan either Sharp or Cash (or whoever the hell he is at the moment) to solve this riddle. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy |

+----------------+ From the above riddle, head up the stairs closest to the room's entrance and you should see two cells here. One holds an inmate, and the one to his left holds a Riddler Trophy. To get this trophy, you'll have to jam the nearby Security Control Panel. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ This last Chronicle does not show up on the map. To get it, head up the stairs in the centre of the room to where Quincy Sharp was behind held. Look on the floor and you should see the "Batman" repeatedly inscribed in a circle. Scan this for the final chronicle. .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | With everything secured, it's time to head back to Main Cell Block and to | | the Controlled Access sector in the northeast area. | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----C o n t r o l l e d A c c e s s----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "What has four walls, two sides, and one ex-DA?" Once inside, head straight ahead, past all of the little cells and up the stairs. Over here, you'll find a few bigger cells. Immediately to your right is a cell with a Harvey Dent poster on the wall, similar to the one you ran into in Arkham North. Scan that to solve this riddle. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ As you made your way up the stairs, you _may_ have noticed a Riddler Trophy sitting in one of the smaller cells, to your left. To reach this, grapple up to the upper level of Controlled Access and look for a detonable wall. There should be two-- one of them will allow to drop down to the trophy. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Head over to the office right next to the stairs leading down to the Extreme Incarceration doors (the room where you managed to capture Harley). You'll find the Interview Tape on the desk. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ After capturing Harley, a present was left for you in the hallway leading to Extreme Incarceration here at Controlled Access. If you didn't take care of the teeth the first time around, they'll be here. +----E x t r e m e I n c a r c e r a t i o n----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "All alone in your cell? Why don't you break the ice with the most dangerous prisoners?"

As soon as you come in, look to the right, to cell #4. You should see that it's full of ice. Get yourself in a good position and scan this cell to solve the riddle. +-------------+ | Secrets Map | +-------------+ Recall that when you came in the first time, Harley Quinn was shouting at you from a within a tower, straight ahead. Head through the doors of this tower and keep your eyes peeled for a table on the left. The Secrets Map is sitting right there. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Be sure to Baterang the Joker Teeth on the floor close to the Secrets Map. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Still inside the tower, proceed deeper into the room to hit a fork. Go in either direction and head up the stairs. You'll find the Interview Tape in a room up here on a desk next to a bunch of file cabinets. +--------------------------------------+ | Riddler Trophy & Chronicle of Arkham | +--------------------------------------+ Still on the upper floor of the tower, go inside the room where Harley was standing and go into Detective Mode. You'll see a bunch of Security Control Panels here. Goto work on #5. Now, head down stairs and turn to the right, out the door. Head right into cell #5 secure these two challenges. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; C a v e s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG07] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' The walkthrough for the Caves will begin with you ''--..____..--' in the Batcave. Don't worry, there isn't anything in the actual Batcave, but we need to get to the southeast corner of the Batcave and grapple up. Once you reach back to the surface, Batman will be facing the small islands to glide down to. You might remember that this is the route you took to the sewers when you got your Ultra Batclaw. .' +----C a v e s----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ The first trophy can't be missed. Make your glide down to the first island, and look on the lower levels of that island. It's right there. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ This one will be a little more difficult to spot. After you jumped to the above island, you'd have to Line Launcher across to continue. Stay right there. To the northeast of your position is another island. The trophy is on here. To

reach it, make a big jump towards it, but veer off to the left. You should be able to land on a lower part of the island you jumped from. From there look above on your own island to find a grapple target. Grapple up here and jump down to that Island to grab the trophy. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Now, it's time to Line Launcher across to the island you jumped from, and | | proceed as you normally would to the Old Sewer. | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----O l d S e w e r----+ +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ As soon as you drop down from the vent, look to your right. There's a Chronicle in plain view on the western wall here. You really can't miss this one. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the Chronicle, look up at the ceiling, towards the north. Do it in Detective Mode and you should see a destructible square up there. Pull it down with your Ultra Batclaw and secure the trophy. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ The sewer stream in this room runs to the south. Look in this direction to see a huge circle. Use your Line Launcher to get over there and collect this. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ As soon as you enter through the door, you should see a dead body lying ahead. The Interview Tape is beside his body. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ You should see a vent door above the dead body next to the Interview Tape. Pull it down with your Ultra Batclaw and grapple up to secure the trophy. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ If you follow the hallway to the north and the Main Sewer Junction, you'll see the three Joker Teeth on the ground. You probably secured these already. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ In Detective Mode, you should notice a destructible wall to Batman's left, or in the west close to the Joker Teeth in the hallway here. It's at about the middle portion of the hallway. Blow this up and secure the trophy inside. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Instead of continuing north to the Main Sewer Junction, turn around and | | head south to Croc's Lair. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------------'

+----C r o c ' s L a i r-----+ +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ If you didn't get these three, you'll see them immediately upon entering the lair close to the door in the west end here. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the above Joker Teeth, or immediately after entering Croc's Lair through the door on the west end, look to the ceiling above in Detective Mode for another destructible square. Pull it down with the Ultra Batclaw and grapple up to secure the trophy. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ With the above secured, use your Line Launcher and work your way to the eastern end of the tunnel, where the Intensive Entrance is. Head on into the entrance and it should take you to Control Room Access. Look for the Interview Tape on a wooden crate to your right. You probably got this one already. Head back into Croc's Lair with this secured. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Once back into the sewer, head to the east, until you eastern end of the tunnel. You should see three large three mini waterfalls. Look towards the two cylinders you should see the trophy to the right of one. You'll reach it, of course.

are basically at the cylinders' that create on the southern wall and need the Line Launcher to

.-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | With the above three secured, make your way back to the western end and | | through the door to the Old Sewer. Head north down the long hallway now | | to the Main Sewer Junction. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----M a i n S e w e r J u n c t i o n----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Once inside, immediately sprint north until you hit a railing. Look to the northwest now and you should see the end of a broken catwalk. Don't know what I'm talking about? Note the thin waterfall between the two catwalks directly north. Our target is the catwalk to the left of that tiny waterfall. Take out your Line Launcher and latch onto the nearby pillar. You should see the Riddler Trophy around the corner here. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With the above secured, jump to the east to the other end of the broken catwalk and continue as if you were making your way up this cavern the first time. Immediately after jumping from the catwalk to a lone platform (it would be the first time that you weren't on a catwalk in this cavern), look to Batman's left for grip for Batman to shimmy across. Shimmy to your left and climb up when you see the opening to secure this Riddler Trophy.

+-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ After securing the above trophy, jump across the platform to the north and there will be three Joker Teeth here if you didn't get them the first time around. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ This is another one of those that you most likely secured the first time around. Shortly after climbing up the first collapsed pillar that leads you upwards, the path will take you onto a stream in the middle of the room. In the south here is a Riddler Trophy that you'll be able to jump to. Go directly to the bottom Riddler Trophy. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ While standing where you just got your Riddler Trophy, look to the east, across one of Ivy's big vines. You should see an alcove here with a Riddler Trophy (go into first person mode and look across if you can't see it). Use your Line Launcher to reach it. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ After securing the above two Riddler Trophies, continue up the second collapsed pillar that leads you upwards. This should take you to directly to the second final platform of the cavern if you were to make your exit to Arkham North. While standing on this platform, look to the north and take note of the shimmy grip here. Grab on and shimmy to Batman's right. It will lead you right to the Riddler Trophy. Go directly to the below riddle. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "A puzzle has many sides, but only some are visible." After grabbing the Riddler Trophy, climb up the ledge here and go into Detective Mode. Look slightly above, to the west, and you should see another question mark alignment puzzle. Keep Batman as close to the wall to the left as possible to get him out of the way. Stand him there and position the camera to align the question mark and scan. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Continue and make the jump to the final platform that will lead you down a hallway to Arkham North. Go straight down this hallway and you should see some Joker Teeth here if you didn't clean them out the first time around. With this secured, continue on through the door to Surface Access. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ We're only going to be in Surface Access for a brief visit. Immediately upon entering, turn to the left to see two wooden crates. You'll find an Interview Tape on one of them. Secure this and head back through the door to Main Sewer

Junction. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ You should see this Riddler Trophy if you are staring west while standing on the platform leading to the hallway of Surface Access. Go into Detective Mode if you don't see it. It's literally right across from you. Use the Line Launcher to reach it. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ This is another one you probably got. From the above Riddler Trophy, head north until you can climb up a ledge. Climb up all ledges and sprint in a straight line to the south. Once you can't go any more, look to the northeast corner of the room and you should see two metal crates (they look like crates anyway). Line Launcher your way here to grab the trophy. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | With all of these in your collection, it's time to head northwest and to | | Joker's fortress. | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----P u m p C o n t r o l R o o m----+ +-------------+ | Secrets Map | +-------------+ Immediately upon entering the Pump Control Room, look to the right and you'll find the map on a little stool. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ After grabbing the Secrets Map, head north down to hallway. As you do, keep your eyes peeled for an Interview Tape on some barrels to your right. You might have missed this if you sped through the hallway. +----P r e s s u r e C o n t r o l J u n c t i o n----+ +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ After entering the junction, head straight ahead to the north, and to the rubble on the bottom of the elevator shaft. Go into Detective Mode and look slightly above in the north. You should see a destructible wall. Pull it down and grapple up to the Chronicle. +-----------------+ | Joker Teeth x 9 | +-----------------+ You will find sets of three Joker Teeth in the hallway leading to the Pump Room (in the west). There is also a little present outside of the Pump Room that give three more Joker Teeth. Finally, in the hallway leading to the Control Room (in the east), there are three more Joker Teeth, making for nine total. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy |

+----------------+ Go into Detective Mode while in the hallway right outside of the Pump Room. While facing the north, you should see a destructible wall. Pull it down and grab the trophy. +----P u m p R o o m----+ +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Immediately upon entering the room, look to the corner in the west to see two barrels. Line Launcher across and pick up the Interview Tape over here. +----C o n t r o l R o o m----+ +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ As soon as you come in, go into Detective Mode and head deeper into the room. Take note of the vent door in the northeast on the lower portion of the wall, but don't go in. Instead, turn to the south, still in Detective Mode, and take note of the destructible wall. Pull it down and head inside to scan. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head back to that vent door you didn't go into. Now, look to the west in Detective Mode and you should see a gargoyle statue. Below that is a destructible wall. Pull this down and climb in for a Riddler Trophy.

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; A r k h a m M a n s i o n | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG08] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Enter the Arkham Mansion through the main doors. Our ''--..____..--' Walkthrough will begin there. .' +----M a n s i o n E n t r a n c e H a l l----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ As you come in, take a right past the plant growing at the entrance and look for a vent door to the east of the stairs. It's right on the ground here, no need to go up any stairs. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ You probably got this one already. Head north up all of the stairs now and will be in front of a huge door leading to reception. Instead of going in, above and grapple up to the vents. Once up here, look up again and grapple the little square. inside is the chronicle. Scan and head through the vent the north to the main hall.

you look into in

+----M a i n H a l l----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Who is the main man in the main hall?" Drop down to the ground floor and turn to the east when you are able to. It should lead you to the south corridor doors. Instead of going in though look to the north wall for a gold plaque of Commissioner Gordon above and between two large display cases. Scan the plaque to solve. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With that secured, head to the northern end of the room and look for the huge statue of Quincy Sharp (bet you thought this was the riddle solution). Look for a vent door on the base of the statue and pull it down with Ultra Batclaw. Climb through for trophy. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Head up the stairs along the west wall and even further north now. You should find three joker teeth outside of a vent door leading to an isolated room. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ From the above Joker Teeth, climb through the vent door and pick up the interview tape on the table. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Time to head all the way north in the main hall, until you hit a wall/see a bunch of huge windows. Turn around and face the south now, and look up. You should see a grapple target up to the balcony above. If you're not getting a target, try to move south away from the rubble a little bit and try again. +----E a s t W i n g C o r r i d o r----+ +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There was a purple gift left for you after leaving the Warden's office the first time. If you didn't take them out, they'll still be here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "A game of Cat and mouse can be painful." Shortly after coming in, keep an eye out to the east, or Batman's right for a display case. Inside are a pair of feminine looking glasses, and two gloves with very long nails. Scan this display case to solve +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+

Go into detective mode now and head north towards the door leading to the warden's office. As you do though keep your eyes peeled to the west, or Batman's left, for a destructible wall near the middle of the hallway. Pull it down and pick up the Riddler Trophy in there and continue into the Warden's Office. +----W a r d e n ' s O f f i c e----+ +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | (ie the Joker Teeth that you missed) +-------------+ Here's without the doubt the most difficult teeth in the game. Finding it darn near drove me crazy. There are three total. As soon as you come in, look up and grapple up to the balcony. Make a lap around this little records portion of the Warden's Office to find the teeth. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With those elusive dentures secured, drop back to the ground level and sprint to the north end of this room. You'll see a few more file cabinets, like the ones you found in the upper floor. You'll find a Riddler Trophy next to the television set on the table. This one's easy to miss if you're speeding through. +-------------+ | Secrets Map | +-------------+ Head into the large room with the painting of Quincy Sharp now (gee I wonder if this guy has enough paintings and statues of himself). Head up the small stairs and make a right to the southern wall here. You'll find the Secrets Map next to some digital equipment and a stack of papers. Go directly to the below riddle. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Isn't the Warden too old for a puppet show?" Literally to the right of the table where you got the Secrets Map is a display case with a... you guessed it, a puppet inside. Scan the puppet to solve this riddle. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Solve the above riddle and head back to the Main Hall. Once there, sprint | | into the West Wing Corridor through the door in front. | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Sprint deeper into the room here and further west. Go into Detective Mode and when you head up a set of stairs, look to Batman's left, or the south to find a destructible wall. Pull that down and grab the tape inside. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There should also be three Joker Teeth on the floor where you stopped.

+----A r k h a m R e c o r d s R o o m----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Our records show that a Strange transfer request was made in this room." Inside the records room, sprint straight ahead to the west, and don't stop until you see a set of stairs to Batman's left that lead upwards. You should see a room blocked off by a Security Gate here. Jam the nearby Security Control Panel and use your Line Launcher to safely cross the electrified floor. Inside, turn to Batman's right and scan the file cabinets jammed with too many papers to solve. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Standing outside of the room with the electrified hallway, look to the eastern wall and you should see a vent door here. It's beside a bunch of file cabinets stacked very high. Do your thing with the vent and drop down to the desk on the ground floor to collect this. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Head to the west end of the records room and look on the southern wall. You should see a vent door here. Pull it down and head on through. Drop down to the desk on the ground floor and collect the Riddler Trophy. Secure these and head to the north end of the room to find a door to the north corridor. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Did Amadeus go mad, or was he just dizzy?" Inside, look for the stairs to Batman's right and advance in this direction. Once your each the door, you'll know that it's locked so don't bother trying. Instead, head into the nearby vent. Drop into the cell shortly. Now, head to the cell beside yours in the south. Stand at the cell's entrance and scan the cell's contents while facing the south to solve. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are also some Joker Teeth in here, but you probably got them already. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the previous riddle, look to the west now and grapple up the vent. You'll find yourself standing on a mesh material. You can see the cells below. Don't waste anytime and head to the southwest corner of this room to find a little alcove and trophy. In other words, from the air vent, sprint straight until you hit the wall. Then, turn right to find the Riddler Trophy. .---------------------------------------. | Continue into Dr. Young's Office now. | '---------------------------------------'

+----D r . Y o u n g ' s O f f i c e----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "It'll be a cold day in Hell when this Ghul rises again." Head up the stairs to your right and look to where she keeps all of the dead people. You should notice that one of the "fridge doors" are open, and there's a body bag sticking out. Go into first person mode and scan the foot on the body bag to solve. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "How do you mask your feelings without losing control?" From the above riddle, look to the northern wall and grapple up. Navigate the vent and drop down. Next, look to the northeast wall for a skull hanging in a frame. Scan this skull to solve. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Grapple back up to the vent now and head through. Once out of the vent, sprint straight south and to the door. Before leaving, pick up the Interview Tape on the nearby desk. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | With this secured, it's time to make our way to the only portion of the | | mansion you haven't explored: the south corridor and library. | '-------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----S o u t h C o r r i d o r----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "What does a bird need in the rain?" Near the initial portions of the corridor, keep your eye on the eastern wall. There's a cube display case here, and it holds a top hat and several closed umbrellas. Scan this display to solve. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are three Joker Teeth scattered around the display cases as well. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "This fiendish puzzle literally appears out of thin air." This is another one of those alignment puzzles. From the above Riddle/Joker Teeth, look up and grapple up to the vents. Go into Detective Mode and proceed on the vents to about where the fans are. Look to the west and slightly below to see the hook of the question mark. The dot is on the vents you are standing on so line these up to solve.

+---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Still on the vents, turn around and face the eastern wall. Go into Detective Mode and you should see a destructible portion of the wall here. Blow it up and scan the Chronicle. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Drop down now and head towards door leading to the library. Look to the southwest wall to see a vent door. Pull it down and grab the trophy. Alternatively, you can try going right up to the door leading to the library, and turn around when you get there. Look up and you should see the vent door. +----L i b r a r y----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Immediately upon entering the library, look right to see the vent door. Pull it down and grab the trophy inside. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Still on the initial floor, circle around to the north end. You should see a Security Gate with a Security Control Panel. Jam this and collect the tape on the other side. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Grapple up to the absolute highest floor in the library now. Look for a vent door in the southeast. It will lead you right to a Riddler Trophy. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ With everything secured, jump all the way down to the basement of the library. Head up the stairs now and you'll see the Joker Teeth as you head up the stairs (it should just be a single flight). _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; B o t a n i c a l G a r d e n s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[RG09] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--'' .' +----G l a s s h o u s e E n t r a n c e----+ +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ There's no way that you missed this. Once you get in, you'll notice that a huge

plant is blocking your way. So, you'll have to climb in through the hole to your left. This passage will take you to a basement. There's a Chronicle down here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Is the number up for these guards?" After returning to the surface from the basement described above, immediately turn to Batman's left. Make your way to the southwest corner here. You should see one guard slouched over on a bench, with a book opened in front of him, as well as a guard positioned next to a tree bark. Scan these guards to solve the riddle. Make sure you don't get too close, so that you can get both guards into the scan. +----------------+ | Joker Teeth x6 | +----------------+ There are two different sets of Joker Teeth scattered around the Glasshouse Entrance here. The first set appears when you enter the Botanical Gardens. The second set will only appear after you've met with Poison Ivy. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ There's an Interview Tape sitting on a bench in the northeast corner of the room. +----B o t a n i c a l G l a s s h o u s e----+ +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "What time is tea time in Wonderland?" As soon you enter the Botanical Glasshouse, head up the stairs to the right. On this level now, head to the northwest corner and keep your eyes out for a tea set placed on a picnic cloth. The tea set is slightly east of the ladder. There's also some nice lighting on this set. Go directly to the below Riddler Trophy. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ From the tea set, head slightly east so you're right at the northern end of this room (check your map for reference). Look on the floor now and you should see some flooring tiles that create an upside down "T". Climb in at the vertical portion of the T to grab the trophy inside. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ With those secured, it's time to go for the final challenge in this room. Drop all the way down to the bottom of the Botanical Glasshouse. Head to the northwest corner of this bottom floor (so you're pretty much below where you found the tea set). Go into Detective Mode and look for a destructible wall. Blow it up and climb through the vents to find the trophy in at the end. .--------------------------------------------------------------------------.

| Leave through the eastern door on the 2nd floor of the glasshouse to the | | Statue Corridor. | '--------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----S t a t u e C o r r i d o r----+ +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Sprint down the hallway and you'll soon reach a statue. Circle around to the eastern end of the room to find this tape on the bench. Continue onto the next room. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ Don't forget to pick up the three Joker Teeth in the Statue Corridor. +----G l a s s h o u s e G e n e r a t o r R o o m----+ +-------------+ | Secrets Map | +-------------+ Once inside this room, grapple up and you should see a ladder. Grapple up one more time and you'll see Security Gate. Jam it with your ranged sequencer and pick up the map inside this room. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Drop back down to the ground floor of this room and you should see an Interview Tape on a computer in the northwest corner of this room, behind the chair. .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Time to head back to the Botanical Glasshouse and leave through the door in | | the north to the Flooded Corridor. | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----F l o o d e d C o r r i d o r----+ +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There should be three Joker Teeth in front of you as soon as you come in, given that you have cleared the game already. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "The Ratcatcher needed more than just his charm to lead his army." Once inside the Flooded Corridor, Line Launcher across. Immediately, you should see a vent to your left, so help yourself inside. How this vent goes is the first portion is a ramp that leads downwards. Next, you turn left, and then you turn left again. After that second turn left, look at the bottom of the vent, IE, look down at your feet, and you should see an opened portion of this vent. There are metal bars that you prevent you from falling through, but the point is you can see what's below. Look down and you should see some gloves, a book, and a black strap. Scan these items to solve this riddle.

+-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are three Joker Teeth right outside of the vent here, by the dead guard. Riddler Trophy With the above riddle secured, continue deeper into the vent and look for a path that opens up to the right. It won't be long. Go through here and pick up the trophy next to a bunch of leaves. With this one, turn around and head back to the Flooded Corridor. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Looks like all the king's horses trampled all the king's men." Once out of the vent, head north down deeper into the Flooded Corridor room. This will take you down a narrow hallway. As you navigate this hallway, keep an eye out to Batman's right (the northeast) for a bench. This bench has a bunch of tiny dolls on it. Scan the dolls to solve this riddle. Continue down the hallway and into the other regions of the Flooded Corridor room. Riddler Trophy You probably got this one already. There's a huge ravine in the west, that will require your Line Launcher to cross. Once you do so, there's a Riddler Trophy on the ground here. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+ There are also three Joker Teeth with the above Riddler Trophy here. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "Is this a tribute to what a mad dog left behind?" Time to head east towards the Aviary. Once you reach the reach the Aviary entrance, there's a statue here without a head. The statue is placed in a large vase with some shrubs. Look for a plaque on the vase (it's right next to the head), scan this plaque to solve. Go directly to the Interview Tape. +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ Grab the Interview Tape on the surrounding benches as well. That's the last of the stuff in the Flooded Corridor, head on through to the Aviary now. +----A v i a r y----+ +----------------+ | Interview Tape | +----------------+ In the eastern corner and lowest portion of the Aviary are two large cages. As you recall, Joker used these to hold the poor doctors under hostage. There's also a bench here. Pick up the Interview Tape from the bench. +-------------+ | Joker Teeth | +-------------+

There are some Joker Teeth in the cage operator's room. You can reach it by climbing up various platforms and ladders along the western portion of the room. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "There's no closet in the Gardens, so someone is using the roof instead." Time to make our way to the door leading to the Titan Production Facility in the western portion of the room. Instead of going through though, take a couple of steps back so you can see the Aviary walls. Look to the southwest wall and look at it very carefully. You should notice a skeleton sticking out of a crack surrounded by webs. Scan this in first person mode to solve. Then, head into the Titan Production Facility. +----T i t a n P r o d u c t i o n F a c i l i t y----+ +--------------------------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham & Riddler Trophy | +--------------------------------------+ Once inside, Line Launcher across to the area where you fought the Titan. Look east back at the door you came in from now, and do it in Detective Mode. You should see a destructible wall to the left of the door. You should also see a Riddler Trophy to the right of the door. Pull down the wall with your Ultra Batclaw and Line Launcher across to get it. Then, get the Riddler Trophy. .---------------------------------------------------------------------------. | We still need to pay a visit to the Abandoned Chamber. Sprint all the way | | back to the Flooded Corridor and make your way to the Abandoned Chamber. | | There are two vents you can use. One is right beside the large ravine and | | the other is where you solved the Ratcatcher riddle and found the Riddler | | Trophy. | '---------------------------------------------------------------------------' +----A b a n d o n e d C h a m b e r----+ +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Once inside, drop down to the lowest floor and make your way to the northeast corner of the room. You should notice a sewage stream running eastern wall here. Drop in the stream and follow it under the arch south. There's a Riddler Trophy at the end here. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Still in the northeast corner here, look for some square tiles on the ground. These tiles are actually right at the north end of the room, but still not too far from the northeast. Three of the tiles aren't openable, but the one of them are. Open up that one and follow the tunnel to an enclosed part in the centre of the room. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ The last few challenges will take us to the upper regions of the Abandoned Chamber. These are probably the most difficult ones of the gardens, so pay close attention. First, head up the stairs in the centre of the room, and make

your way towards the northeast door. Don't go through the door however. Instead, stand on the edge of this platform, and look to the west. Line Launcher across to the northwest corner of the room. You should be standing on a platform now. There is a grip long the western wall, so get on and shimmy to your left. Climb up once you reach the water. Now, face the east and Line Launcher to the central platform. Proceed to the south now until you reach a huge gap. Big enough gap for a catwalk, no? Look up now and you should see a line that glows. Throw your Baterang at it to knock down the catwalk. Sprint across now and jump across the final few platforms to the Riddler Trophy. Go directly to the one below. +--------+ | Riddle | +--------+ "This challenge can only be seen by those with a different view of life." Time to back track now, and head back onto the catwalk you cut down from the line. Stop once you reach the centre, such that if you looked to the south, you are parallel with the door leading back to the Flooded Corridor. Well, look to the north now and you should be able to climb up. Shimmy to the left. Climb up once you are able to. Now, proceed along this platform to the north and go into Detective Mode. Once you reach the edge of this platform, you should notice part of a question mark inscribed on the platform you are standing on, and the rest of it is on the platform below. Position Batman so he's facing the north, and adjust the camera to line things up. Scan this up to solve this one. The game is very picky about the positioning, so it might take you a few tries. Go directly to the below Chronicle. +---------------------+ | Chronicle of Arkham | +---------------------+ Still on the platform where you solved the above riddle, look to the north, or towards the light, and jump over to this wall. Grab a hold of the ledge and shimmy left and climb up when you are able to secure this Chronicle inside a hidden room. Jump back to the central platform where you solved the above riddle when you're finished with this, and goto the below Riddler Trophy. +----------------+ | Riddler Trophy | +----------------+ Back track south on the platform you are now and stop when you are at about the middle. Look to the eastern wall and you should see a destructible wall. Pull it down and Line Launcher across to pick this up.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------[RG10] +---- T h e F i n a l C h r o n i c l e ----+ As mentioned in the Table of Contents, this one is in the Penitentiary. This is also incorporated into the Riddler Guide, but I wanted to give it its own section too, to give it some emphasis. This last Chronicle does not show up on the map. Head to the Security Control Room (the room south of the Green Mile) and head up the stairs in the middle in the room. This was where Quincy Sharp was behind held. Look on the floor and you should see the "Batman" repeatedly inscribed in a circle. Scan this for the final chronicle. You will also receive the trophy/achievement: "World's Greatest Detective" upon completion.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; T r o p h i e s / A c h i e v e m e n t s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[TR00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' - Just a list for now, more to come later! ''--..____..--' .' +----C o m p l e t i o n T r o p h i e s----+ ,----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | T r o p h y N a m e | R e q u i r e m e n t s | |-----------------------.-----------------------------------------------------| | Platinum | Obtain all trophies in the game. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Big Bang | Finish the game on the Easy difficulty. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Bigger Bang | Finish the game on the Normal difficulty. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Biggest Bang | Finish the game on the Hard difficulty. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Shocking Rescue | Take down Zsasz Patient Pacification. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Leave No Man Behind | Rescue the guards and henchman in Decontamination. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Malpractice Needs More| Survive the onslaught from the deformed henchman. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Born Free | Escape from Intensive Treatment to island surface. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Just What Doctors Orde| Save all doctors in the Medical Facility | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Daydreamer | Survive the nightmare of the Scarecrow's fear gas. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Breaking and Entering | Gain access to Administration after it locks down. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Recurring Nightmare | Face your biggest fears and keep your sanity. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Zsasz Cut Down to Size| Save Dr. Young from being killed by Victor Zsasz. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Baneful Payback | Defeat Bane. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Solitary Confinement | Capture and lock up Harley Quinn. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Double Trouble | Defeat two Titan Henchmen at once. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Resist the Fear | Conquer the effects of the Scarecrow's fear gas. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Crocodile Tears | Venture into Killer Croc's Lair and come out alive. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Poisoned Ivy | Defeat the giant Titan Ivy plant. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Arkham Analyst | Solve 5% of Riddler Challenges. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Cryptic Investigator | Solve 10% of the Riddler Challenges. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Lateral Thinker | Solve 25% of Riddler Challenges. |

|-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Mystery Solver | Solve 40% of Riddler Challenges. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Conundrum Cracker | Solve 55% of Riddler Challenges. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Mental Athlete | Solve 70% of Riddler Challenges. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Riddle Resolver | Solve 85% of Riddler Challenges. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Crack the E-Nigma | Solve every riddle on the island. | |-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------| | Perfect Knight | 100% Complete. | '-----------------------'-----------------------------------------------------' -----------Party Pooper -----------KO all the henchmen celebrating your arrival at the party - This achievement/trophy can be obtained after you've beaten Titan Ivy and are making your way to Joker's "party". You might remember that there are a bunch of henchmen outside of the doors, and even more inside. Just KO everybody in this part of the game to receive this trophy. ----------------Freeflow Combo 20 ----------------Complete a combo of 20 moves (any play mode) I would get this in the Challenge Mode, of course. Goto The Sewers challenge, as you will get an abundance of enemies here, and it is also relatively easy compared to some of the other ones. For PS3 users, I think it's much easier to get this with The Joker. That's because you don't have to deal with any of the knife/electric baton guys when you play with him. Instead, you have to deal with the stone bricker guys and some guys with guns. The ones with the bricks can be dealt with pretty easily because they'll run for the bricks immediately. It takes a while for them to get the brick off of the wall, so as long as you keep an eye out you should be fine. Additionally, the gun crate has a built-in alarm system, so if you hear a buzzing alarm, make your way to the gun box immediately. As for Batman, the place to go is still the Sewers Challenge map. The key is to build up a combo of x5 (it won't be difficult) and keep an eye out for one of the guys with the knives. As soon as you spot him, use the Takedown manuever to perform an unblockable instant KO. Then, build up a combo of x10 and look for the next knives guy. Keep in mind that you don't necessarily have to land 10 strikes, as there are some Critical Hits that count for x2. For Batman, as long as you take out the knives guys ASAP you will be fine. ----------------Freeflow Combo 40 ----------------Complete a combo of 40 moves (any play mode) Read the above, or the Combat Challenges section for general strategy. -----------Night Glider ------------

Glide continuously for over 100m Grapple up to the top of the clock tower in Arkham East. Then, jump towards the Arkham East Door, and as you approach it, glide over to the Arkham North door. That should do the trick. -----------------Rope-a-dope-a-dope -----------------String up one henchman and drop him to surprise a second (any play mode) Do this in a Challenge Mode. Get on a vantage point gargoyle statue, and Hang (Cape Stun button by default). Wait for a henchman to line up below Batman and you should receive the Inverted Takedown prompt. Execute this manuever, and Batman should string up that henchman. Get off the statue now and hide somewhere close. Wait for another henchman to come check on the guy who's strung up, and throw a Baterang at the string to cut him down. Note: Don't do this in that Extreme Challenge at the Intensive Treatment Lobby. ----------Mano-A-Mano ----------Defeat Titan henchman without using Batarangs (any play mode) - You can get this one easily in the "Rumble in the Jungle" challenge with Batman. First, clear out the room of all melee enemies. Then, plant some Explosive Gel on the ground and let the Titan run into it. You should now be able to land as many strikes on the Titan as you want. Keep spamming the strike button until it goes down. Basically, plant the Explosive Gel to stun, instead of using the Baterang. -----Catch! -----Catch a Baterang (any play mode) You have to use the Remote Control Baterang, and steer it back to Batman. Batman will catch it automatically. Go to an open area, like Arkham East, and pick up this trophy there. ---------------Freeflow Combo 5 ---------------Complete a combo of 5 moves (any play mode) ----------------Freeflow Combo 10 ----------------Complete a combo of 10 moves (any play mode) ------------------Freeflow Perfection ------------------Perform a perfect combo including all of Batman's combat moves (any play mode) A perfect combo consists of (doesn't have to be this order). Again, goto the Sewers level. Try to get it in the first two rounds. Try it in this order:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Batclaw Counter Cape Stun Melee Strike (until x5)

- When the Challenge begins, immediately switch to your Batclaw. IMO, the perfect combo always has to start with the Batclaw. It's the easiest way to get that attack in there. As you pull a guy towards you, somebody else is going to try and attack you. Counter him, and perform a Cape Stun. Next, strike everybody until you build a up a combo of x5. 5. Throw Takedown (Special Attack) [ melee strikes until you can use another special ] 6. Takedown (Special Attack) 7. Evade 8. Baterang 9. Ground Takedown As soon as you get the x5, throw somebody, but make sure that you throw them AWAY from everyone else. The last thing you want is to throw him at another henchman, and stand there like an idiot without anyone else to attack. Next, you'd want to melee strike everybody until you can use your next special attack. Do note that Evade doesn't necessarily have to be your seventh attack. You can get it in anywhere between 6 to 8. Just make sure you either Evade an enemy attack, or jump right next to an enemy so you can keep your combo going. The Evade is the easiest part of the combo really, so you can use it wherever you feel comfortable. The final two attacks are kind of necessary in that order though. Throw a single Baterang and immediately spam R2+Counter to do a Ground Takedown (ideally on the guy you just Baterang'D). Note that the Ground Takedown has impeccable range, and as long as there is a target available Batman will damn near jump across the room to perform the attack. The important thing is to not direct Batman to a target and _then_ attack with Ground Takedown. Just spam it and let the AI pick your target. --------------Freakshow Rodeo --------------Ride Titan henchman a knock down 10 thugs (any play mode) You should have been able to get this in the Story. If not, head to the "Rumble in the Jungle" challenge. --------------Freeflow Bronze --------------Achieve 8 medals on combat challenges Achieve the high scores listed beside a map to earn medals in combat challenges. For PS3 users, these challenges cannot be obtained using the Joker. --------------Freeflow Silver --------------Achieve 16 medals on combat challenges ------------Freeflow Gold

------------Achieve 24 medals on combat challenges --------------Predator Bronze --------------Achieve 8 medals on predator challenges A Predator Challenge is a challenge that features armed henchman, and the idea is to KO every henchman as quickly as possible. However, if you press the Select button when the challenge starts, you can see a list of tasks ("medal challenges") to perform. Perform these tasks to earn predator medals. Again, note that these cannot be obtained with The Joker. --------------Predator Silver --------------Achieve 16 medals on predator challenges ------------Predator Gold ------------Achieve 24 medals on predator challenges -----------------Invisible Predator -----------------Complete one predator challenge by using only Silent Takedowns Note: You must not be spotted at any point of the challenge either You'd obviously need to do this in the Predator Challenges. For PS3 users, you can use either The Joker or Batman. I did mine with Joker, but I think it's easier with Batman because he has more tactics for espionage. E.g. he has the unmatchable advantage of perching on top of a vantage point, and to plan his attack. This one shouldn't be too difficult though, just hide somewhere silent takedown everyone. You can't use any other attack, so the Glide Kick, Baterang, etc, are all out of question. Do it in the first predator challenge as I think it's the easiest. ------------------------Flawless Freeflow Fighter ------------------------Complete one combat challenge without taking damage Goto the very first Challenge map, and work your way through it. Use Batman as you won't have to deal with any type of high-end enemies. Some will attempt to throw bricks at you, but that's it. Try to freeflow combo your way through everybody, and don't worry about mixing up your attacks. Just make sure to hit your counters, and make sure you don't get hit by any of the brick throwing jerks. -------------------------World's Greatest Detective -------------------------Spirit of Amadeus Arkham revealed To get this, you have to find the final Chronicle of Arkham. It doesn't show up on the map, and it's in the Penitentiary. Here are the copied and pasted instructions from above:

As mentioned in the Table of Contents, this one is in the Penitentiary. This is also incorporated into the Riddler Guide, but I wanted to give it its own section too, to give it some emphasis. This last Chronicle does not show up on the map. Head to the Security Control Room (the room south of the Green Mile) and head up the stairs in the middle in the room. This was where Quincy Sharp was behind held. Look on the floor and you should see the "Batman" repeatedly inscribed in a circle. Scan this for the final chronicle. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; E q u i p m e n t L i s t i n g | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[EQ00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' Since you already know how to use these gadgets to ''--..____..--'' help you solve puzzles, I will just mention some general combat tips. .' -------Baterang -------The Baterang is the gadget that you start with. It can be useful to help you build up a combo until Batman gets the upgraded speed and power. It's also very important when you're in a room full of armed enemies. As you might know, the ChaosDemon strategy to approach this situation is to attack the lone henchman. Well, the Baterang can help you set up these openings. Ex: if there are two enemies on a catwalk, Baterang one, so you can safely Glide Kick + Ground Takedown the other. Also remember that you can throw the Baterang without aiming with L1. You'll be in an auto-aim situation, and the closest target in Batman's vision will be taken out. -------------Multi-Baterang -------------This is exactly the same as the Baterang, except you get to throw 2 (and later 3) of them. Again, use this to isolate the armed henchman. You see 4? Knock 3 of them down with the Baterang and Glide Kick + Ground Takedown the last one. -------------Sonic Baterang -------------This is a very powerful gadget, which is why it has such a large cooldown period. Once thrown, the Sonic Baterang will travel to a destination and stick there. It will then emit waves, disrupting the henchmen's collars, and making them think Batman is where the Sonic Baterang is. Once the first guy sees that it's a false alarm, he will destroy the Sonic Baterang. Regardless, you can use this gadget to reach an area that is being fended off by stationary guards. ------------Explosive Gel ------------This is your WayneTech solution to destructible walls (within reach, that is). In combat situations, you can set the gel on the ground and use it as a proximity stunning device on enemies. In addition, you can use the gel to stun Titans. Just set it on the ground, and let the Titans run into it. It'll blow up and you can goto work on them.

Finally, you can use the Explosive Gel to blow up destructible walls on enemies. Enemies caught in the blast radius will be KO'd instantly. --------------Batclaw (Ultra) --------------In addition to being the solution to destructible walls and vent doors out of Batman's reach, this is a formidable weapon in combat situations. You are of course familiar with the electric baton and knife enemies. The Batclaw is perfect for dealing with them because it is unblockable. However, they are able to "dodge" it. If you manage to get the hooks in one, Batman will pull the target towards him, and the target will stumble onto the ground. If you are pulling an electric baton guy towards you, move over a little bit so you don't make contact with him, because his batons can still hurt you. Step aside, and look for the Ground Takedown. This is also the best weapon if you are engaged against an enemy with a gun. You can tap the R2 Button (Crouch) twice to shoot a hook without aiming. This will be another auto-aim feature, and hooks will be launched at three of the closest targets. The Batclaw can also be used to pull targets over railings, KOing them instantly. The Ultra Batclaw is a free upgrade you'll receive when you progress far enough into the game. It makes the Batclaw shoot three hooks instead of one. ----------------------Cryptographic Sequencer ----------------------This is your tool that will *gasp* help you open Security Gate'd doors. You won't get it into the final third of the game or so. Once you do, you can jam the Security Control Panels and eliminate the forcefield, allowing you through.

_..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ ; / \ ; C r e d i t s | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[CR00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' ''--..____..--' .' Achille Fink: For a correction. Matt D: For the tip on how to beat the plants. Julian L: For a correction. Lloyd R: For a correction. osrevad: For the PS1 Controller I modified into a PS3. SBAllen: For posting this FAQ. _..--""````""--.._ |\/| '. / /`._ | | _.'\ \ .'

; / \ ; L e g a l D i s c l a i m e r | / \ |----------------------------------------------------+ ; / .-. .-. \ ; -+=-+=-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+-=+[LD00] | -\ |/ \.-. .-./ \| /-----------------------------------------------------+ '._ \/ _.' This FAQ is Copyright 2009 ChaosDemon. Please do not ''--..____..--' post this FAQ on your website without asking for permission first. However, if I granted you permission to host one of my FAQs before, feel free to host this one without asking for my permission again. This applies to all future FAQs written as well. If I grant you permission to host this FAQ, you now have my permission to host any FAQ I may write in the future without emailing me for permission again. I hope this makes life a little easier for you webmasters. Otherwise, you can email me at chaosdemonN [at]gmail [dot]com to ask for permission. I will very rarely deny permission but I do have some very reasonable requirements that I must ask of you when posting this guide: * Please do not place any ads on the same page as the FAQ * Please do not edit this FAQ (like adding or deleting text) * Please present this FAQ as close to the way you see here on GameFAQs as possible =============================================================================== Copyright 2009 Just another FAQ brought to you by... ______________ _____ __ ____/__ /_______ ________________ __ \___________ ________________ _ / __ __ \ __ `/ __ \_ ___/_ / / / _ \_ __ `__ \ __ \_ __ \ / /___ _ / / / /_/ // /_/ /(__ )_ /_/ // __/ / / / / / /_/ / / / / \____/ /_/ /_/\__,_/ \____//____/ /_____/ \___//_/ /_/ /_/\____//_/ /_/ @@@@ @@@@@@ @ @@@ @@@@@@ @ ################# @@@@@@ ### #### ## @@@@@@ ## @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@## @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ### ### @@@@@ ## ### @@@@@ @@@@ ## ### #@@@@@@@ @@@@@@# # ### #@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ # ### # #@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ########### ## ## @@@@@@ @@@@@ ############### #### ## @@@@@@ ## # # ############## #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ## # ## ############## #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ## ### ############ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ## ### ########## ###@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ ###### # ## #### ### ## # # @@@@@@@@@ ###### ##### # ## ## # @@@@@@@@@@ #### ##### ###### # @@@@@@@@@@@ # ### # ## # # ##@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ ### # ###### #########@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ ## ## #### # # # # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ # # ###### # ## ##@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @ @@@@@@@ # ############@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ # ## # ###### # @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@ # ## # ## @@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@ # # @@@@@@@@


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Submitted by ChaosDemon- - Created 8/31/09 (Last Modified 9/23/09) See All Batman: Arkham Asylum Walkthroughs and FAQs Share |

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