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Saint Paul University Philippines Tuguegarao City, 3500

Questionnaire for the Respondents: Students Name: (optional) ________________________________________________________ Instruction: Please fill out the blank or check the appropriate box that is related to you. 1. Profile of the Respondents 1.1 School SAB 1.2 Year 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year SASTE SITE SHS SOM

1.3 Nature of PSG unit where you are an officer: ____ Uniwide ____ Departmental ____ Year-level 1.4 Current Position held in the PSG: __________________ 1.5 Number of years as officer in the PSG: ______________ 2. Below are the different Practices adopted in Budget Management, please check the extent of implementation of the following items in your PSG unit. Instruction: Please check the appropriate box that is related to you.

2.1 Planning
Before discussing the budget, the officers come together to discuss upcoming activities relevant to the unit. The officers provide a fairly good idea about the expenses involved in the activity.

Always 5

Often 4

Sometimes Seldom Never 3 2 1

The officers anticipate problems the activities and formulate preventive actions and set aside contingency budget for them. The officers come together to formulate guidelines. The officers get prepared for emergencies that may arise during the course of the activity. The officers discuss ways on how to minimize cost and their budget wisely. The officers also present outsourcing activities related to the budget. Others, please specify ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

2.2 Coordination
The budget is properly coordinated to the concerned SPUP administrators (Dean, President, VP for Finance) The budget is coordinated to the officers involved so that they are aware of the expenses that they must only incur. The officers have a better understanding on what they are doing because of the budget. The budget is reviewed to ensure that activities are guided be it.

Always 5

Often 4

Sometimes Seldom Never 3 2 1

Others, please specify____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

2.3 Resource Allocation

The officers know where the fund is being spent in a particular activity. The officers make an estimation of the total cost of every activity that would be done in the future. The officers analyze the resources that would be sufficient to provide for the total costs found. All officers are aware of the resources being allocated in each activity. All officers are present during the decision of allocating resources.

Always 5

Often 4

Sometimes Seldom Never 3 2 1

Others, please specify ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

2.4 Communication
The officers communicate in order to make budgeted information reliable. The officers communicate the budget planning and implementation to all offices. The officers communicate to avoid erroneous information. The officers communicate to their advisers and head the budget proposal per activity. The officers communicate to budget properly a certain activity. The officers communicate to accomplish their desired plans/ initiatives and resources required.

Always 5

Often 4

Sometimes Seldom Never 3 2 1

Others, please specify ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Do you formulate guidelines in your PSG unit on how to develop budget and use the budget? ___ Yes ___ No If yes, when do you formulate the guidelines for Budgeting? ___ first meeting ___ every meeting ___ second meeting others, please specify _______________________ ___ third meeting _________________________________________

4. What are the factors that you consider in formulating your budget? You may check as many as possible: ___ Nature of activity ___ Others, please specify ____________________________________________ ___ Number of Participants ___ Size of the Budget ___ Availability of Fund Others, please specify _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________

5. How often is the budget reviewed in your unit? Once every semester Twice every semester Monthly annually none at all Others please specify ___________

6. Below are the Phases of Budget Management System, please check the box that corresponds your answer. 3.1 Budget Preparation YES The treasurer prepares the budget for the organization. Officers know how to prepare budget proposal. The officers understand the contents of the budget. The budget is endorsed to the Business Affairs Office upon immediate request. The adviser monitors well the preparation of the budget. The treasurer commits error in preparing the budget. The analysis of budget is consistently observed done in every activity. Others please specify: NO

3.2 Budget Authorization YES The adviser calls for a meeting and presents the components of the budget. Proper budget authorization is followed. Only authorized officers are to spend the budget. All officers know to whom the budget should be authorized. Authorization makes the procedures controlled in the organization. Officers authorized in the budget hold financial liability in the money. NO

The authorized officer will immediately request for the funding for a particular activity. Officers authorized are responsible in their tasks. Others please specify:

3.4 Budget Execution YES Officers get to know their responsibilities well in the execution of budget. Officers are learned to control spending to be efficient and effective in management control. Officers help in directing the responsibilities of the other officers. Adviser also establishes effective authority relationship in the organization. Officers are honest in handling their money every activity. The department experience overspending of their budget. Others please specify: NO

3.5 Budget Accountability YES The officers monitor the efficiency of fund utilization. The adviser assesses officers performance and provides a vital basis for reforms and new policies. Officers ensure if the budget is prepared in the most responsible way. The officers record the reasoning behind all decisions when preparing a budget. All officers ensure transparency in the budget system. The treasurer liquidates expenses after an activity. The other officers, not only the treasurer know how to liquidate. Others please specify: NO

4. Please check the problems you encountered in your unit in terms of budget management. You may check as many as you can. ___ Lack of clarity and consistency in budgeting procedures, responsibilities and timelines ___ Failure to follow-up and endorsements ___ Difficulty in getting funds in cash form ___ Lack of support from the adviser of the organization ___ Amount requested is not given in full ___ No communication/ leveling of endorsement ___ No proper resource allocation ___ Lack of understanding on the budget procedures ___ No proper budget planning ___ Inadequacy of measures in controlling fraud ___ Failure to meet the requirements in the budget preparation ___ Lack of coordination between the officers and the adviser ___ Activity is cancelled or postponed due to delay of processing of fund ___ Primary purpose in acquiring such fund is not justifiable ___ Lack of control of advisers in facilitating officers Others please specify _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Solutions/recommendations to solve the problem in budget management system. ___ Provide a clear overview of the procedures ___ Follow proper endorsement ___ Maintain a good relationship between the officers and the adviser ___ Set policies and guidelines in the implementation of the procedure ___ Allot time in the preparation of the budget ___ Distribute resources fairly and properly ___ Know the expenditures that the organization is spending ___ Keep documents for evidences and proof for auditing ___ Provide a clean, precise, and accurate budget plan ___ Advisers should be highly selective in handing over the responsibilities of making the budget ___ Officers must know the importance of cost-efficiency and cost-effectiveness ___ Concerned officers must have knowledge about the resources that would be used to generate and raise funds ___Make a proper budget format so that it is clear to all the departments and they the amount of allocation for them in all the respects ___ Take a feedback on the budget so as to see whether it is applicable to all the departments or not. If not, then it would have to be re-planned ___ Make notes of explanation on the face on the budget so as to be able to explain the budget better. Others please specify _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

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