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Brand name: Hemostan

Generic name: Tranexamic acid

Indications: antihemorrhagic and antifibrinolytic for effective hemostasis in various
surgical and clinical cases, in traumatic injuries, post-tooth extraction and other
dental procedures.
Drug classification: Antihemophilic agent
Mechanism of action: forms a reversible complex that displaces plasminogen from
fibrin resulting in inhibition of fibrinolysis, it also inhibits the proteolytic
activity of plasmin.
Dosage: Capsule: 250-500mg tid-qid. Injection: 250-500mg IM, or by slow IV inj bid-
tid. During or after operation, 500-2500mg if necessary by IV drip.
Special precaution: Not advisable to use for prolonged periods in patients predisposed to
thrombosis. Not recommended for prophylaxis during pregnancy and before
delivery. Ophthalmic exam before and during therapy required if patient is
treated beyond several days; caution in patients with cardiovascular, renal,
cerebrovascular disease.
Pregnancy risk category: B
Adverse reaction: GI disorders: nausea, vomiting. CNS: anorexia, headache may appear,
impaired renal insufficiency, hypotension when IV injection is too rapid.
Contraindication: patients predisposed to thrombosis. Prophylaxis during pregnancy
and before delivery.
Form: 100mg/ml (10 ml) injection; 500mg tablet
Nursing responsibility:
 Dosage modification required in patient’s with renal impairment
 Watch out for any signs of bleeding

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