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INDICATING TO THE HOUR I. Learning Objectives Cognitive; Indicate time to the hour. Show that 60 minutes make an hour.

Affective; Practice the habit of coming on time. Psychomotor; Read and write time as shown on the clock. II. Learning Content Skills; Telling time to the hour. Showing that 60 minutes make an hour. References; BEC-PELC III A 2.1 AND 2.2 Ateneo Lesson Guide pp. 281-284 Powers in Numbers pp. 194-199 Materials; Toy clock, flash cards, and real clock Values; Punctuality and proper time of eating. III. Learning Experiences Teachers Activities A. Preparatory Activity 1. Prayer Stand up every body and we will pray. _____kindly lead the prayer. 2. Greetings Good morning! 3. Checking of attendance May I know who is absent this morning? Pupils Activities


Good morning Maam! Good morning Classmates! Good morning! Nobody is absent today.

4. Opening song Class, let us sing There are seven days.

There are seven daysThere are seven days. In a weekIn a week. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Saturday.

5. Drill Use the flash cards with name of days in a week. How many days are there in a week? How many days between Friday and Sunday? And what is that day? 6. Review Class, kindly recite the poem Thirty days has September.

There are seven days in a week. One Saturday

Thirty days has September Thirty days has September, April, June and November, All the rest have thirty one. Excepting February alone. And that has twenty-nine days in each leap year.

How many months are there in a year? How many months are there in three years? Okey! Very good! Let us do the barbers clap B. Lesson Proper 1. Motivation Class, I have here a short story. The story is about a boy name Maro. Listen attentively because I will ask questions about it. I will read it twice. Marco goes to school early. He wakes up at 5:30 in the morning. He reaches the school at 6:00 A.M. He has time to play with his friends before the classes start. Questions; 1. What time does Maro wake up? 2. What time does he reach the school? 3. Why does Maro go to school early? 2. Presentation Now, we will play the game. I will call some pupils to answer my questions. The pupils who got the right answer will be rewarded. Class are you ready? 1st question: How many hands does a clock have? 2nd question: How many numbers are there in

There are twelve months in a year. There are thirty-six months in three years.

Pupils will do as told

Maro wakes up at 5:30 in the morning. He reaches the school at 6:00 A.M. Maro goes to school early because he plays with his friends.

Yes, we are! There are two hands in the clock.

the clock? 3rd question: What time do you go to school? 4th question: What is the usual shape of a clock? Let us clap our hands for your cooperation. 3. Discussion I have here a toy clock. Class look at the toy clock, what can you see on the clock? Very good! The time shown in the clock is 1:00. The long hand is for minutes and the short hand is for hours. When the long hand points at 12 and the short hand points at 4. What time is it? When the long hand points at 12 and the short hand points at 10. What time is it? When the long hand points at 12 and the short hand points at 7. What time is it? When the long hand points at 6 and the short hand points at 3. What time is it? Let us count the minutes by 5s from one to six.

There are twelve numbers in the clock. We go to school at 7:00 in the morning. The usual shape of the clock is round or circle sometimes square.

The clock has short hand. The clock has long hand. The clock has twelve numbers.

4:00 10:00 7:00 3:30

5,10,15,20,25,30 Okey! If the long hand points at six it means thirty minutes have passed. These are the ways on how to write the time; 1:00 1P.M 10:00 10A.M The numbers before the colon ( : ) tells the hour and the numbers after the colon ( : ) tells the minutes. 4. Group Activity Before we start our activities, what are the standards for group activity?

1. Listen attentively to the instructions. 2. Follow the time allotment for the activity. 3. Be cooperative in group work. 4. Behave and enjoy doing the activity. 5. Return the materials properly.

Group your self into three. Group I will draw the short and long hand of the clock to show the time written at the bottom of the clock. Group II will write the time shown on the clock on the blank beside the clock. Group III will write the numbers and hands of the clock to indicate the time written below.

Group I ( draw the hands) 1. The short hand points at 6 and the long hand points at 12. What time is it? 2. The short hand points at 11 and the long hand points at 12. What time is it?





Group II (write the time) 1. 2. 1. 2.

What time is it?

What time is it?



Group III ( Write the numbers and draw arrows) 1. 2. 1. 2.

8:00 What time is it?

4:00 What time is it? 7:00 9:00

a. Presentation of out put Each group will present their works. Groups from one to three. b. Class read the time that I will show you ( use flash cards).

All groups will present.

1:00 oclock 2:00 oclock 3:00 oclock 5. Generalization How do we tell time? How many minutes do it takes to make an hour? 6. Application Let us see if you really understand our lesson. Bring out your toy clock. You will set the short and long hands to the time I will show you. Raise your toy clock if youre done.

We tell time by hour. There are 60 minutes in one hour.

Are you ready? Yes, we are! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8:00 2:00 12:00 4:00 9:00

Pupils do as told.

7. Valuing How many times do we need to eat breakfast? What time is your breakfast? What time is your lunch? What time is your dinner? Is it important to eat on time? Why? What time do you go to school? Is it good to come on time? Why? IV. Evaluation Direction; What time shown in the clock. Encircle it. 1. 12:00 11:00 2:00

We need to eat three times a day. 6:00, 7:00 11:00, 12:00 6:00, 7:00 Yes, because our body needs food. Yes, because foods make us strong and healthy. 7:00 Yes, because we need to attend our flag ceremony.

2. 2:00 1:00 12:00

3. 7:00 8:00 9:00

4. 12:00 5:00 6:00

5. 2:00 3:00 4:00

Assignment Draw the hands of the clock to show the indicated time. 1. 8:00

2. 9:00

3. 12:00

4. 4:00

5. 5:00

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