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Avoid refined foods, saturated fats, sugars, and white flour products.

If the thyroid problem is severe it is then good to avoid brussels sprouts, cabbage, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, peaches and pears as they have anti-thyroid substances and may suppress the thyroid function. Follow a diet with at least 50 % of the foods being fresh, and organically grown to rebalance and establish a better metabolism. The enzymes from live foods help the body to maintain proper metabolism. Foods that heal include sprouts, salads, raw vegetables, and thermos cooked grains to retain enzymes which heal and feed the glands. Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as yellow vegetables, eggs, carrots, and dark green vegetables. M.U.
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concentrated Beta-Carotene, the precursor to Vitamin A and one of nature's most powerful antioxidants. Iodine rich foods that nourish the thyroid are: fish and sea vegetables such as: arame, kelp, dulse, hijike, nori, wakame, and kombu. Seaweeds are very nourishing to the glands. Zinc and copper are important in helping the body make thyroid hormone. Foods rich in zinc include: beef (range free), oatmeal, chicken (range free), seafood, dried beans, bran, tuna, spinach, seeds, and nuts. Foods rich in copper include: organ meats (range free), eggs, yeast, legumes, nuts, and raisins. The amino acid tyrosine is helpful. Tyrosine is found in edamame, beef, chicken, and fish. Soy should be only used in small amounts or on an occasional basis. Black and red radishes have been used by some doctors in the old Soviet Union as accepted medical treatment for hypothyroidism. Raphanin, the main sulphur component in radishes, is chiefly responsible for keeping the production of thyroxine and calcitonin (a peptide hormone) in normal balance. Seeds and nuts, seed and nut milks, vegetable juices (celery, parsley, small amount of carrot, Swiss chard, wheat grass) and plenty of green drinks containing chlorophyll for healthy blood are helpful. Earth's Harvest is a blend of three micro-algaes that are a rich whole food source of chlorophyll. Having a mixed vegetable juice that includes the juice of a few radishes, carrot, tomato, celery or zucchini, with a pinch of kelp may benefit the thyroid gland greatly. This juice can be blended in a blender for those who do not have a juicer. Other beneficial ingredients for vegetable juice combinations include: alfalfa, all leafy greens, beet tops, carrots, celery, green peppers, parsley, seaweeds, sprouts, and watercress. Hypothyroidism is the diseased condition caused by insufficient production of thyroid hormone by thyroid gland. Depending on the organ affected, hypothyroidism may be classified as Primary (thyroid gland), Secondary (Pituitary gland) or Tertiary (Hypothalamus). The most common cause for/Hypothyroidism is iodine-deficiency, which is the result of metabolic disturbances mainly due to dietary deficiency, resulting from incorrect food habits. It can also be caused by drugs, especially by anti depressants.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

The common symptoms include poor muscle tone, fatigue, cold intolerance / increased sensitivity to cold, depression, constipation, arthritis, thin & brittle hair & fingernails, weight gain & water retention, abnormal menstrual cycles, decreased body temperature, bradycardia (low heart rate less than 60 beats/min) etc. which may later manifest into severe complications like cardiovascular myxedema if left untreated. So what begins as a mere dietary deficiency, may lead to fatal cardiac complications! To diagnose Hypothyroidism, many doctors simply measure the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), fT3 (free trnodotyronine), fT4 (free levothyroxine), total T3 or total T4 levels in blood. To avoid all these blood tests and other complications, Naturopathy principles can be followed. A complete and well-balanced diet is of utmost importance. In the management of Hypothyroidism, patients should avoid goitrogenic food. Goitrogens are those substances that cause enlargement of the thyroid gland by interfering in the

synthesis of thyroid hormones. The foods that contain natural goitrogens include cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, soya, etc. The use of these should be limited / avoided. Raw juice therapy can be started under expert supervision. Juices of parsley, beetroot, radish, potato, banana, etc. are rich in iodine content and are beneficial for this purpose. Fats, sugars and non-vegetarian food should be restricted. Vitamin rich food (especially green leafy vegetables) should be included in the diet as it helps in the synthesis of thyroxin. Hydrotherapy treatments like hot neck pack, compress to throat and facial sauna followed by short cold applications aid in stimulating TSH. Full wet sheet pack (upto sweating stage) can be used. Hot water drinking is also advised (but limiting to the period of treatment). Enema can be given to get symptomatic relief. Exposing the body to sunlight will increase the metabolic rate, increase blood circulation and help in the absorption of calcium and phosphorous. This is beneficial in hypothyroidism. Sunbath should be approximately for 20 minutes and should be avoided in the afternoon. Neck massage is contraindicated in hypothyroidism, but massage to head, abdomen, limbs etc. is advised as it helps in increasing the BMR. Exercise is an important aspect in the management of Hypothyroidism. It increases tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormone and stimulates thyroid gland secretion. This is especially important during rawjuice therapy as it keeps check of BMR. Physical activity like walking, cycling or swimming for 15-20 minutes daily proves beneficial. Yogic practices like vipareeta karni mudra, sarvangasana followed by matsyasana, ushtrasana, shanshakasana breathing (rabbit breathing), sukshma vyayama like grihva shakti vikasak (neck exercises), setu-bandhasana (bridge pose), simhasana (with tongue lock) etc. Pranayama like Bhastrika, Kapalabhati, Ujjayi, nadi suddhi, jalandhara bandha are advised. Yoga session should be concluded with relaxative and meditative practices. All Yoga practices should be done under expert guidance. Naturopathy does not prescribe any kind of medicine. Treatment through Naturopathy usually takes 3 weeks to begin positive effects. Hypothyroidism can be controlled thereafter with proper dietary habits, sunbath and exercise as mentioned above. You can visit any Naturopathy clinic near your place and start treatment at the earliest. The cost of treatment and duration can be enquired there itself. NIN does not have in-patient facility at present.

Tags: hypothyroidism

Natural Thyroid Treatments and Thyroid Home Remedies

Often attributed to increased physical activity, patients affected with thyroid abnormalities
should go for complete rest with proper dietary routine and relaxation.

Certain relaxation techniques pertaining to 'yoga' and 'pranayam' serve to restore the
balanced functioning ofthyroid glands.

Certain food items containing preservatives, white flour products and stuffs high on sugar
should be avoided bythyroid patients.

Food rich in Vitamin A such as pumpkin, green leafy vegetables and carrots add to the
balanced functioning ofthyroid gland.

Diet should consist of sufficient helpings of fruits, sprouts and vegetables. Carbohydrates other than those contained by potatoes and whole wheat products should be avoided. Cakes, pastries, sweets and other calorie rich items should be avoided.

Walnut which is rich in iodine and magnesium contributes to the balanced functioning
of thyroid gland. 'Kelp' an iodine enriched sea weed belonging to the genus of algae is beneficial for both forms of thyroid malfunctioning. The sea weed can be used as an item of garnish as well as one for flavoring soups and salads. Like 'kelp'- Irish moss is also helpful for thyroid functioning. Another weed by the name of 'sushi' is also helpful from the point of view of hypothyroidism. The iodine content of the weed contributes to restoring the misbalance caused on account of hypothyroidism. Regular consumption of coconut oil added to milk, with two spoons being added to a cup of milk is another home remedy geared to the rectification of thyroid functioning. As part of rectification of thyroid functioning with natural remedies; sometimes the affected persons are advised to go on a juice based fast. This is done with the purpose of cleaning the system. Thus his diet then may consist of fruits juices such as apple, grapes and pineapples being served after every three to four hours. After five days of being on juice; he may be advised to include milk in his diet. There after he can go for proper balanced meals with insistence on fruits and vegetables. It is advisable that a person afflicted with thyroid malfunctioning should go for salads made out of sprouts, cucumber and carrot. Cucumber is very effective for patients diagnosed with goiter- a disease resulting from hypothyroidism. Besides including whole wheat as part of the carbohydrate consumption; if one is unable to avoid rice; the unpolished variety of rice should be included. But it is advisable to have it limited to once a day. Herbal tea with ginger is also beneficial for thyroid functioning. In fact, beverages including coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohols should be avoided by patients afflicted with thyroid disorders. In its place herbal tea may be an alternative option. Barley and oats are also some of the healthy options for patients afflicted with thyroid functioning. Watercress with its enriched iodine content is also beneficial for thyroid malfunctioning. Regular consumption of water reed and lotus stem is also beneficial for thyroid functioning.

For patients afflicted with goiter, exhibiting swelling around their neck; dandelion leaves with a touch of clarified butter may be wrapped around the affected region. Application of watercress's paste on the enlarged neck is also an effective remedy. For patients afflicted with hypothyroidism, it is imperative that along with medical counseling they include in their diet sufficient helpings of egg yolks, yeast and offal on account of their heightened copper content. Those afflicted with 'hyperthyroidism' should go for food items whereby they can block or obstruct the hyper activity of the gland. Thus their diet should consist of items such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and kale. These vegetables contain in them the essential 'blockers' which obstruct the hyper functioning of thyroid glands. Latest scientific research conducted on the malfunctioning of thyroid reveals the significance of certain marine plants in respect of striking balance in endocrine function. Phytoplankton and lyceum berry have been found to be useful in restoring the much needed balance.

Diet and Lifestyle Advice Take adequate quantities of milk in your diet. Increase intake of rice, barley, Bengal gram, moong dal and cucumber. Coconut oil helps in improving body metabolism in thyroid patients. Avoid heavy and sour foods. Some Home Remedies Mix equal quantities of long pepper (Pipali), black pepper and dry ginger powder. Consume half teaspoon twice a day with lukewarm water. Chew Licorice (mulethi) and Black Pepper in a 2:1 ratio three times a day.

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