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1- Escala Mayor Superposicin de quintas C - G - D - A - E - B - F(#) Diavolo in musica y ordenado queda la escala mayor C-D-E-F-G-A-B 2- Escala Menor relativa

Es la tercera menor A menor es 3rmin de C, asi pues A menor es; A - B - C - D - E - F - G 3- Major pentatonic or pentatonic scale. Superposicin de quintas C - G - D - A - E y ordenado da C - D - E - G - A Root - whole - whole - minor 3r - whole - minor 3r 4- Minor pentatonic or blues pentatonic (relativa) Tercera menor A-C-D-E-G 1-3-4-5-7 Root - minor 3r - whole - whole - minor 3r - whole Blues scale Add #4/b5 a la menor pentatnica. A blues A - C - D - D# - E - G ex. C (Do) C-D-E-G-A C - Eb - F - G - Bb C - Eb - F - F# - G - Bb Pentatonica Pentatonica menor Blues

Minor Chord Scales for minor chords Take Major scale and lower the third and the seven a half step or Make the root of the minor the second of a major, the spell the major begining by the other. ex. Dmin7 Major scale (D)

D - E - F# - G - A - B# - C Minor chord scale for Dminor7 D-E-F-G-A-B-C Dominant Chord Scales for major or dominats(7) chords Take the major scale beginning with the same root and lower the 7th by a half step. ex. G or G7 Major scale (G) G - A - B - C - D - E - F# G Domina Scale G-A-B-C-D-E-F 24 Permutations 1-2-3-5 1-3-4-5 Major and Dominat "7" Minor

If a chord has an alteration such as flat 9 or flat 5, make the appropriate alteration in your permutation. Nine is the same as two. C7 C7b9 1-2-3-5 1-2b-3-5 C-D -E-G C-Db-E-G

Cm7 Cm7b5 (Co)

1-3-4-5 C-Eb-F-G 1-3-4-5b C-Eb-F-Gb

Cm7b5 uses a natural 9 ASSIGNMENT I For Major 2-1-5-3 3-5-2-1 5-3-2-1 For Minor 3-1-5-4 4-5-3-1 5-4-3-1

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