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Meconium plug syndrome

failure to pass meconium in the neonatal period with clinical symptoms of abdominal distension and vomiting. There is no organic obstructive cause, hence this is also termed functional intestinal obstruction in the new born. Causes include prematurity, maternal diabetes, traumatic delivery infection, jaundice, drugs, and Hirschsprungs disease. The initial plug of meconium when passed has on its tip a white cap of uncoloured material.The radiograph shows distended bowel with gas in both large and small bowel. There may be fluid levels if decubitus films are done. A water-soluble contrast study is both diagnostic and therapeutic. The contrast outlines the plug of meconium in the colon, usually in the rectum or sigmoid colon (Fig.1), which the infant will usually pass, thus relieving the obstruction. A small left colon syndrome is a variant of the meconium plug syndrome. A small number of children presenting with delayed passage of meconium will have Hirschsprung's disease, so a rectal biopsy is often performed to exclude it. The condition is very different to meconium ileus where the obstruction is in the terminal ileum. See small left colon syndrome, meconium ileus
meconium plug syndrome, obstruction of the large intestine in the newborn caused by thick, rubbery meconium that may fill the entire colon and part of the terminal ileum. Symptoms include failure to pass meconium within the first 24 to 48 hours after birth, abdominal distension, and vomiting if complete intestinal blockage occurs. A barium enema indicates the presence of a plug and in most cases dislodges it from the bowel wall. Subsequent gentle saline solution enemas may be needed to expel it. The condition may be an indication of Hirschsprung's disease or cystic fibrosis. See also meconium ileus.

Terapi Pengobatan diberikan sesuai etiologi. Pada sakit berulang fungsional pengobatan ditujukan kepada penderita dan keluarga bukan hanya mengobati gejala. Tujuan pengobatan ialah memberikan rasa aman serta edukasi kepada penderita dan keluarga sehingga kehidupan keluarga menjadi normal kembali dan dapat mengatasi rasa sakit sehingga efeknya terhadap keaktifan sehari-hari dapat seminimal mungkin (Tabel 7) Kadang-kadang diperlukan pula konsultasi ke psikolog dan atau psikiater anak. pemeriksaan obat seperti antispasmodik, anticholinergik, antikonvulsan dan anti-depresan tidak bermanfaat.
Apakah achalasia itu? Achalasia adalah suatu penyakit jarang yang mengenai otot esofagus (kerongkongan/saluran penelan makanan). Istilah achalasia artinya kegagalan untuk relaksasi dan mengacu pada ketidakmampuan dari spinkter esofagus bawah (suatu cincin otot antara esofagus bawah dan lambung) untuk membuka dan membiarkan makanan melewatinya masuk ke dalam lambung. Sebagai akibatnya, pasien dengan achalasia mempunyai kesulitan dalam menelan makanan. Apa penyebab achalasia? Penyebab achalasia tidak diketahui. Teori-teori penyebab meliputi infeksi, keturunan atau abnormalitas sistem imun yang menyebabkan tubuh sendiri merusak esofagus (penyakit autoimun)

Esofagus terdiri dari otot dan saraf. Saraf mengatur relaksasi dan membukanya spinkter juga gelombang peristaltik esofagus. Achalasia mengenai baik otot maupun saraf esofagus, namun, efek pada saraf dipercaya yang terpenting. Pada achalasia awalnya, peradangan dapat tampak di bawah mikroskop pada otot esofagus bawah, terutama di sekitar saraf. Ketika penyakit berlanjut, saraf mulai berdegenerasi dan akhirnya menghilang, khususnya saraf yang menyebabkan spinkter esofagus bawah relaksasi. Pada tahap lanjut penyakit, sel-sel otot mulai berdegenerasi, mungkin karena kerusakan saraf. Akibat dari perubahan ini adalah spinkter bawah tidak bisa relaksasi dan otot pada esofagus bawah tidak bisa melakukan peristaltik. Bersama dengan berjalannya waktu, esofagus meregang dan menjadi sangat lebar (dilatasi).

About Pyloric Stenosis

Pyloric stenosis, a condition that may affect the gastrointestinal tract during infancy, isn't normal it can cause your baby to vomit forcefully and often and may cause other problems such as dehydration and salt and fluid imbalances. Immediate treatment for pyloric stenosis is extremely important.

Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the pylorus, the lower part of the stomach through which food and other stomach contents pass to enter the small intestine. When an infant has pyloric stenosis, the muscles in the pylorus have become enlarged and cause narrowing within the pyloric channel to the point where food is prevented from emptying out of the stomach. Also called infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, pyloric stenosis is a form of gastric outlet obstruction, which means a blockage from the stomach to the intestines. Pyloric stenosis is fairly common it affects about 3 out of 1,000 babies in the United States. It's about four times more likely to occur in firstborn male infants and also has been shown to run in families if a parent had pyloric stenosis, then an infant has up to a 20% risk of developing it. Pyloric stenosis occurs more commonly in Caucasian infants than in babies of other ethnic backgrounds. Most infants who develop symptoms of pyloric stenosis are usually between 3 to 5 weeks. It is one of the more common causes of intestinal obstruction during infancy that requires surgery A surgical procedure called pyloromyotomy, which involves cutting through the thickened muscles of the pylorus, is performed to relieve the blockage that results from pyloric stenosis. The pylorus is examined through a very small incision, and the muscles that are overgrown and thickened are spread and relaxed.

The surgery can also be performed through laparascopy. This is a technique that uses a tiny scope placed in an incision in the belly button allowing the doctor to see the area of the pylorus. With the help of other small instruments placed in nearby incisions, the surgery is completed.

Most babies are able to return to normal feedings fairly quickly, usually 3 to 4 hours after the surgery. Because of swelling at the surgery site, the baby may still vomit small amounts for a day or so after surgery. As long as there are no complications, most babies who have undergone pyloromyotomy can return to a normal feeding schedule and be sent home within 24 to 48 hours of the surgery

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