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WRD103: Composition & Rhetoric I, Autumn 2013

Revisions versus Proofreading

Proofreading & Editing:

Addressing Lower Order Concerns

Grammar Spelling Proper and appropriate formatting


Addressing Higher Order Concerns

Organization & Structure Refining focus on purpose, audience and/or supporting claims Re-envisioning for a new purpose and/or audience

The Role of Proofreading in The Final e-Portfolio

All sections should be thoroughly proofread & edited There should be no spelling errors, typographical errors, or simple grammatical errors

Mechanics will account for 25% of your final ePortfolio & Reflection grade

Major Revision Assignment

Substantial Revision of either the Writing Protocol or the Rhetorical Analysis Will appear on the ePortfolio as its own section labeled Writing Process: [Essay Title] Will include:

Reviewed Draft with partners comment (1) Peer Review Worksheets (2) Evaluated Draft (with or without comments) Revised Draft Additional Artifacts demonstrating revision process

Major Revision Assignment

Substantial and Significant Revisions

to my feedback but also address the draft as a whole Review the rubric and assignment prompt where can you continue to build on previous successes?

Digital Presentation No spelling errors

Major Revision Assignment

Read Chapter 4: Reviewing, Revising, and Editing in The St Martins Handbook Email me ASAP to let me know if you plan on revising the Rhetorical Analysis, so I can expedite your feedback

revising the Rhetorical Analysis will get their feedback first

Major Revision Assignment

Visit the Writing Center! I will add 1 points to your overall e-Portfolio grade if you make a 1-hour face-to-face appointment between now and the final for your Major Revision

Just opt to have the Writing Center send an Appointment Report!

1 point? The final e-portfolio is worth 24 points

20/24= 83% 21/24= 86%

Themes & Reflections

The final reflection should be holistic (but still specific) in addressing your experiences in WRD103 as a course The final reflection must incorporate your e-Portfolio theme Focus on how your ideas, attitudes and approaches to the Writing Process has changed, challenged, or otherwise altered during WRD103 Consider the future: How might you approach writing differently in the future given this experience?

Themes & Reflections

For class on Wednesday:


a list of struggles, challenges, patterns of learning, or other significant experiences youve had this quarter Brainstorm a list of potential ways for visually demonstrating these experiences thematically Weed out cliches climbing the mountain, long & winding roads, road to success, anything with water working as reflection Identify how to visually show this through banner, color choices, and other supporting media

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