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Article Review – Guidelines and Criteria for Assessment

Read the following article:

Rangan, K., Chase, L., & Karim, S. (2015). the truth about CSR. Harvard Business Review, 93(1/2), 40–49.
Retrieved from

Review the ideas presented by the authors. Indicate your level of agreement or disagreement. Are these ideas
relevant today?  What are the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments presented?  The goal of this
assignment is for you to critically assess the ideas advanced by the authors using your own knowledge and
experience to justify your position.

 The critique should include an introductory paragraph briefly summarizing the article and a
concluding paragraph briefly summarizing the student’s position on the value/accuracy/relevance of
the article.
 This assignment should draw on materials from the assigned readings and discussion materials, in
addition to external materials, your past learnings, and your experiences.

The following criteria must be met when submitting your assignment:

 The report must be 1250 to 1500 words report (excludes Cover page and References).
 Use at-least 3 to 5 academic sources/ references. Efforts to reference academic sources located
through the library is encouraged.
 All materials must be referenced using APA style.
 Suggested structure of the assignment: Introduction, Main Body (divide this work into sections and
name each section) and Conclusion.
 It should be free of spelling errors, be grammatically correct and written in full-sentences.
 You may like to explore the following links for learning how to write an Article Review:
Criteria for Assessment:

 Part A (50%) – Article Summary

 Part B (40%) - Critique
 Part C (10%) – Professionalism, Grammar, Format, Presentation Skills and references

Review of:

Part A (50%) – Article Summary

 Summarized all important points in the article

 Provided an opinion of the summarized points
 Supported opinion with reasons
 Focused discussion on most significant points
 Provided authors perspective and discussed reasons for thoughts
 Discusses required information
 Demonstrates critical thinking

Part B (40%) - Critique

 Identify most interesting concepts learned

 Discussed content significance in overall business setting
 Had examples of concepts used in personal work setting
 Gave personal recommendation with reasons for opinion
 Demonstrates critical thinking in all/ some/ few/ no areas

Part C (10%) – Professionalism, Grammar, Format, Presentation Skills and references (___ / 10)

 Grammar, formatting, accuracy, met time limit

 Presentation has all required components
 Presentation skills (Clear, understandable voice, body language, spoke – did not read or

Total Marks: __________/ 100

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