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Listening Test
Inventions of the Future



You are going to listen to a radio programme about the future. Listen and choose the correct answer. ( ! " # points$

come up with% proponer, sugerir hop% bote, salto drop% renunciar a, abandonar put up with% aguantar, soportar rather% muy, bastante wand% varita mgica


&he 'utoplane was ( . a. the first flying car that was invented b. the first flying car that flew long distances c. invented by Dr Bell &he 'erocar was ( . a. designed to fly first, then drive and then fly again b. designed to drive first, then fly and then drive again c. invented about 90 years ago *aul Moller+s ,k-car ( . a. costs $60,000 at the moment b. costs $600,000 at the moment c. reaches a speed of 600 ilometres per hour If the /eather /and is reall- invented0 it won+t ( . a. blow away pollution b. be used by politicians c. rain during the day

&he host of the programme ( . a. thin s the !eather !and is a bad idea b. e"pects the !eather !and to be invented soon c. doesn#t believe the !eather !and will be invented *eople who use the Instant ,leep 3hamber will feel like the- ( . a. have slept for several hours b. have slept for only a few seconds c. haven#t slept at all If -ou use the Instant ,leep 3hamber0 -ou+ll probabl- ( . a. sleep for seven or eight hours b. spend more time sleeping and less time wor ing c. spend less time sleeping 5r 6ell does N7& think that ( . a. there is any type of movement in space b. a time travel machine is a type of invention c. there will be a time machine in the future

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