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- -.
/ /'
t o Draw and Pai nt
I /
I , \
to Draw and Paint
t:5 -
Joints and Movement 30
Miiitary Attachments
Bits and Widgets
At tachments and
Drawing and Research
Working Traditionally
Working Digitally
Artistic Rendering
Rendering Materia/s
The Whole Pracess
Deveioplng Your Ideas
art di rector: Moiro Clinch
publ isher: Poul Corsloke
o n c ~ designe<! ond produce<! by
QuorIO Publishing pie, The 0kI Br...-y
6 BIuodelI seeet. london N7 9BH
9876543 21
Iext copyright () 2006 Quorlo Publishmg pk
Imoges copyright @ 2006 Quort o Publishing pk , unless c t herwise stoted
(see poge 128)
Oesign ond layout copyr ight @ 2006 Quorto Publishing pie
ISBN 981 245-)466
Monufoctured by u ooerscr Grophics PTE u c. Singapore
PTinled by Stor Standard I ndustrieSPTE l td, Singopore
Firn published 2006 by Quorto Publishing pie
AlI rights reserved. No port of this publication moy be reproduced. stored
in o rel rieval system or I ronsmitted in ony form or by ony mec ns.
etectronlc or mecbcorcct, phot ocopying. recording. or ot herwise. wit hout
the permission of the copyright holder.
Published jn 2006 by:
Page One Publishing P nvete Limite<:!
20 Kaki Bukit View. Kaki Bukit Te<hpork 11, Singopot'e 41 S9S6
Te! : (6S) 6742-2088. reoc(6S) 67442088
Drstnbuted by:
Page One Publlshing Privote Limit ed
20 Kaki Bukit View. Kaki Bukit Techpork 11. Singopore 415956
Tel: (6S) 674 2-2088. u : (6S) 67442088
proj ect edtcrs: Trisha Telep, Lindsoy Koubi
ort edit or ond design: Cloire Von Rhyn
ccpy editor: Chris Middleton
ossistClnt ort dtrectce: Penny Cobb
picture researcher: Claudio rete
proofreader: Ovistine VoU9hon
indelt er: Pomelo Ell is
ROBOT FOUNDRY 38 Medved Production Type 62 Martia! Quefler 100
Basic robots TA5-21 Needle Encyclical PUfger 102
Emule M24 Hausen 66 Orbital Delegate
Adiuvo Organie General-Use So/dier 68 BountyHunter 5HK300 106
Mankeybat Hephaestus' Anvif 70 Samurai Guard 108
PAH558 MKI: Maln Battle Walker 72 Assistant robots 110
Prototype Haver Robot Subhunter Ad/uvo Mark IV 112
Fattybot Elektrogrod 76 Karakuri
Manta Urban robots 78 The Golem 116
Mifitary lncursion Robot Nanobot 80 Witch Puppet 118
Predator 50 Poaory-tme Worker 82 Gentleman Gardener 120
Wheel- E 51 Indutex Urban-Renewal Bot Oomestic Angel 122
Greenbat 52 5195yr/nge 5a/nt 86 Marine Explorer Robot
Setuine! 53 Grunter 88
Dod/ Nakatom/ C1erk 90 Index 126
Brainbot 55 Off World Trader 92 Credits 128
Military robots 56 Law & arder robots
Brass uon 58 5teel Lotus Tank Caimer 96
Panzerfluch Ausf G 60 The Exterminator 98
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In 1921 Karel Capek wrote the play RU.R m which he took
the Czech word 'robota', meanmg 'enslaved labour', and adapted
it , creatmg the term 'robot' We live m a time m Wh1Ch robots
are becommg pervastve, and yet the robot is still prrmer-ilv
regarded as existinq m the domain of scrence nction Robots
are unique in this respeet, straddling the realms of fantasy
and reality. Although they exist m our world, the word 'robot'
tends to immedtatelv conjure up unoresstons of tuturistc
technology or tantastical alchermcal acmevernents
This book is an expansive reference for both beginner
and expenencec arnsts interested in creatmg their- own
robot art. To start, the book details robot-art bastes,
glVmg you a tarmnentv with general techmques and
approaches that can be readily appli ed to most types of art.
Many of the robots have been created byartists
other t han me, with their' own opimons and methods
Some of these ar- ns.s work trad1 tlOnally,
ot hers dig1tally, and some, as 1 do, use
a combmation of t he two While t he
terms and tool s may d1ffer, t he ar-tisti c
ervice 1S applicebte to any robot
artwork Oon't be afraid to sirr.plv
copy what you find here
Ench robot ls brcken down
tnto primitive shcpes. so
you con eosuy seethe
bcslc construct lon and
recrecte lt yourself,
Step-by-step description
of the drawing and
painti ng process.
- _.- --
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--- -'.. --
- -
- - -
-- -

._-".. .
,,- ' ,

... Nuts & Bolts
Thrs secnon cxoroms coosuucnon
and howto ccnceptuonze and
tender ceoetc robot ports,
Jt offersan overvtew of elements
you mcy wlsh to develop
specmccny for your own robots.
ond u cnsccsses everything from
j oint eronmb construcnon to
props ond tocts.
"' .
_ .-
-- ----


. _, ...."fI...... .
, .
,. "" ... ..h.. __.
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..... -......-.. I
............,- -.....
_ -
........_ '00 _
"" "'--""
..." .... _-"
..... __..
s . ' _ ...
........ The Robot Foundry
The eore of the bcok. thrs port describes ond demonstrates
howto drow ond point SO robots. Thc text ond vsuols guide
you through the robots catrsuc constructlon, explolning
different pointsolong the woy. vou'll be told whot t be robot ts.
where ond when it exists. ene whot It does.
" '" ......, ... "" .
- -..'--"
- -_._--

_. . R _
..... " ...,
----... --_.._.- .,-_.__.

Sketcbpcd poges int roduce
subsecnons int he ' Robot
soundry' tsee below). See how
mustrctors oeveco Ideosond
get them onto puper.
Ois<over t he concept ual
precess that went lnto
imagl nlng t he robot and
deveropl ng tt s cppecrcnce.
", ---".-
---- --_.-
_._--- __..
_._- .__.
.... ----
--,- _..-.-
". _-
_.. _..""'.,.... ""--......
-_ _...._-
_r-_, , ..
'--'- - "-- '''' ---_.--... _-
""""' ... _._ __..
-_ - -..-
.. -.--... _- ...
---_..... _....
Altemote vlews ond
rotoUons let )lOU see t he
pored-dcwn etement s of
eoch robot designo
-"- - - -.- _....-----
...--".,,- .._...

all ort site wit h 011 ocli...e ond sIUlledfOfum of ort ist s
on-li ne forum Ior the computer groph iU Indust'y
onlofM' mogolJfW 01 glllptlles gnd
a" in\pi,;ng fOfum of di<;<:ussi nq the;r "'0'\
'\OI'I\e of 1M most Irrlo9inol''<e Q.tiIU
o collKllon of ort'$l-monoged on"ne gokfiM I
high'quolity site of fantosy cnd sciel'\Ce f ietlo n urt
Tht>re 's so much useful informotion (o,
altists on rne Internet that cnrone can
do a seorcn on theirown ro find a wealth
o( inspiring material ora n(armarion.
Robots hove always captured peoples' imagi nations. The
al chemists of old were obsessed with the idea of the
homunculus: an art if icial being created by humans; a robot.
The popularity of robots has grown as we approach the age
where they are actually caml ng into being.
In any subject, there is a weal t h of artwork and creat ivity
avai lable to those willi ng t o look for it, and collecting a body
of inspirati onal material is an absolute necessity f or the
practising artist. 5imply looking t hrough much-admi red art can
open up the creati ve process, all owing your ideas to develop in
011 sorts of fantastical directions.
Novels and short stories olso offer creative inspiration.
Reading provides an excellent opport unity t o begin visualizing
and creating iIIustrations to go with the amazing st or ies
you've just read.

thouscn<h of 011 term def,nitio'" and e.amplQs
the Internet 's ortl"" lTItI'leUm
a g'eoI placef<x 'eseorchong Y"H": wtl;e<:t mallO!!'
+ +www.spectrumfantast
t tt lile besl in fanlaslil; crt

1N S P1 1 ~ A T I U N
Aslong os you are prepored to
do sorne thorough secrctunq.
the Internet can be a qreot
source for robots.
Oneof the the best scurces
for conceptual mspucncn.
reading books iso funtcsnc
way to exercrse your mental-
veoonzctton musces.
Want te oeveiop a tonk robot?
You snouid probably hove o
rcokal sorne documentaries
featuring existlng tcnksbefare
you try to create your own
verseo from scratch.
Take msprrotton from soeousts:
occpt toe efficient ene compie
evoiutoncry structures found In
roture ter use In your robots.
With the potenttcl to be the most
inspiring cnd engrossing of 011media.
cinema should oot be ovencoked
"." '"'
i, ' 1'11 li
II,li !II'.!lw
Graphlc novels
A gold mine of extremely original robot
reference ero inspirctlon, graphlc novels. as
well as Manga, tend to be exceouonoy
wej-versoo in rcoonc art.
~ .
. ~
C1assical art school s once st ressed to pupils that one of the
best ways t o learn t o make ort is t o st udy pre-existing art oI t' s
0150 true that simple, repetitive pract ice can reap great results.
Life drawing is one of the prime staples of art education.
Although the drawing of nude figures may seem t o be
somewhat di sconnected from the production of robot ic art, it is
a necessity. You will need t o underst and the t hree-dimensional
form and its interactl on wit h the environment in arder to gain
a mastery of rendering st ruct ure in 011 klnds of arto
Maintaln a consistent portfolio of current ortwork at 011
t imes. Aim t o replace your least favourite pieces and ' clean
house' occasionally to continually improve your portf oli o.
Reseorch and explore new oreas; constantly bombord yourself
with inspiration from unlikely places. You never know when
inspirati on will st rike.
The most out landish designs always
requlre a beevcbte grounding in
reality. This basic believability adds
support t o the weird and wonderful,
and research is a necessity in sclence
cton, Proper resecrch methods help
an ar tist t o form a more we-develcped
visual vocabulary and to creote an
image lrbrcry from whkh he or she can
draw in the future.
The Internet
Easily the most st reamli ned and
efficient resource. often one can fl nd
al most immedi ately more t han one
needs. An organized couectton of
bookmarks that grows over t ime can
become a personal ized library that t he
artist revisits with familiarit y.
Applicati ons available f or download or
purchase can allow the crttst to scve
whole galleries and webpages and
then t o customi ze them as a unique
data bank fcr reference.
One of the best t ools for visual
resecrch ts the imoge secrch engi ne.
Always mcke sure t o go through the
A simple ) 0 mcx:kup
might even be helpful to
set up os reference for
shoding ond poslng. or
for ttM! persptlve in
th e final ortwork.
) 0 modell ing can oi d
you in the hobit of
thinking of the whole
form of your designs.
'rhe )0 model will olways
lose sorne of the Hvellness
of t he or iginol dro.wl ng.
. Tryto ensureo. .:-_... , .....
deqree of mterest
despite tll is Ioss'r-__
I .

The concept sketchshould
otways conteo os much
explcrcnoo cnd detc os
possible. Thrs will help
modeUer whil e sculpung.
Ir the robot yau're designi ng is nt ended
{or repeated ese, t hen i t's probably a
good idea l o lay down sorne basle
rotations ro cene- understand us
structure. These ratarions wmgive you a
Tererence to tootc back ro when working
on the robot , ensuring tha( visual
consistency s mointained. TheY'11a/so
gel you accustomed ro the robot {rom
several angles ond ecve you wi t h a so/id
mental impression and ot
the robot fOf {uWrf:' work. Rotarions are
help(uf tor animotion and 9roup proj ect
WOfk: they ef(eaively expkun rot he
animaror, O( ro orhersworking on the
projec! . how t he robot mo ves and which
oans of the robot can mif! ortransformo
cdvcnced image search opnon. Set t he
image size t o ' medium' or ' Iorge'. This
will ensure that the results or e usoble
as visual reference.
-11's usuoliy o good idea to be overty
speclc in the seorch field ot f irst ond
then to generolize if more result s are
needed. Try mony di fferent variant s if
result s are peor.
_Using +. - and H" modifiers can help
narrow down the secrch (see the
secrch engine FAQ or t ips sectjon).
Sccn through t he thumbnails
present ed until somet hing catches
your eye.
- Chcnces are t hat when you find a
great rncqe. t he page tt's from will
cont ain more of what you 're look ing
for. so don't forget t o look around if
there's more t o see. It's great t o f ind
images using t he search engine, but
fi nding a whole website that cddresses
your research goals ts what you reali y
want . The srte might also hove a
secuon of links t o other, similar srtes.
Agood, image-heavy book can
give an crtst immediote cccess
t o a number of high-resolution images.
A f ew good books, as appli cabl e
reference, are t ruly involuable t o on
artist 's work. Alt hough t he tosk of
finding exoctly what one needs can
be both t edious and expensve. t he
payoff is olways wort h t he hunt.
When a good reference book s
found the ortist has acqui red a
resource t hct can be ccnsstently
retu rned t oo
Life observation
Technicall y, this method of resecrch
will always bri ng the best resuft s.
The problemts the crust's abili ty to
ccqure fi rst -hand access t o t he place
or sttuctlon needed. Ti me is al so a
const rai nt when using real -Iife as
reference. Peopte and sti li Iifes tend
t o be the best subjects for personal
observation as a method of reference
ond resecrch.

Pract i se drawing
Simply producing frequent
representot ive dfOwings is o
pefect woy to procnse. Keep o
nctetook ero drawyour robot from
o vmiety of different angles and
ever-dlanging perspectwes,
A ]-0 represent ot lon
of your robot con olso
present proport ion or
design f10ws not
f oreseenduri ng t he
20 development.
Keep d ese notes on
sccse. eeccuse G ] 0
rnodel quickly becomes
dlvor eed f rom ony frame
of reference.
- ->-
l . _o. - ._-

f'bldr ,>
-... . _ vr.btoJrl
. .. oC'>.'

_ SEN<oo<

_ """... '" 'w. ...l The ] 0 f orm should
" " 'hf
t ,..,..,& <,( ........o6oU encopsu o e e orm
4 .. N ....... of the robot, givlng o
sl lght ly chunkier
cvercIock t o
t he pece.
Text notes
Saibbling wntten detos ond notes con be
tbe quiCkest way to ley down ideos or expond
on o visual cernerain the orto
.. Imbalance
Don' t use an extender
on Q long peoot It will
add too much weight.
Trade t ools
Blue Co-Ercse
con be oseo ino
lf(x:litional. Of o
rncchoruco! verston
Blue Col-Erase pencils
Commonly used by animotors. blue
Col-Erase pencils are cvcncble from
severcl di f ferent peneil monufocturers.
They' re disti nct from grophi te in that
t hey are far less di sposed to smudgi ng
and smearing. When scanned, thei r
colour can be desat urated and
resaturated in whatever hues the artist
destres. A wide range of colours are
available in Col-Erase. but differing
binders and pigments can result in a
nctf cecbly varying soft ness and feel to
the penen (expenrnent. keeping in
mind t hct the actual colour of t he
penen ts urumportcnt).
Peneil extenders
Simple progmatism: with ext enders
you can run your pencns down much
farther. Avoi d ustnq t hem far sweeptnq.
gestural drawing as their balance and
erqonomtcs lecve something
to be desired.
Relat ively st andard white eraser refills
ore made bot h for normal halders, and
for elect rtc ercsers. Ensure t he quality
of the eraser before buying because tt
can vary widely. Good quality eruser
sucks tend to be whiter and sof ter than
thei r extremely poor, harder and
yellower count erparts. The regular
holder can be useful for lrnrnedi ct e and
precise ercsfnq. but be sure thct t he ttp
Is deon t e cvord smudging. The electnc
eroser spms t he tp of the eroser ond is
an extremely fast and ef ftoent woy of
erosmq heavy pencrl work, whil e sttll
being quite qent le on qucnty paper.
o o
... Al! shapes and sizes
Find youf personal p ereerce
omong the many types of
ercsers ovonoble.
O Electnc enser
f) Bevejeo eroser in holder
Q Standard ercser
oGum emser
oPutt yercser
and spontaneity, more so than the immediat e aesthet ic
advantage derived f rom troditi onallinework.
Traditi onal mediums possess en inherent advontage ayer their
digital counterparts: visual complexity. The algorithms involved
in imitating a pencil's line on a computer cannot yet come
close t o representing the complexity t hat a pencil on paper con
produce (eventually t his will be overcome) , By simply scanning
the image, a slight choke paint is introduced and sorne of its
complexity may be lost. Certain tasks (masking, far example)
present no material advantages in troditi onal procedures and
should be relegated solely to digital process. Traditional and
digital mediums should be recognized as noncompet it ive
elements serving differing roles, appropriately matching the
desires and needs of t he art ist. The digitalli ne may be far
more voluable t o sorne artists as it concerns smoot h workflow
... Tint ond textura '-
o Icxtured, handmode ccper
o Smooth white paper
o Watcrcolour pcper
o Tinted pcper
Extra sharp
If you find t he e ecnk
shorpener insufficient use
sorne emery board te toueh
up the end of your pencj.

Pictured here rs o vcrtety of 250gsm
paper, 011 of it good quality, wit h O
slight t exture. Agoin. experiment with
different papers to see if you prefer a
smoot her or rougher texture. Paper
should be heavy and t ouqh enough to
handle repeoted ercsure and drowing.
Electric sharpener
Ensure thot t's the helical vcri ety and
not simply a rotati ng blode. Whi le
certoin peneil tips (soft-edged. ete.) ore
better ccheved with a crcft kmfe, o
good quolity electrtc sharpener is
extremely usefut for generol sharpening
tesoecrouy in bctches).
Experiment with different t ypes of
boar d t o f ind t he drawing surfoee t hot
suits you best. one thct's resuient
enough not t o bend.
~ l J
Lit tle bps li lce this con, cumu/otively,
save huge amounts of t i me, time thot
con be spent on a ctual art worlc and
not the frustrating mi nuri ae of
the craft.
rrs a good idea (beforehond) to hove
a series o{ pencils olreody shorpened
ond shorpened for di{fering roles
(while ;! only reses a moment to
shorpen a pencil, i! sWI can break
ortistic momentum).
Mount ort work on a seri es of
hordboords. This keeps the ortwork
backed with a surfoce te drow on. in case
you wanr to shi{! locat ions, ond can
ovoid domoge being done to the oopec
Some ort isrs tend to hale cotegorizi ng
t hings ond cleaning up oreas ot hi gh
oetivity. However, a simple welldesigned
sysren can help manoge a balance
between st rud ure and spontaneity.
Without ene you're evenruolly 90i ng te
lose something or need to hunt for
something while working on your ort.
Thi s effort can ettner be expended
beforehond, or you can ecve it unti/
you' re on a roll ond hove ro break it te
{iOO a replacemenr eraser.
" Base of operati ons
Chooseo base thot suns the weight of
oresscre you use with your pencil.
wood or plostiC moy be too hord.
Ligh! source positioning s importont
when you're worki ng traditionolly. You' lI
wont a bright ligh ! source coming
through your windows {rom abour a
10 o'clock pasir lon (if you are lef t
hended,(roro Z o'dock). This will minimize
cese shodows folli ng over your work.
The /orger ond cteorer the working
surfoce, rhe better off you ore. Hove
everything prepared ond within
immediote reach wirhaut cluttering
the work space. l f using painrs, or
onything thot gives off fumes. ensure
you're working i n an extremely
wellventiloted orea.
.. '

. '
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0l l
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il SOlOll "
When working digilally, il is a good idea lo proceed in balches.
If you are working on several proj ecls al once, leave l asks l o be
done collecl ively. Scanning a series of drawings 011 al once
saves l i me compared lo sel l ing up individually for each piece
of arl. Even for more manual lasks, such as digilally cleaning
up the scans, il can save lime if the work is done serially (one
l ends l o gain momenl um i n labori ous lasks, and it ' s a good
idea l o use thls bullt-up momenlum ef f lclently).
When warking digital/y, yau'U want
no /ight saurce but that coming from
your monitor. G/are and refledions
dramoticolly reduce your abi!ity re
see subtlet ies on the screen. If
working ior an extended penca, take
breaks and go ou(side ro view
obleds at varying distonces,
otherwise your eres moy become
extreme/y stroined, resulting in
problems focusl ng ond neccccnes.
Choosing the right chai r can be
extremely imf:JOrtont. It ensures that
your posture isnt too bowedwhen
working: back problems or even
compaction of the lower orgons con
develop. Repet it ive stroin inj uries
can be ovoided by regulorly
switchi ng (rom the tob/et ro the
mouse while working. lntermittently
switch projeas if rote ptocesses
are required.

seep computer fiJes alphobetical/y

ordered. Remember, wi lh numbers , l o
keep a zero as o p/aceholder for
numbf"ring systems in series that reach
at least daub/e digi ts (11j pg will be
Usted Hi gher than 1Jpg, but not 01j pg).
HOllll TO SeT UP

Your computer wtll depreoote rapidJy over time but Q
goOO monitor will bejuo;t Q<; valuable as the fust doy
you bought t. Amutti-moni tor setcp ts on exceilent
way to espord youf WOfking sooce. ero Is suprisingly
ecsyto sct up.
11- ....
Digital sket chpa d
A toblet Pe might be exceptionolly
IleIpful te the oust whoworks in a
complet ely digital rredusn


.... Gateway
The scanner is your gateway
frorn trodmoool to digital.
Ensure thot the quo1ity ot your
trconooc r sketches is not being
lost in translation.
... Picture quality
For taking protcs to use in your cu.
's best lo invest in a top-ot -the-jme
ccmerc. but fa retereoce snops, a
handy digital will be your best friendo
.... Tablet
A1though there's (] lot of room
for tedmologicol improvement.
a bese tablet rs still o r ecessory
tool for most digital ortrst s.
Digital camera
Not hing fancy Is necesscry bere: a
cheap digitol camera Is excellent for
setting up reference shots. Examples
could be how Iight fatl s in from a
wi ndow. references for f oreshortening,
and pe rspectve references.
Tablet pe
These moy be seen os on cltemctve t o
desktop PCs, or os en occompani ment
to your mcn workstation. Alt hough
thts model has no pressure sensuvny.
being able t o draw directly on the
screen has lt s advantages (especially
for t edious labour, such as masking on
image). wtth a wrreless network, 011 or t
fi les con be kept in a shared file on o
moi n comput er and cccessed f rom t he
loptop wtth ecse. This ovoids constant
file trcnsfers and the ct t enncn poid t o
which computer holds t he most
recently modified file.
Avoid scanners that are t hn. or
tout speed as a prime fect ure.
Apparently. t he hecver the
scanner the thicker t s glass
plcte. which can mprove t he
qual ity c f t he sean. Be SUTe
t he light is off when not in
use; this can save weor on
the bul b ond preserve sean
quolity. (There are usually
bulb-scvtnq feotures t hat
aut omoticolly turn off t he scanner, but
they can be unrelioble. I t's a good idea
j ust to unplug the power from the
scanner when not in use; t hrs meons
the scanner has to warm up when It's
t emed on, but t he lncrecse in longevity
Is worth it.)
Although you may want t o sean
strange materials f or use in art (wcod.
roughly pctnted textures. etc.). be
careful you don't scrotch or mark t he
glass surface in the scanner.
Atthough tbere's st ill o lot t o be
improved upon in terms of technology,
the t oblet rs o necessory too! f or
working di gi t olly. Experiment wit h
t oblet stzes, but becouse o degree of
visual disconnection wi ll olwoys be
present, o larger tablet might not be
worth Its ungainly stze or the
impediment of havi ng to use t he
keyboord ond mouse in conj uncti on
with the t oblet. On multi-monor
setu ps. ensure thot the toblet rs
designoted to wor k onJy on the
primory monitor. Use a mouse t o
cccess secondory disploys.

Tight line
GOinwtth a precise eroser and rernove
anyoverlapping uresthat remojo
too oppcrent.

Cross hatching
If youstrffen up ond try to be too ceeose
with tbe hotching. the Unes wlJI become
wavy ond strlted,

1 '
; \ :' ;
, L,

loose li ne
Don't be ctrcld to drow forms
overlapping each orbec aslongas the
UneiS light tt con be wekeo out loter.
The trk k rs to allow your motor skills to
keep the unes conSistently spoced ero
relatively srooth.
Une hatchi ng sbould always seem to
lie on t op of the ptcne rt's texturing or
shoding. If the plone has o bump, or
shfts, the hotching should toowthis
shft identicolly.
Cross hatching is a secondary
opplication of hatching thot coi ncides
with the ini t ial applicot ion. While
t rovelling ot o different unqle, t he
second set of hatchi ng must conform
to the surfoce of the plone j ust os
much os the fi rst.
Contour lines
At rst seeming formless. not ice how
ctosety t hese loose ltnes conform to t he
Jines in t he next step.
Remember tbct. olthough flct ond
t wo-dfrnensloncl. the curves of lnes
con convey a great deol obout the
f orm, whtch will beccme even more
opparent tcter in the process. AII ct her
steps rely upon t he quolity of t he
cont our line.
You will develop your own way of executing speci f lc
techniques. and the culminat ion of your differing approaches
will give your art a dstmcttve thumbprint and style. However.
befare you can use them to your benefit. first you must grosp
the f undamental f unct ions of t hese basic techniques.
Mainly functioni ng l o bring t exture.
thts light hat ching is also prevalent in
oreas of high shadow.
I f a plane shcres the sorne angle. it
should probably also share t he sorne
shading. An except ion l o t his moy
Incluoe reflect ed Iight , Of a differing
ma terial cornposltlcn
Although sui tably shaded, this secttcn
con be given even more form by
applyi ng a layer of highlighting.
Addit ive tint s of whit e run 010n9
rct sed sections c f tht s robonc Iimb
section. Thi s highli ghting adds more
contrast c nd even seems lo moke the
shading dcrker.
Glazi ng
Remember thct the cclour of the entire
prece befare glozing will show t hrough
ond affect how the glazes oppear. A
warm base tends t o give the cotours on
ctt rccuve rtchness.
Note how much colour vcncnce
result s f rom o gloze; becouse 's
oddtnve. no colour in the process s
lost . onty compounded.
Une shading
toosen up. but don' ! tecorc ccreess
with thjs apphcotiOn of Iinewort..
Basic highli gh ts
Bcsk pone stcocs are achieved al thrs
poot, but you can punch them up e httle
bit more.
Coloured ground
Start off wrth o tose textural sorrcce.
includmg o s1igh! oeqreeof incollSlstency
Digi tal shadi ng
AVOid ot terrpnnq en overly dynamie
contrast tbct may end up obsomng
importon! oetcus,
Sharp hi ghlight s
Your t ight highlighting con end up
developmq cven morecomplcx forms in
t he robot's surfuces.
Glaze coat
Be mcoecte wi th!1le shading ond
highligh!ing here. The metal rs covereoin
o layer ot poin!, so tbere will be no ghnting 01
strong rrctcmc ccotrusts,The poin! CO\'efS the
ennre material. and tre indicatiOnof us
Ofiginal compo!. ltlon rsprimarily text urat.

Spltt. stretched
lf a por! of you r
robot neeos
freedom of
movement or t he
ability t o deforrn,
you'lI want to
think ot o pot tem
thot cnows for
stret ching cnd
bendinq in most
any direcuon
Notice the colour
shfft on this metal:
the dtstmct
tsn' t sclely
mportont. Offset
il with o slight 1y
oesctorotec purpe
as u movcs mto
the shcoe.
Highiy reecuve. tnc rnctcncr will inelude
the calours of the suHounding matefiOls.
Highli ghts are extrcmely br ight white.
stainless steet
Begin a su-toce
sueh as this wlt h a
general qrodlent
that would suit an
extremery polished
surrcce. but trien
oistress It sllghtly
for a tess reecnve.
brushed 1001:. .
Sorne t ypes of
pollshed. cleon
metal surfaecs will
showo general
on its surtcce wtth
htqhly reecnvo
spots where the
surtcce has
changed (in this
case. small studs).
Extremety hccrvy contrcst ts applied bcre
w tth bnqbt. cnsp h'ghlight s.
Worn met al
t hot' s hod o
reccuon toje
place on it s
surtcce wil! beqm
to show blo tehy
potehing and a
rough t ext ure.
A/thaugh a robot can be
maae of any material the
ortlst aewes. the c/asslc form
will probably hove a mosrly
metallic composition. From
the gleaming chrome public
setvice robot . !O his rusted and
pitted sueet-sweeper
cont emporary. metal/ir robots
CQn hove a vastly varying
appearance. Both cestner
and conceptual concems will
dictare what types ot metal
you cnccse for yaur crealon.
Being a manufact ured enti t y, robots will usually be composed
of severol different moteriols t hot con often hove widely
varyi ng appearances. I mmediately one would default t o si mply
assuming t hey' re made of metal , but fi rst take a look at a car
and it s materials: note t he di fferent t ypes of metal, glass,
rubber and plastic. An inclusive materiai complexity is key t o
creati ng a believable and interesti ng robot.
Polished/lubricated metals
Shapes and structure
Not mtended f or heovy exposure. this
mateJiol con be used for eccsed
mt errcrs cnd joi nti ng.
Brass 11=]
Rcmember t hat gun metal, though drcb.
will su! ref lect the hue of local colours.
Whf>n cooered, the orsnrct noture ot the
metal comes through. Highl ights tend to
be white. and the majorit y cr colour S grey.
The trOrl'i.ition from shode to highli9ht
dtctotes t he cocer for t he whole material.
Thc JXIint covers t he entue material,.and
thc Indieot ion of ItSoflgw,ol compoSItlOfl
S primalily textcrct
Wher1 shodlng ond high1i9htlng, Ioy In
bese piones ond edging.
Be spor ing wtth shodlng ond highlights.
The metal is covered in a Ioyet" of pcmt.
so there wil l be no glinting or stlOflg cont rasto
ShOding should be overall dark, wlth st lf f
ond stork highllght s only.
Painted metal
Gun metal

Very strong unes 01 (> uucy importont
here to cnsurc o rrcctnned copeorcnce
ond dark controst for the loter steps.
Being a bcre metal, stcrt off wrth sorne
heovy dar!:.s. leove cecr oreas for the
joter apphcatlOfl of hi9h1i9hts.
Start off with o bosic textural sorrcce.
inc\udlng a shght occree al Inconsistency
Shiny laminates
Perspecve 2
Deccls will canform
to the perspecnve
from which you
draw your robot.
l he hue is mosUy feflecti ng tne Iighting
of rre eweoorrcnt. StOlkhlghlights next
to slighUy dcnercd strips glint one! srow off
the refl ective material.
Here we consee how tened down the
textUfe has become ond how the glazed
coc er is mueh more subtle than on the
metcuc surroces.
Perspeeti ve 1
Lettenrq will
dimmtsh in stze f
tbe robot is turning
from the viewcr.
l he oeccr curves
into the cepressron
of the surface on
which 's imprinted.
Notice thot no distinct surfoce texture is
used. rte b1urry qoolily ene! shlnc IS
simply the erweonment pIoying of f tbe
reflectlve surfuce.
The shoding ond hi ghlighting is gentle
even for a slightly shiny ocsuc,
rnc oecct bulges
out over tne robor's
scrtcce. ns
centre stretcnmq.
A deca/, ot tooet. is simply a rwo-
dimensional imoge laid onto a three
dimensional surfaee. A simple way to
understand this s te imagine the deeal
eontalned i nside a eorrespondi ng box or
grid. When tnts box Is /aid (Iat oves the
surfoce o( the object, the decal will
curve and de(orm in o consistent
manner to that o( the box. Note how
the curve of the contalnment box o/so
corresponds rethe contour hatching
applied earlier.

The linework rs seJVing tbe forro priroori ly.
une lne!icat ioo reees l O be glven of ee
material ct this pont.
wberecs initiol1y texux ed much like
pontcd metal. this is more ter definitioo
of form ond willloter be tooed down heavily. .
You can use pre!ty much cny materia/ that comes to mind lo
construct yOU! weirder robots. You may hove o greot visual
psaure in your mind of a robot made o{ sponge. Just make sure
l hal yoU! backstory serves t his i nirial visionoDon 'r beafraid lo
try things rha! may initially seem ridiculous. Use yOU!
imaginarion and do sorne rE'SeQrch te make}tOUr implausible
idea usable.
Overl aid pattern
The actual material may be
unimportant if tbe robot rs
oeccrcteo wit h a pat tern for
ceremonial recsons.
Amorphous material
Your robot might be mode of a
decr material, hke water, that
can form shapes, ond even
functi on as oqocnc camoflauge.
A goIem Of magicolly aeoted
robot may be made of stone or
sorne cther eort by material thct 's
cnnrcteo bya sorcerer.
Orgonic shells or ccrcpcces moy
be val grown ond used in O
pouoy orgoni( robot. giving il
the ccceorcrce of O oustccecn
Iridescent fibre
Materialssuch os moescent
synthet; fibre weoves give tf-e
impression of extremely
sopbsuccted technology.
P1astia 10mdeceptfvely casy ro
render. but their particular
speculOfity ond bues ore often
quite unnotural ane! dfficult.
If your robot iS heovily cnrocred
it may be plcted in ceromcs such
os boron corbide. which of fers
inCledible ballistic protection.
Soft foam rrotencts can be used
on robots that occrwit h people in
a descote fashion-o cnnd's
robonc nonny, tor ostcrce.
Sorne primitive robots may be
constnxtcd wit h wood, of which
there are many vcnonts. Cnoose
an exoct texnae. colour and type.
Transparent film
lay a textured, ocst filmover
your robot 'ssurfcce. Light und
shadow will be tbe ooly things to
ndieate tbrs neor invisible film.
l 00sen up cnd keep u-e sbooes flowing.
Une weight should vary greotly.
Thc shading handles more of the soft,
smoothly textu-ot sctcce. rather thon
using the Uneto ccneve this.
A lot of worm colour vcncuon rs used ~
the organie material, ero a sbght sture IS
given to indicate rnotst uie.
/ .
, r
, ____ o
?,"1ll ' 1
Tightened contour Une
l. The fmolhnesorelctd in ct thls steo. ero
" thrs contour will show in tbe final pece.
sotake ccre. AlI the majar structues coo
detcls are rendered at t his peor. from tbe
stcoe of t he large leg p1ating to the interna'
sockets visible in the pelvic gap.
loose Unework
Recognizable elements of tbe robot tcke
snooe ct ttus pont. Remember te keep
tre linework light in thrs step. Detous that
hove not yet been concetvec need te be
developed al t his poot. soloke your t ime,

Although the
drowing ls comiog
/1; t ogether, dcn't
.c; get complecent.
loase gesture <;;,1;--';'" ,- /
Thisstep lsbasically
laying in tbe proporf.iOOing ot
full-sze. Tbese lines wlll be corried
lhrough t e the finlshed pece. sobe
qentle with Une A1th0U9
should followthethumbnO
dcsey. thOt lile curves
andstcces should aISO result in en
jrnprovernent over the thumbnail'S.
The moio
aod joiotfl9 ls solidlf,ed
[see Joiots ood
Movemeot. p.30),
The thumbnall
The beseshapes ane! ideas ot
the rocct are conceNed 111 thlS
steo. Note the details thot oppear
in tbrs stoge: thedual syes ore ter
moremportant to the design tha
the detolls ot the arm mechanisrY\S
Ooo't be afraid lfthe
thumbnail seerns like
ncnseese to o regular
viewer: whct's
lmportant ts thot you
under-stand it. .'
On the f oll owing poges you will be gui ded in detoil throug
every step involved in the process of creoting a robot from
scrotch. This, of course, is only a si ngle, specifi c woy ro go
obout t hnqs, ond you should develop your own t echniqueS,
odding to or removing from the steps seen here. The followin9
sequence combi nes drawi ng ond pnl ntlnq,
..::rHe InIHDLe PROceS

HighlighUng will
rocecse the
reodabiflty (lf
detulled ports.
A new layer 15set ayer the top and nnts
. of white are added in preces that requtre
highlighting. Many of tte ccoeccuors of
highlightlng are as much drawing as JXI inting
and ore resultantly qui te linear.

Hatched, finished line

Thissteo uses hotehing and bolder line
defjnition l o odd a oeqree of form l o the
flat drawing. Tradil ionolty. t his is tbe icst step
before sconning the moge mt c the
computer somcee sere you' re sotisfied.
Aftef scanning, Otrcnspcrent layer S se!
cver toe top of t ne robot Block is cconeo
in oeqrees of occcny to fll in planes thot will
be darler ond ccst in shodow
The shadlng shou ld
serve os (I n Indlcator
or visual importanee,
as well as recsrn.
Remember that ji
will be eesier lo
remove Hnewcrk
In t he computer
rather th nn add jt
In after this step.


Ncnce how the
shading seems t o
li ghten. The lcss of
white as (1 contras!
crectes lhis eHect .
laying in a canvas ground
ThiSis tnestcp that .olly beqms t o bl ur
tre Une between drawing oor pa. ntlng.
Find a ground that suit:> your personal
oest hcucs (it coulc simply be o textured
poper or ccovcs) 000 o y it, multiphed. over
the drawing. Tt1is texture will set tbe cotour
cnd texturcl harmony ror tne wholeoiece.
Yourconvas ground will cdtea t he whoJe impression ondstyle
of you, off, and choosing t he ri ght ene is en extremely
import ant step. Anyt hi ng can be used. and its c rrrccroeoess
ro you and t he sui tability to the aft are yaur pri mory
concems. Ensure that there are no large contrasts be!ween
li ght and dark as thi s wi/l conf li ct wi th t he painting later on.
I f you can sean ir, i t con be usea os a ground.
Try t e avoid
simply lcyertnq
tne some colour
ogoin in tnts
second ccct.
First glaze coat
l ay trcrsocrent washes or colour ove the
robot. settlng in lorge oreasof bese hueso
The nitial gloze
coat moy seem
a nme dro b al
t hls poi ot.
Second glaze coa t
ThiSsecood depeooent 'ayer of
glazing will oecr wh reflected lght
und deaver on odded scectrctcomple xtty.
" " ":IiI
Otocals cen pefform
important fundions
of i nstant , noo
verbal ldenttcction.
Your Brainbot s now
complete and recdy
t o prctect some
important dignitaries.
Finishing st e ps
This steo will wrap up the nlsheo
prece and Involves oddlng little
cetcns, Dcccr coonccnon should plobobly
occcr al thrs st ep. os well os slight sot urotion
t weoking ond visual enects soch as LEDs and
rusti ng Of stai ning.
Thls inventory
number Is ene of
the only
' personali t y'
trcrts thct
dist ingulshes th is
Brainbot f rom t he
rest of 115 plctoon.
Wark as small ar as large as yau prefer, but the functian af this
st ep is ta lay dawn generalized designs as fast as passible whi le
focusing on majar elements and shapes. Often a thumbnail
may be so mi nimalist that anly the artist can make any sense
of t: being able to construe the fini shed product fram thi s step
is an important skill. Of course, by no means should yau limit
yourself to the design produced at this st age, and if additive
improvement s are conceived, they should definitely be worked
inta the design as the art progresses.
Orbital Delegate:
Evolut ion of function
Brass Lion:
Dramatic progression
... uere we consee tbe drcrrcuc proqresson
occurring in the developrnent of Her
Majesty' s Honouscble Bross Uon (poS8).
Initially starting os o more arachnid Of
bestial fOfm. nwos then moc1ified to a
humonoid shape.
Encyclical Purger:
Similar re-worki nqs

rz I
. ,
.. Here we see many verssorrs of tbe
Encydi cal Purger {p.102}, 011 of which becr a
d ese resemblcnce t e eccn other. No leal
thumbnoil WQS used osof inal. ond the
complet ed pece tetes e1emcnt s from
differing thurnbnctls; it olsoutmzesaspects
not yct appcaring at this stage.
..... TIle Orbi tal Delegate (p. l0l)
was ini tially more of an Orbital
Pcrcncoper. seen here as a gl ounded
soldier irccccbe of f1i ght
... The second step
shows a rotated
view of a Sl mi lOl
sooer wi th
exnoneocs qeor
for functioning
In spcce.
There ts no problem making the leap
from the ecrly stetcties and doodles
to tnu fully recnzeo robot. The ecrly
doodlesare ef fecnve ecboes of the
flnol result.
Play with silhouettes otyour design as nn
initial step. With this approach, you 'l/ ovoid
getting bogged down in detoils too eor/y.
Even in thts rough
trectment. the essenos of
tbe robot rs ccptured
,. In this de5ign the robot has been crtered
to nppccr to function exdusfvely in orbn.
losmq ony need for stcbnny or Q
ccrwennonct soldicrlike structure.
- p
... I be hunchcd or curled pcsture seemeo
mconqroous wrth t he technology and the
military cvour of the tenchne, so a moro
erect verston wos devecoed tbot becrs o
coser resenbcoce to the nshed crece.
.. SmoII crrows con be secoasa remindE'l
l o further sl roighten tbe posture.

A robot is a sum of its parts.

The details you decide to
include in your construction
are important in and of
themselves. This section will
guide you through the
construction of jointing and
articulations, through to the
devices and tools attached to,
or held by, your robot. These
details will indicate to your
viewer that your robot is lithe
or lumbering, constructive or
merely destructive.
. ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . -
Whereas an interna! struct ure can be left unspecified, one
absol ute requi rement must be adhered t oot he limbs must
move and perform their function without other parts of
the robot interfering.
A robot with a bladed weapon will seem impotent if t's
even slightly obvious t hat it cannot swing the weapon without
cutting into itself. A robot with a gun will seem ineffectual if it
appears that its range of f ire is limi ted. Take t ime t o imagine
t he robot performing its intended f unct ion (t his is f un, self-
indu!gent and extremely beneficial to the process).
Believable movement mus! be conveyed tn even the
strangest shapes orasncct cres. Such o design might not
resemble ony pre-existlng formobut with the nc/usan of
rnese basicjoints. ir should conceivably be oblc rofunction.
Realist ic joints
Combine mecbontcol elementswrtb
orccnrc curves in your robot designo
Nouce lhat the mechanicol elements
rerrcin borehke. maintaining the
JOint's functiOnal appearonce.
e e
Real anatomy
You can see in on
X-rey of Ohond thot
tbe bones ore 011
shopec to perform
scecmc fuocnoos and
con be cerned over into
robot designs. Mix and
match however you wish:
fer instonce, repect these
finger joots eight times
and use them as a rererence
for a spiderfi kerocct's leqs.
The t humb could be used as
reteerce f()( a Single.
crnccicted gunmount tnct
can movefreelyon s
cttcchment to the robot.
HumanJike movement
The red dots denote011 tbe
mcm points of art irula.tion
reeoeo for o robot to Icncuon
in a belfevoble manner.
Wlt h t hese bosiCj oints. the robot shoul d be ab/e te
function much /ike Q human being. O( course, to
dehumanize t he robot , the head could be removed O( ser
inro t he body, 0 ' the kgs replaced wirh t i t ani um tracks.
A humanoid robots' hand will
probobly follow human phystcloqy
quite doscly, especoy if designed
to perform common humon
functions (011 bese too-use would
recuse it). Note thejOinting ond
ttct. while rt could change on a
robot, how the length of the
fmqers in relonon te eoch
other Is very importont.
The middle finger is longest.
with tre ring f inger oten
being rext. followed by the
iooex finger, and finolly
the littl e finger.


Believable jointing s extremely mportcnt in a
crecnon whose art iculation ts often apeo and
uncovered for the vtewer to see. Below. three
mcn t ypes of j oi nti ng are ust rcted t hat
could be used in robotrc crt k ulcnon.
Here is a simpHstic mortise hinge, comprising of t wo sections,
with alubricated pin IUnning t hrough them (check out your
ooon. This 15 a good basis formote du nky or primitive robots
ond would hove ro be combined in sets ot al least two ro
allow (or a fu/l range o( morian.
Assembled hinge
1 I Notke thct the pln is
/ / nush wlt h the end in
{ - - tne assembled pece.

".-. :=7. .
Disossembled hinge /
A hinge likethrs is made / 1.
up of three mechanically
simple ports.
, .
Segmenting a/lows for a huge ron9' of movement a
joint (ashioned out of a tuudened casooace.
Assembled segment ed
Expenment wrth dfferent
/ / versiors of thls j oint: more
ctrnour meo", snt fer jont.

Di sassembled segmented , J
Make your j ointing as long ""
osyou want by simply ........
rcpeati ng t hrs secnon, L /
NUT5 &.. BDLT 5
.- -
Curved and rat chet ed
A workaday broce, sucn os ttus,
wauld oor Iookout of place on
any type of robot.
BUilding your robots with chunky screwheces
cnd visible bolts, con resu't in Oqrotesquely
interesting ct orccter.
When dosed, t his pod is o
selfcontoined shope,
useful fer sleek,
Open sescrne
AviSible rotating hifl9 qtves
tnc vewer an indicaUon of
howthe nozzle slides out
of me casing.
Instecd of showing
complk ot ed internals,
consder o concert lno-style
dust cover t bct hldes them.
Concealed panels and sections
A robot moy hove limbs or pcrts thot retrcct loto tts
body when not in use. Remember thot the covertnq
plote must mat ch the hale it leoves in the mcrn body
of the port. Also. t he device eontoi ned wit hin must
appeor to eorrespond with t he spoee lnsrde t he orea
of conceolment.

Slot hecd '. ' ~ Squcre head Cross head

Add vnrtety
Ccrs mernoss prodoced (by robob !) te be omrcrm
Brlng vcnety to your designs by vorying the detcus.
Screw heads
Arobot , especrcy lf rncss cssembled, moy di splay
extenstve j oint ing ustnq industrial couplings. I n your
~ s i g n s dferent screw hecds con odd vcrtety ond o
toueh of personcuty - f or mstcnce. o crcsshecd moy
give o more eomplex ond amate oppearonee t hon o
regular slot head.
Choosing the proper t ype of screw head will be
primarily up t o your aesthet ic tostes as t he art ist.
Some screws may be covered with caps that hove
thei r own shapes, ot hers may lie f lush wit h t he
surface. However, these aesthet ic choces should also
match the storytelli ng associated wit h the robot -
a hi ghly sophist icat ed robot set far i n the f uture
probabl y shouldn' t hove bi g lug nuts on it !

I n principol, t he
muscles work
identieally to those
of o humon ond
Wfap OfOUn<! t he
bone in the
confi guration.
Artificial materials
The bcroieo bres of
the mcscies hovebeen
rcplaccd with tens e
buroes of stee mesh
cable (which would
ruocuonquite similorly
to rr wsdes).
Mechan ical skel et on
Thc cnerenccsoeocteo
in t he rot ouc bones
Ole, visually speaking,
only cosmeuc, The
materials are Implicitly
dtferent. ond the 1\
j Oints ore poseo as
bemq mechcmcol.
CUl'Vt'5 of human
bones hove be-en
maintained here.
Organi c reference
Sludy human anotomy, look in
text coces and medical
oicuoocnes. to qet a sense ot
howhumon umbs funetion.

Anatomy as a
structural base
Organic refereoce can be mvclucble
even f or robot s. This skefetc l c ndrord
leg st ructure foows human onotomy
olmost excctly. creoti ng o behevcble
bcsts for bipedcllocornouon. Simply
by repl aci ng the orgonic nssue wlth
an artificial counterpart, a perfectly
human anatomi cal st ructure can
appear st range and robonc.
The napo.lm
thrower is obout
the sorne IlMgt h
os t he replaced
armoensurl ng
eese or cleoronce
when In use.
Antipersonnel fundioos
The len forearm of this robot has
been reoicceo with o napolm
thrower. The napalm supply leeos
floro the expensen chamber in the
body of tte thrower up tbe piping
t o o Iarge tonkcrctceeo to t be
rccct's left shouldel cnd scopul.
The seccrcuoo of fue! eOO weopon
adds a leve! of visual complexity te
a simple modtoaon.

This bcstc
humonoid robot
has no obv(lus
specific fundan,
; os It hasn't yet
bHn speciollzed.
l he bctsc trame of a modular robot
Humanoid for deSign and cconccnco
recscos. lhis robot is peseuec wlth
bese functiooality and me poteoncr fOl
a vcst oumber of modiccuons.
A bosic humanoid robot can be int erest ing. but it moy
lock the st orytelli ng element thot a more f unct ionolly
obvious design can provide. An artist should oiwoys
t hink obout whot his or her creotion would do in the
worl d in which it exists. Added ottochment s ond
embellishments present narrotive elements t hot
dramotically enhance t he appeal of the robot ' s designo


Survi val
fully pnted In hect resstcnt.
magnetized bclltstc pIot ing.
t his robot has becn outfi ttcd
ro si nvive ext remely
hozordous succuons. The
ormour Iays on ond cuns
oround the profi le ot the
robot, ond sun rncmtcns the
recesscty gaps io jainting
Ior rnovement.
Gaps in tlle crmour
plating aUow the
j oint s to ex and
move freely.
A orqe. extended visor qrves
t his version of t he robot
extremely covcncco visual
I uncnonouty. A primary cluster
ot tenses Ofl the vsor' s left soe
teiescooes 000 rotctes, enobling
the robot to see in a voncty of
woys. In sorne coses, this
capobillty is umueo only by
the curvcture 01tre eot n
This flxtute
could pot enticlly
be removed by
tne robot itself
in the eld.
Balanci ng eet
Whendesigning o weapon,
think about how it will
offect the rooot's
centre of gravity.
(J )

This scope would reqcr-e a
mat ching femole port on t he
robot t o be plu<ged in.
An extended borre! offers more rifling f or
enhanced accuracy, and the scope jccks straight
into the processor of t he robot. The magazine
has been shortened t o better fccrhtcte prone
shooting, and the st andard grip has been
replaced wi t h en actual robotrc hand fixture f or
the scke of immedi ate and enhanced trigger
puUs. The hand fixture would attach straight to
the wrist of t he user robot .
An independent , under-bcrrelzomm grenade
launcher has been attached t o t hrs rifle f or
grenadier rabotic infantry. An ext ended iron
grenade sight potnts up from t he gun frame. An
opened trigger f rame extends down to t he base of
the grip, allowing the weapon t o be used by a robot
with digits t hicker than t he averoge humcn's.
A robot with o st runqe, or slmply
lorge, hand conf igurot an would
need a trig9er guord Il ke this.

Depending on the sce of

t he robot, lt moy not need
t o olwoys hove th is gun
deployed prone for use.
This gun would be used by
besc, humol'lOidrobots.
Here ls a bcsic csscutt rifle; its trame and recelver
wlll remojo consistent in 011 the followi ng
denvcttons. Standard rssue. and with a universal
appli cati on in rnind, thts t rame presents a bcstc
weapon for infantry use.
A lorge box f eed of bett ed. tumbl ing rounds
replcces t he ald magazine. and a downward
direct ed f lash suppressor and bipod are f itted t o
t he end of t he bcrrel. A corrying hondle ts flxed t o
the top of t h frame for oid in loyi ng down lorge
swct hes of suppresstveftre.
To carry out its intended f unction, a robot wiii need toois t hat may or
may not be integral. The weapons t hat an offensive robot wi ii carry
can speak volumes about the robot's intentofuncti on and even
personality (in a specif ic sense of t he word). Far the sake of
funct ionality. a robot may be fitted to use int erchangeable, modular
weapons, aiiowing for a wider range of application. These t wo pages
arti st wants far the of fensive robot. The foiiowi ng weapons are
intended for use by a hurncnod, moss-produced robot.
~ _

! I



Not 011 wecpons need to be guns. In thrs sketch. thls combat
robot leons forworo, lef t st oggre,ssively dcnched. right ftst
grasping o o long military sobre, ready to swinq. The best
way to drow uut hentic looking military weupons, and to nd
Intercstmq o spnotron, is to do resecrch by looking at
hrstorkol military styles in museums and bcoks.
It's f ine to mc ke a
strange-Iooking gun,
but t ry to keep its
functlon in mi nd.
A cercrnfc bayonet is offixed to the
front of the shortened barrer, and a
folding stock can dramatically shorten
the overol! length of t he
rifl e when needed.
Thrs woul d be used
by a IIthe robot t hat
needs to move
swift ly on the eld.
The smoll est of 011
t he vcncnts, the
short bor rel mecns
it is only useful f cr
close fring.
This version has been rechambered for pistol
rounds, and t he barrer has been drast ically
shortened. A slanted foregrip has been nstalled
t o control clfmb. and a sliding stock has been
f itted (seen unextended here). Thts version of
the weapon would be used with concealment in
mind for cose-qucrters security roles or for use
by robotic tank and ortillery crews.
This rifle is for c1andestine and int ernat ionally
i!legal roles in osscssnctlon and hosttle-
terrttory reconnaissance. A large, baf f led
sound suppressor surrounds the shortened .
bcrrel. The magazine ls an under-barrel heuccl
system housing SOrounds. A padded brass
catcher covers the ejectlon port. silencing t he
action of the chcmber and collecting bullet
casings to lessen forensic evidence.
-'- -
IJ .


This section describes and
demonstrates how to draw and
paint 50 robots. The text and
visuals guide you through each
robot's artistic construction,
explaining different points along
the way. You'll be told what the
robot is, where and when it exists,
and what it does. There are step-
by-step sequences that let you see
the creative process, and each
robot is broken into primitive
shapes, so you can see its
construction and easily recreate
it yourself. Some basic robots are
shown at the beginning of this
section. t r t ~ w i t h these.

"' While stcbre. this

rccot's leg contqcrcron
suggests I1"IOYefT'lent
might be djfficult.
From 011 (Ingles
Play up your visual oecrstons when
creati ng your robot: lf you want o
st ocky. fat robot. then detcs such
as short. lumpy leqs will odd t o the
ef fect ycu're looking tor.
... This design has
ccrtooosn cenos in
tts postere.
... A jaunty pose and Q
s1ight smirkgive thrsrobot
too mudl of o cortoonishly
humon cborccter.
Simple robot s all ow for c:\, )
o wide range of approaches t
that con be att empted ( (0
ond disccrded quickly. -,
Tbrs immediocy
con result in
some pleasantly
unexpected designs.
Part s of your
robot . such os

this visor, moy

be so simple
that they have
(Ji to be monuolly
_t'l .......

- ..
\ }I l
r-;/:li:', '\J',: j .) .... -o __ /
A good design should
hove Q lct of chafOcter
even when vi ewed
t rom t he rearo
Mass-produced and
strueturally simple, sorne
robots are ereated only to
be easy to use, eost ettective
and relatively disposable
These robots offer a great
opportuni ty for you to becorne
familiar with the fundamentals
of r obot ar t Sparse detailing ,
and a basie physiology, allow
you to devel op a voeabulary of
. eor e techniques t hat will also
come m handy for ereatmg
more eomplex robots.
\. a robot
this rotund,
ensure that the arms
are long enough t o
recen oround ns girthl
A closed opening 01
met erminoUon 01
t his l imb sU9gests a
different Iuncon
when compored lo
t he ot her armo
ThiSport ed extenston
creut es (1 vacuum wit hin
t he visor t o ollow for
dehcet e f unct ions
occurri ng in t he hecd.
.... This sketch was produced with a
dramatically low viewpoint thal looks
up at the robot from the ground.
widely screcd t oes
l o (lid in supporting
the stocky body.

Desplte only hovi ng
three fingers, th is
rcbet's hands
resemble (1 human's.
Simple gra ting
visually givE!'$
t his panel e n
The angle ond bend of the orm
odd to the p r ~ s o n of the
robot being depicted in midstrlde.
The head
count erbctcnces
the moin eylinder.
The Emule con W(Ilk
cemtc rtcbly on
nptce and on on)'
uneven surtcce.
The Ieet ore flot
and st urdy t o
provlde support.
Try l o emphosile the shopeof the
object with crosshatching to moke it
oopccr more salid cnd t o gi ve on
mdrccnon of the light source.
1he crms are cimost superfluous, only
occaslOl1olly uscd for self righting ero
fer opening awkword qotes, It iS common to
see models without tte orms Iitted al all.
Streoming DGPS coordinates
ensures efficient and
cccurete navigation.
Is bosicall y u cylrnder on legs. l o gel a recnsuc
tton nd posture remember tbct this robot
ns os a bumcnotd bipedal wtth unique
Baslc shapes
The Emule WQS lntroduced in 2023 os
un efficient means of coplrlg with ue
colossal amount af physical moi l trct WQS
creoteo once everyone shopped soIe1y
onnne. prepocked ct the SOf ti ng ot ce. the
copsule rs secureo and secreo. giving
complete protection to its conteras.
The ' beak' is aetuall y
a prehensile
(gripplng) digit far
opening Iettemoll:l!S.
I. l he liap
" sen f
weight d stnb
Use tbc Atrbrush or Paintbrush t oo! in
your di gital pOlntlng progromme (e.g.
Phot oshop or Paint er) to estobnsh volomes
quid ly. keeping in mind a coostcnt light
source ond hght oeecrco. Thls can be done
on o seporote layer in block and white for
now - you con co'ccree the loyer in the
next slep.
Cylinclrical head. _
Coneent rote detai ling
on oreas of rnterest .
such os the tcce.
nonds ond joints.

l . "
t hree maln vOlumes, ;\. Simplify honds ).
representlng ribcoge, ond feet . ;:'=-f':.l.
sto moch ond pelvis. 7]
"-J'- 11 \ "l.
C1ean up the shadi 9 from the orevrous step.
You con odd cour ot th toqe (o s tle. desaturated
ccicur rs orerercue.sothat ' h t' scots s h as eyes and
logos st and out more). Go ba with oso id brush to
tender oetcns ond est cbnsb ccr edges in u-e pointing.
Use tex t-wo.rping
tools in your pai nting
progromme t o crete
logos or lobels t hot
eppeor t o foll ow t he of the surfoee
on which Jt's
i mprint ed (se-e De<:ols
and l ogas, p.20).
QUid:.l y sketch t he bcs for ms with o
light grey mcrker. Once you' re happy
wrth tre pose cnd propotti ons. you con go
bock over tbe morker wi th a pen or peneil to
ti ghten up the cctcns.
Basic sha pes
Adiuvo rsa human-friendly domestiC
pescoci-cssstcnt robot. an odvonced
evol ution of eor ly t went y-brst -century robot
t oys t hot beqcn tbe se of the robot s.
This robot has a very simplified human
f ormol il e j oi nts ore 011 boll or cyllnder jojnts.
dcpending on how the relevant body
part s ore required t o move.
Use cctcur ond t exture
lo indieot e dif f erent
const ruet ion mot eriols
dependent on th e
pcrt's f undion.
Bosic shop" are
and ovats.
Arms depicted stock
straight , being used as
extra support..
Add hightight s and
scrat ch ma.ks ta the
edges of the rabot's
panels te enhance
the mecnankal look
and for a feeli"9 af
wecr and tecr.
Two indent ed circular
pIotes are al igned on a
curvt! that follows that of
the torso.
Add yellow and
blue overleys.
primorilYsphencol, the Monkcybot' s curvcc
surtores are kept as a consutcnt theme
throughout trc designoA contrcst rs crected
with angular s.egmentotion in sorne pcrts.
-- -
Shadi ng '
Pclnt in the robot's bcsc shcdows. .
Toenhonce the dynomism, two light
soerces were used for thiS robot.
Basic shapes
One of the more popular destqns
osee in robotic gladiatOfial fght s, the
Mookeybot usesrts tese humanoid
struct ure to adapt effk lently in differing
combot smcncos. I ts design also allows
human pi lats ro tcke conuo of tf-e robot
directly if needed,
I. lay' down the t oste coiours: red and green are used
..fa he bcs undertone colcurs on thts robot becouse
they cr complementcry cnd will creote en ottract ive
effect gethe
Elongated t oes
hel p t be robot stay
bolanced when
firl ng It s weapons.
_ _ Pick a " ght source
and sti ck with rt.
Consistent ..hadows
add a feeling of
weight ond dept h.
This decal fol lows t he
scme slant t hat can
be seen i n t he contour
lines defining t his pcrt's
surfoce planeo
This axi s, along with the secondalY axi s f urther down 9
crm. allows fO( a full ral'lge of movement.

Be coref ul how you use

highlight s. Too many
highlight s will moke
the PAHS 58 appear
_ t or f oke.
Outlini ng
xeepyour sketch rough ond Iight. This
wil1 hclp you work quickly cnd mcke it
eosrer to erase the penen once you hove
inlted lile dE'5ign,
-I_ /
top part of the alm;'--W /
ts largel than the rest of
the li mb becc use it
housesthe mrssue 0015.
Shadi ng
Crecte a ccnsister ubercrchy
of hlghlights and shadows.
The block shadows seen inslde
gun barreisond jaints can be
in rst os o reference pomt for
otber shodes.
AVOid usmq o mult it ude of colours in your designo
A rncin scheme of t wo cocurs wlt h one or
two accent col ours works best.
Basic shapes
Thi s robot has a orole that leeos
forward due t o t he extended cockpit .
The gun urrrrs and rossne bays are Situot ed
further t o the recr. wt1ich c es balance. The
trtplc-jomted Ieqs help it move smoothly
over rough t errain, allowing fcr both rural
and urban applications.
The bag' s cylinde,s
ore loid parollel to
eoch other to imply
the moin direction
of locomot ion.
The la rge spherical
head functioos as o
focol point to 011
the pcrts of
the robot.
, .
'0 .
l0Yin sorne
drcrnctrc full blocks
ro ccr as a touch
point for cntre
otber shading.
l. Imply o vcnety f textures in your deslqn to show
" off an the mate clsused. Shiny oreas wi ll recd l ike
chrome. 910ssand ossyprcsuc. Dull or mott afeas will
convey c feeling of etal, doth and painted sortcces.
The rooot 's pose and oYefall
composmon tell ts story. Use
expressve shoces and body postures.
Tbrs robot tckes an aggressive pose and
appeors to be prepcnrq fOf nnrruncnt
engagement with en cremy
Pointy sho.pe5 imply
o. very o.ggressive
att itude.
Basic shapes
One of tre newest eotrcnts lo the
rccouc gladiotor arena, l his robot has
petceneo admirably cven in tre prat otype
pbcse. Its relatively simple suuctcre allows
rt te obsorb buqc cmounts of domage ond
su! mcmtcm prime tuncuons.
thrusters ore
locot ed Just cbcve
the stubby Iegs.
The head 15 not
c mculcted and 15
boscally o bump
Shading protruding from the body.
Once desct urcted, tbe blue peneil
textunnq mees wrth the sharper
cootoor res, Dork-ccst shadows ond
highlights showthe drrecton of ~ : = ~ ~
the light. ~ .-,,"'-
The FoUybot
is pr lmarily o
sphere wit h t wo
long arms
el\tendi ng out .
The Fottybot s givi ng
change t o a customer
responsible for o very
small ti p.
The gruff cppecrence and
spikes appeal t o the type
of customer who would
valunt orily drink a live;, _-----
and kidney mil kshake.
Bosic shopes
The Fattybol is the carhop al a chain
of fly-in drrets run byon entrepreneur / -w'/
who ccqceeo his fortune in the dog
food industry. Its bcsretbc-stcoec
constnx ton suggesls fost food
rother than sporunq heolth.
Foundat i on
Some of the pencj work here has
bcen used l o (feote an cmbent
text ore on me scrfcce of t he robot
Use thi s 011 over t o unify the appeoranee.
Render i ng
A ur ued cctoor-scheme tres the whole deslgntogether.
Fadl ng off certcmoorts of u gives an ct mosphenc
oerscecuve that oros in the 'recocbuny ot the final designo
11-: [:
ROUOT r:OU NDR Y ass r c
The wings complete o full
shope thot's been broken in
two ploces by the londing gear.
.. ,
When o ~ l ct,
these ports wil1
complete the full
wing shope.
Render ing
l. Use mctcuc corours ond odd texturc
" Iayers to ccbreve more oetons. Dcn't use
too many colours. though. Push the volees
in order to gain contrast and crecte heavily
lit oreas that will bring out the Monto' s
shiny surfoce. Add oeccs l o fnish.
Prot rusions ore
kept horilontol
ond point ing in
the some direction
os lhe intended
poth of flighl .
Shoding wasdone digilally in
Photoshop. After choosi ng the directiOO
of light. toke o normal round brush, moke
scre to control the opodty with your grophic
pod.ond qUick!y point in the moin Ylodow
and Iight oreas. CIeon up the penei!
outlining, t oo.
The core ports of the
robot form o centre
sect ion differentioted
from the wings.
fl ush due to
The communicotl ons
orrcy rotctes ond
ret rc ct s mtc t he hull of
th e robot during flight .
A re inforced slrucl urol
une runs st rolght
t hrough the robot,
possing lhrough t he
londing geor joi nts.
Outl in ing
0 ut lining wos done in 2Bpendl
te glVC energy ond o textured
groio ro the unes. Thmkabout
mcchcnkct jomrs ond how thc
rtfercnt ports ore connected. Get the
pcrspecnve right befare movi ng on.
80sic shapes
This hovering roontrrre suoeucoce bot
has o simple, natfishlike structure. I n
tbe rext step you would just need to refine
and vory the srcoes in orcler to get more
complex scrtcces ond curves.
Smalt det cs
like smoke con
add yisual
The pelvis ts
quite sma ll. It
reolly onl)'
f unctions os o
jo nt a nd houses
hordl y cny other
lhe heed canopy
closely protects
t he rcbor's
apt ical sensc rs
during ccmbct
EYery angle shows
how the bulky arms
dominate t he desig"
ond post ule.
Two support
can nons are
fitted in tne
cnest und. bl!ing
int ended f ar
polnt -blcnk use,
hove a l imit ed
range of re .
For tase of arm
rnovement, t he robet ' s Q
chest ls longer t han It
is wide.
. .
Outl ining
1hcfe ere meoy tecnoq uesyou con use
to mokc en Irutlol sketch. Try alternot ing
between penen ond Iight grey mcrkers. The
lmeswil l be eosy te removewhen you sccn
your inked drowing.
Shod ing
Be sure to use
Ovcnety ct are
W(>ights when inking your
final drowmq. This helps
add mterest ero gives
more voIume to youl
shapes. Use a set of
dffereot-sced pens
to seouenucuy bui ld
up your nneweight.
BeVelled edges tend to pick up more IIght and qtveyou
a good opportunny to add sorne highllghts. Thejomts
are perfect plcces to odd rust ond grime. Tint mtcmclsnes
to make them seem endoseo.
8asic shapes
Fundamentally humanoi d in stcce. t hjs
intelli(}enl foot sokrer shows mcny signs
of itsclase physlcol-ccmbnt role. Jolnts und .....o:t[:;']
limb segmentsare humnn-bosed. und these
should be familiar lo on crust when WOf king
on this designo

Add detcns so that

eccn fecture of the
robat looks fon ct lonol
ond bellevcble.
The recr of the gun
extends further back
than the muzzle
protrudes (f or aiming
clecrcnce recscns).
The exhaust pert s show fOf
more wecr than the ot her
seccns of the robat, and
sli ght evldence of emlsslons
tes the viewer more obout
thelr funcUan.
The arm ls the anly
element of the robat
Y' I that has a wide range

The pelvl c base pivot s

Yefy ntue. leovi ng the
robct's posture
stack st ralght.
Dutli ni ng
use a 20% greyshade marker l o
sketch t he robot 000 011 ee relevant
cctos . OuUine with o O., fnehner . l o
give more emphasis to tbe voces.
ccceotucte cenon lines cnd make t hern
tt ncker wrth o O,S fineliner.
Text deccls such as
numbers wi ll glve
additional authe nt icity
te the :-__
Basic shapes
The simple underlying shapes or thc
Prcdctor beue its htdden comorexmcs as
an tnltrotor behmd cnemy Hnes.
I . l he sllghtest evocncc of piUing.
" weor d d'scororouon add an
Invulucb ir of believabilityand
sonony to he robot designo
Shadl ng
Some elernentsor t fus rcoot are illuminated.
wtuch can crecte a shght ly st rorqe
lmlfcsston ut the shod lng stoge.

The wneei.e bot
con become so
caked in det rit us
during work tha l
these wurning lights
spin and flash to
warn farm workers
when t he c1 umsy
robot draws near.
The small antenna
is importont . so t
ts induded in basic
These Io.rge
inflated tyres witl
leter be trecded.
This rcbot's shape is
indicoti ve of its
This antenna swivels
forward a nd is odually
highly sophisticoled
alfactory sensory devke.
Simple cy1indef stcces ore used initi ally.
os the core of tne robot is intended to
rescrroieo bcswaste receotcde.
Shadi ng
A"rbe exnc octcnsare
developed ot thr.i point cnd
Jaid on !he cese suuct orcr form
of t he Icose-nne stccc.
l. With the excepnon of warni ng lghts, this robot has
" a Simple, uuutcrtcn paint jcc. rte WhE'E'IE bot's
desioners weren't too cencerreo wit h decorcuve
cestnencs os it won't win ony beouty awards ofter a
couple of days working en tbe fcrml
Basic sha pes
The WheelE bot resemblcs a trcsh can
on wheels, It is used primorily in O
jani torial ro e on foctory furrns. Trune!hng
olong on ns sturdy tractor wheels. it shoveIs
food umt by-products into ns hi nged wcste
drsposol container which 0150 doublcsas
o garborator.
The geomet rie eonsl ructioll
shows tlle gellerol shape
on<! the balance between
legs and moin body.
Block out general shapes wh
monocbromonc tones, then erase
tfus shape und stcrt to define the desrqn
af your robot.
_ ----- Greenbot is made of composite
0',0-: recyded plostiu Ofl on ol umi num
frome. All the compon(!flts f or
obseorvat ion, navigation,
ccmrnencet jon on<! ol1Qlysis ore
place<! inside tne body.
Blocking in
Now that you understand the
skeeton, il 's ecsyto block in the
sbcces one! start to out line. If you don't
feel seccre. 90 Io- the vcnes wtth grey
tors. You can point over the shaded
imoge later using new loyers.
Tbe qecmetry o, this
robot is fairl y simple.
With simpl e blocks
you eOIl un<! erst ond
howthe elements
ore connected.
l. Because digital images can look too
..neat, think about usmq textures and
cust omrzcc brushes in Phot oshop. Add
sornetextures over your actual pcmnnq
using Overlay, Sott Lighl Of Color Dodge.
lo finariZ' )'OUr image, cast a stodow on
tre ground sorfcce.
80si c shopes
The company Chanzon I rdusmes
introduced thrs cmb-shnped protot ype
in 201 2. Its mission covers o full ronge of
nctlonol park sorveucnce from l he peles to
tbc eqcctor. helping to preo t the
bebovocrs of migraling erectoresOStre ice
caps melt.
This robot oct uolly
wolks 0 11 us knuckles,
using ib ext ended
digi t s for d imbi ng
and envi ronmentol
interoet ion,

The Iegs cceoect t o t nrs
cent ral section=the heod
ond lower cont ai ner bronch
off f rom this pcrt as well.
This hl'Od portian will
appear t o M split in
the more developed
pbcse but wlll still
(onfOfm t o th is
bcslc shape. IT-,
ThiSrobot has a military
funcllon. so drob ohve 9le<'llS
ore appropriote. However. n's ecsy
lo chorqe t he cotour onytime -
unli ke the onccnoo of light.
Slicking wi th your choice ot
light soorce is crucial ot
the finishlng stoqe.

l ight source c tfects the whole looIl. of
tbe oc t cre. The test way to odd
cnd coloor in Photoshop is te moke
o duplicate lnycr. of t he line drawing ond
work 00 tbe lnyer beneot h.
Keep in mind thot
both shodows and
colours behove
differently on
f lot 01 found
The body ane!
Ieqs of t his robat
Ofe bilotefolly
symmet ricol to the
axis of balance.
Add dirt DI"
rust t o moke
t he Sent inel
look used.
Outlining _ _ ': I
En,arge the pcture ro the desreo final ( \
resorunoo, A11the loes WlII be a IIUIe ( -
blurry 000 pceicteo. so n's necesscry l o ( J. _ :
_ mcke tr e drawlng ctccr. Enlmge the I
",,:! prcture on the moni tor te play with ?: n
,/' tre detcils.
Basic sha pes
The robot rs dcsqned to perfom
highrisk ooectoos in terreo,
It uses contemporory technology. but
the 1001. of the robot rs re!at ively simple.
pnmmve and c1umsy.
Your VQrious colouf
t ones ane! Uladows
will ereet e a real
feeling of the depth
in the picture.
add strengt h
to an image.
Use crosshotching cnd shading to
errtfy whieh drrecton the light is
con urq from. By giving the rcts and bolts o
daf l:'. octnre. the robot qets Q Yef y
functionot, indU'ill iol, worn 1001:'..
see::tion of
t he body con turn
independently 01
t he etneo.
Colour palette
I. Acoloor-scheme with brightly
" controsting cotours reveots Hie Dooros
the oornesuc servcot he is. Any semblonce
of hts industrial post ls wiped 01'.' y by t hese
cheery tones.
Squashed squares
define squot stcrure.

Freehand approach
A11the underlying shcpes of this
ooresuc friend ore drown freehond.
This meces tbe robot seem well-used
ond friendly.
Simple cylinder
shape'5 ore
eCl$y t a druw.
Contains rec;ordings of
the dog owners vetee.
Basic sha pes
The initlal bcsic veces of boxes.
tnonqles and endes are still cpporent
in the finiShed design. A third wh<:'eI i$
Includcd ona fl exible nrro. adding
balance, and the simpli ficd pince. toros
totrer enhonce t he nonhuman shcpe.
Dodi wc s discont inued
beccuse of dog leosh
tangling ccnceens.
0001 , 8RA 1 NtJUI
Arms are held
out somewhat.
l. Used in a more public and ceremonial
" role, thls robot can hove un eye-cotct urq
cnd purposcfully oocorouvc colour scheme.
The cnsnncuve red stor and numbering
decols hove been opplied to complete the
tbeme (see Deccs ond Logos. p. 20) .
The curve
does not
continu to
the bcck.
Shadi ng
50me of the internals are in danger of
getting visoclly muddied at thls stage.
Differenttute the orgoni c from the metal by
usmq scocrcrc hueso rece thc bmm's
shading dcncctc.
Development al
react ive armour
snctters outwords
on bclltstic tmpccts.
Out lining
A" of the nrrnour rs bulbous onc curved
so keep the unes sinuous oro owmq,
Don 't worry about shoding. Your focus at
t his stage sboulc be fc rrn and texture.
The ormcured
curve of the
upper body rs
ddliO<li".2: .
The rece plute opens
to reveol more
precise opucct
equipment for long,
ronqe oetec ucn ond
engogement .
Bosic shapes
Sorne highly dccorctco sororers of thc
Intcrspoce Army who've sucrcd
dcbilitoting mut ilotion con owo ken to nd
thernselves interred in robotic shells. The robot's
stcnce is wide, stoble and stiff, and it s arms are
elongated to compensote for limited agility. The
profe rs brutish ond hunched
... The bIoded bock
exteoson ts useful for
felling eoeraes who
attod:: from behind.
, .
from all ongles
Drcw the figure from several angles
while you fine-tune it s de5ign.
Deve loplng Ideas
One of tne prilTlOlY things
to coosrder 0 1'1 ttus type
ot robot rs its weapons.
Mllit ory robot s wil l often
hove integrolweoponry:
chonging tbem may ctfect
enure limbs. or eventhe
whole robot itsetf.
.... This mi lit ary robot's
pose is determined.
... I he gun is primed. orm
steody, recoy to fire.
_ ) In this side view,
""';!'::":'':-'': t onk treads
t' ...;--- replace lile legs.
In this leer
t he maj or back
protrusion has
been left off.
In this versrcn.
the arm rs thlck and
powerful for ctcse combot.
Fashioned to put an end to
peace, these robots have been
applied to the l amentabl e
cause of perpetual destruchon
and hor ror Asimov's first l aw
of robotics di dn't even get a
second thought. Military
robots have a disttnct attitude
and appearance, t heir purpose
cl early evident. Sorne rnay
have t ruck, defensve armour,
. while others may have only
thn shiel ds to allow for ease
of movement. All, however,
will be blessed with aggr essive

The muule of
t hi s mouth gun
con retraet f or
liquid coolinq.
"' Thls heavlly armoured
versten was t he deslg" the
ortist chose to toke fart her.
The or m connon is (
t he moio wecpon
o, the robot.
A robot may nct njure a human being
t hrough lnccncn, allow a human be!n,' ;r,
come to harm. o
This small , orticuloted
t urret raiws the roOOt ' s
VlSl bil it)' ond hos rt s own
jcw-ccnbre armamento
Heel extensscns
od st abilit y.
Enlargecl stx-
shot revolver
offilled to
sobre Olm
Adaptot ion
of (1 cavo.lry
sobre for
slicing 0\ foot
soldiers frcm
an elevoted
Series of odj ustoble
ol'ld int erchoogeable
tetesccpe Ienses.
Reseafch, p.10
Rendering Moterials
Develop;ng Yoor
Ideos, p.26
This norrow
((lonon s "tended
os o one-shot,
disposable weopon
thot splits apeo
ond ISdrsccrded
ofter firi ng.
Ornate Qnd functional
Thefe Ol e two orsuoct design styes in
ttns rooot: the amate and oecoctee
crrrour and gilding. and l ile more
functional looldng stco rrers ond
boacrs. I be industfial pcrts funct ion
more as a st ncturcr ( ore. wit h the more
orrotc ercnent s oding os on urmoured,
oecorcucc shcll.

- e
Forward wheel orms used
(15 ba se when the robot
sat ttes Intc firing posture .
Steom-age robot
Being stecm powered, thrs robot reeos
sorne recoqoecbe Signsof ns power SO\J(ce
- such asthis woodeo.tcoseo k>ver, and
gauges fOf cssessmq memol pressures.

Designed by engineer
I sambar d Kingdom Brunel
himself, t he Br ass Lion was a
marvel even at the height of the
Br ti sh I ndustrial Revolution.
The robot achieved
nternational fame when a
single Br ass Lion saved t he
char ge of t he Li ght Bri gade in
t he Crimean War by smashing
into the Czarst artillery
position. It was
eventually felled,
but not before
burstng open and
spravmq ts attackers
with boilng water
.--- ...- -
... Metallic hues
Mony differing metolhe hues are useo
bee. varying th10Ugh greys. b1ues. greens.
yellows ond reds, Ihen shine ond tenore ore
what indi eate then metcrc cor strucuon
ond not their colour.
The splosh of
reteese red In
t he plumoge ls
on ost entoti ous
' period' t ouch
te t he designo
Frontal view
Thc mcm shape of tbe torso ond heod
olmost converge into one lorge shupe in
t he front view.
Axis of balance
The whole body prole curves to allow
the cxrs of bcicocc to run throogh the
middle. (Assume lile central steam Cf19IOC rs
heovy enough to prevent the connon hom
overbolancing the robot. )
Nnder O
l o
th t he
"' 0
h ot h
er, so t he
t hly.

* --' ..'.'
cyli n

Oorken t he internol
workings seen in
the chi nks of the
thigh ormour.
None of t:he partsT
is squared off in
relation t o eoch
"'" smoo
Slim but st roog
The key conoecnon point In tbrs design
is where the cbest rncet s t he bclly, und
it must be shm for monoeuvrobili ty but strll
rermm stloog looking.
... Distinct shading
_ ond st rorq shoding is necesscry on
the dominont cyhnders in the designo
Complement orcos of high detall with stork
oreas of shoding.
Note how the
sobre orm bend
out words to offer
cjecrcnce from ---- -)1;'"
t he t hick thiqhs.
Victorian inspirations
Surprisingty. a lot of the design rs os
much inffuenced by Vict orian Brit ish
furniture as It ts by st eam engines.
When dealing wit h such eloborote
ornamentaban, even great er care
has to be token t o atl ow the limbs
cnd moving ports t o fu nction f reely cf
each ot her.
AII the coqs, wheels
ond qecrs must be
t hought through
oncl deeed
completely ot
t his st age of
t he ortwork.
.. Plume detailing
zerrembe to use sorne jcose ccrotuoes to
add tbe bres of tre p1ume and l o ecre
sorne dentfnq ond rouqtmess to the t hlqh's
brass plating.
Materia/s. p.18
Decalsand Lagos.
Joint s and
Movement, p.30
see- -
ent renching tools
ane! tarpaulin.
Cannon t erminat es in a
tightened mu zzle-breuk
that employ5 (1 'Gerlich'
e nureccn designo
Presence and streng t h
For lorgCf t han (he other MBWs. the
Ponzerfluch design reecs to corwcy ns gleol
sue and preserce. Mony eements hove
been ccrvabcuzed from genuinc Germon
tc ms of the penod. such os the dislinclive
csrousts and pcmt job.
Hatch Ieods t o
smoll compartment
fO( a single
SI,IlVC!lllon<:e and
bhoust ~
from engine.
Clamp used os
self-rlqht er ond
to ca rry ext ra loads
o( equlpment.
Detail s and accessories
Hotch oetcas cnd coweonoocrtonk
cccessoocs odd lo tne ucbness of the
c\esign. HoweIfer. ensure thct tbese oetcas
are corefullyseected cnd odd lo me overcn
impressiOnof the robot without c1uttering or
muddling us plOfilc.
The Third Reich's answer to the Briti sh MBW
(Main Battlefield Weapon) i s fully committed to an
antiarmour role. Loud and lumbering, t hi s
monster crashes through the
undergrowth, its presence
instilling dread i n enemy
tank cr ews Eventually
its lack of speed and
however , made it
much too vul ner abl e
to antitank infantr y
--'., -
The a ~ s of balance
must stmne evenly I
between t he legs
dur ing st might
movements. ,....__-
Ihe 9un ts posttloned
parallel to tbe torso
during movernent.
The hl!(]d is ser f ar ~ ~ ~ ~
forward on the
tcoc. creoting a
hunched ef f ect.
Armoured guncarrier
Prtmcruy rectangular, thi s robot
has a limi t ed range of limb
movement. It's stul
fundamentaJly a tank, no
matter how anthropomorphic
the design becomes, which
means t he ent ire desrqn should
service the most important
component: the gun. Etements
such as the distincti ve grid
armour-plat ing are repected '-V
in sectrcns across the front
part of the robot.
Intent pose
Anothef qcod excrnplc
ot a robot rrK:lVing with
a tipped cxrs of balance
(in toe drecncn of
ts mosernent).
Low-slung power
Note how low the
i rees ore, shortening
tbe stllns orcrrottcoy.
Lean and mean
l ile lower torsocnd
pclvis are Quite t hin
ond contoin minimol
internol parts.
The deeals are
simply loosely
pai nted cddjtjve
cctcur (direct ly
appl ied. not glazedl .
..Shi ni ng joint s
Notc how certcm cyhndrical jootsOIC
recevirq e slighUy different shading
treotment due te being poIished metal ~
ccccsec te roughened armourplaung).
Noti ce how the
armour's grid pottern
becomes far less
daminant i n the
shoded verscn.
... Green and grey
Muc:h of the grey metal in thiS
robot iS octuolty Quite green; tt only
oppeorsdesaturoted becccse ot ns
proxrmty to the strooq yenows
or tbe paint jobo
... Details and l i ght ing
Areos of high oetcn will ot ten begln te
oppecr dcrker than the resr of the robot
(when you octuolly moy want them
to be hghtef or sninief ). Dco' t
WOl ry about tms, as rt will be
oddressed in later stoges.
materia/s, p.18
Bits and Widget s,
Attachments and
see- - "'I
AlSO_ .......
Plated shieldi ng to
prctect loading crees
from shrop" el.
~ e e t f itted wit h ski
undercarriage for use
in snowy conditions.
194mm field gUIl fed with
aOkg highexplosive shens.
secwcrcws clamp
down duri ng firing
t o prevent the
robot from shif t ing
with recoil.
Elaborote munle-
break helps minimize
recol (whkh would
ctherwtse shcke tne
robot aport)o
Reallife inspiration
As well os the Soviet tank deccls. oetcus like
tbe wees that ccooect tre heodlights l o O
hidden bottery ore cocpted from reol 19405
reteeoces. g1eoncd from World Wor 11
history bocas,
Churned out of Soviet factories wi th the i ni tial
i ntent of recapturi ng Stali ngrad, t he Medveds
tore a pat h t hrough the German Panzer
divisions i n t he great armoured confli cts at
Kursk, i n Jul y 1943. A wartime expedient, the
Medved was j ust as temperamental as previ ous
generations of battlefield robot but still shone
when pitted against Ger man mechanized troops.

Russian becr
The Medved CCHJId be
describedas o rooonc becr
carrying an art illery pece onns bock.
Animalist ic touchcs hove been wcrked mto
tbe deslqn, giving the hecd something of a
sr-out. and using fixt ures such as tne dcws,
wOich make s feet roseroie pows.
oecen such as t he
intensely red stcr con
reolly aUroct the eye.
so be carefu l where
you place it .
Extended reoch
rsmore important in
thi s designoLike n'IOny "'1=
Warld Wor 11 robots.
t he entire structure ls
a lmost completel y
rect angula r.
Boxlike body
The body af thtsrobot is qete squored
off ond could even hove been ada pled
from a corwennoncl tonk.
Within t he plonor shoding,
opply some metallic
text uring on t he a rmour
tsepcrcte tt nto t wo stages).
.... Strong shading
Use vcry boId planar shading. With so much
going on in the design, sha ding ts key t o
vsuouy sepcrcurq the legs from the body.
Note dist inct
shope OM posture
difference opparent in
tbe fore ond oft leqs.
The becr's muzzle
The cytinder of tre gun borre! tapers
towcrcs t he end until tt omves ot t he
.. A Russian wint er
AA ' crcuc ' point job has been opplied here
(escept of ccorse te tne oct ual gun barre.
ond tbe cotne robot has beenhqhtened.
but as the paint Jobhas been additivcly
glazed. lhe underlying shading is
fundClmentolly unchanged.
Weight di stribution
A huge amount of weqht iS drstnooted
In t be recr of tbe robot. and the a xiS of
balance is plcced quite clase te the recr.
The forword-t ilting
heod ma kes t look
under nsbrow.
... Angles ond curves
The linework rs corroosec from mony
ho rd cncios a nd tight curves, so keep
everything light ond be careful as you
drow it. rbot scnd, s1ight flaws, o;uch as
oents and scutfmar\s, are good things
to incl ude.
The nvet s ond srnall detoils
almost c1uUer the pece ct
this st cqe. so t hey' lI need to
be knocked bock in loter wc rk.
Powerful olly
The deo;ign iSof o quodrupedal
robot whose fUfl(too is to trudge
uround ond fi re the huge gun
mounted on its bcck. Keep the front
hcovily armoured 000 bcrc of overly
exposed jomts and details thls is
tte rrost hkelytarget in bcttle). The
back leqs hove boen given a shght
mcreose in stze. ccmplexrty and
strenqtb beccose tbcy hove ro
absorb the gun's recen as well as
carry a recver load than tre frant
of t he robot.

Arti st ic Renderi ng.
Materia/s, p.18
see- - '"
ALSO_ ......
Sma llgos ccntsters on the
,ide emi t Q smokescreen
t hct gi ves t he Needle
encuqh t ime lo f ire ond
self-destruct in the event
of lts discovery.
Highly occommodating ba!
ond frome allow new cruse
missiles lo be retrofitted fa
use in t he Needfe.
"Plating ond linework
Thes1ightJy coveo plating of the
crtfculnted. robonc secucns offers
an attract ive contrast to the more
umcusnc and purposefulhnework
of the missile.
"it ial {orgeti ng se nsor
polnts t he target with a
morker, ond then l his
information lo tne crese
mesue's int ernol guidonce
system before firing.
Forefeet con function
os cppeseble dig;t,
far easy acens te
hi!lh va ntoge points,
even al lowing the
Needte to d imb uees
and building, .
Do not worry too
much nbout t extu rel
ospects ot this point;
the diffffence
between the robot
ond tne missile con
be made more
apporent at the
loter stages.
Functlon dictates form
At pont the robotlc form Is nttle more
thon a support treme for tbe Guise rmsse.
Simpl fying the robonc pcrts in t hts oreo
helps the yiewef uroerstcrd that the rrussde
and robot are twoseporc te entnes,
The Needle is an evolution of
t he guided cruise mssil e. Once it
has been deployed behi nd enemy
lines by sea or by HALO
airdrop, t he Needle advances
on a1l four s to an optmal vantage
poi nt, whose coordinates ar e
continuously fed to the r obot by
sate1l ite tracking. As soon as
it has arrived at its destination
the Needle becomes dor mant ,
concealng itself untl t he
designated target comes
wthn range, at whch poi nt
the cruise mssile launches
and the exoskeleton detonates
to keep the technology out
of enemy hands.
TAS - 21 N E E D L E
l , .- ...-,
r ' . ...-...... ~
<1= Not e how mlKh Ionger
t he back Iegs are t han
the forelegs (to enable
frog-like Ieoping).
<;=The limbs a re not
pcrntlel t o the body, but
have a more nat ural,
v-shoped sprecd.
The missile ls tdt ed
sllghtly upwords (for
a degree of decrcnce
when firing).
... Emphosis through paint
t oemphcslzethe seocrcuo al robouc treme ond
crulse mrsse, opply dtferen tirt. Adlfference in the
pOI ntwork's reecuveness indi testhot the rmssne 15
of a dtferent mat erial from h robot's ploting.
Even though the
robot k ports are
o silvery white,
indude o t ouch of
ambient colour.
Leg st ruct ures
The structure and jointing of the legs
ere vtrtuclly jdentxol at t he recr and to
tbe to e. but t he proocruoes are dferent.
The weapon is key
The robot's core is the cyli ndricol
mrssue. which mokes on exceuent base
to work wit h ot thts st oge. Being a
quadruped. the robot g ives the artist
axis of balance.
Firing f undion
In reohty. the recr end would beon
open chamel wrth no obstructlOnS
(f or reccaess f lring of tbe missile).
Weight di spersol
Note that the robot rs plaeing more
weight on tts recr Icgsthan on
it s f orcfcct.
'" A distinct form
Again, ti ght cn up on the shoding ot the
rmssne. A dutmct. cynndnco! form rs key to
moking the design wor k.
Use co nt rost here
Your design sllould mokeobvious rne foet
that the robot iS nothing more than a
sophiStieated delivery systemfor ns
poylood. Thermssne rs the coreond tf-e
robot iS OOilt around it - not obscuring It,
OOt IOthet" drawing qrecter ottentior'l to
the miSSile through contrcst.

Ploted ski rt prot ect s
shc ulder joi nt s ond
ollows for quick
servici ng.
Drawi ng and
Research, p.10
Renderi ng
Mareria/s, p.18
}oinls and
Movement, p.3D
Extll?mely lorge
f oreorms esed f or
added stabi lity nnd
f or breachinq woll s
and bcmccdes in
ur ban environment s.
City deployment
AmobHe AA(ontiairaaf t)
vehiele is thc ccss of
this rcoot. coo tbe rcst
of the design has been
developed from thct
stOl ting poeu. Slnce 's used in
urban suucnons. enlcrqed foreorms
hove bccn cddcd for mt erocnon wtt h
its envnonmcnt.

Enemy in sight '.
Thefecd is tted with t wo main.$ighti ng
systems: forword and upword.
The fmword sight is mor e rornplex
end telescopic ro bcucr jocote
weu-corcecieo snrper posmons.
Brought late into the war by t he Ameri cans
and first deployed from t he landi ng eraft on t he
Normandy beaches, thi s r obot benefited fr om a
desi gn al ready tested by ""ondo"
flak oonnons. sighting s)"Stem
vear s of application in war . o' modo" h.
sky for on
ont ioi rcraf t role.
Origi nally i ntended to
f ulfill an antiaircraft rol e,
the Hausen was found to be
an invaluable aid in the urban
combat taking place on the
long road to Berlin.
Its four guns proved to
be a boon to Allied
troops, with t heability
to lay down a withering
curtain of lead to tear
through sni perroosts.
M2 4 H A US EN
The shins hove
been kept shcrt
fOf consist ency.
The orms ond
' egs sprecd
out words in o
slight v-shepe
ond ore not
porall el to
t he tOI'5O.
Tanks for the memory
Angular and boxy. thts robot
bes to look li ke on ext enston
of on exist ing World War II
tonk. Small elements and
bosic shopes hove been lifted
from real tonk designs f or use
in the robot. Agoin, symmet ry
is key. ond o vehiculor feeling
should be mointained in this
lorge robot.
Axis power
The o x ~ ot balance is
statteo forwcrdsas the
robot rs rE:'stin g sorne ot as
welqht en nscrms,
Torso balance
The Uppe1" torso
exteods widelyoutwords
but isstrll balancee! on ns
lower torso.
Centre of gravity
The Iegs ore constontly
bowed to bungthe
centre of gravi ty lower ter
improved stcbnny.
loy down more line
than you need - you
con alwuy5 erase it
on t he cornput er jf
you 've overdone it.
... Tight Iinework
Keep the Iinework tight er e qeometnc, but
whm that constraint remember thot a
degree of weoUlel ingond ruggedness
should clso playa part.
... Plone chonges
Every time a change of pleno occurs, the
sbode should differ to indicate it, Use
Iighter highlights oround tbe eoqes of
sepcrote plores.
l ay the t exnrre in
st rong fOf u-ese
t ypes of heovily
~ t h r robots.
... Comoufloge style
A sondy paint job has becn oponed he c to
oomoufloge t be robot in Oleas of dusty
bfick nnrs.
The decals ore
kept unif ormly
white t o ccntrcst
with the darker
point jobo
Campoct prof ile
ereseot s the
smo.llest possbte
torget for
enemy Itre.
Humonli ke li mbs
focilitol e the useof
enemy we<lponry
when deployed
behind enemy uees,
Life Is Yoof Paletre.
Atrachments and
Embellishment s,
Mili tary
Atrachments. p.36

Insect meet s Man
Sinewy ero bowed. the OGUSls primarily a
predotor. l ile robot Is jntended fcr steolthy
ooecucrs and is cosed occordingly in dull.
rrctte. bcrsuc pestes tfot deflect seoso's,
lts rr uxof osectme corapoce and humonoid
mcscie- torms ts offset by hurd-edqcd
nddlons. such as it s equipment
comportments. Think of the OGUSos
on insect ile humanoid tbct
functi0n5 in a similar way te a humon soIdier.
Mortor fot bunker
l ong, t hin, highly
flexible neck ollows
for excellent visi bility .
pocks for
The OGUS has become an
indispensable asset to the
militar y for ces of all Category One
nati ons. A hybrid of mechanical
parts and specially tailored,
silicone-based, organic
components, the robots of t he
OGUS series have attained a
battlefi eld st rength superior to
anyt hmg a conventional human
sol di er could muster Although
expensive to build, maintenance is
si mpl e the OGUS ser ies i s
primari1y self-healing. All
models are meat-eaters power ed
by methane, t he by- product of
processing organic matter
Worming int o its consciousness
l he staring rece rs scroennne. annelidic -
seqmented ond wormlike - ond sJighUy
disturblllg in cooecrcrce. I f-c rotci's
sensor Ofray can detect numerous
substances. trace ciements or signsof Iife,
sui:: h as the frightcned breoth of o human
soldier. vehicJc exhoust. and even the
warmth qenercteo by bacteria. thc poseble
evidence of a human orescrce.
Every element
in t his rcbct's
design cppeors
The angle of the
mort or rsstightly
offset from
t he t orso.
TM OllS runs
down t he spi ne
and t hrough
the Ieg.
Classical pose
No t e t hc t t he OGUS depicted
ts i n a 'contrcpposto', or
counterpotse posttton.
meoning he i s st andi ng in o
reloxed. dcsscc t stonce with DI_
his weight on one le<). Stotues
in museums ore greot
references tor your robots. or
course. t hese cJossi cal
oppli cotions are odapted and
modted for t he OGUS' s
unique cnotorruccl struct ure. 1
recte how dntercnt ports
balance themsclves
around the axis. The mortar
serves to compensate fOl the
loog rifle.
Sum af lts parts
ThOU9h thrs mostrctton
representethc overol!
structure. remember that
the ndividual parts curve
Signi ficant ty.
Keeping a l ow prcflle
Thc robot slouches to
reduce its prole.
The shading rs
uniformly heavy
but epoeees
dOlkest on the
metals af
the gun.
... Mixing it up
Thisrobot rs a mixture of desiqn ocsthetics,
so rcmember to intermingle t be organic
curves among the angular clemeots. Ihe
wcopomy stcnds out boldly in l ile Iinewor k.
I nt erconnect ing
ccrcpece secncns
wecve int o and
over the muscJes.
A Defining with bnes
Oork and sepentoe. the shadrng shoul d
conform t o trc design of tbe robot.
Remember to hold back on the bnqht
highli ghts in OIder to momtcio the robot 's
cboroct ensuc rnct te hmsh.
... Organic versus metall ic
Emphnstze the cootrust betwccn the
orqcnic cnd tbe metclnc. Sharp highlights
draw cttennon to the glowing lensesond
tnc glinUrM] metol.
Green shelli ng
mixes wi th pink
Heavil y ormoured
drum, conto ll'li ng cous
of 32mm bett -ted
ammuni tion.
Arti stic Rendering.
Materials. p.18
Attachments and
Embelli shments,
5AM bay for
protecti on from
nttnck hel icopt ers.
Rubber trecds t o - -
reduce damoge done
t o city st reet s.
32mm Vuleon used
in on ont imote1iolf
cnt crmcur rol e.
Mochine OfWOf
The Anvil rs Q ronventionol militury robot
and should. treretore. give the impression
of funcli on over formo Rectangular and
c1unky, tbc Anvil rs lntended to scok up
vron-cnns file. Thrs robot 's Iocomolion
iSentire/y tor st roteqk pIocement ror
evosive manoeuvres.
11mm machine
gun rsnt ended
for close-quarter,
ontipersonnel roles. _ _ --'
Dedkc ted sight ing
syst ems mou nted on
Vul con armo
One of tbe focal comtsof the desqn 15the
huge Vukan trct thc Anvil i$ coreo with.
aee wecon see wherethe seeneoteo. furly
cocered arnmunition belt rs red into ue
etcrroer. Thisummc chain dropes bcck to
tt e feeding orm cnd thcn mto t he huge
drum cerned on tbe robot's bcck.
A walking tank, the Anvil fills a semistati onary
armour rol e. Extremely vulnerable to attack
helicopters, the Anvil is prirnerilv used for 'hold
and defend' campaigns and military occupati ons.
The Anvil is efficient and i nti midati ng, makmg it
perfect for keeping down insurgencies; however,
frendly fire incidents are common, leaving it
dreaded by friend and foe ali ke.
The dorsal shcpe
nel!'<!s enough
room ta house
two rt usstles,
The gun cylinder
extends quite
far boc:k. It
sn't all bonet,
2 1
The abdomen and
pelvis are less heovlly
armoured to oll ow l or
pivotol movement.
On solid ground
Even when j oi nt crtrculcncn
becomes obscured by blocky
armouring, il remcms
rmportcnt . The Anvrl's l egs
hove extended feet
resembling those of a horse or
goal. Beccuse t he robot rs
very lcrqe, expended feet are
essenncl for stobutty.
Bloc:klike elements
The forro io; b1ocky, SO
much of the fee! of tf-e
deslgn will be dedded in
thcse stojcs.
I nhuman const ru cn en
Note the dio;tirKtiYe
jOintn19 of tbe Iegs and
howt hcy differ from trose
of a humon.
Gun placement
The gun orteo c deqree
of bccrce fOl the huge
drum ot ammo.
The surface is plated,
but not with inse<:t ile
segment s. Keep it t o
more convent lonol, ~ < :
t onkli ke ormour. '7
... Bolonclng abject lves
Chunky ond angular hke o tonk, thts
robot is composed of su recognilable
pnrrutwes, However. curved scrfuces will
reect proj<'ctiles well 000 con absorb
more punishment. Maintain a tccoce
between me two.
The shading rs
ond sharp.
.... lhe right tone
Every t ime a sotcce plane changes. the
tone you use should change occOldingly.
Again, shinier meten - os on tbe qons-.
will reflect lighl di ffC'Jenll y frcrn I he
pomted crrnour.
'f Military garb
Drab military coiocrsare the prime scnere
fOl the Anvi1. Cooer gunmctal greys offset
lhe worrrer body coce-s, Occcsooot spIoshcs
of warning reos liven up the point jobo
Spice it up a li ttle il
you need to - you
want it t o look IIke a
mi litary robot but not
t oo reoli sUcolly drcb.
Renderi ng
Materials, p.18
Atrachments and
Atrachment s. p.36
ALSO_ ....
Conceptualizing the robot
Good rcfereoce rs invaluable far tte robots
from tbrs era. ondo wecrtn of mihtar y
equipmcnl wos uscd by the oust fOf
msoncnon. Orqonk curveshad no
place in tbrs designoas cverything rs
hard edged 000 utilit arian. A
wcm weothered Iook WOS clso
requlred. so the illustration
sooolon't be too deco.
light machinegun mount ing
for a cla se quarters
ant ipersonnel role. ~
legs ore plogued with
p r o ~ an escort a lways
aeeompanies wit h spore
parts ond repcsr and
ma intena nee engi neers.
Hatch place<! on
rototing hend. _
ArmjoinU ccvered
in a jacket t o
peeeent ttle
elements from
fouling ope:rat ion.
Modulor clomp honds
for mult iple weo.pon-
mount ing options.
First introduced i n the European Theatre of
War in 1943, the MK1 cha nged the battl efield
As unreliable and temperamental as the
first tanks in World War r, the MK1 still functioned
as an incrediblv versatile, all -purpose weapon Thi s
model is fi tted with
a 1DSmm Howitzer.
Gun detail
Designing your own guns iS fun, but
soretenes using rec rcrereocc can adcI a
scnse of reouty to your crt . Resrorching
actual cxcrnplcs such as trus light mcchtne
gun can c'sc hclp you jeom tre look. 000
teer of a nme persodond trorrsct et hiS inta
your roture WOfk.
'] .-, '.
Look, no hands
The arms are cttcchco to the gu n at the
wrists, so no ccnstruconcl guides are
neeoeo for tbe hunds.
Ensure thot the
limbs can move
about withotJt
bashing Into
ot her pa rts.
Using oblongs and cylinders for basic
As long as the rrcm stnxturet soeces
ore sound. dctail can easily be added
ente the initiol stnxture.
The t erse rs
rototed to
the left from
the pel vis.
Getting the balance ri ght
Balance i!> tricky whenthe crust rs rather
urrsure of how much ddferent eerreots
may weigh. Hcre. tre main gun i!> cssumcd
te be heovy.
Weight of
gun pulls
the figure
Constructing the robot
Much of thts qeometnc
const rucnon can sti ll be d early
seen in the final designoWhen
making init ial sketcbes. always
take balance int o cccount.
especially wi th t op-heavy
designs like t his. Repeat design
elements to ensure unit y -
cctc a set of rfvets. handles
and so on that ts reused
t hroughout the designo
Remember to spcce out t hese
details and not c1ump them
toqether. Proport jc n ls very
important when objects that
hove set stzes are introduced,
... Creatlng the Iinework
Using rules to draw IIIX'S teods to crectc
cccurcte. bct stlff.llfcless fonfls, evenon
very angular designs liket hls Orle, sodrcw
ff('(' helnd. l a y down flghlly sketched veces
usnq blueCor.Erose pencil. Sccn t heOftwork
at a higher rcsoluon erase the cencruoes.
then drop it down to the dcslred dpi.
Make pract ice
pencU sketch es using
drawing ctds if you're
not yet ccndent
drawing heehand.

Tbe r0U9her the material,

the more ambient pencil
teltturing will old you
Ioter on when rendering.
/ ,/ ... Masking and shadi ng
Use tbe Magic Wa nd lo setect the arcas you
want lo wor k on, cnd use OOOge und Bum
lo modify thc tone ot tne drowing. Shodmq
rs extrerneiy ct her e ond core sbooio be
token lo kcep tones on equal pla nes lile
sorne. l ight renecl s bfi9htly off l he shlnier
blts of metal (Iikc the handlesand barrell.
Colour C(ln indicate
n.J sl stains and plaCe'.I
where t ne pai.1t hes
scraped off.
Knocking out t he
ccntmst on certoin
parts , such as this
for 1t'9, wlll sepcr t e
tt from the ports
af the robot in
the foreground.
... Colouring
Always adapt the colours to t he material.
Use the Colour Balance odjustment in
Photo5hop to add red a nd yellow te the
shadows a nd rmdtones of ttwdrawing. Now
place Q lcycr ovcr the drowing se! to 50ft
light. When oponed the colour wlllglaze
cver the drawing. s1ightly changing the l one
you'vealrcody set dowfl.

Varioble vent s f ar
st eeri ng ond speed
Renderi ng
Maleria/s. p.18
Developing Yoor
Ideas. p.26
Bils aM Widget s,
ALSO _ --,
An amphibiou5 rob ot
The Subhunt er is unique in that it neeos to
tuncnco both in and out or t he water. Whefl
foldcd into ttself fQf Iong-distonce trove!. the
Subnunter is int ended to resemble a srrcn,
oeeo-sec submarine.
Lorge central propeller
ond jets are the primory
mode of propulsian.
Powerful , superheat ed
t olons far onchoring
t o hulls ond t earing
open bulkheods.
Drill heod wi th projected,
high-explosive chcrqe use<f
f or breachi ng hull s 000
causing irreparable domoge.
In an age when nuclear,
bi ological and chemical warheads
are delivered primarily by
submarine, antisub robots are
numerous and hi ghly developed.
These robots are too small
for the passive system of a
submari ne to detect, and
t hey can silently approach
these nuclear leviathans to
drlll explosive charges i nto
their hull s. Modified
Subhunters are used by
pirates to assault and
board tankers and
merchant shi ps.
Undersea i nspirations
The ncuncot design and component
sbooes of the robot are certved f rom a
combinot ion of pre-exi sting machines,
namel y suoncrees ond torpedees. An
elcment of comple:>:i ty is cisc codeo by
using crustocecn ccrcpoces as
st ructural moeoces.

tho.t drill
bit protrlKln, so
don't moke the
moin body 01
the s vn t oo long.
the head olmost
sinks i nto the t erso.
The t al on
comes clcse to, but doesn't
oct ually meet.
t he ground planeo
Nautical robots
A belfevcble-lookinq
machine that encornpcsses
hydrodynamic contours ls
int egra l te any nautical ro bot
designo Although lt rs
seemi ng ly overba lanced i n
t he torso, m uch of it ts simply
Q hollow sluice f or the
propeller and j et s.
Sublike contours
Everythi ng in l his robot
is roundcdor cyIindriCOr,
cpcrt frorn secuces of the
retractable Iimbs.
Ready to dlve
No1e the permanently
bowed oosuse and the
Iegs thot oco't Iock
perfectly straight .
Great ape
The oosnre.
proportions ancl jOints
are almost gorillalike.
... Out of lts shell
A crustoceon is on exceent retcrence for
tne kinde; of posturesond sbopespresent in
the drawing. A horchcd, crablikedesign ese
oectes a prcdatory impresSion.
Keept he shapes
rounded, and moke sure
they i nterlock for on
overoll smoot h profi le.
Add very hUle texture
t o keep it smoot h for
trevel t hrough wot er.
... Predator
Dorklycomouflagcd. thjs robot iS designed
to approach 100gete; oooetected so a dark,
smooth nrsh rs esseonct
... Deep-sec bl ue
Applya deep blue to most of t he ocsiqn
uemcmter tte role thrs robot plays). S.mall.
complementory sootsof oronge odd key
corots of detc
Sploshes of oronge ond
shiny silvers liven up o
uniform colour-scheme.
balanced honds for
repell ing invoders.
Composite steel ond
iron soperstruct we.
tempered for
resilience t o flre,
explos.ives and
chemicol ogents.
Traditionally, p.12
l otots and
Movement, p.30
Bi ts and Widgets,

O .

. . ....
' )1' ; \ ,
) ., ,
Early cogdriven
prccesscrs i n t he head
use colour recognition
to idetltify enemies
on the battlefield.

. .,
. l '
Repelling the invaden
This robot had e be-oc crd gloriOvS post on
the bcttlceld The feet Ole Iarge ond long
so u ccn't be knocked OVCf ecsay. ond t he
1('9SOle attaehed by mean:'> of ton-er o-
sooet joots for ecse of movement ovef the
rough terrom
;1 ..;u.. 1
Had it not been for t he
Elektrograd, the Russi an stand
agamst the Ger man i nvasi on i n
World War II would have been
doomed i n t he bleak winter. A
masterpiece of construction
when it was originally created,
this ll-foot tall robot could
punch holes i n a German Panzer
wi th ease. Long out of fashion
and out of use, i t is now
considered a nostalgic
museum piece and used
only in mili tary parades.
8aUlefi eld machine
The robot is Insptred by Pussicn
construcuvut propaganda posters as well as
by the desi9n or ue top waf machines of
the era. It iS rough around the edges but
wasen inspifing slght in the trencnes ond
the driving snow.
remain in line,
oOOYe feer,
Cebes imply
Oblongs and
blocks suggest
and power.
Basic geomet ric
const ruct ion.
Industrial might
The Elektrogrod wos cobbled
together from industrial ports
and battlefield wreckage in
t he grim econorruc climate of
t he war. The f inishing t ouches
of bolts, screws ond vent s
create the lmpressron of a
real, functicncl war machine.
1in bccncec
crronqement dcfill(' the
robot's superstruct ure.
H,POreo juts fOfW(]rm ,
ccuote tcicrcco by
Ieet ond hecd.
lhe of on axis te ensere
that ecch exterson
rs counterbclcnced by
on equvclent extensin,
ter stabilit y.
Minimol use of
colour suggests
functlonali t y,
not de<orot ion.
Watercolour effects
Wat etcoloUI point (real DI digital ) Is applied in light ,
loase wcsbes ovet tr e pcncil, allowing the whitc
paper beneath t o show thro ugh and giving thc
cooor e natural bnqhtness. l o oecte crees
of t one, pent over the Oligi ool wcsh, but avoid
muddying tte colour wrth t oo rnany cccts. Use en
apoque point hkc gouochc fer odditive wbes.
Sho.p pencil
defines edqes and
odds shading l o
enhance !iOl idi ty.
Directional light
locecte a feennq of Iight coming from a
par ti cular d.rection. Imagine whi ch swtcces
toce the Iight SOUfCC, Alt ernat ively, set up an
cenen figure tay ond use a spollight en rt
fer refereoce.
Irregular profile
AIl tbe besesbcpes that uocene this rcoor
are drown freehcnd to eeec a not urolly
irregular tee! t o t hc profl'e. Dcn't be cfrcrd
to drow as mony nes as you wont -,
cltcrwords you can olways erase cny thot
you oco't nced.
Work up the
drawi ng, adding
detail and erasing
nees that pon
behi nd, to seserct e
masses for on
, 1 atmaspheric
\ ..' peespecttve.
/ \t'!
I \ r'

00 0
o "
... Here. tbe crnst
has played
croond with
differCflt drill bits
ond ccorectors,
whl le deYeIoptrlg
vcccbulcry for
t he robot.
From all angles
DeveIoping a rOlJgh cartooo or yaur robot
is an excellent way ta fami fiQrile yaurself
with the fundamental uppecrunce and
mecborasms of your crecuoo.
lhe reer vi ew
gives e..cellent
detoil ing on the
l"9s, und how
they work.
'- The mouth
bclched exhcust. but
ns appearanee wos
ocooeo to be too
aggressiVe in Ole
scoseqoeot Yef SiOn.
... The original heod
had a soIdierlike
cppecrcnce. which
was scrapped in the
more doveloped
Devloping ideas
Urbcn robots will hove
very opporent utmtcnc n
I unojons made evidcnt in
their opoocrorce. Their toos
of tbe trece will hove to be
fine tuoed crd adJustcd by
tbe cr trst during tre
sketehing prcse.
In this side vew, the
robot is deplcted in
ecuco. performing
I ene of its ser
r: . .
This front vtew
shows the blocky
prcle plonned for
the final destgn.
As the ideal of the new-and-
improved laborer, an urban
r obot may be expensive, but
seeing that they work hard and
well in any environment, and all
without the sli ghtest complaint,
they have r apidly taken over in
most sectors Adopted by
wealthy companies and
governments, these robots
have changed the way the ci ty
works. Purely utilitarian,
remember t hat t hese robots
are all function and no tashion.
Use warning label s , dust
covers, and rusting and worn
metal to decorate.
.. In thts sketch, the key
components of t he robot
are a ll in place.
One of the only
rounded ports of
this clunky robot
is t he hip joi nt.
The treods ollow
the robot to
0Yef terroin tittere<!
wit h gorboge.
- '
The conveyor belt
con attoch to
garbage outlets
an<! t rcnspcrt
t he wcste up
into the robot.
When nol needed,
elcsc arms rema;n
bunched in lumps on
the body's surfnce.
see- - -'
AlSO_ --,
Artistic Renderog.
Ufe I sYour Pa/ett e,
Oewoloping Your
Ideos, p. 26
Take inspimtion from Iife
Thls robot is obviously lnspired by
rracosccoorquntsms rotber than by the
usual rnef-orssnc o oeoces,
wings allow for
oeriol t ~
Pulsing f1agella
propt'l the robot
t hrough liquids.
Fingertl ps are
complex multit ools
t bct con foshion
wosecoces on a
subal omic scale.
Honds con
be remotely
controlled bya
humon operctor.
Multiple senson
detect olt rncr mer
of t race eleme""":.'_ _
and energies. -
Lifelike syst ems
lhe flagella glow wl(h hect ase byproduet
of the energy red t hrough thern. As they
work, they glowwith a bnqht er ond more
mteose hue. l heir shape can be compared
te any cther orqcruc. rnooscopc flagella.
as on small seo crcctures,
Shaped from proteins,
thi s r obot t r avels through
human bodies perfor mmg
delicate sur gery and,
alternatively, delivering
minute payloads of poison to
enemi es. Nanobot - of
mol ecular or atomic scale
i s somet hing of a mi snomer;
thi s r obot is actually only
microscopi cally small, but it
can work on a subatomi c level .
Wholly organic, the Nanobot
can self -dest r uct to be
absorbed by the host's
circulatory system, leavi ng
no detectabl e tr ace.
The crms are
eurlt!d up to
show how t he
joint s told.
Pctnted sht!lI-
plat es exteod
off the reor
Thi1; eyli nder
i$ the prime
j unction fcx
0. 11 t he ot her
Right way up
Whi le suspended in liquid and
functi oning at a scale that makes
gravitational considerat ions dtt cutt,
the Nanobot st ill has umbs that affect
its cent re of gravity. Certai nly
in destqn and in drect human
oppcct fon. th is robot definitely
has a ' right way up'.
Arms and hands
Arms hove rncltrple
jomts ond on Cl(ponsiVe.
dextrous recch.
Basic shapes
Two limm bronch off
tbese cyllndclS.
Lebster-nke form
The thick body curls
bock on tself Hke o
lobster tail.
This design aUows
yoo to use os mony
pretty colours a s
you Jike.
Be imoginotive with colour
Built from jcmretod potems, t his robot
erres out for imoginotivc colccr-scnemes.
trroesccnt colours mckcit look 1111e a
beautiful bug or a oenccte piece of JewcllerYl
Don't useheovy
t ed uring. Keep
it 011 smooth
ond gellikt!.
A When to l i ght ortificiaJJy
Lighting ond shoding e re bcseo on the
cnst's personal o te jxctcuoo. Any
depiction al something as rr uoute as the
Nonobot would hove t o be artiflCialty lit,
in ony case.
Tht! shcpes ort! a
eombinot ion
of Ofganic und
manufact ured mct encl.
Create a fundionol robot
Smooth and organic, the srcces of the
Nonobot ore fumional. oespne t heir
dehccte beouty. A1though bcseo on
mkrcscopk orqomsrrs, the shopcs are crso
closcly comparable with those of largc
cnetccecrs. Rcmember in your design thot
these shapes hcee evolved for movement in
liquids and ore not mere/y o uuoo.
Docking bay connects
wcrker te recha rge
stot iaos a od csscrted
heavy machinery.
Nut rieot cockta ils a od
~ ~ preservctives pumped
lnt o orgoolc ports
prevent rol a nd
rigor m o r t ~
..--- - - Ha lOrd po.ttern t o
alert humon workers.
I ecve details /ike deca/S, /abels
and t extura/ effecrs te rhe very
end o( the iJlusrration process.
I n thi s case, t he blood vesses.
bruising and chipped paint
were t he final rouches added.
Don't overao t hese e((ects, or
you may overwhelm your designo
Emotlonal reactions
A1though rot aggrcsSiVe in cny way.
this robot is unsettnnq l o the viewer.
Oesigncd solely for industrial
ourposcs. the rcctory-uno Worker is
distinct on a military or cvmon
robot. Imagine It os ruo-oown ere
neqlected, sewced by tcchrJician5
who hove no roer conrem beyond
keepmq it fun cti oning.
CALlIlUG AU:- - --'
Four eyes used by
CPU to coordinat e
a ssembly and
work ptecesses,
Feet ere toughened, ond
mechanicolly rein fcrced
but often need to be
repla ce<! dai ly.
Reactor core eoccsed --,
io thic. sphl!le of
titaoium alloys ta
prevent ellplosions
or Il!<I ks io cose
of a ccidento

Showing weer a nd t ear
One of tf-e main ponts of mte est in this
design is l he JlP:laposi t ion of orgonic
components wit h harsh, indusl riol enes.
Dctmls such ast he chipped pont on the
metal are motched by l he rcsoes coc
engorged capil larieS on tre flesh.
This Factory- Une
Worker is a project
desi gned to curb
widespread corporate use
of 'Thi r d World' labour and
sweatshop practices
Mounted in a mechanical
fr ame, genetically
cultured 'high-wear'
parts are grown in vats
and regularly replaced
Not only ar e t he meat
components cheap to
fashion and replace, they
are extremely effi cient i n
A humanoid drone
The moin form of the Fcct ory-
Une Worker is humonoid. Of
course, t he proporlions hove
been twisted and skewed
(especrouy in tbe mechonicol
secttons). However. t be
underlyi ng layout ond jointing
remoin human in ef fect. A
great weight seems t o crush
t he body down tnto o stumped
post ure t hct shows it operotes
in en environment where t here
s bttle concern for ts health.
The defeo.t ed -o=
slouch s beginning-
te emerge.
Extended reoch
ts more important
in t his design
t hon locomot ion.
It sbutes on
short legs.
see- -
AlSO_ ......
Materia/s. p.18
Lite 15YourPa /etle.
Oeve/oping Your
/ A>
Ideas, p.26

Contrast the materi als

Note lile cooucst
bctween tbe gcometric
metal parts andthe roundef
flcsh ports even at lhis stoqe.
Balance t he mechanism
Thc exl l emely bccvy
sphere in the abdomen
countcrweights rre txxk. bkrl.
Focus on details
TtlC' legs hove more
drstinct jOint ing beccuse
they're more mechoniCal
thon the orms.
T Utili t ari an design
This ts onindustr ial robot. so try l o convey a
functlOnol 'utnny' fee! in t he coocr-screme.
The bri9hl stnped hazord markings vncnee
the desH]n. os do the wnrm hues of t be
brueed esn
The point j ob is
purely functional.
Balance t his wit h
some attroctive
orgonic vurlat ions
in tM f1esh.
those hazard
tines st riking
by darkening
them t o almost
cbsctut e block.
.... Shading tl ps
Make a osnrcucn when shading the
di ffcring rrctencls that rncke up l ile robot.
Simply pul. tre csh should be lightcr ond
soe ilion tre rretcis,
Articulation and
segmentaUon are
j ust os important as
designoThe t orso ts
elongat ed and care
is t oken t e ensure
t hot no part
int erf eres with
anot her during
_ l .
T Pol gnant character details
Anesoecicny potqrcnt effect is cctsevcr in
this d<'sign by emphasizing tbc strcnqeness
cr t be human parts mounted in tbe cod,
Iifeless shcll. Hard. industrial stoces rroke
an excellent complemenl to the drsturbingly
familiar Iimbs.
Articula ted orm
unfolds. The robo
ron ext eod tne
orm plo.tform up
t o eight t imes thl
current height .
Artistic Rendering,
Joints and
Movement. p.30
Bits and Widgets,
see- - "I
Enttre chcsss con deform ond
sto.nd up to a llow it easier
cfeorcnce into t ighl speces or
te sp recd out to falm o more
sto.ble ba se.
Aseries 01 lotch cklsps
shows Whefl! la rge,
modul ar addiUons
ca n be tted berc re
deployment f cr
corrying out o va net y
This series of
limbs ls merey o.
repetlticn of the
bcsrc, multl-use c1o.w,
o.nd ony of these con
be reploced individually
with tusk-specic
hea ds.
Workhorse stylings
This robot rs not used in combat but still has
to be mode of resment moterials to cope
wi th ns orduous tests. A slightly worn and
pitted plcstc rorms mu ch ot the casing.
Municipal fi nery
A shol ter set of stronger limbs e cccteo
beIow the forword sct of sensors. rtese ore
used for beover.rnore indust rial WQrk. socn
as roed- and foundn tton-lcymq. Thc cny's
Urban scouunccnon Assoocnon's crest
cooms the hood.
A municipal council commissioned thi s
r obot fr om a for eign multinati onal to
combat urban blight. The Urban-
Renewal 80t fills an omnipurpose
mai ntenance and repair r ol e in
ci ti es Fully modular, it can
be fitted wit h an unl1mited
range of equipment and
features li mited Al (artificial
intelli gence), whi ch allows
it to speak to pedestri ans
in a soothing,
female voice.
Internal pcrts
viewed bet ween
segments would
probobfy be
cbscur ed by
oct uol operat ion.
Give tne ext ending
or m plenty of radiol
I n prof ile, the
robot 's appearorKe
betroys ene of ns
prime roles os o
cherry pkker.
No osymmetry
cccurs in Q robot
des ig" hke t hls.
Buglike and functional
Strange ond msectle. ttus
robot ts nonet heless a helpful
ond const rucnve creotton, and
its pcsture should mcke this
opparent. While rt rs four-
wbeeted hke a cc r. the f ront
articulated orms ond are not
constrcrned by a shared oxte. / "L
lo sepercte t he
mctencrs from ecch
ot her, elemeot s such
as t he ty'es 0 00 rear
casing should be
darkened OYerall.
Frame versus casi ng
wberecs the casing ts
orgonic, thc bcsk cha<.sis
and strurtuml t rame ore qane
qeornetri c in form, not
differing greatly from thct af
a p'eseot -doy cctomobse .
Approximote wit h shape
secc use tbe top orms are
rested In a ccsnco fl ush
wi th cccn otrer. they are
shown hcre oporoxuncteo as
a simple shcpe.
Citystate colours
Bei ng a civilian robot ttot pcfo mspublic
ocues, the URBgives ue art ist Ococo excuse
te oppl y a purely cestbcnc paint Job (perhaps
the ooot coloursof the cny.stcte).
A serial number is
included fOf servicing ond
identj fication purposes.
Central arm is t he focus
The mcm part of the
robot i5 simply Q bed for
me Iarg(', folded OI m.
... Smoot h t he shading
xeep the shoding smooth and flowing but .
as youore drawing beoten-up pcsuc. you
con joosen up ~ i n o l l y and add o jtle
vcrtcnce in the surfaces.
Even t hOYgh much of t he det ai l
would be hard t o see when the
robot is operatin g (t he tyre t reces,
internal ro bles ond joints, for
examplel, they're still fundamental
to t be design ond so shouldn't be
T Tig ht ness a nd looseness
Loasen up on the plost ic cosings, but ensere
that the more structural shape:.; such os tte
whecls ond reor correortmcnts are
tightencd up.
Materia/s, p.18
Oeve/opi ng Your
Ideos, p.26
Bits and Widgt>ts.
see- - -'
AlSO_ ---"
long ar ms thot con
unfold to become
even longer.
l ong Iegs with wire
rct chet s (intended
more os slobi lizers
0\'1;-- t han support).
_ _ - M01.I lh port cernes mony
independent senscrs to
recd the environment
(for em mple, to detect
90S fumes ond biolo9icol
"l \-- - - Arms ore multijointed
.... to better recch down
into rubble.
The fifth oir jet ts on
the back. The four
seee on the front oct
os stobilizels,
Conceptuoll zlng the robot
Betore you begin. decide on the kind of ' fee!'
you wont your design to refJect and what you
wont your robot to be copoble of. This wlll give
you direction. This crttst wanted to rnckc a
robot that wcs light ond etnoeci. that f looted
and nptoed obout wrth tts sterile whi te shell. It
needed long. dexterous orms to recen peopIe
tropped tnside rubble.
Segmented body plaling
to minimile dust ond
dirt from fouling
internol systems.
Head detoil
Robots will often show glimpses
mto mole mteeoot pcrts, whiCh
usuoy 'cok quite complex. tbcse
Int emcl components should appear
as though they stretch bock o to
the body ond are integral te ports
the Viewer ccn't seto.
I ncreasing amounts of
urban confliet and
a rising population in
areas prone to natur al
disasters created a
demand for a qui ckly
deployable victi ms' ai d
robot. The 519
5yringe 5aint
is fitted wi t h five
articulated ai r
jets t hat keep it
afloat as i t steps
ni mbly across
hazardous rui ns,
scanni ng the area for
the injured wit h i ts
array of sensors .
5 19 SY RI NGE 5 A I NT
1-'"'" _ . _
mode upof
true spheres.
Using ellipses for bosic construction
ThC! only true spberes oppeor on the
shourcers. vou can keep t bc orocr uc
shcpesvague. but remember tbe volume
(denoted by emoscs in the wil c fmrne parts).
ot- Hi p plot e.
Conveying movement
Thmkout t be robot 's rrceerrent . ThrS
l u ~ Iooksodd but not predotory. the
robot has duccuo n ero purpose.
Tbe ftrst set of enicws
o re here (t he orms
are f olded bock
during movement).
Gel the bolonce right
Pose Is midmovement, so the axis of
bal ance nts in the dnccnon of trcvel.
This tilt is tncky because the robot rsese
hol f flooting (torso almost lifts the legs up).
Heod rests back
into the bady.
Const ruct ing the robot
Heavyset robot s usuoll y hove
problems with believoble crttculotton
of limbs, whereas thm robots need
ext ra effort t o ensure limbs look
strong enough t o f unction properly.
Organic curves are a greot way t o
solve this problem because t hey've
often developed in ncture t o
ef ficiently absorb shock and st ress.
These basic curved shapes are
your building blocks - start by
drafting or t raci ng t hese shapes.
light reflects
off loco! pcrt s.
Use red ond yeltow
In the sho.dows.
Colouring the robot
Use Photoshop's Color Balance ccj ust ment
to udd red cnd yellow to thestodows nnd
rmd tones. Place a layer over the drawing set
to Solt light. and tne col our will glO2e over
t he drawing. Add the 'gamish', in thiS case
the play of light and odded LEO eects,
Multiple source, ombient
light mokl!S cest shodows.
Use Oodge o.nd 8um t ool ,
to modify the , hoding.
Masking and shading
Sot drowing !ayer in ptotcsbop to Mult iply
cnd fill in mosks of colour on a loyer bolow
(secorcte it into foreqround. midground und
bockground). Usethe Magi<". Wand to seiect
Oleas to WOI k en ttcn Dodge ond Bum to
modify t he dl owing' s tone. Sbooc occording
t o the robot's mateficl.
uetcns ore edded te
the basic struc::ture.
. j
I/) Sccnned-n imoge ~
,fJf has been decned up. t
... Crea t ing the Iinework
Une is vcry importont on s1ecl. robots. Usea
b1ue CoIErase pencil to sketch Iight
ccostnxtsooo! voces, ts ecsy te erase
penol cl ter sconmng but horder te wor k on
peces rmsscd ct tbe penc stcqe. Sean lile
01101 o high resounon ercse porcuoes.
then drop it down to thc oesnco dpi.
Working Digitally.
Art istic Rendering.
JOints and
M ~ n t p 3
SEE' - - '"
ALSOI_ ---l
Horllontol pistons control
forword moUon; vertical
prstcns lift legs.
Moin body contoins
ccrnpcctor ond
furnoce for breoking
down solvoge.
Air vente clog ond need
to be cleaned regulorly.

Surface detai1s
There rs a lot of surfure detall, so try using a
programme such as Pcinter fcr the shading
rat her t han crosshatching in cenen. which
will rnckc the detall too hord to read.
On its last legs
The concept is a robot in a stote of
ocIvonced decay and disrepajf - a fragile
rrccnoe. despite its bulk. tecw the cdges
scfotchy and sketchy to crrotosee ceccy.
The Grunter was obsolete before it was even
fi nished. Too big and cumbersome for most
environments, t he 10 Grunters t hat were origi nally
manufactured wer e soon decommissi oned by the
army and sold to pri vat e compani es The model
shown her e i s t he last survivor,
havi ng ser ved for 300 year s
as a salvager on
the colony worl ds.
5eosor OrTCIyS
onolYle solvoge
ccntent ond vcrue.
Hecd housestwo
moi nt enonce robot s.
Years of wear
After the solvoge rs compact ed ond
metted down. it ts cotegorized ond
st ored in the obdomen. This meons
thot t he surfcce of t he robot will be
pitted ond domoged by 300 yecrs of
weor ond tear.
Sturdy desqn
The enginc!ike cote of tbe body is
perfectly bclcrxed ood socootec by the
hlfllJE'd. slightly bowed Iegs. A1though the
robot ttself rs Vf!fy okf , tbe underlying
const ructton remeros st rong und souno.
Timesa ving 3-D optians
use 30 sove yourself
hours of pesoectoe drawing. You'll fine!
u eosy t o constnxt your tese robot U!>ing
defoul t shcpes in Operspectwe vrew,
mec::hanical pcrts
wi ll be exccsed In
thls secucn.
Functiona lit y
Any jonted hi ngi ng )'OU (feote will
offect the woytbc robot moves. Robot s
ore mOinly functional. Corstruct your robot
with coreovisuclly conveying informati on
about ' he robot's rnovement.
extenor ccnnests
with Ir mer re i n
eyes and belly.
... (olour ond controst
Choose eorthy, dull colours t o
errcocseethe oge of the robot
Use red 00 the tenses in me
hcad os a controst t o the
dul ler tones.
80ck k-gs and abdomen
use sorne oblongs and
cyli nders os f ront leqs.
and cnest oreo. -::;-,.
Tbree cent uries of tcll
crete t he impression of
o walki ng scrapyard.
.. Layers
Apply your colon flat on o Mult lply kryer.
and t hen add highli ght s ond detone on a
new loyer.
consl ruction is of
simple cyli nders
and bolles. "'::-_

construction mecns
weight di st rlbut lon
ts ress of (In tssoe.
, 3
... 3 Doptions
The robot is a mess of ccmrred toqether
veces cod SlI"foccs: f krt, curved. sharp.
Ihere rs nothing smooth obout tbe Grumer.
Llncwork is rernmrscent of enginc ports cnd
otber mtrrccte. but convolut ed. mochinery.
Docking port
for instant
cannectian with
other robots
and humans.
Ellternolly esststed
mognetil:: inductioo
levitctes the robot,
whk h is oble lo float
only in mogneticolly
focllitoted building5.
Thi$ computer'9enerot
represeotcnve K on
embassy diplomot
JOf t he Totor
Mercont il e Republic.
Nakat omi
CorporoUon 10905.
t095 cnd lobels.
Form equa ls fundlon
Ill ustroting t hrs style of robot
o ectes unique coreccrcuoos for
tbe crust bccocse of IlS Iock of
resernbicnce l o 0100. more
familiar fosms(humanoid.
vehi<:ulm. and 50on), Bcing o
dvilian robot designcd to
with peope ond prt thcm 01 tbetr
ecse. rt 5 importont to crecte O
nonthrealening. !.efvile formo
Drawing computer irtia gery
AJtificial light ing illuminat es the coroute-
qeoected figure. and sccn-uncsare ovenaid
as on illustrat ive ocvce l o indicat e that sne
rs psesented onscrcen (cod no! sitting nside
tbe robotll.
SeIs of honds for
physicoll nt eractlon.

The Nakatomi Clerk

hovers above t he marbl e
floors of corporati ons
and embassies, gr eeting
people with its computer-
generated human
personality. Fully
customizable, the Clerk
fills a myriad of roles,
and its impeccable
manners and on-the-fly
networking capabilities
have led many executives U.-'
and diqnitar-ies to admi t
t hat they now prefer
deali ng wit h Clerks to
networ king with people.

"'PCAl:lIR1G At t - - -,
"'...,.....e-, Artist s shou/d note thot ore o( !he
chollenges in digital crt s how to
~ ; r j : ; T overcome the somenmes
-, orti{iciol-/ooking, mochine-
generated results, rhar is, /ines
thar look too stroight ond eo/ours
t hat appear too consisten! and
exoct. There are mony occosora.
however. when tnese eteas can
be desirable. A good example
ss [he sean-/ines on [he clerk's
screen. The over/y perfect /ines
effeetively indicore t he technology
used by t he clerk.
These slde-
mounted orms
con also recen
towards the
front of
the robot .
The comput er
orts ore
ocated a l the
bottom, wit hin
eosy recen of
UlTlOn being$..
The cterk floots.
pivoting on
this moj"
hinge cyli nder.
Design a realistic
Atthough ttus robot octs.
that does not mea n t hat it s
axis, balance and relott on to
t he horizontal plane (in this IJ
case. the ( loor of the lobby)
are nrelevcnt to its designo
The robot pivot s on t he
bottorn sectton. so ensure
t hot you illust rote a betrevcble
hinge mechcmsm ond
balance. The general shope 1
of the robot should almost
resemble the consumer
elect ronic appliances thot
we use everyday wit hout
a seccnd thought.
l oter on, light ing
000 colour will work
to diffefent iote
tlle $Creen from
t he IObot.
In order l o drow
ot tent ion l o the
vibroncy of t he
screen imoge,
keep the robol 's
colours subtle.
... Industrial art
Cleon. cttrocuve colours suggest o robot
thot on lndusmo! orust could hove spcru
time desiqnmq. The colours of the on-screen
cerscrcnty ore doser te the colocrs used in
o ocsscct pointing lhon in o photogroph.
Becouse the robot con
see in any dlrcet ion, tbc
orms ere tucked too from
the scecn so os I'IOt to
impoir vrsion.
Simple shapes
Note how simplifi ed tbe
design con become and
yet remoln recoqotzoble.
,. Shading and Iight
Chocse o shodi ng style to show that tte
bnr shcd metal plating reccts Iight
differently than t be sclf illurninated screen.
Ext ending arms
rrese mm eylindef s ore
folded upon themsefves
ondcan doubIe in lenglh.
Try lo t hink
aheod to t be
paint ing stage
000 what
is in donger of
.. New line styles
l ile Iinewak recuces as1ight shift of style
between the smooth. shorp forms of the
robot ond the more orgoniecurves of thc
womon on the screcn.
. d
Worki ng Di gital/y,
Materia/s, p.18
Joint s and
Movement, p.30
see- --.
ALSO_ --,
Tapered knees. bul ging
calves, ond f eet like
booves, give the Trader Q
rocehorsel ike qlKllity.
Recessed hecd contains
a highdefinit ion,
heet-sensor. cnd
night-vision comeras.
51auchi ng, primevol
shcudees crecte a
hunched ond
suspicious prote.
Exoskeletan can be
modi f ied with cbp-cn
plates rcr prat ectian In
hostile envir onments.
Unusua l desig n
The stronqe form of the robot lndudcs
en cjrost monkeylike upper body.
biomedxmical temcoes for product
tesling. ond ultrostronq 1e(JS.
Articulote ho.nds wi t h
eenccte f inger5 enable
t he Trader t o t ype ot
ccmput er t errnlnals and
pcrnoccte in eoeucns.

The alien-looking Off-World

Trader (DFT) droi ds were
designed by EarthAid
Cybernetics as a means of
infiltrating the civili zations
on colony worl ds to source
vi tal food suppli es for sale
back on Earth. The OFTs a r e
programmed with one million
col onial barteri ng protocol s
and are multilingual.
Brains and brawn
Ihc recesseo beco is ser int o oowcrru
shoulders tbot tocse an edra-largc
'Cckuns' brain dcsigned to process muncos
of complex t rc nsoct ons o secood
Consumer cid
The Off-World Troders were
an offshoot of the f irst line of
Radian checkout robots, which
were destqned t o carry bags
of food and consumer goods
t hrough wc r-devostcted
st reets to the homes of
needy ctvrlrons.
Sketch the sl'lope
first before working
up the design using
)'Our software.
The shc pes use<! rrecte
an impressiYely "'?
dramatic silhouette.
Note now the
Iegs a re bowed
to lndirote
tensi le
Experi me ntal shapes
Expenment by bendmg
ond warping your
shcocs when doing your
une! figure doodlcs.
Elegont mot ion
l 00king at the bojl-cnd-
sockct jomt of the hi p,
we can gct an idea of tbe
sinewy way the OFT wclks.
Powerful build
Strong upper body hos
a yokcukc struct urol
renrorccrncnt for carrying
heavy tocos.
... Extra rendering
The white fogging on the and
tentcoes mteqrctes tte robot wit h
the sceee. whereas o shodow con
plant him firmly te the ground so he
<loes not Iook Iike he is flootlng.
Mix und match
os mony colour
combina tions as
you wont. Try
blue on<! llght
grey. or red on<!
white - the opt ions
are endless..
t exture ls
weer and tecr.
... Highlights
Accurate Iightlng cos realismo Think
obout wbcre the light wi ll foil on tte
robot' s curves as the Iow evening sun
stnkes him frcm behind.
... Sh oding
Use dark unes to define the shodows.
which will help depict which eements of
the design ore round. flot or sqocre, j ust
byplacing the shodows correctly.
Two-tone cclcue-scheme
is a chonce to explore
colour combinations..
"lI The ot st
tries out dfferCflt
head designs.
From 011 angles
ihis illustral ive rct cuon of ue robot
show5 its exaggeroted posrure 000 ns
Iorge crest. Notice that tbe jceus ere
oevecoeo even ot stcce.

It. An oggresSive
stcrce implies
a robot who
means cosioess.
ore fl anked by
rubro- appendages.
Developing ideas
Robots whoserolesle in jow
ond arder hove similari ties t e
military robots. OOt their
ogglcsSive cscccts moy be Jlrr.....;;.
downployed. OnemojOf /
consdercnon is how pebhc
the robot should be in jIs
cppeorcnce: n coold becr
offiool mar kings or Icncuon in
a more ' ploin dothes' role.
The chest is
i his rounded pcrt ..-z'
is where the Z - Q covity. i i'l. (
pnscners ore .-----: - .....
cm the robot .
ihis panel will
be the barred
cell qate In the
finol designo
Law-and-order robots, used
for policing, are unique m that
ther interaction will be primaril
with the civilian populace They
are human-friendly but have
a dsconcertnq potential for
violence beneath the surrace.
Though not engineered to be
ettracttve, the appearance of
these peace-keepmg robots
is nonetheless i mpor tant.
They have been painstakingly
designed both to calm a
crowd of agitated r ioters and
to intimidete and terr-ifv
waywar d suspects
(rest and officia l
rnart ial insignia
deccrcte this
robat ' s shaulder.
This shock baton
electricol fleld,
which disables
suspects when they
enter it.
Tbe eres are
composed 01 a
disparate array
01 huge senso""
I d sketc h .... A more deve ope ,
shows sorne of the artlst s
final cbclce s.
(ontainment cell.
osee to temporanly
capt ure<! sospects,
cppecrs os agur
to invoding ho' d
Traditiona/Iy. p.12
Artistic Rendering,
Attochments ond
EmbelJi shments.
see- - "'I
ALSO_ .....
Harmoniaus elements
Tbese bccoutul robots moved effort lessly
ocross the landscope. The holy men allowed
o handful to foil into Imperial honds. seccre
in t he knowledge tbct the nwcdes could
only understand me prcjcs.powered
mechorusrns by filst ccceptmq the message
of pecce.
8f(1in powered by
1,000 miniatu re
proyer wheets.
St urdy mul t ij oint
weighted for
ext ra stnblllty,

Exhaust system
produces minimolly
hCllordous byproducts.
Fonighted desig"
rfc eyepiece js an ingeniouscrece of
equomcnt . ollowing the holy rncn to see
through remate eyes in 011 weothors. doy or
ruqht. lhe robot olso has olfoctory sensors
lo smell out mvcoers.
When the Imperial Chinese land armada stole
into Tibet, the holy men of the mountains defended
thei r peaceful land by willing into being 15,000
tank- calmer robots, known as ' St eel l.ot uses' .
Far from bei ng a killi ng machine, each robot
was powered by 1,000 prayer wheel s .
Together the Steel
Lotuses swept 46,000
Imperial tanks back
over the border
wi th the peopl e's
coll ecti ve prayer
for peace.
5hape and balance
This design rs essent ially o
tapered cyli nder on legs.
Const ructed in segments, tt
decrecses in drometer
towards t he rear where it
curves upwords t o form the
exhausto Oblongs cnd
triongles in the legs creote
a vi sual contrasto
A multitud!! of
curved elements
creetes Impression
of a robot ' creat ure',
Legs resemble the
li mbs of Q quic:k,
scomperi ng animol.
Moin body is
almost spherlcnl.
t en-me curved
ormngement .


Simpl e forms
Note how an arrangemeflt
of simple rorms oroerncs
t he complexrty.
Legs must be cosnorec
corefull y for Q reohsttrolly
balanced posture.
The axisof balance will
shltt dcpendmq on the
pose of thc robot.

. ,
, T
... Digital colour
Whenaddlng com digitolly lo a
t; J ceoot drOWing, crecte a layer in
. .
Protosrcc with the bIend mode ser lo
Mult iplY. Thismainl ains tbe brightness
l. of the coleo. while allowing the block
unesto show through.

Use not urol tcoes en<!

gleoming elements
thot suit t hl! robot ' s
spirit uol purpose.

_:r. ' /: .... Clear line styl e
Aswatercolour will be used in t he next
./:':1, '\ stoqe. u iS better te applypenc-
.\' ,
e ...... shoding in o series of cnso. thi n unes
thcn to use a srnudqy shading style.
Sketch io t he solid
elements once you've
cought t he rnood of
your robot.
.. Watercolour mocds
Block in the colour using actual
wctecocor. or use diluted coeors
in Photoshopwith a rnecsore
of trcnsocercv to o eot e the
sorne effect.
Let your imagina l ion
ond hond run fret'l y
to eeeete a fluid
drowing style.


Traditionally, p.12
Developi ng Your
I deas, p.26
Bit s and Widgets.
see- - -'

Monstrous creati ons

Crccted by t hetr mosters to resembre msects
cno ot her erectores that temneo Bioforms,
t xtcmuoctors becamc fond of adorning
t t emsefves with gruesome tr ophes from
therr hunt ing exceomons.
Antig rovity generotors
housed within
body casing.

l ail ends In
sensor cluster.
Wings act os
___ guidonce rcus.

St abililing rods
fiUec! with
gy' oscopic
.o--_ Heat-sensit ive ' seeker'
organ. mount ed on
gri pper ptoboscls.
By the late 25th century, most humans had
given up their organic heritage and become
cybernet ic organi sms. The few remaining
Bioforms were forced to hide away or face
i mmediate exter mi nati on. The elite cyPods were
not all owed to poll ute themselves wit h filthy
biologi cal matter, so a hit squad of flying
robots was pressed into service to finish
the Job for them t he Exter rni nator-sl
Deadly armoury .,
The primary tools of the Extermmotor's
trade are ns ctow-tppod arms. Other
weapons con be ottochcc as well, including
flame tbrowcrs, elect r n-pulse cannons and
rcct.seeuoq kmer-vrus qreocoes.

Hood shapes
hove odcIly
humon a specto
Ir idescent
colours suggest
msectftke ports.
... Multi ply mode
Sean into Photoshop. then ceot e a new
loyer cnd set the mode to Muiti ply_ Add
colour w tth Pcncil, Brushand Alrbrush
tools and corost U5ing the Color
Balance. HuelSoturation and
BrightnesslContrast mcnus.
Axis far f1ight
The cos for a robot in flight tsd.fferent
from a creotu-e.
PIoted arrungement
rcees ins pirotioo 'ra m
' eal world ersects.
101:. chosen te
defioe edges aod
enhonce solidity.
Experi ment wi t h cal our
When addiog co cer in a proqrcrnroe
such as Photoshop, you hove an
amazing amount of ecoorn to ccjust or
alter the colour in any way you Iike. I t i5
cjso easyto oecte new colour
on the underlyiog drawiog itsell .
Aerodynamic lines
NOreed to think much oboot balance
when drOW1ng the Enemtrotoe.
fnstecd giVe u on impressioo of soceo ond
mcoceuvroouny in the crr by foccsmq on ns
sieek. cerodyocrmclines.
y Appropr i ate st yle
The drowlOg styre is jagged. jittcry
and det oaec to erecto a scnseof
msecne complelli ty cod odvanced
mochinc enginecring.
Distortt'd obloogs sU9gest
mechcntccl elements.
Not hing natural
The underlying soeces moy be
lnsectke. but the coostrocton rs
detmctly mechonical. shctp and suuster.
If this robot ts an msect. it rs on
oggressiVe. deadly one.
Distinctive shapes
Each Exterminator Is a
challengi ng collection of
cont rasti ng shapes - f1aUened
and distorted oblonqs. spheres
and cyhnders. The ntshed
design ts very dtsnncuve.
so t hmk caref ully about
_ c-- - - - - - - ------- -
As the multinational s gain ever -increasi ng
power, they also face greater hostility Their
aggressi ve weakening of federal powers has
relegated much policing to being handled
internally The Martial Queller is used to put
down protests and riots, and i ts mere presence
acts as a deterrent to t hose who would fi ght t he
euthoriti es Whenever corporate property i s
threatened, t he Marti al Quell er wades into
crowds, vomiti ng tear gas and shattering
dissidents with its elect ric baton.
Sirkfibre-<omf'O"ite pl oting in a
blastproof snield, which is 0150
rnogl'let icol1y shlelded t o pret ect
the robot from directionol EMP
Nonmilitory tough guy (electrornagnetic pulse) bIosts.
Although heovlly crrrccred and aggresslve.
this robot is not Q mllitOlYc\evice. so you
can espose Oleas between the ormoul
ploting. The humonoid wcmor design
crect es tbe irnpression ot a
'co pomte Samuro'. cver loyal
t o ns lord - in t his cose the
board of directoes.
Implying strength
Hexcqoncl pkJting implies g reot st rength in
the shiekfs mokeup. PoIY90n01stooes ore
on excenent woy te creote cttmctwe. yet
l echni colly bclievoble. lorgc surfoce c rees in
ALSD_ .....
Materia/s, p.18
Attachment s and
Attachments, p.36
Plot ed communiea t ions
crroy maintains cc nstont
satellile communicatlon
wit h corporate HQ,
Chemical ccmsters
f re teor-gas and
other suppression
shells nt o crowds.
A wecve of f U
strips encase
ellplosive cha
which is detor
the robot fioc
mobbed by
overwhel mioc
___ oumbers of e
ele<:trk baton
with plastic
(to Pfevenl
bodily fluids
fTom shorti ng
t he open
efect rcdes).
Aggressive os pect
Both the shiel d and boton ore held
owny from the body in o defio nt ly
oqqressfve displa y posture.
Powerful pose
A squatting warrior pose can
be used t o qrect advontage in
this robot. Its shield Is clso
shaped and szed for use in
protect ing t he t orso wit hout
obstructi ng the alreody heavily
ormoured leqs.
Torso deslg"
As wit h many robots, it s lower t orso
und pelvisare relat rvely t hin 000
mostly structural.
Tilti ng s hields
Thc shoulder protes ore unce fOlWards
to deflect buacts owoy from the torso.
Though t he urm connects
with t he shleld 01 the
elbow, it sti ll cc nt tnues in
length os a struct urafly
st rong mooring.
The shield dcesn't
differ f ondamentaUy
""ir from this simple
rectangle: a section
has merel)' been
r:h cut out .
t ~
's tst
T Inorgonic shopes
Allhough CUJvC'd. the shapcsusoc in the
dcsrqn are not qui te orqcmc, giving en
industrial and unpleasant csoccr to o robot
ttcrs more brutal than n rs sopr enccted
Not e howthe
hexogons will be Ioi d
in Ioter wi t h the oid
of the compote..
(don' t bother with
a roler).
The bexcqoes ore keyed in
with t he elements they
t OlKh Inctlce how ot her
elements seern te li ne up
with t hem consistent ly).
... Persped ive on det a ils
Dcrken the muscular cabl e bundle!. that con
be seen in tf-e gops between the ormour
pIoting so tnct they ' Sit bock' from tbe
vrewcr's eyc, aeating tbe mpresuon of a
glimpse int o the anat omy of the robot.
... Office r robot
Use of blue, whlte and yellowadd t o O
coece-cce-ue opcecrcrce. wIlich has
becn odapted by the leosing comconies
l o mcmtom the dcntifiable coiour-
schemcs of tbe old oothouncs.
The modolar riot -shiel d
and baton do I'IOt share
the some colaor-sctleme
as tne robot lt self.
sheot h and
arr a)'.
Elect rtcclly
moti vated rozor
wres wi t h boyonet
becds t hrosh ond
f1ail O(OUoo
the robot.
Deca/s and Lagos,
Developing Your
I deas, p.26
Attachmenu and
Embelli shmenfs,
see- - -'
ALSO _ .....
A personal sotel l ite
nccts oround ___
robot . offering
and dctoed
to its host.
slerce ond fearless
' Intimidoting' sums
up the impl"esSian
YOu worrt to (feote with
t his design! The rncj ortty of comtct tc kes
place at very clase qucrters, result ing in the
Purqcr's predo tory cppcomnce - ond rts
Iarge complemcnt of bladcs.
Fixed f1amet hrower
wi t h bayonet and t ank of
compressed, j ellled napalm.
In the age of the globalized
Umfied Chur ch, heresy has
ushered i n a new I nquisition.
!t's in this crisis that a robot
like the Purger must play t he
dual rol es of spiri t ual healer
and cl eanser of heathen
communities Whenever a
heretical movement is
detected, the Purger is
sanctioned to descend on

the community at night,

cutting down men,
women and chil dren,
bur nmg everythi ng to
the ground to cleanse
the land of sin.
Complex ci rcuitry
The sotenne tsalll'lOSl Art-Demstyle in
cscect. The scteune iS de';igned
to be o compctey uoormoured cntity
with almost bare orcuuy. indicoting
. thct tt's packed with corr olexsensors
and cicct ronrcs.
_ ._"
l . . .
Far 011lnterrts
cnd perpcses.
t he weight ls
ptcced straight
dawn tne leg ond
on to t be heel.
Amazing rozars
The skirt al the bad af
tbe robot reuses l win
rolls of rczoe wire.
Buil t in weoponry
The flamcthrowcr is on
extenson of t bc
tceecr m rothe t han o Iimb
Natice haw shifted
the lawer pcrt 01
t he body s from
Ihe olignml' nt of
Ihe t orso.
look outl
The robot 5 twisted
round to rt s IefL os Ir
Iooking over nsshoulder.
The entire
upper t orso
is unmO'ling
and ron be
in a ne
unifar m shcpe.
The fear af Gad
The Purger rs o bogeymon:
designed speciccuy to instil
dreod f rom every cnqle. even
wi t h tts prole ond the shcpes
of it s body pcrts. Bristling with
knlves. ond wi t h o bc re skull
sunken int o the hulking torso,
the Purger is o twtsted.
humonoid designoPloying more
of an csscsstn's role - with it s
torget being unsuspectmq
civi lions - this robot is more
ogi le looking t hon nwould be
i f it had o heavi ly or moured,
militory oppeoronce.
Dcrken t he far 11'9
dromat ically lo
sepuscte it and place
it in perspect ive.
... Bug-Iikl' segment s
A strange, nsoctne sejmentcnon ts used
uniformly in tre desqn - in morked
cootrcsr lO eements like tne sctejhte
and flometlYower.
Much of t he robot
ts plioble ond,
therefore, has an
Ofgonlc quolily to its
component sbcpes.
... Hateful pote
Adarkened mass of wrigg ling shopes swells
up to tbe bcre. skull like headof tbe robot.
The orstoct.metallic sheen ot the blcdes 5
applied al t he coloufing stoqe. so iccve out
bold highlight s ot t brs poot.
... Re gal cetours
Usean opulent coloorscr erne bcre to imply
the almost regal statusinvested in the robot
by its owners. who've abviously poured
incalculable fundsinto its cecboo.
Not ice how t hl'
tleod text ure
000 colour
shifts slightly
from the
rest of t he
robot ,olmost
resembling bane.
see- - -'
ALSO_ ---'
Dockinq exteoscn fof
connecti nq to its
service space station.
Extensons unf llri
into huge solar
col1ectillg pcoets.
Drawing ond
Research, p.l0
Artistic Rendering,
)#Attachments ond
'// Embel/ishments.
l eqs terrmncte
in complex
While not combot
crmcured, the robot is
ploted for protection
from asteroids a lld
space debns.
Flower power
lile Orbital Deleqete ooes nol nccc lo be a
'ugged robot. os it ccts in lhe vocuum of
spoce. It rs on ost.roartillery pece rotber
than a machine designed for ccrotct.
Ac:Iditional pa,ts and equipment bIossom
out of it me petots on a flower.

Coil gllllS mounted in

dual setup for more
ccnt rcllcble recoil.
Don't deslgn a heavyweight
r tese seem sieroe ond
oeccte when placed beside tbe large robot
HQwever, In sccce. tbe only recl stresses
lo t be guns a re ccosed byflring t hern,
llleir dcsign is linear and soeocneed
but ccrta inly not robcst by terestncl
wropon'y storocros.
This robot is an exhaustive
overhaul of the second Soviet
Space Programme's cosmonaut
buddy system Mounted with
independent and solar power
sources, and equipped
with dual gauss guns,
the Orbital Delegate
now circles the Earth
shooting down any
satel1ites that contravene

sanctions and treaties.

Designed for its environment
The robot moves in on unnatufOl but
precise mormer, totolly unlike a human,
leovoq nsprofile inorqomc.
The$e t wo
moin cylinder$
run ri ght
t hrOl.lgh t he
middle of
the terse,
bi$ect lng It .
Polnts to remember
ThiSrobot is very sceocnzeo. so f ui!
oucccuco ond monoeuvrobihtyare
not reall y necesscry.
po" tlM;' not a
but 0150 not <::::::)
dramat lc, 0$ 1.
it enns in
o vocuum. __,
zero-atmosphere conslderations
Remember this robot ccts but oceso't
fly. so its prolers not oerodynomic.
The t wo cail gun$
afe complet ely
identical, 0$ are
thei r mount ing$.
Zero-gravit y design
Due te its environment, the
Orbital Delegate enccunters
no gravit otional st resses and
st roms. Its Iimbs fun ctfon only
os crtkulcuon ond are not
load beoring. The excepton is
the orms, wrnch connect the
guns t o t he t orso and need to
be reloti vely reinforced. Thrs rs
one of t he rore coses where
axis ond ground ptcne ore not
vit al foctors in your designo
... Space robots
Space is en erwronrreot totaUy differen t
from that in whiCh rT"IOSt robots wi Uherve t o
nocnco.000 ttuswill be reectcd in e'Vf!fy
ospect of your desi gnoSctclhte and spc cc
stcnon srcccs and prcpornons are
exceeot sources of reference nee.
Tht' $hape$of t hi$robot
are a rewl l of ns complex
$lructure ond serve no
outward pcrpose.
Even t he lor ge
tlat planes in
t hi$ dt'5ign
$hould hove a
$light deqree
of ambit'nt
... Getting the Iighting right
Alth ough not wholly cccurcte to the sharpl y
controsting Iighting of obJects in sooce. your
shoding should leen towcros a basicolly
recnsnc pcet rcyct. baJancing reousm with
the necd lo maintain mteresunq dctca.
... Environmentoi hczcrds
Use reecnve wt ntes 000 rretcmc coces,
indudlng goIds. in obundance. Ontbe robot
they wauld prevent extreme overheoting
frorn the suo's fOYS. Glowing lightscnd LEOs
resemblc rhose of sotemtes oro
contemporory spoce technology.
Bright ond mete-c, t ht' colOl.lf$
of the Orbitol Oelt'gote
resembre otht'r preces of
mochinery and spcce debris
thct sptn in the Earth' $orbit .
Curved, hunched
profile crecees a
smatler t or90.>t for
small-orms t ire.
Materials, p.1a
Joints and
Movement, p.30
Attachments and
see- - '"
ALSO_ --,
setenne dish
estcbshes upl ink
for dota on
current bounties.
Differently col oured head
ond plating denote recenUy
repleced ports thot hove )'('t
t o be camouflaged.
Met al clows gr ip
with (1 force of "000
pounch. SHK3005 hove
been known to npt he
orms off fl eeing crimi nol s
whil e in hot pursut .
Ptot ing Is hecvy on
t he f ront of the robot,
os this ts t he most
probable directlon for
obsorbi ng incoming nre.
Simple purpose
This robot was designed to
display it s smtster functton.
and its predat ory cnd hunched
posture ilIustrate ttus role.
Conceclment being mport cnt.
the robot wos designed with a
camouflaged paint job in mi nd
(something that can, if not
carefully planned, create
a muddl ed image).
Death' s head
The 5HK 300' 5 heod can move freely
t o aim at anything in It s eld of vlew.
Its ntncot e torgeting systems are
concent roted ot the stdes of its
fcce and neck, as ore its decdest
wecpons: t wo Iinked pulse guns. one
lonq-rcnqe toser. and one nonlethal
bcjsuc disobler.
l'l. l
1;;)..:.,C L :
In the future , hardcore policing is entrusted
to machines. Their impassive minds are
fool proof i nsur ance against corruption in
the police force. The Bounty Hunter
5earch-Hunt-Kill (5HK) 300 deals wi th
the most dangerous criminals. It operates
with great stealth, and can
engage in extended pur suits t hat
would not be humanl y possi ble
The 5HK 300 uses an
autonomous Al and, when needed,
it can quickly connect with t he
centr al poli ce mai nfr ame. This
robot is deployed
when a Judicial
decision has been made.
Often, the target is
executed on the spot
,' L Simple Ieg
shaM!S will
onimoHi ke later.
Add sorne camaufl oge
patterns ond morkings
for en oddi t ionol
element of interes!.
... Layen a nd det a il
The f inal oppnccuon of octcus can be the
most time-coosuming phcse. Flcu en on
Iayers to ore fOf po inting ecse. U'>C ue
zoom function to add very fine
To mc ke the robot cppecr used
ond worn, crecte a ncw layer
00 top ond pomt 00 sorne
serete-es ond stoms.
The 10119 bcrret shope cbove the lcgs
ccts as a farward hinge to ollow the
Hunle. te 'eco 00 ro 011 fours ct a rromeu's
ronce for swifl ccune Jl1OV(!fTlf'nt,
Shade ond colour
severoJ voriot ions
of the robot.
choosethe best.
The hull contai ns
the central
rornputer one! is
curved to deflect
enemy fire. ----,-.J
Core stability
AlthOugh huoched in shopc ond stcnce.
the robot has a V('fy stoble struetule.
... Layen a nd light
When you're scuscd wi t h thc hnework ene
hove comrrntted it te ooe Iayel, the rext
stcqe is adding coiour 000 vo/ume. Fill in the
loyer under the hnework. Choose your Iight
soorce corefully, und tct it guide you when
you stcrt uddtnq your aocr. '"
The hunchback of intentellar space
The Bounty Hunter IS humonoid with a
dominoting, curved, orrnoured proftlc
ondo hunchcd back.

Shoot first
The shopes are st rictl y
functi onaL 1t must move
quckly. sheet cccurct ety.
ond withstond the hcrsbest
conomons. The robot Is fitted
with jump j et s allowlng for
sbort penods of limited f light.
With the help of smoller
articuloted j et s. u can
make very complex and
unexpected mcnoeuvres.
... Digital drawing
Tllough tte whole image rs done in
Ptotosooo. tte rst stage is olwoys
freehond uncwoik. The test Ihing obout
drowing on the corrouter ts the pcssosny
fOl" changing the pictcre I hroughout tre
croot ive process without Ioss of qualily. You
con ecsy zoom in und add fine details.
( reot e ('Yt!'Ysectian
on a sepcrete layer
so you con easlly
chonge onJy tncse
crees of the robot
you disllke.
This Bounty Hunter
ts organic ond
lnsectile in
TM tace mosk is
decorat ive. ond dients
wha desire jess
oggressive cppecronces
for guord dutiestend
l o hove tht' 'oclory
defoutt replaced.
Working Digital/y,
Artistic Rendering.
Materia/s, p.18
see- - -'
ALSO_ ---'
--Thissensor octual1y
~ t n s during use,
ond can retroct
during ccenbct,
The Samurai Guard is a r epur posed military
robot converted for private, civilian use The
civilian model lacks the built-in weaponry of
the military version but retains some of the
armour plating and ECCM (electronic
counter-counter- measures) protective
systems The head is separate from the
body, held in place with a proprietary
anti gravity/ el ectromagneti c system.
This allows the robot to use the
head as a floating remote camera
The clothing is primo.lty
ccmpcsed of synthetics
(lOO is d@Signedtorip easily
l o I'frYent opponenl s
from using it asa __
combot advontoge.
The KEI GO personal sKurity robot
Thisparticular consumer model wcs
designed wit h integral armour ond j oint
protectlon built into its 'clothlnq'. lts
proportionsclso preclude rt weoring
human dothing. Commercial retcers
often customize the robot ' s face plate.
Decorative Int imidat ion
The KEI GO waspl anned to resemble
o fearsome statue standing still in a
room during a senstnve meeting,
causing the intimidated to fret over
the hkehhood of t his stot ue suddenly
springing to life and attocking.
TM head is
.. I
to inelude
J the helmel.
The fists ore
Bosicolly humonoid.
t his robot has a wide
ond stable stc nce.
Human nature
This robot. llke the ot hers. can
be broken down into simple
shopes such os cubes ond
cyli nders. The design of t hts
robot rs int ended to resernbfe
t he human body but with
exoggeroted proporttons thot
emphcstze tts mcssve stoture.
Shapely composition
The posture ond cttltude
01(> defined ct the bcs
ccosuucnco stoqe. SObe sore
u conveys the feel you wor rt
fOf your f inol desqn.
Artist' s model
AlthOU9h humanoid. thi s
robot stand<; at on
ortificially stiff angle. ils
chest thrust stocoy forward.
Core stobility
ThOu9h you moy nevcr
show orear stot of yoor
nrsbed robot, understandi ng
its structcre from this angle
wil l hcp yoo.
... Bold unes
Refineand t ight('fl up the oetous ond dcsign
ideos that yoo explored in tbe initial sketch.
ronceotrcte oetcas in the roce. and go ter
bcld. block unes.
For visua l unity.
moke sure the
grophieal motifs
repeat through
the designo
Use o simple
light ond dark
colour scheme.
... Backgrou nd
In yoor digital pointing progromme.loy
down Q l ectongl e or o warm red. orange or
brown colour in thc background. Then tr y
pointing tre robot in compl ement ary hucs.
... Bosic colour
Once the e1ementary col our b10ds or e
opplied. wor k up t he br igl''lter spots of colour
ond dctoiling. especiolly on the foce. Apply
highlghts whefe the light shines on tbe
downword-focing surfoces of tbe beco.
Md o subtle wosh of
wcrm colour over
tne whole pointing.
Indicote the glowof
t he levlt(lting devlce In
the pit of the neck with
(1 stron9 highlight_
~ An eorly
prototype has
only t wo mms.
... This sketch
captures tre
orm moeemeots.
... Thisvoncuon rs
recoqnlznbly human
in oopecronce.
From 011 ongl es
Helpef robot s give tbe ortiSl a wioe ronge
of probable opprooches. When designing.
rememter tbct yocr robot will hove to
rteroct with peopIe.
Devel oplng Ideas
Ir" o good idea to sketch out
simple exumplcs of youl
hclper robot intelOct ing wtth
comcsuc humon objecls
in the kinchof sctnnqs tbe
robot is lntended for.
~ s lnstecd of Iegs
j ust didn"( seem t e
fill}-i'i'I IT1Qtch the eexteccs
uppef body.
The hip pivots
in movement ,
just like (1
humons dces.
The helper robot moy
even tcke on humon
qestures suth as resting
ns hond on ns knee.
Many great robotic advances
will be made i n the consumer
electronics market and
tomorrow's robotic grenadiers
may well be today's robots
designed to walk the family dog.
Pleasant in appearance and
adapted to a varietv of tasks,
these robots are a boon to
humanity Although personal
helpers have smling,
approachable faces and are
ver y user-friendly, they
incorporate all the high-tech
design and intricate robotics
you would fmd in the most
cutting -edge machme.
As o robot hes no
problem conltollil'lC}
mony different
oppendoges. tbese
limbs are orronged
in o set o, four.
... A more worked- up sketch
shows the design the artist has
chosen to develop.
The styliled femele
mce is intended te
oid in intefoction
with humo n owners.
Aesthet ic de<:isions
will be prevalent in
hetper robots: note
l hese mock heers.

rne hip }aint
oppeors os on
boll ond socket.
- ,
u '
Tbe seqrneeted
orms hove a
wde rtl l'lC}l!
of movement.
Ahell)ef robot' s
ell.tremit ies should be
oble la interoct with
objects designed for
human use.
lite ts Your Palette,
lomts and
Movement , p.30
Bits ond Widgets,
s e e - ~ I
The humanoi d
proportions and sree of
t his ADIUVO mcdel
all ow it t o weor human
ctct hes when necesscry.
The cercmlc/resn
moteriol ollows orqcnc,
oesthet i(olly pleosing,
humonold shcpes to be
The exosketeton is
slightly flex ible, but
jcints ore stm needed in
the exteri or skin t o oltow
full ronge of movement . __-....._
Simple construction
This robot can be broken down
into simple shc pes such as cubes
and cyli nders. which mokes it eosy
to draw.
light weight
resln exoskelet on.
Humanoid rhythms
The overall design is mt ended t o
resembre the human body: the facial
features and expression should clso.
Use the eyes to mimic a human qoze.
The ADIUVO Mark IV is the
most advanced consumer
personal - assi stant robot in the
Adi uvo range, which began i n
the late 21st century wi th the
original toylike Adiuvo I (see
page 43) The current model
has greatly expanded functions
and abili ties and i s oft en used
in civil and industri al situations
as .well as in its intended
domestic r ol e.
Use humonUke
j oints ond your
robot wi ll be

to mcke
gest ures.
Mimic o.
mc sculfne
body t ype.
This robot con move
subtly o.nd conw y
meo. ni ng thr0tf9h ike t ouches
such os o sli ght turn
of the hecd.
Offaxis stance
Push t he boxes and cylinders
off t he vert ical axis. The
wetqht of t he robot still needs
to be cent red, but tts body
can lean and introduce gentl e
curves ond ' S' shapes int o Its
st anding pose.
Core stability
Like a human, your robot
neeos a strong spme ond
a pelvis l o cnctsc en upright
ccmc qe cno a strooq storce.
Overoll design should
retem o f ri endly
... Finishi ng
The oddition ot dork, almost block. j oint
rrctencr cdcs a 30 quolity to the robot.
Spcctccotcr high!ights and glowi ng green
cyes complet e t he design,
With t he colour
blccked in, you con
olter the hue ond
saturctcn if you wish.
Arti st's model
Make use of a wooden
crtrst's rrcoer when
drawing the MOfk IV. Models
are cvcncblo al ony fi ne
nrt store.
'Y The right tone
Once tbe bese forms ore reroerod adj ust
tbe colour ondscnaouon but eceo rt subte
to ollow the sotcrcted scot -cooors in the
eyes to stand out If-e dnterent 'Shades will
cmpnosize certoin muscle groupi ngs os well.
Shapely shapes
By gracefully roundi ng
tre eierentcry stcoes
used, the robot rs oble to
rT\OV(! in a fl uid, human way.
.>- '; ,
' ''ti, Id
" .r-.

ond other design
elements shoul d
echc humnn
... Superhuman
The linework on this robot iS C"SS'Otially of
lile mejor musde groups of the human
body. Leaving these rncsocs exposed gives
the AOIUVO MQfk IV not only o human but
o 'supethumcn' cok. Use onotomicol cbcns
to qet the musctes just rtqht.
lorge lacquer box
cont ai ns t he cogs
aod switchingoboxes
that control the ctr
robes that leed to
the Korokuri .
Shint o cncrms ole
f ixed t o t he engine
box aod ore said t o
help instil the
Karakuri with o soul
Drawi ng and
Research, p.10
Deve/oping Your
Ideas, p.26
}oiOCs ond
Movement , p.30
see- -
ALSO_ .....
Teafar the hcst and
his guest is presented
on a lacquered tray.
Two pneumat lc
pumps funct ion as
the Karokurj ' s pri me
mode of movement .
Deli cat e f u.ict fons
Wi lh o dcsqn tncr's purcly for show. the
Kcrcjur percrmsooly Simple teses. rts
Pfimory role rs l o cncrm guests. Resembling
a IifeSil (' doll in oess.tnc Karokuri rs cisc
coostJained by the nmas ct how far the
tubing will reoch rron tre ensille lhat
powcrs il
Tanned skin tubing
deuvers compressed
ail from the
main pumps.
The seventh Tokugawa, a
great patron of Karakuri
design duri ng the Edo period,
commissioned t his robot .
Used to entertain guest s
wit h its charmi ng grace as it
carefull y presents i ts hosts
with tea, the Karakuri has
also been used spari ngly in
Japanese Noh theatre,
much to the shock
of t he audi ence
when t hey
di scover t hat the
masked actor is
a robot.
Ge isha .girl robot
The wig ond foce reserrole o worpcd
mpresston of a Getsho. The hmr ts real
and has t o be ueo back and arrongcd in
the trodrttonot fushion, just li ke O real
woman' s. Dotcs such os the heighlened
eyebrows ond light lipst ick ore ccoueo l o
olreodypale porcelaio.
Characteri stk stance
A ceuccte. feminine
postura rs en importcnt
elcmeot in creo nnq tho
mpressron desred by
the orttst.
Posture and legs
Note tnc permonently
bowed posture and Iegs
that don't tcck st raight.
TI'Ie hay will balance
on this arm tuwill be T
_ighted on the side
of t he ectunl teopat).
The q ~ r e d bcx
and cyl inders are
kept somewhat
simple, so t hey
don't det rnct
attent ion from
the actual robot .
Tube connections
The f igure 000 the
rogine ere seccrctc.
connecteo only by tubing.
The layen of doth
will drope ceer
t his frame.
Humanoid figure
The robot s dist inct in that it
can be approximated as on
elongated human figure, Basic
structure and arti culation are
fundamentolly humonoid, so
employ your Iife-drowing
skil1s to do j ustce to the
qure's gestures.
" Pa tte rn considera t ions
Dcn't be too coocemed wtth poneros on
the kimono a l this pont-, u woulo be far
too much I rouble lo carry tbese t hlough.
Potteming con be npphed in rowcolour ot
t he endof the process,
Some infl uences
Ies peclolly in the f ace)
hove been taken from
the styliled oktyc-e
woodbtocks of Jopan.
The block lacquer
is defined by t he
tiniest applicat ion
of shine on sharp
eoqes and paints
of highl ight.
... Heavy contrast
Heavy decrccs ot ccoucsr ore slolling lo
develop a l tt ns poinl- for excrnpie in the
balance of dark hair 000 block kx:quer with
shining porceknn e ro goId.
" Creoting parcela in
The ooceiom skin is of the pclcst
tbot of a coeneson or Geisho. 000 thrs
starkly cootrcsts with the richcocees 000
pctters of the kimono.
Tiny t cuches add
jnt erest , such as
the Geisha-style
lipst ick application.
...-----Krrl'fU'nmnrrnVYIA's5'sITSr s TANT ----
ALSO _ .....
Drawing and
ReseQ(ch, p.10
Art isti c Rendering.
Bits and Widgets.
Metal plo.les
l ied te torso
with red clot h.
Creo.ting d oy textures
The GoIem ts a servant crected out of OOy
foe manual Iobour. sotry te cretee worn.
chipped. rU9ged texture. rre GoIem is not
an aggrC'SSOf and cpoccrsstrong ono
stecotcst rather thon dangerous.
__ Spikes. in the Ieet
ensure stabi lit y.
The uerem's guise ts
thet of on anclent
Judoic priest , Q sign
t e pec pre of ca
Galern' s relo lan te
its robbinicol cnct Of".
_---- This eyebcu tS whOl
:- the Golem act ua lly
sees with, a nd it
swivels and gl ows
os it looks oround.
Four orms (lid i n
manual lobour.
AII.seeing eye
w hereos the conventiOnal pair af eres are
blank ond cleodened. intbe glowifl9 orb af
Ole drawneye ttct the GolemU ~ te see
tbe WOfId. Ihts eye's inoo light lumnctes
ond CO!OUfS t he surrounding doy ond
complcments the ovcrcn colour-schemc.
This legendary living s t at ue is sculpted from
clay and instill ed wi th holy life to f unction as a
servant to its cr eator and as a protector of t he
community The writing on its forehead gives it
the spark of life and removing part of this
inscription can deactivate the
Golem. Although it makes
an excellent assistant, a
Golem is apt to get stuck
i n loops and perform the
same tasks over and
I ~ l l
This primitive
sha pe is
surrounding a
poir of Ieqs.
3 2
The upper orm
secttcn Is more
Hke o draping
s ~ t o n o
body port.
The orm se parotes
Int o o new
seqmeot ot
the elbcw.
DolIlike joints
The Golem' s shcpes and joints are
similar in appearance to t hose of o
don. It adopts Q st iff, erudely
humanoid stcnce.
Freedom of movement
The boll joints
coenecteq thc orm
seqments allow a wide
fOnge of movemen.
... Mat eria ls
Hard, chipped. ecrthcn sbooes are qured
here, sokeep things orqomccuy rooqh OM
uneven. Keep in min<!o however. that 011 (he
elemenls are quite stlft and unyielding.
Conslstency ts nportont te ensure tbot the
Galern's becooress. for exomple. is
obviousIy made of the sornerrcteocr os hiS
skin. ond so oo.
Ready for action
The GoIemawaits
... Watch your shading
The shoding of the day iS ccoseteruover
t he whole robot.
In thls cose. the doy
has been maUe
glozed, so the
reflect ions and
textures shou ld be
neithe!'" t oa shiny.
no, t oa dull.
An imitation of life
The design iS essenuoy
humanoi d, socall on
your ufe-drowinq skills.
The cent rol glowing
blue highl ight s oreas
of oronge glozing.
Defining substance with colour
The day rs well,woJn. cmpoeo ond glozed
wit h deep. warm huesoExceptions are t he
renccuve rretot txecsrpcte. red uesand tre
glowing b1ue eye. The metal chest pIote
reccts the ccioes around 11.
Orgonic ond constructed parts
A1most whoIly rcsncoco from gat hered. orga
por t s. this rccct's only ortflCially modc
eerncnts are its b1adesond baubles. As Wlt h
otbcr puppets. 011 mol ion ond streng t h are
oerweo f rom out side roces (in thrs case. m o ~
whkh lccves it st rangcly ococotronco.
Second poi r of
orms ends In tong,
sharp n qers for
t hreshing mtllet .
Scythe for rllMlping
th e witch' s horvlBts.
ALSO ____
Research, p.1o
Artistic Rendering,
Developi ng Yoor
I deas, p.26
~ Brooch from a
cemett!ry be'! fools
t h'! ccptbe scct into
t hinking of tht!
PUPJH!t os its right ful
fiBt ing plcce.
(urf!<! gotmb.
holtowed aM
used os k'!y ports..
Tonned skins
drcwn tight over
bowed, wooden
E)'l!1i on t he mask ere
c1<m!d; l h'! puppet
Sl:!1!'S through the
pointf!<! t hird eje.
Bundles of
tied grosses.
Spry. strong
sopti ngs
used os feet.
An Obeah servant of a wi tch, fashioned from
wood, br onze and gourds Wholly subject to t he
will of its creator, a Wi tch Puppet i s usually
deployed for mental tasks and i s kept out of sight.
A monkey has been sacrificed so its spr t can
i nhabit each li mb, and
human remans ar e
encased in t he head
to manfest a
controlling spi r-it .
Folktal es tell of a time

when Witch Puppets

destroyed whole
towns i n just
a matt er
of minutes.
Period pieces
Remernbcs t o keep the mctencls in your
design ccos steot wh t his crce ot robot's
t ime and setnoq. For exomple, lhis curvec
wooden crest S bound by gross twine, and
tbe sone is rrcoc from stained,
inlerconne<:ting wooden venebce. In your
vcrsroo. ll ct trcsc motencls should cppenr
worn and well vscd

Texture emphasizes character
Most of t he Wit ch Puppet rs composed
of Iight ly foshtoned. organic shcpes. so
tcke a look at real twigs ond grasses f or
mspircnon. Sections - Iike the tree
branches - can be drawn t o resemble
bones. emphcsrztnq t he puppet's
deot hly noture. Remember t o keep o
design like ths sprightl y. however, so
t hat tbe robot appears Iight on its
feet . rot her t han heovy ond machineli ke.
The nb coge is ol1 terior ly
shertened (short ened
towo rds the froot) end
lat era Uy elonga ted.
l ower set of
orms is in a
restiog posit ion.
Use deep. orgonic
colours, especiolly
on the metals tlKlt
hove begun to rust o
Arms and shoulders
A loterally elongated
torso provdes a
mount for t be mm ancl
shoulder rotct on
... Craftsmanlike col ours
Cotours are 011 warm und dry: stctned wood. - "
dned qross ond plont material. The colours
a re moenced by
trcontooor AfriCen
art sond c ctts,
Functionali ty
Thcse prlmltive cloments
are the keys to dcstqnmq
o sncrqe. but plousibly
rurw::tlonal, bodytype.
... Care with shading
Rcmembcr rct to obsose the textures
(t he tscoes of gross. thc graiosof wood)
when applylng your shoding. The wood iS- '"
stcmed, but not varnished. so don't moke
it too shiny.
Mast of the design
is quite dar". Keep
"ey poiot$, such as
the roce, pale as
a ccot rcst .
Arrangi ng Iimbs
Be careful nol to mcke the
four arms too jumbled.
Core has been token in the r
onangement te allow them O
full range of l'TlOIo'mlenl
.4. Deli berat e looseness
The lincwork is loase. but ns not cc rcress.
lile rotcbesand impcffect ions in the
lines shouId cppecr dehberotelyorganic,
not ITlessy.
lO<Ken up when drowing
t his robot. Remembet"
that moterial s
hOVoe befll grown. not
l he feet never fully
leave the grOllnd.
Aconcealecl metal
whefl is o w ~ in
contad wit h the
earth for purposes of
electrcol conduction.
Drowing and
Research, p.10
Ma!eria/s, p.18
see- - '"
ALSO_ ....
lile hecd is
jccqoered wood-
light. but resilient
to weather ond
wecr ond loor.
tnccpcbre of speech.
the Gentleman Gordener
whistles seve rol popular
tunes as he worh. Powered
by bellows in his chest
covity, he seems to breethe
I).etween songs.
To peotect the
delkate worki ngs
inside the robot, the
ccct ls t reeted,
woterpraaf lect her.
Roa OT F OU N D RY i\ 5 5r 5TANT
Revealed in 177D to the
amazed court of George IIl,
t he Gentleman Gardener was a
gift from the Fr ench monarchy
at the end of the Seven Years'
War . The robot's creator was
t hought to be an apprentice of
Jacques De Vaucanson
(1709-1782) the great
automaton buil der Sadly, the
robot was destroyed i n 1785
by the Ki ng who, in a fi t of
madness, was convi nced that
t he robot was mocking him i n
French as it raked the leaves.
Programmed activit y
The qlcss-fronted cbest piece hasa secret lock mechcmsm
to allow cccess to the dockwork interior. A rotating device
rnstde holdso vcrtety of tcsk-spect c cartridges. With a
Iittlestudy, lt is posstble to alter the mforrncton on t bese
cortridgesmonuolly and reprogramme the robot.
Secret mecbcnsm
Hiddenwithin the
rouer is a steom
enqtne to aid
locomotion. The
Gentleman Gardener
rsn't strong enough
to push such a weight
and Is merely the
mec ns to steer t.
(ore stabi lity
For the scke of pushing
the roller, ensure thct the
robot Isstanding centred in
relatiOf1 to the hondlebor.
The weight is
moinly on to
the f ront foot .
The orms ore
mechonicoll y
r('Y1!Qlir\9 t he true
inorqonic nature
of t he robot.
'Rol!' model
The robot leans forword
sl ightly as he onects
the roller.
I solated shapes
The Gardener js a
humanoid bipedol figure
mode out of cylinders
and bcxes.
I n order t o COrM!'y
o sense of motian,
moke t M robot Ie<ln
forword very slightly.
Lifelike machine
The design was influenced by
automoton designs of the
eighteenth ond nineteent h
cent ury. The croftsmen of this
t ime strove for on 'mr totton
of hfe' ond desired t o create
realist icolly human mochines
using the moteriols at thei r
Use genUe shoding
for most of t he
design os there ore
no hi ghcontrast
mercts presento
.. Linework
Thedrawing \YOs ocre with
a standard octtsrrcn's
peneil (HB),
Ensure thot t he r ~ r
ls symmet ricol ond
corefully constructed;
u's the kind 01device
that can immediately
100k st ronge if
slightl y skewed.
... Shading in Paint er
For shading, U">C an acryl ic dryblush in
Pointer, Thrs brush gives o nce qmmy
texture ero is especiolly 900d fOl
dothing. Over t he lineWOfk, colour a
mult iple lcyer in 60% grey.
Add on overlay
te bri ng out the
ccntmst between
the shiny metol
and t he duller
d ot h muter jels.
... Traditional colouring
AppIy an eorthy paJette Iayer in a ct
colour. Da sorne colour reseorcn t o identify
the coiours thot would hove been in popular
use during the time penco. Afterward, useo
drybrush to add colour vonoots such as the
hrovily rcoqeo cheeks and lips.
The iron is o standard
f itting on every Angel.
It is alwo)'S reody
hected ond sto.ed in
t he cbest caYity.
The housekeepi ng
cccessortes ore only
ovoiloble to the robot 1
Is positicned direclly in
fron t of them. This 15 a
sofety f ect ure odded
ott er t he ftr e of '57.
Working Digital/y.
p. l -4
Mat eria/s. p.18
Bits ond Widge!s,
see- -
The hal o glows
the Angel specks or
repairs are needed.
__o ......
,/ ,.,. A rubberlzed foce
__- con be chosen f rom
(1 cotologue or
both mal.. ond
fl!fT1(]le foces ond
easily fitted on l o
the robot.
roces are ovoi loble.
Voice comes
f rom o speaker
embedd ed in
t he cnest.
/11 /1

The roil con be f itted

throughout the ennre
boese. ollowing t ot ol
oul omot ion of choees,
The Dornesti c Angel was the darling of the
I deal Home Exhibiti on i n 1951 The working
prototype was a gli mpse i nto the fut ure t hat
few could resist. By the end of t he 1950s,
thi s robot was a common feature in suburban
households. The inventor, a tto Braunwal d,
died mysteriously i n 1960. Sorne say that he
was sil enced before he coul d reveal the
otherworldy oriqins of his technology
Mechanic VS. organic
This desqn is very perlad ortent ed.
and very little mechcrncs were
intended t o be visible. The head has
en unsettl ingly drsconnect ed feel t o
the rest of the body.

The ecmputer control$ 011

dcmesnc chafes. Topes (lOO
updctes ore reosonobly
prk ed. French cuisine ls
e ne of the biggest sellers.
Retro inspi rati ons
The mcln t heme f or tbrs robot was
19505 American f uturist designoThe
Angel was enqmeered t o be
funct ional and beuevcbte. while sti ll
retaining its retro sci-f look.
Made to measure
Resembling o bcstc kit chen
appl iance, the robot ls st ock
stroight ond firmly onchored
despit e its humanoid
oppeorcnce. Extremely
spectc funct ions ore
iltust rated by t he robot's
plonned structurclttmttctrons.
lack of reoch ond
apparent cdcptcbmty.
The trunk cyli nder
con nete. giving
the robot eccess t e
any pcrt of the
kitchen count er.
The neck is
incHned f orward
t o better ollow
viewing of
tne counter.
El ementary shapes
lhis ts a humcncid-shcped
robot rmnus leqs. cttocbcd
to a series of boxes.
Crazy trai n
Because the robot Ison
rcus.weight dist ribution
rsn't an rssoc.
Elbow room
Ensure thot tberc ts
enough turning spccc
for the robot.
_ _ _ _ -J,
This robot is covered
with chrome and other
vay shiny mot erials..
Use the dry brush te
work an overlay loyer
ond bring up the shiny O__..-l
hi ghlights using o
pol ette of the original
colours and white.
... Vi ntage floyours
Cboosc bfighl ' ice cream porlour ' coiours l o
reflect tbe time periodo AppIy tne colour flat
on a multiply layer until youore hoppywith
the QV('foll cocccrcrce. Add
odditional highlights and colours
en a new multiply layer.
'rbese twc
cconect ed plonn
shore the sorne
~ d e , which links
them t oqether in t he
vi_'s percept ion.
'I/f Highly polished surfoces
Use en oirbrush in Pointer for shadnlg. o.-cr
lhe linework. colour o mult iply Ioyer in 60%
grey. ThiS willleovc you wtth o poIiShed
finisll ideal fOf sur foces lile Ioquered metal,
chrome and for rrscc.
... Sket chi ng
At tre drawing cocse. ensere trct ycc'rc
happy wit h the perspecnveand t f-e robots
relation lo us ewnonrncru.
~ ,,,"
"0 ,
The ecunt ee and
"'-G._ J surround inqs should
----J...!...- - - ~ J not steet any of the
Yiewer's focus awoy
hom t he robot .
st rips anotyze
Hyperdense metal
alloy wit hst ands
efIorrn0u5 pressures.
Tradit ionally, p.12
Bits and Wi dgets,
Attachments and
f mbelli shments,
Crustocean-like head
packs light beoms
and high resoll,lt ion
Di9uised honds
hide mcssfve
orray of tccts.
, ,
Biome(honi( ol skin
eurcct s corol growth
ond ccstcceers.

Sensitive pincers
Merbot 's crablike daws wteld a
mulutude of t oots t hc t it deploys l o
analyze samples using en ecoloqrccy
sound process that motntcms tbe
marine balance.
Deni zens of the deep
Merbots are designed t o blend in with
thelr envrronment. buryi ng themsefves
in the secbed to escope predators
and attracting cotomes of coral ond
crustccecns. Brornecbcnctcl ns break
up the crobli ke earopace os Merbot st al ks
t he dept hs self-generoting power like
nn electnc eeL
IJ.r- [._..__. 1. .....
The undersea world has fascinated
man for centuri es, but the
wonders of its deepest
reaches proved irnpossi ble to explore
until Merbot 5 was developed. Like a
submari ne, Merbots can wit hstand
the pressure of extreme depths, but
unlike manned craft these
hyperi nt elligent machi nes
can explore for months
wit hout surfaci ng while bl ending
wit h.the environment and
gathering terabytes of data.
_ _ -----m:rnu Fo 51 S TA i
Functionalit y
The f inished robot st ill looks Iike tt
ts mude from dtstorted boxes and
other simple shcpes. Oesign ounshes
such as sptkes. ns and ot her
feotures cr et e the rmpresston of
functoncl reolrty.
Humanoid body
elements beneoth
complex sorfcce designo
domed t o
complet e

Body st ruct ure
water ta
flow oround it.
Tlny hlp afea
f ar minimal
"\ Mechonicol
detoil ing resembles
iron worships.
Set the axis te suggest
a rrocure pustllng
ogainsl t he water.
.. Watercolours for wat er dwellers
Try using wotercolour finishes en your
Merbot design - un oppropncte medom for
this mar ine inhabitant and fecrless explorer
of the underseo kingdoml
long range
HiP angle and porse
suggest stalklng
.. Natural machine
Note howt be surfoce detoiling imtially
oppears worlike und oggressive. but rs in
foet desgned te a ttroct and eoteh nat ural
eement sond erectores.
Decepti ve surfcce
Simple shcpes underpin
detced sofcces.
, ' -
Use sea ptants
ter inspirot ion
but ret oi n d ('(ln
mechonicol lines.
Begi n to pencil i n
complex surfece
f10urishes wit h
crisp linework .
... Metallic tones
Begin l o odd rieh sncoows to suggest
depth and cersoccnvc. and use
aosshatehing te give yoor shading o
mecbcmcct mercmc aspecto
Adiuvo -43
Adiuvo Mork I V 112-113
omphibi ous robot 74-75
ont ;-peBonnel functions 34-35
ottochments 34-35
mi litary 36-37
boll ond socket j olnt 31
block ops rifle 37
books 11
80unt)' Hunt er 5HK 300 106-107
Broinbot 55
bmss, t e depiet 19
Bross lion 58-59
thumbnails 26-27
Brounwald. Olto 122
Brunel , lsambord Ki"9dom 58
burnished w rflKe, lo depict 18
Copek, Karel 6
carryi ng coses 35
character sheets 10-1 1
d oy robot 115-11 7
c1erk robot 90-91
dese support rifl e 36
Col-Erase penclls 12
colouring 24-25
combot speclctist robot 49
communicotions orroy 34
compute!' files, l o orgonize 14
compl.lter-qeneroted imogery. lo
depict 90
eoncept doodles 27
contour lines 16
contropposto pose 69
CQBlSei:urity rifle 37
ecss hotching 16
erowd-control robot 100-101
De Vauc:onson, Jocques 120
eeccts 20
digitol cornera 1S
digital mediums 12, 14-15
OOOi 5/0
dogw<llker deluxe 5/0
Oomest k Angel 122- 123
Elektrograd 76-77
Emule /02
Encyd ka l Purger 102-103
thumbnails 26-27
erasers 12
ExtermirKItor 98-99
eyecece 96
eyes 112, 116, 118
Foct cey-Llne Worker 82-83
FoUybot "7
' femole' robots 110-111,
114-11 5
fighter robots "5, "g, 56-57,
58-59, 68-69
frome, humonoid 34-35
gorboge collectOl' rabot 80-81
gorboge robot 51
gon:!ener robot 120-121
gei sho 114-1.15
gerN! rol purpo5e rifle 36
genet icollycul t ured robot
Gentleman Gordener 120-121
glOOiotor robots 44, "6
glozing 17
Golem, The 116-11 7
Grf'f'nbot 52
Grunter 88-89
guord robot 108- 109
gun metal, to depid 19
honds 30
I'lotching 16
heovy support rifle 36
Hephoestus' Anvil70-71
high-risk robot 53
highlighting 17,23
hil'l9es 31
hoYering robots "6, "8, 90-91
humonoid robots " 3, "9, 56-57,
68-6g, 76-77, 82-83,102-103,
106-107,108-109, 110-111,
112-1 13, 114-1 15,116-117,
120-121, 124-125
imoge secrch engine 10-1 1
l ndutex urbcn- seoewcr 80t 84-85
insectile robot s 52, 80-81, 8"-85,
nspirotion 8-9
integroted weoponry 56-57
int errKIl components 86-101
Internet 10-11
sef' olso _Mites
jump jf'ts 35, 107
Korokuri 11" - 115
KEIGO personal securny robot
lomi notes, to depict 20
leg. ondroid 33
life drowing 10
li9ht source 13, 53, 77
linewofi 22
Iogos 20
M2" Housen 66-67
moil-del ivery bot "2
Moin Bottle Wolker, MKl
mointenonce robot 84-85
Monto " 8
Morinf' Exptorer Robot 124-1 25
Mortiol Queller 100- 101
mosking 73, 87
mosonite board 13
moterioJs: to differentiote 65, 69
0f9oniC 21
to render 18-20
unusua l 21
Medved Production 62-63
Merbot 5 124-125
metols, t o df'pict 18-19
pointed 19
Militory Incursion Robot "9
misslle Iouncher robot 64-65
MK1 Moin Battle Wolker
moni tor, computer 14
Monkeybot "4
multi -ormed robot 110-111
Nokotomi Clf'rk 90-91
Nonobot 80-81
nopalm thrower 3", 35
nouticol robot 7" -75
Obeoh robot 118-119
OffWorld Troder 92-93
OGUS 68-69
Orbital Delegote 104-10S
t humbrKIii's 26-27
Or9<mic GenerolUse SoIdier
orgonk robot 68-69, 80-81
PAH558 "5
PonZf' rfluch AU5F G 60-61
poper 13
pcrcteocper rifle 37
personal ossistont robots /0 3,
110-1 11, 112-1 13,114-11 5,
116-117,120-121,124-1 25
photos, refereoce 15
piping 33
plast ic, to depict 20, 21
policin9 robots 100-101,
port folio 10
Predotor SO
Prisoner Contoinment Robot
prO$thetic comma nc!o 55
Prctotype Hover Robot "6
purger robot 102- 103
reccnnctsscnce visor 3S
reference photos 15
research 10-11
retroding purts 32
rifles 36-37
ecnc corhop /0 7
robot k lOO ""
robots: omphibious 7"-75
doy 116-117
clf'fk 90-91
combot sceocst 1,9
crowd-<ontr ol l 00-101
dogwolker 54
'femole ' 110-111,114-11 5
fighter 45, /09 , 56-57, 58-59,
gorboge coll ecl; on/disposol
gordener 120-.121
geneticoll y cult ured 82-83
gladlotor 44, 46
guard 108-109
high-rlsk 53
hover " 6, 48, 90-91
humonoid 43, 49, 56-57, 68-69,
inseet ilf' 52, 80-81, 84-85,
moil-delivery 42
maintenonce 84-85
marine explorer 124-125
missi le launcher 64-65
rKl uticol 74-75
Obeoh 110-119
organic 68-69, 80-81
personal ossistant 43, 110-111,
112-1 13,11/0-1 15,1 16-117,
120-121 , 124-1 25
policingl 06-107
prisoner-cont cjnment 94-95
prosthetic 55
purger 102- 103
solvoger 88-89
spece 104-105
steom-powert'd S8-59
stocky 40-41
tonk 60-61, 62-63, 66-67.
tank-eolmer 96-97
troder 90-91
519 5yringe 50int 86-87
sal voger robot 88-89
5amurai Guard 108-109
scanne r 15
screw heods 32
sec rch engine 10-11
segmentedjoint 31
Sentinel 53
shoding 17, 23
shorpenf'r, elect ric 13
sniper rifle 35
spcce robot 104-105
spy hunter robot SO
st eom-powert'd robot S8-59
Steel Lotus Tonk Colmer 96-97
st ocky robot 40-41
5ubhunt er 74-75
support "5
surveillonce robot 52
Syringe Soint, 519 86-87
ta blet 15
toblet PC15
tank-ealmer robot 96-97
tonk robots 60-61, 62-63, 66-67,
TAS21 Nf'edle 64-65
texture 52, 73, 119
30 modelli"9 10--11
30 softwore 89
troder robot 90-91
tradit ionol mt'diums 12-13
universal hinge 31
Urbo n Renewa l Bot 84-85
Victorian ornomentation 59
wotercolour point 77, 97, 125
weopons 36-37, loO, 70, 72,
_bsites 8
WheeIE 51
wiring 33
Witch Puppet 118-119
work station 13
digital 14

--''' J r
r--iJr- .
Quarta would hke t o thank and ocknowledge the following
ortist s for supplying work reproduced in this book:
Key: t " t cp. b .. bottom. I " left. r " right, e .. center
Rolcnd Caron http://gor on3d.freeJr 127: Kevin Crossley 10. 11 b. Si, 56-57. 76-79.
94-99.110-111. 124-125: Thierry Dorzon 29. 52: David Grant 42. 88-89, 120-123; l orenz
Hideyoshi Ruwwe 48. 50; Rado
l avar 53. 106-107; Corlen Kruger
www.corlen.cdrentwcre.ccm t - S, 27r. 28. 30t. 31t , 32t, 36t,
37r, 4l, 1.7, 51, 92-93; Kerth Thompson 22-25. 26, 271, 3lb, 35. SS.
58-75, SD-87. 90-91. 100-1 05, 114-1 19; Frenos Tsoi 34t.38-39.43. 108-109.1 12-1 13. 12
David White 45, 46, 49.
Quarto woul d also like t o acknowledge the following:
ParamountJThe Kobal Collection 9c: Charl es Q'Reorl
Corbis 32bl; Chns Middleton for additional t exto
Al! other iIIustrations and photographs are the copyrig
of Quort o Publ ishing plc. Whil e every effort has been
mode t o credit contributors, Quarto would like to
apologize should there hove been any omi ssions or err
- and would be ptecsed to make the appropriote
correcti on f or future editlons of the book.

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