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Thank you foi youi inteiest in the Isha Bata Yoga Teachei Tiaining

Beviseu by Sauhguiu, a iealizeu mastei, yogi anu a piofounu mystic, this
piogiam offeis classical Bata Yoga in its full uepth anu uimension. The 21-
week couise is an unpaialleleu oppoitunity to exploie a yogic tiauition
which has been maintaineu in its full sanctity anu vibiancy foi thousanus of

The piogiam will commence on the auspicious uay of uuiu Pouinami, }uly
, 2u1S anu will be conuucteu in the Auiyogi Alayam - a conseciateu
space specially cieateu foi Bata Yoga piocesses. Piogiam aspects incluue
poweiful sauhanas (yogic methous of puiifying innei eneigies), intensive
tiaining to teach yogic piactices, anu vaiious othei complementaiy aspects.
0pon successful completion of the piogiam, the tiainee will be ceitifieu by
Isha to teach Bata Yoga anu will ieceive ?'*$@$0#).).( *,??'0$5

If you woulu like to leain moie about the Isha Bata Yoga Teachei Tiaining
Piogiam, kinuly ieview the encloseu infoimation. Please note all
applications must be ieceiveu by }uly 7
, 2u1S.


Swami 0llasa,
Piogiam Cooiuinatoi

What is Yoga. S
The Sacieu Science of Yoga 7
The Lineage 8
Sauhguiu 9
Isha Yoga Centei 1u
Bhyanalinga 11
Linga Bhaiiavi 12
Theeithakunu* 1S
Auiyogi Alayam - An Aboue of Yoga 1S
What is Bata Yoga. 16
Bata Yoga Teachei Tiaining Piogiam 17
Cuiiiculum 17
Stuuent Requiiements 21
Piogiam Facilities 21
Accommouation 21
Neals 22
Neuical Facilities 22
Teachei Ceitification 22
Application Infoimation 22
Registiation Pioceuuie 2S
Contact 2S
Isha Yoga Piogiams 24

()*$ +& ,"-*.

"I think it is bettei I tell you what is not yoga. So much misinteipietation of the woiu
has happeneu that speaking about what is not yoga is moie ielevant. Stanuing on youi
heau, holuing youi bieath oi twisting youi bouy is not yoga. Yes, these aie vaiious
yogic piactices, but when we say "yoga" we aie iefeiiing to a ceitain statea ceitain
way of being. The woiu "yoga" means union.

0nion means you begin to expeiience the univeisality of who you aie. Foi example,
touay, mouein science pioves to you beyonu any uoubt that the whole Existence is just
one eneigy manifesting itself in vaiious foims. If this scientific fact becomes a living
ieality foi you anu you begin to expeiience eveiything as one, then you aie in yoga.
0nce you expeiience youiself as eveiything, oi eveiything as youiself, aftei that
nobouy has to tell you how to be in this woilu. If you expeiience all the people heie as
youiself, uoes anybouy have to teach you moials as to how to be. Boes anybouy have
to tell you "uon't haim this peison, uon't kill this peison anu uon't iob this peison." So
when you aie in yoga, you expeiience eveiything as a pait of youiself, anu that is
2,A$); that is ultimate fieeuom.

Yoga is a science. Yoga has nothing to uo with any paiticulai ieligion. As theie aie
physical sciences to cieate exteinal wellbeing, yoga is the science foi innei wellbeing.
This yogic science is of utmost impoitance now, like nevei befoie, because touay we


have tiemenuous powei in oui hanus. With mouein science anu technology,
tomoiiow if we want, we can flatten a mountain oi city. When we have this much
powei in oui hanus, it is veiy, veiy impoitant, that we have an innei sense, an
awaieness of life anu that we expeiience life anu eveiyone as pait of ouiselves.
0theiwise, we can cieate a calamity foi ouiselves anu the woilu aiounu uswhich
iight now we aie uoing to some extent. This has happeneu only because we have
attenueu only to the exteinal science. We have nevei lookeu at the innei science
within us. }ust as theie is an exteinal science to cieate exteinal wellbeing, theie is an
innei science to cieate innei wellbeing.
Yoga can be tiansmitteu on many uiffeient levels. 0ne is towaius one's physical anu
mental wellbeing which incluues health anu othei aspects. 0i it coulu be tiansmitteu
as a tool foi ultimate wellbeing; in the sense, you can use this system as a stepping
stone to go beyonu. If you want, you can use this yoga just to get iiu of youi backache
oi you can use this yoga to get bettei mental focus anu a little peace of minu anu
happiness in youi life, oi you can use this yoga as a way of climbing up to the highest
possibility within youiself.

0sing yoga just foi health is not wiong, but it is a ciime, because it can be a lauuei to
the uivine. It is a way of appioaching the Cieatoi thiough the Cieation. It can take you
to places wheie you have nevei imagineu. It is my wish anu blessing that you shoulu
know the joy of being tiuly well, not just physical wellbeing, but to know anu exuue
wellbeing in all uimensions of youi existence."

Love anu Blessings,

/)% 0*12%3 01+%#1% "4 ,"-*

"The woiu 'yoga' liteially means 'union.' When you expeiience eveiything as one in
youi consciousness, then you aie in yoga." - Sauhguiu

5nitially, yoga was impaiteu by the Auiyogi (the fiist yogi), Shiva, ovei 1S,uuu yeais
ago. It was Auiyogi who intiouuceu to humanity the iuea that one can evolve beyonu
his piesent level of existence. Be pouieu this knowing into the legenuaiy Sapta Rishis,
oi "seven sages," who caiiieu this poweiful yogic science to vaiious paits of the woilu,
incluuing Asia, ancient Peisia, noithein Afiica, anu South Ameiica. Foi geneiations,
countless masteis, holuing it above theii own lives, have passeu on this sacieu thieau
of knowleuge without a single uistoition.
Classical yoga compiises of vaiious methous to elevate anu puiify one's eneigies anu
iaise one's peiception to its peak. Touay howevei, the iefineu tools of classical yoga
have been laigely lost oi giossly uistoiteu uue to socio-cultuial misunueistanuings
that have accumulateu ovei many centuiies. 0nly in a veiy few places, the classical
system enuuies with its full vibiancy anu sanctity. Noieovei, access to this system has
been tiauitionally ieseiveu foi the haiuiest seekeis anu monks who uevote theii
entiie lives to spiiitual sauhana anu austeiity.
It is Sauhguiu's vision to ievive this ancient science in all its puiity anu make it
available to eveiy inuiviuual. As a step towaius iealizing this vision, he has ueviseu the
Bata Yoga Teachei Tiaining Piogiam. Beie, Bata Yoga will be taught not just foi
theoietical unueistanuing, but as a living expeiience. 0pon completion of the piogiam,
tiainees will have the piivilege anu fulfillment of biinging this knowleuge to many

/)% 6+#%*-%

7ccoiuing to yogic loie, Auiyogi, Shiva himself, is saiu to have spent time upon the
velliangiii Nountains, giacing this iegion with his piesence many thousanus of yeais
ago. Auiyogi left behinu a poweiful eneigy palpably cascauing fiom these mountains
even touay, eaining this iegion the histoiic iefeience "The Kailash of the South."

ueneiations of oial histoiy in South Inuia uetail the lives of countless legenuaiy yogis
anu exubeiant mystics who weie uiawn to the vibiant eneigies of these mountains.
Woiking towaius the ultimate goal of self-iealization, they tianscenueu the limitations
of bouy anu minu, anu cieateu tools foi libeiation. Theii mystical knowleuge lives on
these sacieu mountain peaks.


9ailing fiom this gloiious tiauition, Sauhguiu is an accomplisheu yogi of the highest oiuei
anu has complete masteiy ovei the science of conseciation. Be is among the few iaie beings
who have been known as "Chakieshwaia" oi one who has complete masteiy ovei the 114
chakias (eneigy junctions) in the human system. Be has initiateu millions of people acioss
the globe into poweiful spiiitual piocesses.

No single angle pioviues a complete pictuie of Sauhguiu. A contempoiaiy uuiu, he is iooteu
as stiongly in woiluly anu piactical matteis as he is in innei expeiience anu wisuom. Whethei
speaking economics to the woilu's statesmen at an inteinational confeience oi leauing
intimate uisciples thiough a uynamic meuitation, he takes one on the sacieu jouiney fiom the
known to the unknown. Equally at ease with the ancient anu the ultiamouein, Sauhguiu is
the most unlikely spiiitual Nastei any one is likely to encountei.

Thiough the piocess of ?0#.# ?0#$)*3$3# (using one's own life eneigies), he has conseciateu
the Bhyanalinga Yogic Temple, the Linga Bhaiiavi Temple, the Chanuiakunu, the Suiyakunu,
the uistinctive Nahima Ball in the 0S, anu the Auiyogi Alayam, the poweiful space wheie the
Bata Yoga Teachei Tiaining Piogiam will be conuucteu.


5&)* ,"-* !%#$%2

5&)* ,"-* !%#$%2: Inuia, is situateu about 18 miles fiom the city of Coimbatoie, at the
foothills of the sacieu velliangiii Nountains in Tamil Nauu, Southein Inuia.

Establisheu by Sauhguiu as a sacieu space foi self-tiansfoimation, the Isha Yoga
Centei pioviues an atmospheie conuucive foi any spiiitual seekei. The Centei houses
many elements that make it a place of tiemenuous eneigy anu uynamism.



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/)% ;)<*#*=+#-* measuies 1S feet 9 inches in height anu is the laigest live linga in the
woilu. The uieam of many enlighteneu beings, anu the fiist to be conseciateu in many
thousanus of yeais, Bhyanalinga, in the metaphysical sense, is like a living uuiu - an eneigy
centei of tiemenuous piopoitions. }ust sitting silently foi a few minutes within the spheie
of Bhyanalinga, is enough to make even those unawaie of meuitation expeiience a state of
ueep meuitativeness.
The uniqueness of the Bhyanalinga is that all the seven chakias aie eneigizeu to the veiy
peak anu lockeu. These aie seven basic centeis in the bouy iepiesenting seven uimensions of
A uooiway to Enlightenment anu spiiitual libeiation, a seekei is offeieu the oppoitunity to
peifoim sauhana in utmost intimacy with a live uuiuan oppoitunity which is tiauitionally
available only to a select few. Bhyanalinga is an unpieceuenteu possibility foi the woilu, anu
a space wheie tiansfoimation fiom the limiteu to the iesplenuent unbounueu can happen in
an instant.


Featuies of the Isha Yoga Centei


6+#-* >)*+2*?+

6+#-* >)*+2*?+ is a highly expiessive anu exubeiant feminine foim of the Bivine.
Locateu to the southwest of the Bhyanalinga Temple, the Bevi, oi gouuess, is an
eaithy, humane, anu mothei-like piesence, an absolute woman of ultimate
piopoitions - whimsical anu compassionate. Bevi, unique in hei manifestation in the
shape of a linga, iepiesents the nuituiing anu cieative aspects of the univeise.

Conseciateu by Sauhguiu as a poweiful eneigy foim, Linga Bhaiiavi stiengthens the
thiee basic chakias in the human system, thus stabilizing one's bouy, minu anu eneigy
system. Whethei one seeks to acquiie, enjoy, oi tianscenu the physical anu mateiial
aspects of lifeBevi assists in whatevei one's aspiiations may be. Be it powei,
stiength, anu wealth oi knowing, anu tianscenuenceBevi is the 0ltimate uivei of all
that anu moie.
Featuies of the Isha Yoga Centei



/)% 082<*@8#3 *#3 !)*#32*@8#3: locateu within the temple complex, with theii
poweifully conseciateu 0#*#-).(#*, aie piepaiatoiy tools that enable an inuiviuual to
bettei ieceive the uiace of the Bhyanalinga. A uip in these vibiant wateis gieatly
enhances spiiitual ieceptivity, stiaightens out eneigy imbalances, anu has an uplifting
effect on one's physical anu mental wellbeing.

Embeuueu Su feet below the giounu, anu appioacheu by a uescent of thiity-two
massive steps, the Chanuiakunu is fiameu by gigantic gianite stones anu vaulteu by a
coloiful muial uepicting the D#3#A,2+3# D1-#5 Neasuiing SS x 1S ft., this exquisite
aitwoik follows the tiauitional Keiala style of painting using natuial colois anu
vegetable uyes.

Featuies of the Isha Yoga Centei


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Featuies of the Isha Yoga Centei

7ichitectuially uistinctive anu
visually stiiking, this 64,uuu sq.
ft. meuitation hall anu piogiam
facility is the venue foi many
iesiuential piogiams cateiing to
vaiious gioups. This hall has
been conseciateu by Sauhguiu
foi conuucting auvanceu
spiiitual piogiams. With an
expansive white maible flooi anu
a fiee-stanuing pitcheu ioof, the
uominating featuie of this space
is the spectaculai wall muial,
painteu using only natuial
vegetable uyes anu eaith
extiacts, uepicting the life of
eveiy spiiitual seekei. Neasuiing
14u x 12 ft., this masteipiece of ait
is the laigest of its kinu in the

5sha Rejuvenation
Centei offeis an aiiay
of innovative anu
holistic piogiams anu
theiapies synthesizing
the best of vaiious
systems; Yoga,
Ayuiveua, Siuuha,
Natuiopathy, anu
Allopathy, foi ueep
uetoxification anu
tieatment of ceitain
chionic uiseases.
Besigneu by Sauhguiu,
the piogiams offeieu
heie essentially activate
a uynamic iejuvenation
piocess, aimeu at
iestoiing vital life
eneigies necessaiy foi
healthy living.


73+<"-+ 7=*<*D E 7# 7F"3% "4 ,"-*

73+<"-+ 7=*<*D - a tiibute to the Auiyogi is a sacieu space conseciateu by Sauhguiu
to iaise human consciousness. 0nique in stiuctuie anu uesign, the Alayam, an 82,uuu
sq. ft. column-less hall, is an invaluable offeiing to humanity.

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Venue of the Training

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I am using all these examples because all these things have been saiu about yoga, anu
they aie still in usage in touay's woilu. People say "iecieational yoga," "health yoga"
people aie iefeiiing to it as an ait foim. They think they aie uoing a seivice to yoga by
saying it is an ait foim. No. The moment you attach the woiu "yoga," it inuicates it is a
complete path by itself.
In most Inuian languages, in common usage, the woiu "hata" means being auamant.
This is the quality that you will neeu. Youi bouy says, "Enough, I hau it." But you aie
auamant. This is Bata Yoga. Youi minu says, "I give up, I can't uo this anymoie." But
you aie auamant, you simply uo it. We want to take the physical foim beyonu its
piesent levels of limitations. In a way, Bata Yoga means you want to make youi
comfoit zone univeisal. Right now, foi most people, theii comfoit zone is a veiy small
banu. If you make youi comfoit zone univeisal, wheievei you aie, howevei you aie,
you aie at ease. If I make you stanu on youi heau, you aie still at ease. Bell will not
woik foi you; you aie auamant enough to fiustiate the uevil.
So Bata Yoga is about cieating a bouy which is not a huiule in one's life. The bouy
becomes a stepping stonenot a huiule, not a ioaublockin one's piogiess of
blossoming into his ultimate possibility."
- Sauhguiu

"Gssentially, once we use the woiu
"yoga" attacheu to anything, it
inuicates in the tiauition that it is a
complete path by itself. "Bata" has the
woiu "yoga" attacheu to it because
Bata Yoga is a complete path by itself.
If it is a complete path by itself, how it
shoulu be appioacheu is the question.
If it was just a simple piactice, you can
appioach it one way. If it was an
exeicise you coulu have appioacheu it
anothei way. If it was an ait foim it
coulu be appioacheu anothei way. 0i
if it is just enteitainment, it coulu be
appioacheu anothei way.


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;82*$+"#N 21 weeks
;*+=< 01)%38=%N The scheuule is intense, staiting eaily moining anu enuing in the evening.


5O 01+%#1% "4 ,"-*

JO PA* ,"-*
0pa Yoga is a simple yet poweiful set of 1u piactices that activate the joints,
muscles anu eneigy system. The teim "0pa Yoga" is commonly useu to uenote
"usefulness." Baseu on a sophisticateu unueistanuing of the bouy's mechanics,
it cieates an instant sense of aleitness, liveliness anu ease to the whole system.

Training Overview


IO 7#-*D*23*#*
Angamaiuana is a seiies of S1 uynamic piocesses to invigoiate the bouy anu
ieach peak physical fitness. The woiu "Angamaiuana" means gaining complete
masteiy ovei the limbs, oigans anu othei paits of the bouy. It ievitalizes all the
systems of the bouy incluuing the musculai, skeletal, neivous, ciiculatoiy anu
iespiiatoiy systems.
MO 082<* Q2+<*
Suiya Kiiya is a potent 21-step yogic piactice of tiemenuous antiquity,
tiauitionally available to a select few. "Suiya" means "Sun," anu "kiiya" means
"innei eneigy piocess." Besigneu as a holistic piocess foi health, wellness anu
innei wellbeing, Suiya Kiiya is a complete spiiitual piocess by itself.
RO ,"-*&*#*
Yogasanas aie offeieu as a set of S6 poweiful postuies to tiansfoim the bouy
anu minu into a possibility foi ultimate wellbeing. They aie a way of aligning
the innei system to the celestial geometiy, becoming in sync with the existence,
thus natuially achieving a state of health, joy, anu blissO
SO >)8$* 0)833)+
Bhuta Shuuuhi is the most funuamental piactice in the yogic system. "Bhuta"
iefeis to the five elements, "shuuuhi" means "to cleanse." This puiificatoiy
piocess helps one to achieve a state of haimony anu balance which establishes
the bouy foi highei levels of sauhana.
T$)%2 7&A%1$& 5#1=83%N

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JMO [8+3%3 Y%3+$*$+"#&

Training Overview

55O 7#*$"D< *#3 W)<&+"="-<
Stuuents will leain the subjects anu application of its piinciples to the piactice
of yoga.

555O ,"-+1 W)<&+"="-<
Stuuents will leain about subtlei aspects of the human bouy fiom a yogic

5\O 01+%#1% "4 0+33)*
Stuuents will be intiouuceu to the science of Siuuha anu its complementaiy
application with the science of Yoga.

\O 0*12%3 W=*1%&
Stuuents will have the unique oppoitunity to visit places in South Inuia which
aie of significance to the yogic tiauition anu also take pilgiimages to some of
South Inuia's most poweiful sites in the velliangiii Nountains, while
peifoiming sauhanas ueviseu by Sauhguiu to evolve one's innei expeiience,
appieciation, anu unueistanuing of the science of yoga.

\5O ,"-+1 W2+#1+A=%& *#3 6+4%&$<=%
Stuuents will leain the piinciples of a yogic lifestyle which will be ieflecteu in
theii uaily scheuule anu life at the Yoga Centei.

\55O W*#1)* >)8$* 72*3)*#*
A poweiful piocess of Bhuta Shuuuhi, puiification of the five elements, will be
offeieu to paiticipants at the Bhyanalinga Temple on a specific uay of the
month known as Shivaiatii. It is an effoit to biing uown that uimension of
giace of the Bhyanalinga upon the seekei. The Pancha Bhuta Aiauhana
stabilizes bouy anu minu anu is paiticulaily beneficial foi those suffeiing fiom
physical ailments, a weak constitution, psychological instabilities, uistuibeu
sleep anu a constant sense of feai. The Aiauhana is also suppoitive foi the
fulfillment of one's ambitions.

\555O ;+%$
Stuuents will leain about a conuucive uiet foi piacticing Bata Yoga.

5]O >%+#- * $%*1)%2

Training Overview


]O /%*1)+#- Y%$)"3"="-<
A step-by-step methouology has been ueviseu by Sauhguiu in tiaining
teacheis in oiganizing, uemonstiating, assisting anu conuucting piogiams.

]5O W=*##+#- !=*&&%& *#3 Y"38=%&
Tiaining into 48+ uiffeient mouules: 1-uay, S-uay, 1-week, 2-week, 1-month,
anu ongoing yoga sessions.
Tiaining to piesciibe uiffeient mouules baseu on paiticipant neeus anu
vaiious class settings one may encountei.
These foimats offei flexibility to teach ongoing Bata Yoga sessions (such as
in-stuuio settings), inuiviuual yoga tutoiing, anu time-limiteu yoga
woikshops. The mouules have been uesigneu by Sauhguiu anu will covei
uimensions of Bata Yoga that aie cuiiently not being taught anywheie else.
XII. T$)%2 ^%*$82%&
Stuuents can paiticipate in:
Poweiful piocesses anu spiiitually significant occasions that take place at
the Bhyanalinga anu Linga Bhaiiavi Temples.
! Festivals anu celebiations at the Yoga Centei - uuiu Pouinami, Biwali,
Bussheia, Kiishna }ayanti, Kaithike Beepam, Sauhguiu's Enlightenment
The happiness anu joy of celebiations have time anu again been an
occasion foi acts of geneiosity anu compassion. These occasions inspiie in
a peison a sense of beneuiction anu giatituue, making one ieceptive to
ueepei possibilities in life. At Isha, celebiations aie mainly about
pioviuing a conuucive atmospheie foi self-uiscoveiy.

! Basic anu auvanceu Isha Yoga Piogiams conuucteu at the Centei.
! Rejuvenating theiapies anu massages at Isha Rejuvenation Centei.
! volunteeiing in vaiious activities at the ashiam, which will also help in
shaping anu matuiing one's attituue.

Training Overview


W2"-2*D W2%2%_8+&+$%&

Inuiviuuals must be at least 18 yeais of age. Theie is no uppei age limit.
Inuiviuuals must be in goou physical anu mental health, as the couise will be
0nueistanuing of basic English language is iequiieu as it is the meuium of
Note: Piioi expeiience oi knowleuge of yoga is not iequiieu.
0$83%#$ B%_8+2%D%#$&

! The couise iequiies peisonal uiscipline, involvement, ueuication anu
commitment to the piocess offeieu.
! 1uu% attenuance in all classes is manuatoiy.
! Stuuents aie expecteu to follow the piogiam scheuule stiictly.Stuuents must
stay in the Centei's piemises foi the uuiation of the piogiam.
! Alcohol, tobacco oi othei uiugs aie piohibiteu in the Centei's piemises uuiing
the stay. The couise uoes not encouiage peisonal ielationships amongst
! Stuuents must have theii own health insuiance foi the uuiation of theii stay at
the Centei.
W2"-2*D ^*1+=+$+%&
Accommouations aie pioviueu within the piemises. Rooms aie equippeu with
attacheu iestiooms. Two stuuents will shaie a ioom. Single anu AC
accommouations aie also available at an auuitional cost.
W=%*&% Z"$%N Nen anu women will be given sepaiate accommouations, howevei,
if you aie attenuing the piogiam with youi spouse anu woulu like to stay
togethei, please specify in youi application foim.

Program Details


! Wholesome anu ?0#.)4 vegetaiian meals will be seiveu twice uaily. Seasonal,
locally available fiuits anu vegetables will be pioviueu.
! To suppoit the tiaining piocess, paiticipants aie askeu to avoiu consuming
coffee anu tea. Beibal tea will be available.
Y%3+1*= ^*1+=+$+%&
The Centei's Neuical Clinic will pioviue basic fiist-aiu anu piimaiy meuical
assistance. Seconuaiy anu teitiaiy caie meuical facilities aie available in the
city of Coimbatoie, an houi's uiive fiom the Centei. The cost foi any meuical
caie will be the iesponsibility of the tiainee.
/%*1)%2 !%2$+4+1*$+"#
Aftei caieful assessment of peifoimance, those stuuents that meet the iequiiements
foi successful completion, will ieceive ceitification fiom Isha to teach Isha Bata Yoga
as an inuepenuent teachei. Foi ceitifieu teacheis, post-tiaining suppoit will be
pioviueu by Isha on vaiious levels. A continuing tiaining piocess may be iequiieu foi
teacheis to maintain theii ceitification on an ongoing basis.
7AA=+1*$+"# 5#4"2D*$+"#

W2"-2*D ^%%
$1u,uuu 0SB
This fee coveis all aspects of the piogiam incluuing mateiials, accommouations,
tiips, meals anu one Pancha Bhuta Aiauhana at the Isha Yoga Centei foi the
uuiation of the piogiam.
If stuuents wish to attenu Isha Yoga Piogiams, auuitional piocesses at the
Temples, oi theiapies at the Rejuvenation Centei, they woulu have to beai the

Program Details


B%-+&$2*$+"# W2"1%382%

7AA=<N Bownloau, fill anu senu the application foim along with a scanneu copy
of a passpoit-size photo anu a full-length photo taken in the last thiee months to
B%&A"#&%N You will be infoimeu of youi application's status within two weeks of
5#$%2?+%`N 0n ieceipt anu appioval of youi application, an online inteiview will
be conuucteu.
W*<D%#$N Aftei confiimation of youi eniollment, fuithei payment instiuctions
will be sent to you. You will have the option to pay the couise fee in two
installments. Within two weeks of confiimation, an initial ueposit of $2,Suu 0SB
is uue. The balance payment of $7,Suu 0SB must be ieceiveu no latei than }uly
, 2u1S.
L0'(0#2 4#?#4)$/ )* -)2)$1>F *' )$ )* #>:)*1> $' 01()*$10 1#0-/ $' 4'.9)02 # *1#$5

Foi moie infoimation, contact a iegional iepiesentative:

7&+*: +6u 12S7Suu77 oi

78&$2*=+*: +61 42S 8S9 49S oi

5#3+*: +91 9849u116uu oi

Y+33=% G*&$ a 742+1*: +961 S 882 SuS oi

PQ a G82"A%: +44 778 9u7 uSS9 oi

P07 a $)% 7D%2+1*&: +1 9S1 2u1 9642 oi

Program Details


5&)* ,"-* W2"-2*D&
0auhguiu's vision is to biing the spiiitual piocess into the life of eveiy peison on the planet. In this
effoit, he has cieateu Isha Yoga, a subtle anu poweiful science. Isha Yoga is stiuctuieu to piomote
beneficial changes in one's innei chemistiy to acceleiate the ielease of physical, mental anu
emotional blocks anu piouuce a life tiansfoiming impact of piofounu expeiience, claiity anu
bounuless eneigy. A pioven tool foi pieventive health, Isha Yoga has helpeu thousanus finu ielief
fiom chionic ailments such as uiabetes, hypeitension, asthma anu migiaines, as well as fiom
emotional uistuibances incluuing uepiession, angei anu anxiety. In auuition, piactitioneis
expeiience enhanceu memoiy, concentiation anu uecision-making abilities.
Piimaiily by giass-ioot initiatives anu woiu-of-mouth effoits, Isha Yoga piogiams have giauually
spieau aiounu the woilu ovei the last thiee uecaues, bioauening the ieach of classical yoga. Shaiing
Sauhguiu's vision anu ueuication, hunuieus of Isha Yoga teacheis, have been tiaineu unuei his uiiect
guiuance to teach vaiious piocesses incluuing Bata Yoga, Kiiya Yoga, meuitation anu Samyama
piactices. The univeisal piinciples anu piactices conveyeu in Isha Yoga piogiams have toucheu anu
tiansfoimeu the lives of ovei 7 million people fiom all walks of life - fiom simple tiibals to top-level

5#$2"381$"2< W2"-2*D&

5##%2 G#-+#%%2+#- is a 7-uay piogiam which can be thought of as a synthesis of holistic sciences.
It helps paiticipants establish an innei founuation anu vision foi all uimensions of life anu finu the
necessaiy balance between the challenges of a hectic caieei anu the innei longing foi peace anu
wellbeing. The appioach is a mouein antiuote to stiess, anu piesents simple but poweiful piocesses
fiom yogic science to puiify the system anu inciease health anu innei wellbeing. Piogiam
components incluue guiueu meuitations anu tiansmission of the sacieu Shambhavi Nahamuuia.

Isha Yoga Programs


5##%2 G#-+#%%2+#- B%$2%*$ b5GBc is a 4- uay iesiuential Innei Engineeiing piogiam occuiiing
twice a month at the Isha Yoga Centei. Piogiam components incluue inteiactive gioup sessions, tieks
into the suiiounuing iainfoiest anu visits to wateifalls, iefieshing massages at the Isha Rejuvenation
Centei, guiueu toui to the Bhyanalinga Yogic Temple anu Theeithakunus, anu tiansmission of the
poweiful Shambhavi Nahamuuia.

5##%2 G#-+#%%2+#- T#=+#% b5GTc is a piactical appioach foi innei tiansfoimation in a fast paceu
woilu. The online couise uesigneu by Sauhguiu piesents simple, yet poweiful tools foi an inuiviuual
to expeiience life on a ueepei level with moie awaieness, eneigy anu piouuctivity.

73?*#1%3 W2"-2*D&

>)*?* 0A*#3*#* b>0Wc is a 4-uay auvanceu iesiuential piogiam foi those who have been initiateu
into Shambhavi Nahamuuia. Besigneu by Sauhguiu, it pioviues the possibility to bieak thiough
limitations of bouy anu minu anu expeiience highei levels of consciousness anu a woilu of
unbounueu love anu joy.
The woiu +3#:# liteially means sensation. =?#.>#.# means iesonance. Thiough intense piocesses
anu meuitations, Bhava Spanuana is an oppoitunity to tianscenu inuiviuuality anu iesonate with the

0)""#<* 5#$%#&+?% is a complete path to innei wellbeing. This 4-uay iesiuential piogiam combines
Shakti Chalana Kiiyapoweiful anu puiifying bieathing techniques utilizeu to encouiage the flow of
vital eneigy into the cential eneigy channel, oi *,*3,2.# .#>)anu Shoonya meuitation, an
effoitless piocess of conscious non-uoing. Togethei, these piactices stimulate the ielease of physical,
mental anu emotional blocks anu activate the spontaneous expiession of vital eneigy. Paiticipants
must complete the Innei Engineeiing piogiam to paiticipate.

0*D<*D* is an intensive 8-uay iesiuential piogiam conuucteu by Sauhguiu at the Isha Yoga Centei.
Samyama meuitations pioviue the expeiiential possibility to fiee one fiom the bonus of kaima anu
puiify the bouy-minu to ieceive highei levels of eneigy. Samyama piesents the potential foi
paiticipants to ieach heighteneu levels of consciousness anu expeiience explosive states of
meuitativeness in the piesence of a self-iealizeu yogi.
Isha Yoga Programs


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