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Unit Planner for: _______________________ __________________ Grade: ______________ Study__________ Length of Study: _________


Month(s) of

Plan With The End in Mind 1. What will the end product look like?

2. How will you celebrate/share learning?

3. Who will be the audience or the readers for your students writing?

4. What are your goals for this study? (Between 2-5) (These goals then become part of your assessment systems.) Goals:




4) Dont forget to make a deadline! Dont forget to have one goal about self-directed learning.

Plan By Studying, Writing and Reflecting Upon the Experience

1. What did you notice while studying texts?

2. What do you notice while writing your own text?

3. How will this affect the unit of study?

4. Will this affect your goals? If so, how?

Pre-Assessment Notes How will I introduce this pre-assessment to the kids? Can my physical environment support kids in using what they know?

The Beginning of the Study: Immersion Notes

1. Studying texts (whole group, partnerships, shares) 2. Write Aloud (topic) I (f this is a non-genre unit of study, you might want to think about other ways to immerse besides looking at texts.)

The Bulk of The Study: Planning, Preparing and Thinking in the Writers Notebook Writers Notebook Notes

Dont forget to start by giving kids a big picture of the purpose of a Writers Notebook.

The Bulk of the Study: Teaching into your goals Possible Focus Lesson Ideas (drafting, revision and editing)

Anticipated Problems/Possible Solutions

Physical Environment

Possible Charts Brainstorm Charts, Language/Vocabulary Charts, Goal Charts)

What mentor texts will I use? How can I teach and then display them so that kids will use them independently?

Formative and Summative Assessments:

Rubrics, Checklists and other methods of assessment

Notes for an end of study assessment

Reflections Upon The Unit What went well? Why did it go well?

What was difficult? Why might it have been difficult? What can I do next time to change this?

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