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-GRANTED by the Ministry of education (Central Government) -GRANTED by the CONSELLERIA (Government of the autonomous community)

Who can recieve these grants?
People who are studying any of these levels:

- Bachillerato (upper-secondary school) - Middle Grade Training Cycles and Superior-level Training Cycles (Vocational Training) - Professional art education - Sports teaching -Studies of languages in official schools, including the modality of distance - Higher artistic education - Religious higher studies - Advanced military studies - Initial professional qualification programmes

What are the requirements?

There are academic and economic requirements based on: - Academic performance of the previous year - Family income - Number of family members - Relatives with physical or psychic disabilities

What kind of scholarships can we get?

- Fixed amount associated with the residence of the student during the school year - Fixed amount associated with the income of the student - For scholar transport ( variable amount) - For scholar material (variable amount)

General grants and mobility for university students ( granted by the Ministry)
Who can recieve these grants?
- University students - Students enrolled in courses aimed at preparing the university entrance exams for over 25-year-old offered by public universities

What are the requirements?

There are academic and economic requirements based on: - Number of credits passed the previous year - Academic marks of the previous year - Family income - Possession of patrimony - Number of family members

What kind of scholarships can we get?

Mobility grants to study in universities situated in a different place from their family home (a different autonomous community) : - There are scholarships for mobility, residence or both - T he amount is different if the student is from the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands or another place in the Mainland General scholarships to study at centres situated in the same region as the family home: Transport Residence Material Mobility

Scholarships for students with severe special educational needs related to disabilities or behavioral disorders ( granted by the Ministry)
Who can recieve these grants?
-students with severe special educational needs related to disabilities or behavioral disorders -students with high intellectual abilities

What kind of scholarships can we get?

Direct payments - teaching - school meal - residence - transport - books and materials Economic aid for specific programmes for students with high

intellectual abilities

TEXT BOOKS (granted by the Conselleria)

Who can recieve these grants?
Pupils in compulsory education

How much money?

A fixed help of 50 EUROS for pupil

What are the requeriments?

Depending on the family income

AID SCHOOL MEAL (granted by the Conselleria)

Who can recieve these grants?
Pupils in compulsory education

What are the requeriments?

Using the lunch service at least 70% of days

The economic amount depends on:

- family income - social conditions - members household with reduced physical or psychic abilities

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